The Cold

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-3 when I got up for work this morning. Doesn’t help that we’re right on the river 🥶 busted out the thermals and snood

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I'm sure it's this cold in May every year. It almost certainly is, if not warmer lmao.

But f*ck me I don't remember it being this cold hahaha

My thoughts exactly.

When I played soccer I never remembered it being this cold early in the season.
13-14 is absolute winter low here (coast), rarely seems to go beneath that. Last year it was only about a day or two, normally closer to a week before it fks off. Can handle perennial body chill brain freeze for a few days, can’t complain. Good excuse to indulge in an Irish coffee weekend.
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It got down to -6.3 this morning in Tuggeranong at around 7.20 as I was waiting for the bus, and it was still -2 in Canberra at 10.30.

I went to work with five layers including a jumper and two winter jackets and I still felt cold.

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