Opinion The 'Carlton related stuff that doesn't need it's own thread' thread

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It is an interesting discussion - only started because the Club Captain is putting his frame of mind out there for public discussion. He is going to have to think about things...

what exactly is there to think about Mr Club Captain?

You posit that he is considering 'retirement' - well thats one read of the situation. It isn't the only read.
I'm aware of that. It's the only reality I can countenance, and until I am proven wrong, I will be steadfast in that.
It's seems to be an odd blend of things you're mixing here in order to determine, to you at least, as to what it means to support a club.

I can't speak for others but I have little issue with Murphy the player. I do have some issues though, but don't wish to repeat them here.
I've also said on numerous occasions that I didn't agree for Murphy to have remained captain this year, for reasons that are becoming patently obvious as we go along, but that's not his fault; it's the clubs for not making a decision when they should have done so, regardless of whether Docherty did his ACL or not.
I understand it would have been harder for that appointment to have come about, if indeed it was front and centre of the football departments mind, but if it was, we should have gone through with it and if dual captaincy was going to be the call, it should have been done.

So in all that it has nothing to do with not supporting Murphy, but more-so in supporting the inevitable future of our leadership and what one may see to have been the better course of action for the club.
Why did this year matter? The sooner we signal the end of the old era and usher in the new, the better. We had the candidates ready to go....2 players that others will follow, listen to, admire on the track and desire to emulate. We could have pulled the trigger but didn't. I would have liked to have seen the tooth pulled, but now the pain lasts just a little bit longer.
I will also say that what you've said here is fair, but there are many statements to this kind of effect that are said poorly, clumzily, and lazily. It behooves us as supporters to say things right; to do players who have given 10+ years to the club the respect that kind of service deserves. While they're paid rather well as far as professions go, they chose us, instead of seeking greener pastures and even more money, both of which they could've received had they done so.
As far as I'm concerned, it's a testament to the current state of the AFL media that they swarm around, outside players homes, outside club headquarters and social venues, that you and others have interpreted him in this way is unsurprising. ******* vultures, determined to mine each and every bone for the final skerrick of meat; parasites, dwelling in and around those they live to devour. To call yourself a mainstream AFL journalist is to label yourself a defilement of each and everything a club stands for.

It is in recognition of the years that Marc Murphy has given this club, years that had he not been one of us, years that like so many before him and around him could've been spent chasing money or better post footy prospects, that I choose to interpret his comments as a statement towards his potential retirement.

However you choose to see that farce of a statement - because you, of course, consider the merest phrase that leaves your mouth - remember that he chose us. If he leaves, that's on him, but until that second he's completely one of us, and he deserves more than what some are giving him in return.

Players have to take the good with the bad. Without the huge tv rights money, they get payed much less. But what comes with this money, is far more scrutiny by the media, and a lot of it is unfair and made up.
"Fake News" anyone? I am sure MM wonders where all this BS about him moving from the blues is coming from and just rolls his eyes and gets on with his job, because it is not his reality. He has to put up with it because it goes with the territory (and the money). We as supporters on the other hand , have a choice, we can feed the scum bag media trolls by listening to it and debating it-lending credence to it. Or we can treat it fir what it is- the collective ramblings of ambulance chasers without any moral compass , who have no scrupples about making things up for their own benefit.

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It's seems to be an odd blend of things you're mixing here in order to determine, to you at least, as to what it means to support a club.

I can't speak for others but I have little issue with Murphy the player. I do have some issues though, but don't wish to repeat them here.
I've also said on numerous occasions that I didn't agree for Murphy to have remained captain this year, for reasons that are becoming patently obvious as we go along, but that's not his fault; it's the clubs for not making a decision when they should have done so, regardless of whether Docherty did his ACL or not.
I understand it would have been harder for that appointment to have come about, if indeed it was front and centre of the football departments mind, but if it was, we should have gone through with it and if dual captaincy was going to be the call, it should have been done.

So in all that it has nothing to do with not supporting Murphy, but more-so in supporting the inevitable future of our leadership and what one may see to have been the better course of action for the club.
Why did this year matter? The sooner we signal the end of the old era and usher in the new, the better. We had the candidates ready to go....2 players that others will follow, listen to, admire on the track and desire to emulate. We could have pulled the trigger but didn't. I would have liked to have seen the tooth pulled, but now the pain lasts just a little bit longer.

