Current The Bunker Part 2

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This Current Affair report was sent to me by a friend. Hmmm.. Telstra still covering its tracks and protecting their "image" which is hopeless.

I have been called a "confused widow" by one foreign "gentleman" in Telstra because I can't "remember" ordering a Samsung Tablet he quickly tried to slip in when I was changing our accounts into my name! 6 hours in total on the phone and over a month fighting with them. They told me I couldn't keep my old landline number and were attempting to charge me all new fees for a new line? Threats of Media, Minister for Communications, taking names and insisting on receipt numbers for ALL conversations, and detailed note taking and miracle of miracle my old line was restored INSTANTLY!!!

Disgusting treatment, I know a little of how angry this family must be!!

Man's disturbing campaign of terror against his neighbours -
OMG Telstra need to raked over the coals for that!! absolutely disgusting !! And the sentence given out by the Judge to Mr Bose needs to be appealed, he threatened their lives!

Almost three years after he was charged, Mr Bose finally faced the District Court for sentencing last week - pleading guilty to two charges of stalking with violence while the hacking charge was dropped.

'"In our investigations we found no evidence Mr Bose had misused his access as an employee to Telstra's network or customer systems," a spokesperson said.'

'The family have now engaged a lawyer to initiate proceedings against Telstra and Mr Bose.'

Has Telstra ever found evidence of any of its staff misusing their access as an employee to Telstra's network or customer systems?
And if they have, has it ever been made public by Telstra or through legal cases reporting in the media or publicly available Justice system court documents, without having been under suppression orders by the Courts?

Relating this to BRE, did Telstra ever fully investigate whether BRE or any of his family members working for Telstra misused his access as an employee to Telstra's network or customer systems?
You'd have to assume that they did.
I wonder what they found?
I very much doubt that what they found will ever be revealed.
Telstra's first response is to deny any responsibility.
Telstra internal/external legal and insurers would probably advise that Telstra's 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th responses should always be to deny any responsibility.

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Telstra internal/external legal and insurers would probably advise that Telstra's 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th responses should always be to deny any responsibility.

Same deal with the banks and would be one of my main concerns why we should never move into a cashless society. It's suicidal.
I finished the book last night & my original post I made when I first started posting was shot down because I had one aspect wrong. People were pissed off that then W.A. Premier Richard Court (I think) offered such a huge reward after Ciara went missing. I thought they had been private school buddies but it had been pointed out that Mr Glennon never attended the same school but it was mentioned in the book how they were doing business together. It still disgusts me that money still talks & rules when it comes to favouritism over the murders of three young women & the pittance they offered for Sarah & Jane. It also disgusts me how Margaret Dodd had to beg for such a thing for her own missing daughter. Reading how not only The West Australian ruined the lives of three men, The Post is also to blame with their reports on these three men. Hell, Mr Glennon played a key role in ousting the old Mayor of Claremont & yet that Mayor was the one demanding more security & & CCTV cameras. Incredible how the new mayor got none of that done but the past one did nothing but try. The owner of Club Bayview also played a key role in ousting the old for the new I know he will be a forever grieving father but I've lost a little respect for Mr Glennon with the weight he threw around because of his money & political contacts. Today just leaves me thinking of Sarah & wishing her family had her in a cemetery somewhere that they could go & talk to her.
They're a soulless, greedy corporation with zero ethics whose staff are still exploiting their position to launch personal attacks and where Telstra's first response is to deny any responsibility.
Random & totally unrelated, but the Telstra talk reminded me of my own issues with them years ago when they were Telecom & an absurd situation I thought Id share.
I moved into a house & found the landline still connected. Tried to call them to have it disconnected & said I didnt know the previous occupant or what her name was. They refused to cut it off till that person called them & requested it. I reiterated I didnt know her & needed a phone myself & they suggested Id just have to wait till she tried to reconnect a new line in her name elsewhere & she would be asked about the old one. I didn't know the phone number at that stage & they wouldnt tell me. A bill came in her name which I opened then called them again providing the account name & number & asked to switch it into my name. They refused again & said she had to disconnect it or give permission to change the name. I called the real estate agent to see if they had a contact for her & was advised she had died. Called Telecom again to pass that on & they wanted her death certificate. I said I don't bloody know the woman, I just want the phone in my name. They wanted to know how I knew so much about someone I didn't know & how it came about that I could now provide the name, account & phone number when I hadn't been able to before. I said I'd opened her bill & they threatened me with legal action claiming it was an offence to open someone elses mail & made me ensure Id never do that again. I told them they were ridiculous & I had no option but to either open & pay her bills or not open them but continue to use the phone till they finally cut it off due to non payment, then I'd reconnect it as a new service & it was their loss for being so stupid in the meantime.
Debt collectors came looking for the deceased woman whom I advised I never knew, but I believed she had passed away. The bills stopped coming & the phone was still connected. I tried once more to put it into my name & was asked firstly if I was the deceased woman, I said no. Then if I was xxx (my name) & I said yes. They told me they were pleased I wasnt trying to impersonate a deceased woman at least & reiterated I knew what I needed to do to get the phone switched over, I said I actually didnt know how I could do it & Id been trying for ages. They said you were told to provide a death certificate & to stop calling until I could do that or I'd be blacklisted, my choice, call disconnected. I never called them again, I never received another bill & got free phone calls for nearly 4 years.
just in case anyone missed it
just in case anyone missed it

