Certified Legendary Thread The Cult of Robbo Volume 3

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Pretty sure I heard some belly growls in the lapel mic at 22.40

"I wouldn't be surprised - and we all say things I know but (belly noise) I think it's got to the stage where if Collingwood beat North Melbourne this weekend Nathan Buckley might just come in and say . . . . "
Brothers, I offer you a two and a half minute torrent of wild, unstoppable ferocity, like sitting astride the throne after a suspect batch of honey prawns.


Gerard, setting the stage without quite realising what he's about to unleash : "The way they got beaten by Geelong, that was something else again. It felt like a seismic result Friday night, and then the rest is forecasting as to what it means. What did you think, watching it?"

*five stunning seconds of dead air-cum-TGO'S internal think music then a deep inhale*

TGO : "WhaddidIthink UUHHHM ..."

*Lips firmly pursed like He's about to perform a dive bomb at the Warrandyte Pool then sternly exhaling as if to pacify a molten meat pie after taking that lethal first bite*

"I THOUGHT at half time durin' the second quarder GO. AFTA. THEM. GEELONG! GO AFTA THEM. THAYRE ONLY HOOMAN and WHAT RICHMOND've been able to do SO SO WELL thhhhhh they THEY HUNT the opposition n' then their SPEED on the outside n' their SURGE and they just blow teams away! AN' I think, I think fer a lotta years n' again it's ONLY MY opinion Gerard ferralottayears I think teams garpagainst'R'mond and 'fink 'ow can we take away their pressure an' how can we TAKE THAT AWAY FROM THEM, instead, an' we spoke about this last Wensdee 'n ERRYONE's hadacrack at Richmon' an' etcetera an' OI know that but we spoke LET'S FLIP IT, LET'S MAKE Richmond A little bit vunnerable, LET'S MAKE Richmond 'OHH HANG ON, they're TACKLIN' US, they're HEAVIN' us' OIIII'AVENOTSEEN the FRONT ON PRESSURE, from Geelong, or ANY TEAM on RICHMOND, fa' quoite some time, an' I KNOW this is a pop'lar comment ya'know RICHmond were out-Richmond BUT IT FELT LIKE to me EV'RY TIME a person A-A-AT THE CONTEST or someone on 'em (MIGHTY CLAP!!) but EV'RY TIME but WHEN RICHMOND WERE ABLE TO flip it out, SOMEONE from Geelong was READY (CLAPPP!!) to TAKEM OUT! BODYLOIN them! AND that's wot I call HUN-TING. AN' I think they hunted and GUESS WHAT they're YUMAN an' guess what?! They started ta' FEEL IT an' they started ta' drop MARKS n' theyjustsartedta'feelabit JUMPY, which they've made seven'eenotherteams JUMPY, ova the last four weeks AN' WHAT WE'VE SEEN in the last three weeks RIGHT? Listen ta' erryone talk about these losses Melbourne got them by hand they exposed 'em by hand 'LOOK AT THIS LOOK AT THIS erryone they esposed'emby'and and the *indecipherable* ...

*Gerard, a picture of calm feigned interest but betrayed by his eyes which begin to dart from left to right like someone whose pingers were laced with a little too much quick stuff*

... SWANS, gott'emby the foot (CLAPPP!!) thay we're spreading em in the forward loine AND THA CONTEST, this week? Geelong? CONTEST! Gott'em on the outside with their PRESSURE it was immense it was IMMENSE their pressure AND WHEN THEY GOT IT? ERRYTHING happens, in moi opinion, ERRYTHING HAPPENS AFTER what happens in THA' CONTEST y'r either chasing AAARSEerrr' chasing TAIL, chasing tail 'cos they've gotitatthecontest OR YOUR'VEGOTT'iT an' Geelong are use to bein' roilly careful n' GUESS WHAT on the weekend (THUNDEROUS CLAP!!) BAAAAAANG!!! HOW EXCITIN' WAS it, ta WATCH?? Now, can that be REPLICATED?? Does err OTHA' TEAMS they're NOT good'enuff teams ...

*Gerard checking his watch*

TGO : "... ta' DO THAT ta' Richmond, d'you agree wiv that??"

Gerard, desperately : "Yeeeap!"

TGO : "Prolley seveneight teams who can't DO THAT, but what we've seen is three teams, GET 'EM, in diff'rent WAYS? But'it'sall, with tha' contest, an' tha pressure. It's ALL based on PRESSURE MATE I THINK it IS! D'yoo agree with me or not??"


And I ask ye brothers, who in their right mind dare disagree.
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Brothers, I offer you a two and a half minute torrent of wild, unstoppable ferocity, like sitting astride the throne after a suspect batch of honey prawns.


Gerard, setting the stage without quite realising what he's about to unleash : "The way they got beaten by Geelong, that was something else again. It felt like a seismic result Friday night, and then the rest is forecasting as to what it means. What did you think, watching it?"

*five stunning seconds of dead air-cum-TGO'S internal think music then a deep inhale*

TGO : "WhaddidIthink UUHHHM ..."