Now MM is an infected tooth?
Players have to take the good with the bad. Without the huge tv rights money, they get payed much less. But what comes with this money, is far more scrutiny by the media, and a lot of it is unfair and made up.
"Fake News" anyone? I am sure MM wonders where all this BS about him moving from the blues is coming from and just rolls his eyes and gets on with his job, because it is not his reality. He has to put up with it because it goes with the territory (and the money). We as supporters on the other hand , have a choice, we can feed the scum bag media trolls by listening to it and debating it-lending credence to it. Or we can treat it fir what it is- the collective ramblings of ambulance chasers without any moral compass , who have no scrupples about making things up for their own benefit.
See, I'm not sure that's true.

Name the last time a journalist cornered Matthew Scarlett anywhere. It just isn't done, despite him being part of Geelong's coaching setup, a multiple premiership player and the second best full back of all time. It's as much because he point black doesn't want it to happen as anything else; he's apparently something of a surly bastard, too.

Most players see it as the only way to go, but as in all things there is a choice. Call out the buzzards, and they'll leave you alone.
Channel 9 Future Stars show also talking about Murphy. It is as though they all want him to leave so we will be an even weaker team.

Last week they started with Bolton being under pressure after our loss to Melbourne.

When that was effectively squashed by the club announcing they had given him another two years at the beginning of this year they suddenly became interested in what was happening with Murphy.

If Murphy and the club agree on terms for a new contract they will move onto something else.

They want something to report that points to instability at the club.
It's funny; we're told constantly in our culture what it is to love unconditionally. We're informed of what it takes, and what it means. It may be a hard standard to hold yourself to, let alone others, but in some ways I do.

I will have a go at strategy, at recruitment, at selection. I will have a go at anyone who dares call a Carlton player a list clogger, a squib, or disloyal. I will acknowledge the reality of the competition; I will support Carlton, and it's players, untill I die.

Great stuff Gethelred :thumbsu:

In my case I wouldn't support anything unconditionally....not my wife...not my daughter...not my friends and certainly not my club.

Yes, one can continue to support the club but not support everything and anything they do.
Had have the Carlton Football Club chosen to place someone like Roos into the coaching position with a process, I doubt I'd be here and have little doubt I could have cared for the club I loved. (past tense)
Sometimes the love just falls away whether it be for an individual or for a club and when that comes about, it's damn hard coming back from.

Name-calling is somewhat childish but highlighting issues in players' games shouldn't be.
For me, if Murphy wasn't our captain, I wouldn't have noticed some issues I have with him, but given he has chosen to represent the whole, I feel his output as captain could have and should have been stronger, on the training track, with his voice, his involvement with his troops etc etc (I've said it all here before)

Again, it's not solely his fault that he's our captain, but it would be if hew chose to dig his heels in to retain the captaincy.
I have this feeling that he may have given up the captaincy after the bye, but of course that's highly unlikely given the club itself has a decision to make as to which way it will ultimately head in, even though they'd have a pretty fair idea.

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Wasn’t sure where to put this but it’s kinda cool, so I wanted to share ...

... so my oldest (5) has autism. He is pretty much non-verbal. He sometimes will say single words, like he will point to something red and say red, but we dont get much more than that.

So I was sitting watching the Carlton vs Essendon game, and my little fella comes up and sits next to me. So I put my arm around him and say, ‘do you want to watch the footy with daddy, Ollie?”

Now, I know that although he doesn’t speak he understands so much of what we say - I wouldn’t be surprised if he understood everything we say. So I say to him, ‘see the really dark blue team, they are the good team, and see that red and black team ... well they are the naughty team!! Like Norman in Fireman Sam!! They are very annoying and very naughty and get into lots of trouble’. I then say to him “but we go for the Blues!”

He then says, “go the Blues”! I’m like ‘what!!!’ A three word sentence!! I was so happy.

Anyway I’ve been in the US for the last week. I arrived home yesterday. As I’m walking to the car, I see Ollie sitting in the back with a big smile on his face! I say ‘Hey Ollie, love you buddy!!’ He looks at me and says “Go the Blues!!!” Apparently he had been practicing all week!
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Wasn’t sure where to put this but it’s kinda cool, so I wanted to share ...

