Certified Legendary Thread The Cult of Robbo

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Sep 18, 2008
Clownface Nebula
AFL Club
North Melbourne
Other Teams
Cult of Robbo
The Cult of Robbo

Sightings, Visions, Ideas, Poems, Articles & Artefacts


Lectio difficilior potior

the more difficult reading is the stronger

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Could he have picked a worse name for his column?

Seriously, who wants to clap their eyes on Robbo's Tackle first thing in the morning.

Would you want to tell your boss you were late because you were trying to cram Robbo's Tackle in before you left home?

Robbo's Tackle sets tongues wagging Australia wide.

You have to buy the Herald-Sun to be able to get your hands on Robbo's Tackle.

Even the logo looks like one guy groping another guy's tackle.

Excuse my tardiness to answer the bull elephant like call of the man himself. It has been a long pre-season between drinks. Not just for us, but for Robbo too. Sadly, the cricket season is Robbo's summer of discontent and cask wine, because his income plummets to that of a Zimbabwean farm laborer.

'What?' you say, 'surely you jest.... a journalist of Robbo's calibre would go and cover a war or something in the pre-season.'

Sorry to prick the boil of bearded misconception here, DVC, but for all his undoubted greatness and Tolstoy-like ability with words, Robbo is a niche player with a pot belly.

Yep, the pre-season is sans HS expense account, devoid of club functions, Z-list celebrity shin digs and the M&M bowl in the Foxtel Green Room. Robbo definitely travels economy.

Don't believe me do you? Well, my friend, I have the proof. I was wandering down Grey St over summer when I spotted the great man and his concubine, Robson, powering up the street, so I took a photo.

What was he up to? Why was Robson dressed like that on a 40 degree day? When will we get some answers?

But as your learned friend pointed out: who wants to tackle Robbo's tackle first up?

Once again, Robbo defies description.

Thank you Brother Grizz. This is a fine find IF,actual.
I am yet to confirm the vailidity of your submission as i believe a slab to be a more customary companion in the Troll-bike.

You will be pleased to hear i have secured a fine drawing of the great man's abode, which i plan to post anon.

In the meantime...

"that as supposed to be will not ill "
Chat with Robbo, The Tackle 13 April, 12.02pm
The punishment to Mick Malthouse has already been meted out. The fact is whether Mick likes it or not, most of the football public now believe that Mick Malthouse lied. Don’t know if that makes him a liar? But, he lied. And his reputation hit on that I thinks enough.


When is it acceptable to lie? … I actually accepted Heath Shaw’s lie. Because he was lying to protect a friend. Or, protect your family. Everone should lie! If it’s to protect someone you love. I’ve got no problem. I would lie for my mother, ya know, I would lie for my family.

- From Harf Time, SEN

Exquisite work. Everyone's pants are on fire. And, he loves his mum.:thumbsu:

BUT would he lie for Ando?
I like how The Great Man has stolen the sub-head 'Things I think I think' from the ancient NFL columnist Peter King.
He has also stolen PK's gut.

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Such a gigantic termite mound palace-chateau is befitting journalistic greatness albeit a somewhat dicey locale for good fellow-scribe friends to traverse homewards from after imbibing a fine hermitage, or eight, while scarfing the collective doggie bags pooled after an AFL-funded buffet. Ando's chances of even making passed one rung up or down that hanging ladder are exciting if not extremely perilous.

Robbo … Chateau … Panache
-On Carlton lacking leaders because Fev was a leader:

That’s why Carlton have been accused for having no leadership at all. Now I’m not having a go at Chris Judd here, he’s only been at the club for a couple of years. Carlton have lacked leaders for a long time because Fev was considered a leader. He drank; he drinks too much, he’s an idiot when he drinks. He sleeps around on his wife; he gambles all his money away. I mean, what sort of life was living? Probably a great one. But it all caught up with him. [crowd in background pops big with LOL]
- SEN Footy Panel Show

-Tongue twisting as Robbo thinks something:

The fine is completely irrelevant. Mick Malthouse’s reputation has taken an enormous hit. There’s no doubt people sitting here in this room now, in my opinion, I’m trying to think like you are coz I think; I think less of Mick, and I admire Mick. I think he’s an outstanding coach. But the fine of $7,500 pales compared to what people think of Mick. I think Mick’s lost a little bit of gloss from what he said. Now I might be wrong and people might say 'aye I’m an idiot, he only said what he said.'
- SEN Footy Panel Show
Amen Brother MontyBrasco

-On Carlton lacking leaders because Fev was a leader:

That’s why Carlton have been accused for having no leadership at all. Now I’m not having a go at Chris Judd here, he’s only been at the club for a couple of years. Carlton have lacked leaders for a long time because Fev was considered a leader. He drank; he drinks too much, he’s an idiot when he drinks. He sleeps around on his wife; he gambles all his money away. I mean, what sort of life was living? Probably a great one. But it all caught up with him. [crowd in background pops big with LOL]
- SEN Footy Panel Show

-Tongue twisting as Robbo thinks something:

The fine is completely irrelevant. Mick Malthouse’s reputation has taken an enormous hit. There’s no doubt people sitting here in this room now, in my opinion, I’m trying to think like you are coz I think; I think less of Mick, and I admire Mick. I think he’s an outstanding coach. But the fine of $7,500 pales compared to what people think of Mick. I think Mick’s lost a little bit of gloss from what he said. Now I might be wrong and people might say 'aye I’m an idiot, he only said what he said.'
- SEN Footy Panel Show
The lazy slug today reporting Dermies views ... bog lazy journalism, that to some is accepted as news.
THese guys rely on press releases, unable & unwilling to chase a news story.
Robbo: waste of space.
"The Bombers have lost their zest, their confidence and as handball after handball is delivered to flat-footed teammates."

The Tackle, Herald Sun, Tuesday 27 April 2010
"The Bombers have lost their zest, their confidence and as handball after handball is delivered to flat-footed teammates."

The Tackle, Herald Sun, Tuesday 27 April 2010

Brother DVC, you must understand that the normal rules of grammar do not apply. A sentence is a sentence if Robbo says that it is!
And that, of course, is the way it should be.
Erratum: Chateau Robbo.
Due to a translation error I posted an image I believed to be Robbo's dwelling. The exact location of his abode has now been clarified and indicated below. I apologise for any distress caused.

"After Round 1 and watching Melbourne, it was suggested Melbourne - and Richmond - might not win a game. Can you be half a idiot? Probably not."

The Tackle, Herald Sun, Tuesday 27 April 2010
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