*Lips firmly pursed like He's about to perform a dive bomb at the Warrandyte Pool then sternly exhaling as if to pacify a molten meat pie after taking that lethal first bite*

"I THOUGHT at half time durin' the second quarder GO. AFTA. THEM. GEELONG! GO AFTA THEM. THAYRE ONLY HOOMAN and WHAT RICHMOND've been able to do SO SO WELL thhhhhh they THEY HUNT the opposition n' then their SPEED on the outside n' their SURGE and they just blow teams away! AN' I think, I think fer a lotta years n' again it's ONLY MY opinion Gerard ferralottayears I think teams garpagainst'R'mond and 'fink 'ow can we take away their pressure an' how can we TAKE THAT AWAY FROM THEM, instead, an' we spoke about this last Wensdee 'n ERRYONE's hadacrack at Richmon' an' etcetera an' OI know that but we spoke LET'S FLIP IT, LET'S MAKE Richmond A little bit vunnerable, LET'S MAKE Richmond 'OHH HANG ON, they're TACKLIN' US, they're HEAVIN' us' OIIII'AVENOTSEEN the FRONT ON PRESSURE, from Geelong, or ANY TEAM on RICHMOND, fa' quoite some time, an' I KNOW this is a pop'lar comment ya'know RICHmond were out-Richmond BUT IT FELT LIKE to me EV'RY TIME a person A-A-AT THE CONTEST or someone on 'em (MIGHTY CLAP!!) but EV'RY TIME but WHEN RICHMOND WERE ABLE TO flip it out, SOMEONE from Geelong was READY (CLAPPP!!) to TAKEM OUT! BODYLOIN them! AND that's wot I call HUN-TING. AN' I think they hunted and GUESS WHAT they're YUMAN an' guess what?! They started ta' FEEL IT an' they started ta' drop MARKS n' theyjustsartedta'feelabit JUMPY, which they've made seven'eenotherteams JUMPY, ova the last four weeks AN' WHAT WE'VE SEEN in the last three weeks RIGHT? Listen ta' erryone talk about these losses Melbourne got them by hand they exposed 'em by hand 'LOOK AT THIS LOOK AT THIS erryone they esposed'emby'and and the *indecipherable* ...

*Gerard, a picture of calm feigned interest but betrayed by his eyes which begin to dart from left to right like someone whose pingers were laced with a little too much quick stuff*

... SWANS, gott'emby the foot (CLAPPP!!) thay we're spreading em in the forward loine AND THA CONTEST, this week? Geelong? CONTEST! Gott'em on the outside with their PRESSURE it was immense it was IMMENSE their pressure AND WHEN THEY GOT IT? ERRYTHING happens, in moi opinion, ERRYTHING HAPPENS AFTER what happens in THA' CONTEST y'r either chasing AAARSEerrr' chasing TAIL, chasing tail 'cos they've gotitatthecontest OR YOUR'VEGOTT'iT an' Geelong are use to bein' roilly careful n' GUESS WHAT on the weekend (THUNDEROUS CLAP!!) BAAAAAANG!!! HOW EXCITIN' WAS it, ta WATCH?? Now, can that be REPLICATED?? Does err OTHA' TEAMS they're NOT good'enuff teams ...

*Gerard checking his watch*

TGO : "... ta' DO THAT ta' Richmond, d'you agree wiv that??"

Gerard, desperately : "Yeeeap!"

TGO : "Prolley seveneight teams who can't DO THAT, but what we've seen is three teams, GET 'EM, in diff'rent WAYS? But'it'sall, with tha' contest, an' tha pressure. It's ALL based on PRESSURE MATE I THINK it IS! D'yoo agree with me or not??"


And I ask ye brothers, who in their right mind dare disagree.

Praise be.
Brothers, I offer you a two and a half minute torrent of wild, unstoppable ferocity, like sitting astride the throne after a suspect batch of honey prawns.


Gerard, setting the stage without quite realising what he's about to unleash : "The way they got beaten by Geelong, that was something else again. It felt like a seismic result Friday night, and then the rest is forecasting as to what it means. What did you think, watching it?"

*five stunning seconds of dead air-cum-TGO'S internal think music then a deep inhale*

TGO : "WhaddidIthink UUHHHM ..."

*Lips firmly pursed like He's about to perform a dive bomb at the Warrandyte Pool then sternly exhaling as if to pacify a molten meat pie after taking that lethal first bite*

"I THOUGHT at half time durin' the second quarder GO. AFTA. THEM. GEELONG! GO AFTA THEM. THAYRE ONLY HOOMAN and WHAT RICHMOND've been able to do SO SO WELL thhhhhh they THEY HUNT the opposition n' then their SPEED on the outside n' their SURGE and they just blow teams away! AN' I think, I think fer a lotta years n' again it's ONLY MY opinion Gerard ferralottayears I think teams garpagainst'R'mond and 'fink 'ow can we take away their pressure an' how can we TAKE THAT AWAY FROM THEM, instead, an' we spoke about this last Wensdee 'n ERRYONE's hadacrack at Richmon' an' etcetera an' OI know that but we spoke LET'S FLIP IT, LET'S MAKE Richmond A little bit vunnerable, LET'S MAKE Richmond 'OHH HANG ON, they're TACKLIN' US, they're HEAVIN' us' OIIII'AVENOTSEEN the FRONT ON PRESSURE, from Geelong, or ANY TEAM on RICHMOND, fa' quoite some time, an' I KNOW this is a pop'lar comment ya'know RICHmond were out-Richmond BUT IT FELT LIKE to me EV'RY TIME a person A-A-AT THE CONTEST or someone on 'em (MIGHTY CLAP!!) but EV'RY TIME but WHEN RICHMOND WERE ABLE TO flip it out, SOMEONE from Geelong was READY (CLAPPP!!) to TAKEM OUT! BODYLOIN them! AND that's wot I call HUN-TING. AN' I think they hunted and GUESS WHAT they're YUMAN an' guess what?! They started ta' FEEL IT an' they started ta' drop MARKS n' theyjustsartedta'feelabit JUMPY, which they've made seven'eenotherteams JUMPY, ova the last four weeks AN' WHAT WE'VE SEEN in the last three weeks RIGHT? Listen ta' erryone talk about these losses Melbourne got them by hand they exposed 'em by hand 'LOOK AT THIS LOOK AT THIS erryone they esposed'emby'and and the *indecipherable* ...