... so my oldest (5) has autism. He is pretty much non-verbal. He sometimes will say single words, like he will point to something red and say red, but we dont get much more than that.

So I was sitting watching the Carlton vs Essendon game, and my little fella comes up and sits next to me. So I put my arm around him and say, ‘do you want to watch the footy with daddy, Ollie?”

Now, I know that although he doesn’t speak he understands so much of what we say - I wouldn’t be surprised if he understood everything we say. So I say to him, ‘see the really dark blue team, they are the good team, and see that red and black team ... well they are the naughty team!! Like Norman in Fireman Sam!! They are very annoying and very naughty and get in lots of trouble. I then say to him “but we go for the Blues!”

He then says, “go the Blues”! I’m like what!!! A three word sentence!! I was so happy.

Anyway I’ve been in the US for the last week. I arrived home yesterday. As I’m walking to the car, I see Ollie sitting in the back with a big smile on his face! I say Hey Ollie, love you buddy!! He looks at me and says “Go the Blues!!! Apparently he had been practicing all week!
POTY. The End.
Wasn’t sure where to put this but it’s kinda cool, so I wanted to share ...

... so my oldest (5) has autism. He is pretty much non-verbal. He sometimes will say single words, like he will point to something red and say red, but we dont get much more than that.

So I was sitting watching the Carlton vs Essendon game, and my little fella comes up and sits next to me. So I put my arm around him and say, ‘do you want to watch the footy with daddy, Ollie?”

Now, I know that although he doesn’t speak he understands so much of what we say - I wouldn’t be surprised if he understood everything we say. So I say to him, ‘see the really dark blue team, they are the good team, and see that red and black team ... well they are the naughty team!! Like Norman in Fireman Sam!! They are very annoying and very naughty and get in lots of trouble. I then say to him “but we go for the Blues!”

He then says, “go the Blues”! I’m like what!!! A three word sentence!! I was so happy.

Anyway I’ve been in the US for the last week. I arrived home yesterday. As I’m walking to the car, I see Ollie sitting in the back with a big smile on his face! I say Hey Ollie, love you buddy!! He looks at me and says “Go the Blues!!! Apparently he had been practicing all week!

Damn you Heres Waite I have no one to wipe my tears away. That's beautiful. Truly beautiful.
Wasn’t sure where to put this but it’s kinda cool, so I wanted to share ...

... so my oldest (5) has autism. He is pretty much non-verbal. He sometimes will say single words, like he will point to something red and say red, but we dont get much more than that.

So I was sitting watching the Carlton vs Essendon game, and my little fella comes up and sits next to me. So I put my arm around him and say, ‘do you want to watch the footy with daddy, Ollie?”

Now, I know that although he doesn’t speak he understands so much of what we say - I wouldn’t be surprised if he understood everything we say. So I say to him, ‘see the really dark blue team, they are the good team, and see that red and black team ... well they are the naughty team!! Like Norman in Fireman Sam!! They are very annoying and very naughty and get in lots of trouble. I then say to him “but we go for the Blues!”

He then says, “go the Blues”! I’m like what!!! A three word sentence!! I was so happy.

Anyway I’ve been in the US for the last week. I arrived home yesterday. As I’m walking to the car, I see Ollie sitting in the back with a big smile on his face! I say Hey Ollie, love you buddy!! He looks at me and says “Go the Blues!!! Apparently he had been practicing all week!
Great story.. Hopefully Ollie will get to witness Cripps holding up the premiership cup in the not too distance future..
Last week they started with Bolton being under pressure after our loss to Melbourne.

When that was effectively squashed by the club announcing they had given him another two years at the beginning of this year they suddenly became interested in what was happening with Murphy.

If Murphy and the club agree on terms for a new contract they will move onto something else.

They want something to report that points to instability at the club.
And that something else turns out to be " are we entitled to a pp " and our club quashed that very quickly just as the media were all over it .
The Carlton CEO today said that CFC would not be asking for a pp at the end of the year because CFC had got itself into this mess and it would get itself out of it.

On the assumption that CFC is governed by a Board and that the members of the Board are governed by, inter alia , the duties set out in sections 180-184 of the Corporations Act how can the Board refuse to ask for a PP, having regard to the fact that other clubs in the recent past have asked for and received one!
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