That was really interesting, thanks Willow.

In the last couple of minutes, Liam asks Bret on his intuition whether BRE acted alone. Bret says he was a lone wolf on the evidence and:

An accomplice is always a problem because then you get other people talking about it, getting drunk in the pub, blackmailing the other person.

Liam then asks if Bret thinks anybody else knew it was BRE. Bret says:

Ah ... there are people I think have been talked to about that, who must have suspected him. Must have. People close to him.
That was really interesting, thanks Willow.

In the last couple of minutes, Liam asks Bret on his intuition whether BRE acted alone. Bret says he was a lone wolf on the evidence and:

An accomplice is always a problem because then you get other people talking about it, getting drunk in the pub, blackmailing the other person.

Liam then asks if Bret thinks anybody else knew it was BRE. Bret says:

Ah ... there are people I think have been talked to about that, who must have suspected him. Must have. People close to him.
Troy Boy apparently once teased Braddles for his liking for lingerie. How could gave he not put 2 and 2 together in the days if the Huntingdale Prowler?
Troy Boy apparently once teased Braddles for his liking for lingerie. How could gave he not put 2 and 2 together in the days if the Huntingdale Prowler?
Guilty by association? putting it out of mind because the 80s was not a time to let any friends know your own brother enjoys wearing women's underwear & especially in the bogan suburbs (I grew up in bogan suburbs). Troy would rather have forgotten about that & prayed none of his friends ever found out because he would have never lived it down. Saying that, he might not have thought his brother would evolve into a sexual predator. Stealing underwear from clotheslines & attempting to rape, in his mind, would have been to far of a jump taken by his brother. Lastly, their parents might have had a hand in making sure the Huntingdale events were never spoken of again after they moved houses. I doubt BRE was parading around the house in full view of his family wearing those stolen items. Out of mind, out of sight. Then, who wants to believe their own blood could rape & kill. I know this didn't help the victims but maybe it was the only way they could cope, to believe the lie. Nobody back then would have known about the link of escalating from an underwear thief to a serial killer & no W.A. MACRO police wanted to think about it no matter how many experienced people & police from other states & countries told them about the links. Capron didn't just "have his man", he had three of them

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That was really interesting, thanks Willow.

In the last couple of minutes, Liam asks Bret on his intuition whether BRE acted alone. Bret says he was a lone wolf on the evidence and:

An accomplice is always a problem because then you get other people talking about it, getting drunk in the pub, blackmailing the other person.

Liam then asks if Bret thinks anybody else knew it was BRE. Bret says:

Ah ... there are people I think have been talked to about that, who must have suspected him. Must have. People close to him.
IF BRE did stop offending after the CSK cases, it may have been because someone close to him had questioned him about the offences.
IF BRE did stop offending after the CSK cases, it may have been because someone close to him had questioned him about the offences.

There were rumours that not long after Ciara was found, BRE had an accident and/or he took a hiding that broke his legs after the bikies who were cropping in the immediate area hunted him down. That his car was tagged by the bikies on the night he left Ciara at Eglinton.

I tried to find out if there was any truth in any of it though and couldn't find anything that might support the rumours. Not even if he had an accident that had him out of action for a while.