*Gerard, a picture of calm feigned interest but betrayed by his eyes which begin to dart from left to right like someone whose pingers were laced with a little too much quick stuff*

... SWANS, gott'emby the foot (CLAPPP!!) thay we're spreading em in the forward loine AND THA CONTEST, this week? Geelong? CONTEST! Gott'em on the outside with their PRESSURE it was immense it was IMMENSE their pressure AND WHEN THEY GOT IT? ERRYTHING happens, in moi opinion, ERRYTHING HAPPENS AFTER what happens in THA' CONTEST y'r either chasing AAARSEerrr' chasing TAIL, chasing tail 'cos they've gotitatthecontest OR YOUR'VEGOTT'iT an' Geelong are use to bein' roilly careful n' GUESS WHAT on the weekend (THUNDEROUS CLAP!!) BAAAAAANG!!! HOW EXCITIN' WAS it, ta WATCH?? Now, can that be REPLICATED?? Does err OTHA' TEAMS they're NOT good'enuff teams ...

*Gerard checking his watch*

TGO : "... ta' DO THAT ta' Richmond, d'you agree wiv that??"

Gerard, desperately : "Yeeeap!"

TGO : "Prolley seveneight teams who can't DO THAT, but what we've seen is three teams, GET 'EM, in diff'rent WAYS? But'it'sall, with tha' contest, an' tha pressure. It's ALL based on PRESSURE MATE I THINK it IS! D'yoo agree with me or not??"


And I ask ye brothers, who in their right mind dare disagree.

Brothers, I offer you a two and a half minute torrent of wild, unstoppable ferocity, like sitting astride the throne after a suspect batch of honey prawns.


Gerard, setting the stage without quite realising what he's about to unleash : "The way they got beaten by Geelong, that was something else again. It felt like a seismic result Friday night, and then the rest is forecasting as to what it means. What did you think, watching it?"

*five stunning seconds of dead air-cum-TGO'S internal think music then a deep inhale*

TGO : "WhaddidIthink UUHHHM ..."

*Lips firmly pursed like He's about to perform a dive bomb at the Warrandyte Pool then sternly exhaling as if to pacify a molten meat pie after taking that lethal first bite*

"I THOUGHT at half time durin' the second quarder GO. AFTA. THEM. GEELONG! GO AFTA THEM. THAYRE ONLY HOOMAN and WHAT RICHMOND've been able to do SO SO WELL thhhhhh they THEY HUNT the opposition n' then their SPEED on the outside n' their SURGE and they just blow teams away! AN' I think, I think fer a lotta years n' again it's ONLY MY opinion Gerard ferralottayears I think teams garpagainst'R'mond and 'fink 'ow can we take away their pressure an' how can we TAKE THAT AWAY FROM THEM, instead, an' we spoke about this last Wensdee 'n ERRYONE's hadacrack at Richmon' an' etcetera an' OI know that but we spoke LET'S FLIP IT, LET'S MAKE Richmond A little bit vunnerable, LET'S MAKE Richmond 'OHH HANG ON, they're TACKLIN' US, they're HEAVIN' us' OIIII'AVENOTSEEN the FRONT ON PRESSURE, from Geelong, or ANY TEAM on RICHMOND, fa' quoite some time, an' I KNOW this is a pop'lar comment ya'know RICHmond were out-Richmond BUT IT FELT LIKE to me EV'RY TIME a person A-A-AT THE CONTEST or someone on 'em (MIGHTY CLAP!!) but EV'RY TIME but WHEN RICHMOND WERE ABLE TO flip it out, SOMEONE from Geelong was READY (CLAPPP!!) to TAKEM OUT! BODYLOIN them! AND that's wot I call HUN-TING. AN' I think they hunted and GUESS WHAT they're YUMAN an' guess what?! They started ta' FEEL IT an' they started ta' drop MARKS n' theyjustsartedta'feelabit JUMPY, which they've made seven'eenotherteams JUMPY, ova the last four weeks AN' WHAT WE'VE SEEN in the last three weeks RIGHT? Listen ta' erryone talk about these losses Melbourne got them by hand they exposed 'em by hand 'LOOK AT THIS LOOK AT THIS erryone they esposed'emby'and and the *indecipherable* ...

*Gerard, a picture of calm feigned interest but betrayed by his eyes which begin to dart from left to right like someone whose pingers were laced with a little too much quick stuff*

... SWANS, gott'emby the foot (CLAPPP!!) thay we're spreading em in the forward loine AND THA CONTEST, this week? Geelong? CONTEST! Gott'em on the outside with their PRESSURE it was immense it was IMMENSE their pressure AND WHEN THEY GOT IT? ERRYTHING happens, in moi opinion, ERRYTHING HAPPENS AFTER what happens in THA' CONTEST y'r either chasing AAARSEerrr' chasing TAIL, chasing tail 'cos they've gotitatthecontest OR YOUR'VEGOTT'iT an' Geelong are use to bein' roilly careful n' GUESS WHAT on the weekend (THUNDEROUS CLAP!!) BAAAAAANG!!! HOW EXCITIN' WAS it, ta WATCH?? Now, can that be REPLICATED?? Does err OTHA' TEAMS they're NOT good'enuff teams ...

