Current The Bunker Part 2

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I can't find any reference to this article on the internet.
I'm not sure that the State Library WA or anywhere has microfiche or digital archives of the Daily Mail for 1998.

According to Bret Christian, the (Perth) Daily News newspaper also labelled the 'Nightie Rapist', 'the Huntingdale weirdo'.

‘The man is so brazen, he sometimes stands on the road wearing a nightie, waving to women to look out of their windows,’ reported the evening Daily News on February 17, 1988. The paper said he was the kimono attacker and labelled him the Huntingdale weirdo. Police called him the Southside Rapist.

Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 270). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.

'Stolen silk kimono: ‘Nightie rapist stalks suburb,’ Bill Power, Daily News, February 17, 1988. The report stated that a tall, lanky man who wears women’s nighties and was extremely fit was terrorising Huntingdale, ‘so brazen he sometimes stands on the road in a nightie waving at women looking out of their windows’. He collected women’s nightwear and underwear from clotheslines and from the owners’ bedrooms, the report said.'
(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 385). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)
Sounds strange that he was dubbed the Nightie rapist. In 1988 he hadn't r*ped anyone - that we know of. It's like WAPOL got him confused with someone who was a rapist.
That he didn't seem to be afraid of being seen over and over, he was so brazen that he was breaking into people's houses when they were at home and 'terrorizing' the neighbourhood means imo he was really confident in his physical abilities.

The police had also received a cluster of reports describing a man wearing a nightie standing on the road 'who appeared to be very fit'.
It all sounds very strange. I wonder if he was sent to a psychiatrist for some professional help.

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That doesn't necessarily make him fit just bloody scared of being caught! I'm not fit at all, but have flew over a fence with just one hand on it to stop this young undesirable chatting up my 14 yo daughter!! ( I became quite a legend with my charges at the youth center for this- they couldn't believe their eyes.)
giphy (8).gif
Nothing at all that I can find on the sex offenders course.

Apart from this bit

An odd feature of the case was that. while police had charged this man with common assault, the magistrate ordered him to take part in a sex offender’s treatment programme for eight months – odd because he had not been charged with aggravated assault, abduction, deprivation of liberty nor attempted sexual assault. He pleaded guilty to the most minor assault charge on the list.
(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 273). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)
The incident never made it to the pages of the local newspaper, the Post, despite the fact that in the same year the local police had passed on details of far less serious offences to its reporters.
(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (pp. 273-274). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)

Was BRE getting special treatment from local Police?
It so why?
Who exactly was making decisions on what cases to pass on to reporters?
Apart from this bit

An odd feature of the case was that. while police had charged this man with common assault, the magistrate ordered him to take part in a sex offender’s treatment programme for eight months – odd because he had not been charged with aggravated assault, abduction, deprivation of liberty nor attempted sexual assault. He pleaded guilty to the most minor assault charge on the list.
(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 273). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)

So Bret wasn't able to find out anything about BREs juvenile history or it's suppressed. Are we to believe the judge ordered him on to a sex offenders course with no documented reasoning behind it?

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The incident never made it to the pages of the local newspaper, the Post, despite the fact that in the same year the local police had passed on details of far less serious offences to its reporters.
(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (pp. 273-274). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)

Just imagine if the local Police had passed on the BRE Hollywood Hospital Attack to the media to publicly report along with all the other crimes of the day/week,?

BRE might have been been sacked from his Telstra job, and you can throw a dart as to how that might have altered history with BRE and his living and deceased victims.
Are we to believe the judge ordered him on to a sex offenders course with no documented reasoning behind it?
Surely at least one of the families of the victims would like to know this.
Maybe Dennis Glennon can help get to the bottom of this one.
Maybe hold another Press Conference at WAPOL HQ, to ask for the West Australian Government to publicly release the information on why BRE was sent on a sex offenders course in 1990, (in the public interest).
Surely at least one of the families of the victims would like to know this.
Maybe Dennis Glennon can help get to the bottom of this one.
Maybe hold another Press Conference at WAPOL HQ, to ask for the West Australian Government to publicly release the information on why BRE was sent on a sex offenders course in 1990, (in the public interest).
When you think about it, the only two people we can rely on to say something is Bret Christian and Dennis Glennon - they're both brave.
After the arrest, O'Callaghan threatened to take action if anyone spoke about the subject on social media, and that BRE was entitled to a fair trial which he got. Thinking people want answers but they're too afraid to ask or don't know who to ask. When I've spoken to people about the BRE case, they comment that something's wrong but can't really put their finger on it.
The incident never made it to the pages of the local newspaper, the Post, despite the fact that in the same year the local police had passed on details of far less serious offences to its reporters.
(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (pp. 273-274). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)

Was BRE getting special treatment from local Police?
It so why?
Who exactly was making decisions on what cases to pass on to reporters?
It doesnt say police didnt pass on this incident - it says the Post didnt print it when printing lesser details

Now as to why this was is between the editor of the Post and WAPOL - but given it comes from Brets book - maybe he would like to clear this up
It doesnt say police didnt pass on this incident - it says the Post didnt print it when printing lesser details
And it doesn't say that police did pass on this incident to the Post.

Probably just Bret carefully wording it to be deliberately ambiguous in this way.

The other option, is that Police did pass it on, but that someone else took pre-emptive action (legal or other) to successfully attempt to have Bret not publicise the incident.

But when you think about it, if the incident was passed from Police to Bret as part of the daily/weekly updates on cases for them to report on, then how come no-one from Bret and his team at the time put BRE forwards to WA Police, as a possible culprit of the 1990 Hollywood Hospital assault?

So I am sticking by my original interpretation, that WAPOL never provided any info whatsoever to Bret and his team about the 1990 Hollywood Hospital assault that BRE pleaded guilty to.
It sounds to me like the big wigs at Telstra held some sway with police, maybe called in a favour to keep Telstra's name out of the media. This is not about protecting Brad, but more about we being humans and acting in a manner to self serve.
It sounds to me like the big wigs at Telstra held some sway with police, maybe called in a favour to keep Telstra's name out of the media. This is not about protecting Brad, but more about we being humans and acting in a manner to self serve.
This Current Affair report was sent to me by a friend. Hmmm.. Telstra still covering its tracks and protecting their "image" which is hopeless.

I have been called a "confused widow" by one foreign "gentleman" in Telstra because I can't "remember" ordering a Samsung Tablet he quickly tried to slip in when I was changing our accounts into my name! 6 hours in total on the phone and over a month fighting with them. They told me I couldn't keep my old landline number and were attempting to charge me all new fees for a new line? Threats of Media, Minister for Communications, taking names and insisting on receipt numbers for ALL conversations, and detailed note taking and miracle of miracle my old line was restored INSTANTLY!!!

Disgusting treatment, I know a little of how angry this family must be!!

Man's disturbing campaign of terror against his neighbours -
It sounds to me like the big wigs at Telstra held some sway with police, maybe called in a favour to keep Telstra's name out of the media. This is not about protecting Brad, but more about we being humans and acting in a manner to self serve.
You quite possibly could be right, there may have been some sort of unwritten rule where by the release of public information for crimes connected to certain companies, especially government owned, needed to be more carefully considered before release. Makes some sense, just as media still does similar.
They told me I couldn't keep my old landline number and were attempting to charge me all new fees for a new line? Threats of Media, Minister for Communications, taking names and insisting on receipt numbers for ALL conversations, and detailed note taking and miracle of miracle my old line was restored INSTANTLY!!!

They pulled the same stunt on my Mum.

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Current The Bunker Part 2

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