Your theory may be sound though.
Within the Stalking Claremont book it advises that Ciara had worked at the ****** restaurant - prior to her becoming a lawyer. That would have been some time before 1994, because the G family sold the restaurant mid 1994.
... Ciara working at the French restaurant is at the end of the book somewhere, I can't find it, but if someone let's me know the page I'll type it up...

Here you go.
No need to type it up as Kindle Apps let you copy and paste from the book.

1988 to be exact.

SPRITE Chapter 33
... His second wife had a connection with the far-away western suburbs, where the Claremont murders had happened. Her parents had owned a restaurant there between 1985 and 1994. Remarkably, Ciara Glennon had worked at the same restaurant as a waitress while studying law at the University of Western Australia in 1988. A girlfriend recalls that, on five or six occasions, she picked up Ciara at the back of the restaurant late at night after her shift ended and drove both of them to Club Bayview, Ciara changing out of her waitressing clothes in the car. ‘She was a party girl – she loved having fun.’ The owner’s son, Edwards’ brother-in-law, fancied Ciara, she said.

(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 279). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)

Notes and Sources
... Ciara’s restaurant job: Friend’s conversation with author, 2017.

(Christian, Bret. Stalking Claremont (p. 387). ABC Books. Kindle Edition.)
Within the Stalking Claremont book it advises that Ciara had worked at the ****** restaurant - prior to her becoming a lawyer. That would have been some time before 1994, because the G family sold the restaurant mid 1994. Three years after the restaurant was sold BRE met Wife2 - 1 April 1997.
Wife2 would have been very mindful with regard to the Claremont killings, after working in the area and especially as Ciara had actually worked for her family. It would have been personal for her. The book also mentions that BRE liked to join in conversations about the CSK.

BRE and Wife2 were together for about 15 years, so during that time, the CSK would have been bought up. When it was mentioned BRE may have denied ever being in the area, commenting such as, I hate the place, never went there, etc.

Prior to Wife2 leaving the marriage she located the bank statements and noted the transactions. Perhaps, when she saw Bay View Tce, she may have thought he's such a liar, saying he's never been to Claremont, but may have thought he'd been unfaithful. Wife2 had no idea BRE was the CSK because she wouldn't have left her daughter with him.

Ciara working at the ****** restaurant is at the end of the book somewhere, I can't find it, but if someone let's me know the page I'll type it up.

Just think BRE liked to join in with the CSK discussions, I bet he's not too happy to join in now. With all the information which has come to light, he's been publicly shamed. Never, would he have thought it would end up being such a public trial. :cool:
So can we now assume BRE did not meet Ciara through Wife2 at the ****** restaurant? Though this still leaves the possibility he met Ciara there as a patron.
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So can we now assume BRE did not meet Ciara through Wife2 at the ****** restaurant? Though this still leaves the possibility he met Ciara there as a patron.
I can't imagine BRE celebrating his 19th birthday at a ******* Restaurant in 1988. with friends, family or Telstra workmates.

However, I can imagine BRE taking his first wife to either a ****** Restaurant or Hungry Jacks for a romantic dinner, sometime between 1989 and 1994.
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One article we must have missed in the searches was the Daily News 17 Feb 1988 when the police were linking the Victoria Clark murder to the Huntingdale attack. The moniker they gave him was 'The Nightie Rapist'.
Do you have a copy of that article Kurve?
Recall it being said somewhere he was referred to as the Knicker Ripper or something similar too?

Has there been anything more seen/heard about Kimdelia Cole's claim Jane was meeting "Bogsy" that night?
That was really interesting, thanks Willow.

In the last couple of minutes, Liam asks Bret on his intuition whether BRE acted alone. Bret says he was a lone wolf on the evidence and:

An accomplice is always a problem because then you get other people talking about it, getting drunk in the pub, blackmailing the other person.

Liam then asks if Bret thinks anybody else knew it was BRE. Bret says:

Ah ... there are people I think have been talked to about that, who must have suspected him. Must have. People close to him.
Bingo! I knew it. Someone spilled finally. Geez that someone must have been freaked out when the cops told her she couldn't tell her offspring & get her the hell out of there too.
Quite possibly as it was always similar amounts of $200 or $300, but in saying that, isn't that a lot? considering that was 20 years ago?
I also though prostitute fees as well. Detectives did query why he was struggling when his mortgage was only $200 - seems a lot for a fee for a prostitute at this time equivalent to a mortgage repayment (however no idea!)

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Current The Bunker Part 2

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