*Gerard checking his watch*

TGO : "... ta' DO THAT ta' Richmond, d'you agree wiv that??"

Gerard, desperately : "Yeeeap!"

TGO : "Prolley seveneight teams who can't DO THAT, but what we've seen is three teams, GET 'EM, in diff'rent WAYS? But'it'sall, with tha' contest, an' tha pressure. It's ALL based on PRESSURE MATE I THINK it IS! D'yoo agree with me or not??"


And I ask ye brothers, who in their right mind dare disagree.
This is all time

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When speaking about new Collingwood (non-voting) Board member, Bridie O'Donnell, TGO mistakenly called her "Bridie O'Reilly" before quickly correcting himself.

When booze is on the brain, defaulting to a South Yarra pub is understandable.
The ultimate Freudian Slip
The nerdling received the holiest of baptisms this evening. When TGO was giving his sermon on lachie plough and exclaimed “this is crap” you could see the spittle fly across the room and nerdling, startled, quickly wiping his face.
Get comfortable Brothers, for He came in off the long run this eve, and had the Saints firmly in his sights ...

"Yerrr they fold alright yer, you're ALLOUDDA LOSE games a' football .. *uneasy silence* .. ohhh wh-wh-what gets, really .. *mighty exhale* .. heartbreaking f'FANS n' ERRYONE involved at St KILDA is when they collAPSE loike a deck a' cards y'think WHAT IS going ON THERE? SAHHH, EVERYONE HAS DISCUSSED it, s'WE GOT ta Monday night, this game was on Sat'dee ERRYONE HAS DISCUSSED and THROWN in all those WOND-A-FUL WORDS that describe a poor football team, thee, the LEADERSHIP's been questioned, UHHHM the SELFISHNESS, are they sacrificing enough on the foiled, are the players, THESE PLAYERS, HOW MUCH responsibility do THESE players HAVE?? .. *posed like an adorably genuine question* .. is EH-EH-EH-EH-is BRETT RATTEN .. *CLAP!!* .. AND the COACHing staff, sayin' ta' them pre-game n' during the week .. *DOUBLE CLAPP!* .. JUS' go OUT n' DO WHAT ya WANT, y'know? YOU LOOK AFTA YASELF, okay? That's ALL I want'ya ta' do. YA RECKON he's SAYIN' THAT? O' COURSE eee's not sayin that .. *heavy inhale like He's sucking the very last drag from a dart* .. SAHHH there's a DISCONNECT somewhere, from RATT'N .. *CLAPP!* .. to the COACHING group, AND to the players, NOW .. *awkward silence during which you can hear nothing but Gerard's pulse* .. always we g'afta the coaches, always, but seriously these players, they're gotta responsibility to THEM-SELVES, they're gotta responsibility to eachOTHER, annn' y'know, BRETT RATT'n says ohh, there MIGHT be CHANGES, THAT might not FIX the problem, for' th-thehh I-I-I THINK the thing, IIII JUST from the outSIDE watchin 'em play, ah Y'THINK the problem is DEEPER, Ohhh we'll puta couple in, we'll puta couple out, the-THEY'VE n' KINGy was roilly strong on First Crack last night, the SELFishness, sahh WHAT'RE the players doing? JUST TRY'n COME WITH ME 'ere .. *Gerard, dare not venture a murmur amid the onslaught but his eyes speak volumes* .. SAhh they, SO they GO ON the GROUND 'n say ROIGHT! .. *Both mighty fists raised as if He's readying to enter holy battle* .. WE'RE READY ta PLAY! GARRRRRRRRR!!! .. *Gerard beginning to shrink in his seat* .. BALL UP! AAAHKAY! LET'S PLAY! .. *TGO imploring Gerard directly now, forcing a nervous smile* .. WHAT HAPPENS?! .. *silence* .. WEEEEELL you're gonna g'over there, you'll get fer an EASY ball, you're not gonna defend THERE .. *His arms gesturing strategically* .. n'ohhhhh, I'll WAIT over here, n' there's, THERE'S NO-one's going HEAD-ta-HEAD .. *CLAPP!-CLAPP!!* .. ta MAKE a STATEment, n' when it gets TOO HARD, THEY JUST ROLL OVA! Sahh IS THAT cl ... is THAT RATTEN's reSPONSability?? Ya'gotta bring, a CERTAIN amount'a MOT-A-VATION, n' dirECTION, n' GUIDance, an' this is the GAME PLAN that we're gonna go out there n' PLAY erry WEEK, but THEN eee's gotta rely on the PLAYAS GERARD, ta DO what they are PAID ta DO! .. *couple of fearsome desk thumps for effect* .. AN' WHEN it GETS HARD ... SCRAP!!! If the-ift'he GAME PLAN'S NOT WORKin' SCRAP! DON'T FOLD!! YA KNOW?! Nah WONDER ST Kilda fans're just SAAHOOOO frustRATED. OI DON't even BARRack fa' ST. Kilda an OIM FRUSTrated, WATCHING them play ..."

That frustration so palpable in TGO's trembling screed when Gerard raises the prospect of redemption for the Saints in the rounds to come, prompting TGO's flawless response; "Oi wouldn't even have a CLUUUE who they're PLAYIN' next week".

And as we all know Brothers, ignorance is bliss.

Get comfortable Brothers, for He came in off the long run this eve, and had the Saints firmly in his sights ...

"Yerrr they fold alright yer, you're ALLOUDDA LOSE games a' football .. *uneasy silence* .. ohhh wh-wh-what gets, really .. *mighty exhale* .. heartbreaking f'FANS n' ERRYONE involved at St KILDA is when they collAPSE loike a deck a' cards y'think WHAT IS going ON THERE? SAHHH, EVERYONE HAS DISCUSSED it, s'WE GOT ta Monday night, this game was on Sat'dee ERRYONE HAS DISCUSSED and THROWN in all those WOND-A-FUL WORDS that describe a poor football team, thee, the LEADERSHIP's been questioned, UHHHM the SELFISHNESS, are they sacrificing enough on the foiled, are the players, THESE PLAYERS, HOW MUCH responsibility do THESE players HAVE?? .. *posed like an adorably genuine question* .. is EH-EH-EH-EH-is BRETT RATTEN .. *CLAP!!* .. AND the COACHing staff, sayin' ta' them pre-game n' during the week .. *DOUBLE CLAPP!* .. JUS' go OUT n' DO WHAT ya WANT, y'know? YOU LOOK AFTA YASELF, okay? That's ALL I want'ya ta' do. YA RECKON he's SAYIN' THAT? O' COURSE eee's not sayin that .. *heavy inhale like He's sucking the very last drag from a dart* .. SAHHH there's a DISCONNECT somewhere, from RATT'N .. *CLAPP!* .. to the COACHING group, AND to the players, NOW .. *awkward silence during which you can hear nothing but Gerard's pulse* .. always we g'afta the coaches, always, but seriously these players, they're gotta responsibility to THEM-SELVES, they're gotta responsibility to eachOTHER, annn' y'know, BRETT RATT'n says ohh, there MIGHT be CHANGES, THAT might not FIX the problem, for' th-thehh I-I-I THINK the thing, IIII JUST from the outSIDE watchin 'em play, ah Y'THINK the problem is DEEPER, Ohhh we'll puta couple in, we'll puta couple out, the-THEY'VE n' KINGy was roilly strong on First Crack last night, the SELFishness, sahh WHAT'RE the players doing? JUST TRY'n COME WITH ME 'ere .. *Gerard, dare not venture a murmur amid the onslaught but his eyes speak volumes* .. SAhh they, SO they GO ON the GROUND 'n say ROIGHT! .. *Both mighty fists raised as if He's readying to enter holy battle* .. WE'RE READY ta PLAY! GARRRRRRRRR!!! .. *Gerard beginning to shrink in his seat* .. BALL UP! AAAHKAY! LET'S PLAY! .. *TGO imploring Gerard directly now, forcing a nervous smile* .. WHAT HAPPENS?! .. *silence* .. WEEEEELL you're gonna g'over there, you'll get fer an EASY ball, you're not gonna defend THERE .. *His arms gesturing strategically* .. n'ohhhhh, I'll WAIT over here, n' there's, THERE'S NO-one's going HEAD-ta-HEAD .. *CLAPP!-CLAPP!!* .. ta MAKE a STATEment, n' when it gets TOO HARD, THEY JUST ROLL OVA! Sahh IS THAT cl ... is THAT RATTEN's reSPONSability?? Ya'gotta bring, a CERTAIN amount'a MOT-A-VATION, n' dirECTION, n' GUIDance, an' this is the GAME PLAN that we're gonna go out there n' PLAY erry WEEK, but THEN eee's gotta rely on the PLAYAS GERARD, ta DO what they are PAID ta DO! .. *couple of fearsome desk thumps for effect* .. AN' WHEN it GETS HARD ... SCRAP!!! If the-ift'he GAME PLAN'S NOT WORKin' SCRAP! DON'T FOLD!! YA KNOW?! Nah WONDER ST Kilda fans're just SAAHOOOO frustRATED. OI DON't even BARRack fa' ST. Kilda an OIM FRUSTrated, WATCHING them play ..."

That frustration so palpable in TGO's trembling screed when Gerard raises the prospect of redemption for the Saints in the rounds to come, prompting TGO's flawless response; "Oi wouldn't even have a CLUUUE who they're PLAYIN' next week".

And as we all know Brothers, ignorance is bliss.


Praise be.
Get comfortable Brothers, for He came in off the long run this eve, and had the Saints firmly in his sights ...

"Yerrr they fold alright yer, you're ALLOUDDA LOSE games a' football .. *uneasy silence* .. ohhh wh-wh-what gets, really .. *mighty exhale* .. heartbreaking f'FANS n' ERRYONE involved at St KILDA is when they collAPSE loike a deck a' cards y'think WHAT IS going ON THERE? SAHHH, EVERYONE HAS DISCUSSED it, s'WE GOT ta Monday night, this game was on Sat'dee ERRYONE HAS DISCUSSED and THROWN in all those WOND-A-FUL WORDS that describe a poor football team, thee, the LEADERSHIP's been questioned, UHHHM the SELFISHNESS, are they sacrificing enough on the foiled, are the players, THESE PLAYERS, HOW MUCH responsibility do THESE players HAVE?? .. *posed like an adorably genuine question* .. is EH-EH-EH-EH-is BRETT RATTEN .. *CLAP!!* .. AND the COACHing staff, sayin' ta' them pre-game n' during the week .. *DOUBLE CLAPP!* .. JUS' go OUT n' DO WHAT ya WANT, y'know? YOU LOOK AFTA YASELF, okay? That's ALL I want'ya ta' do. YA RECKON he's SAYIN' THAT? O' COURSE eee's not sayin that .. *heavy inhale like He's sucking the very last drag from a dart* .. SAHHH there's a DISCONNECT somewhere, from RATT'N .. *CLAPP!* .. to the COACHING group, AND to the players, NOW .. *awkward silence during which you can hear nothing but Gerard's pulse* .. always we g'afta the coaches, always, but seriously these players, they're gotta responsibility to THEM-SELVES, they're gotta responsibility to eachOTHER, annn' y'know, BRETT RATT'n says ohh, there MIGHT be CHANGES, THAT might not FIX the problem, for' th-thehh I-I-I THINK the thing, IIII JUST from the outSIDE watchin 'em play, ah Y'THINK the problem is DEEPER, Ohhh we'll puta couple in, we'll puta couple out, the-THEY'VE n' KINGy was roilly strong on First Crack last night, the SELFishness, sahh WHAT'RE the players doing? JUST TRY'n COME WITH ME 'ere .. *Gerard, dare not venture a murmur amid the onslaught but his eyes speak volumes* .. SAhh they, SO they GO ON the GROUND 'n say ROIGHT! .. *Both mighty fists raised as if He's readying to enter holy battle* .. WE'RE READY ta PLAY! GARRRRRRRRR!!! .. *Gerard beginning to shrink in his seat* .. BALL UP! AAAHKAY! LET'S PLAY! .. *TGO imploring Gerard directly now, forcing a nervous smile* .. WHAT HAPPENS?! .. *silence* .. WEEEEELL you're gonna g'over there, you'll get fer an EASY ball, you're not gonna defend THERE .. *His arms gesturing strategically* .. n'ohhhhh, I'll WAIT over here, n' there's, THERE'S NO-one's going HEAD-ta-HEAD .. *CLAPP!-CLAPP!!* .. ta MAKE a STATEment, n' when it gets TOO HARD, THEY JUST ROLL OVA! Sahh IS THAT cl ... is THAT RATTEN's reSPONSability?? Ya'gotta bring, a CERTAIN amount'a MOT-A-VATION, n' dirECTION, n' GUIDance, an' this is the GAME PLAN that we're gonna go out there n' PLAY erry WEEK, but THEN eee's gotta rely on the PLAYAS GERARD, ta DO what they are PAID ta DO! .. *couple of fearsome desk thumps for effect* .. AN' WHEN it GETS HARD ... SCRAP!!! If the-ift'he GAME PLAN'S NOT WORKin' SCRAP! DON'T FOLD!! YA KNOW?! Nah WONDER ST Kilda fans're just SAAHOOOO frustRATED. OI DON't even BARRack fa' ST. Kilda an OIM FRUSTrated, WATCHING them play ..."

That frustration so palpable in TGO's trembling screed when Gerard raises the prospect of redemption for the Saints in the rounds to come, prompting TGO's flawless response; "Oi wouldn't even have a CLUUUE who they're PLAYIN' next week".

And as we all know Brothers, ignorance is bliss.


Richmond were on the wrong end of one of these in 2016 and we all know what happened next.
Get comfortable Brothers, for He came in off the long run this eve, and had the Saints firmly in his sights ...

"Yerrr they fold alright yer, you're ALLOUDDA LOSE games a' football .. *uneasy silence* .. ohhh wh-wh-what gets, really .. *mighty exhale* .. heartbreaking f'FANS n' ERRYONE involved at St KILDA is when they collAPSE loike a deck a' cards y'think WHAT IS going ON THERE? SAHHH, EVERYONE HAS DISCUSSED it, s'WE GOT ta Monday night, this game was on Sat'dee ERRYONE HAS DISCUSSED and THROWN in all those WOND-A-FUL WORDS that describe a poor football team, thee, the LEADERSHIP's been questioned, UHHHM the SELFISHNESS, are they sacrificing enough on the foiled, are the players, THESE PLAYERS, HOW MUCH responsibility do THESE players HAVE?? .. *posed like an adorably genuine question* .. is EH-EH-EH-EH-is BRETT RATTEN .. *CLAP!!* .. AND the COACHing staff, sayin' ta' them pre-game n' during the week .. *DOUBLE CLAPP!* .. JUS' go OUT n' DO WHAT ya WANT, y'know? YOU LOOK AFTA YASELF, okay? That's ALL I want'ya ta' do. YA RECKON he's SAYIN' THAT? O' COURSE eee's not sayin that .. *heavy inhale like He's sucking the very last drag from a dart* .. SAHHH there's a DISCONNECT somewhere, from RATT'N .. *CLAPP!* .. to the COACHING group, AND to the players, NOW .. *awkward silence during which you can hear nothing but Gerard's pulse* .. always we g'afta the coaches, always, but seriously these players, they're gotta responsibility to THEM-SELVES, they're gotta responsibility to eachOTHER, annn' y'know, BRETT RATT'n says ohh, there MIGHT be CHANGES, THAT might not FIX the problem, for' th-thehh I-I-I THINK the thing, IIII JUST from the outSIDE watchin 'em play, ah Y'THINK the problem is DEEPER, Ohhh we'll puta couple in, we'll puta couple out, the-THEY'VE n' KINGy was roilly strong on First Crack last night, the SELFishness, sahh WHAT'RE the players doing? JUST TRY'n COME WITH ME 'ere .. *Gerard, dare not venture a murmur amid the onslaught but his eyes speak volumes* .. SAhh they, SO they GO ON the GROUND 'n say ROIGHT! .. *Both mighty fists raised as if He's readying to enter holy battle* .. WE'RE READY ta PLAY! GARRRRRRRRR!!! .. *Gerard beginning to shrink in his seat* .. BALL UP! AAAHKAY! LET'S PLAY! .. *TGO imploring Gerard directly now, forcing a nervous smile* .. WHAT HAPPENS?! .. *silence* .. WEEEEELL you're gonna g'over there, you'll get fer an EASY ball, you're not gonna defend THERE .. *His arms gesturing strategically* .. n'ohhhhh, I'll WAIT over here, n' there's, THERE'S NO-one's going HEAD-ta-HEAD .. *CLAPP!-CLAPP!!* .. ta MAKE a STATEment, n' when it gets TOO HARD, THEY JUST ROLL OVA! Sahh IS THAT cl ... is THAT RATTEN's reSPONSability?? Ya'gotta bring, a CERTAIN amount'a MOT-A-VATION, n' dirECTION, n' GUIDance, an' this is the GAME PLAN that we're gonna go out there n' PLAY erry WEEK, but THEN eee's gotta rely on the PLAYAS GERARD, ta DO what they are PAID ta DO! .. *couple of fearsome desk thumps for effect* .. AN' WHEN it GETS HARD ... SCRAP!!! If the-ift'he GAME PLAN'S NOT WORKin' SCRAP! DON'T FOLD!! YA KNOW?! Nah WONDER ST Kilda fans're just SAAHOOOO frustRATED. OI DON't even BARRack fa' ST. Kilda an OIM FRUSTrated, WATCHING them play ..."

That frustration so palpable in TGO's trembling screed when Gerard raises the prospect of redemption for the Saints in the rounds to come, prompting TGO's flawless response; "Oi wouldn't even have a CLUUUE who they're PLAYIN' next week".

And as we all know Brothers, ignorance is bliss.

Get comfortable Brothers, for He came in off the long run this eve, and had the Saints firmly in his sights ...

"Yerrr they fold alright yer, you're ALLOUDDA LOSE games a' football .. *uneasy silence* .. ohhh wh-wh-what gets, really .. *mighty exhale* .. heartbreaking f'FANS n' ERRYONE involved at St KILDA is when they collAPSE loike a deck a' cards y'think WHAT IS going ON THERE? SAHHH, EVERYONE HAS DISCUSSED it, s'WE GOT ta Monday night, this game was on Sat'dee ERRYONE HAS DISCUSSED and THROWN in all those WOND-A-FUL WORDS that describe a poor football team, thee, the LEADERSHIP's been questioned, UHHHM the SELFISHNESS, are they sacrificing enough on the foiled, are the players, THESE PLAYERS, HOW MUCH responsibility do THESE players HAVE?? .. *posed like an adorably genuine question* .. is EH-EH-EH-EH-is BRETT RATTEN .. *CLAP!!* .. AND the COACHing staff, sayin' ta' them pre-game n' during the week .. *DOUBLE CLAPP!* .. JUS' go OUT n' DO WHAT ya WANT, y'know? YOU LOOK AFTA YASELF, okay? That's ALL I want'ya ta' do. YA RECKON he's SAYIN' THAT? O' COURSE eee's not sayin that .. *heavy inhale like He's sucking the very last drag from a dart* .. SAHHH there's a DISCONNECT somewhere, from RATT'N .. *CLAPP!* .. to the COACHING group, AND to the players, NOW .. *awkward silence during which you can hear nothing but Gerard's pulse* .. always we g'afta the coaches, always, but seriously these players, they're gotta responsibility to THEM-SELVES, they're gotta responsibility to eachOTHER, annn' y'know, BRETT RATT'n says ohh, there MIGHT be CHANGES, THAT might not FIX the problem, for' th-thehh I-I-I THINK the thing, IIII JUST from the outSIDE watchin 'em play, ah Y'THINK the problem is DEEPER, Ohhh we'll puta couple in, we'll puta couple out, the-THEY'VE n' KINGy was roilly strong on First Crack last night, the SELFishness, sahh WHAT'RE the players doing? JUST TRY'n COME WITH ME 'ere .. *Gerard, dare not venture a murmur amid the onslaught but his eyes speak volumes* .. SAhh they, SO they GO ON the GROUND 'n say ROIGHT! .. *Both mighty fists raised as if He's readying to enter holy battle* .. WE'RE READY ta PLAY! GARRRRRRRRR!!! .. *Gerard beginning to shrink in his seat* .. BALL UP! AAAHKAY! LET'S PLAY! .. *TGO imploring Gerard directly now, forcing a nervous smile* .. WHAT HAPPENS?! .. *silence* .. WEEEEELL you're gonna g'over there, you'll get fer an EASY ball, you're not gonna defend THERE .. *His arms gesturing strategically* .. n'ohhhhh, I'll WAIT over here, n' there's, THERE'S NO-one's going HEAD-ta-HEAD .. *CLAPP!-CLAPP!!* .. ta MAKE a STATEment, n' when it gets TOO HARD, THEY JUST ROLL OVA! Sahh IS THAT cl ... is THAT RATTEN's reSPONSability?? Ya'gotta bring, a CERTAIN amount'a MOT-A-VATION, n' dirECTION, n' GUIDance, an' this is the GAME PLAN that we're gonna go out there n' PLAY erry WEEK, but THEN eee's gotta rely on the PLAYAS GERARD, ta DO what they are PAID ta DO! .. *couple of fearsome desk thumps for effect* .. AN' WHEN it GETS HARD ... SCRAP!!! If the-ift'he GAME PLAN'S NOT WORKin' SCRAP! DON'T FOLD!! YA KNOW?! Nah WONDER ST Kilda fans're just SAAHOOOO frustRATED. OI DON't even BARRack fa' ST. Kilda an OIM FRUSTrated, WATCHING them play ..."

That frustration so palpable in TGO's trembling screed when Gerard raises the prospect of redemption for the Saints in the rounds to come, prompting TGO's flawless response; "Oi wouldn't even have a CLUUUE who they're PLAYIN' next week".

And as we all know Brothers, ignorance is bliss.

I felt truly blessed watching


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Get comfortable Brothers, for He came in off the long run this eve, and had the Saints firmly in his sights ...

"Yerrr they fold alright yer, you're ALLOUDDA LOSE games a' football .. *uneasy silence* .. ohhh wh-wh-what gets, really .. *mighty exhale* .. heartbreaking f'FANS n' ERRYONE involved at St KILDA is when they collAPSE loike a deck a' cards y'think WHAT IS going ON THERE? SAHHH, EVERYONE HAS DISCUSSED it, s'WE GOT ta Monday night, this game was on Sat'dee ERRYONE HAS DISCUSSED and THROWN in all those WOND-A-FUL WORDS that describe a poor football team, thee, the LEADERSHIP's been questioned, UHHHM the SELFISHNESS, are they sacrificing enough on the foiled, are the players, THESE PLAYERS, HOW MUCH responsibility do THESE players HAVE?? .. *posed like an adorably genuine question* .. is EH-EH-EH-EH-is BRETT RATTEN .. *CLAP!!* .. AND the COACHing staff, sayin' ta' them pre-game n' during the week .. *DOUBLE CLAPP!* .. JUS' go OUT n' DO WHAT ya WANT, y'know? YOU LOOK AFTA YASELF, okay? That's ALL I want'ya ta' do. YA RECKON he's SAYIN' THAT? O' COURSE eee's not sayin that .. *heavy inhale like He's sucking the very last drag from a dart* .. SAHHH there's a DISCONNECT somewhere, from RATT'N .. *CLAPP!* .. to the COACHING group, AND to the players, NOW .. *awkward silence during which you can hear nothing but Gerard's pulse* .. always we g'afta the coaches, always, but seriously these players, they're gotta responsibility to THEM-SELVES, they're gotta responsibility to eachOTHER, annn' y'know, BRETT RATT'n says ohh, there MIGHT be CHANGES, THAT might not FIX the problem, for' th-thehh I-I-I THINK the thing, IIII JUST from the outSIDE watchin 'em play, ah Y'THINK the problem is DEEPER, Ohhh we'll puta couple in, we'll puta couple out, the-THEY'VE n' KINGy was roilly strong on First Crack last night, the SELFishness, sahh WHAT'RE the players doing? JUST TRY'n COME WITH ME 'ere .. *Gerard, dare not venture a murmur amid the onslaught but his eyes speak volumes* .. SAhh they, SO they GO ON the GROUND 'n say ROIGHT! .. *Both mighty fists raised as if He's readying to enter holy battle* .. WE'RE READY ta PLAY! GARRRRRRRRR!!! .. *Gerard beginning to shrink in his seat* .. BALL UP! AAAHKAY! LET'S PLAY! .. *TGO imploring Gerard directly now, forcing a nervous smile* .. WHAT HAPPENS?! .. *silence* .. WEEEEELL you're gonna g'over there, you'll get fer an EASY ball, you're not gonna defend THERE .. *His arms gesturing strategically* .. n'ohhhhh, I'll WAIT over here, n' there's, THERE'S NO-one's going HEAD-ta-HEAD .. *CLAPP!-CLAPP!!* .. ta MAKE a STATEment, n' when it gets TOO HARD, THEY JUST ROLL OVA! Sahh IS THAT cl ... is THAT RATTEN's reSPONSability?? Ya'gotta bring, a CERTAIN amount'a MOT-A-VATION, n' dirECTION, n' GUIDance, an' this is the GAME PLAN that we're gonna go out there n' PLAY erry WEEK, but THEN eee's gotta rely on the PLAYAS GERARD, ta DO what they are PAID ta DO! .. *couple of fearsome desk thumps for effect* .. AN' WHEN it GETS HARD ... SCRAP!!! If the-ift'he GAME PLAN'S NOT WORKin' SCRAP! DON'T FOLD!! YA KNOW?! Nah WONDER ST Kilda fans're just SAAHOOOO frustRATED. OI DON't even BARRack fa' ST. Kilda an OIM FRUSTrated, WATCHING them play ..."

That frustration so palpable in TGO's trembling screed when Gerard raises the prospect of redemption for the Saints in the rounds to come, prompting TGO's flawless response; "Oi wouldn't even have a CLUUUE who they're PLAYIN' next week".

And as we all know Brothers, ignorance is bliss.

You're doing great work helping to spread the word.


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Certified Legendary Thread The Cult of Robbo Volume 3

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