The Danny Rose/Serbia incident (U-21s)

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misfortune comes in threes...
Feb 21, 2010
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Adel. Utd, Manc. Utd, Molde FK
Anyone else see this in the Under 21s? Disgraceful from the Serbs. Hopefully they're taken to task by UEFA. Doubt it though.

Apparently Rose did something to provoke the fans...miming the score at some point during (or after) the game to the fans. Hardly justifies the monkey taunts.
Sadly this is the same UEFA that fined Porto €10k less for racist chanting at Yaya and Balotelli, than they fined City for going out 1 minute late for the second half in the same match.

Rose was apparently sent off after the match, will be interesting to see how UEFA handle that particular hot potato.

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Sadly this is the same UEFA that fined Porto €10k less for racist chanting at Yaya and Balotelli, than they fined City for going out 1 minute late for the second half in the same match.

Rose was apparently sent off after the match, will be interesting to see how UEFA handle that particular hot potato.

Reading this on the Grauniad, it defies logic how some of the Serb players can get away with such aggro, yet Rose cops the red.
Yeah not a good idea to incite a Serbian crowd. Most disturbingly the Serbian players and officials were encouraging the racial abuse. Ban them from 2014 WC qualifying and all international football for a year and fine then 1 million euros. That'll sort em out.
danny rose cops 90 minutes of shit from disgusting fans and the serbian fa are trying to paint HIM as the bad guy.

absolutely appalling, and they should be banned from the euro championship they're qualifying towards. it's happened before, and it will happen again. show that you really want to kick it out uefa.
You can clearly hear them monkey chanting...

Disgraceful, and even more so with Serbia denying it, and then shifting blame to Rose in their official response.

Just to want to start by outlining that Serbia are clearly at fault here, and that theres no justification for their actions whatsoever.

BUT Danny Rose shouldn't have reacted, if you accept his behavior you open the door to a whole host of problems when players react to taunting. If you overturn Danny's suspension you set a dangerous precedent for other players reacting to fan/opposition taunts, and if anything all that does is feed the problem.
Just to want to start by outlining that Serbia are clearly at fault here, and that theres no justification for their actions whatsoever.

BUT Danny Rose shouldn't have reacted, if you accept his behavior you open the door to a whole host of problems when players react to taunting. If you overturn Danny's suspension you set a dangerous precedent for other players reacting to fan/opposition taunts, and if anything all that does is feed the problem.

I'll go with Ballotelli here and completely expect any players who gets racially abused to simply walk of the pitch. It's a ****ing disgrace in this day and age for shit like this to happen.

Can anyone give a detailed response about the incident? Don't want to be a pest but watching the video without sound sort of makes it hard. What where the players doing? Why were there fights between them? And obviously the fans were being knobs.
You'd want to hope the incompetent FA do something decent for a change and hit this one hard.

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Can anyone give a detailed response about the incident? Don't want to be a pest but watching the video without sound sort of makes it hard. What where the players doing? Why were there fights between them? And obviously the fans were being knobs.
You'd want to hope the incompetent FA do something decent for a change and hit this one hard.

I put up a link to an article on the Guardian earlier
The Serbs were already on a "last warning" type thing due to what their supporters did in Italy, surely UEFA/FIFA will now hand down a massive punishment, probably something like a 500 Euro fine against the Serbian Football Association.
Reverse the situaion, this happens in England towards the Serbian team what does UEFA do then.......

No it doesn't.

UEFA have come out of this looking like morons.
I don't agree with what happened in Serbia with the racist chants and all, but I think we all know this happens everywhere in Europe, England included, not to mention Italy, Spain, Russia, Poland, Greece, Croatia, Ukraine, Germany, etc, etc. More should be done to stamp this out throughout not just Europe, but the whole world of football.
I don't agree with what happened in Serbia with the racist chants and all, but I think we all know this happens everywhere in Europe, England included, not to mention Italy, Spain, Russia, Poland, Greece, Croatia, Ukraine, Germany, etc, etc. More should be done to stamp this out throughout not just Europe, but the whole world of football.

Come on, stop pretending as if there's no difference between countries. You don't see this stuff in northern Europe anymore. Southern Europe is generally more racist than the north, but eastern Europe is out of control. There is a massive difference between racial perception in eastern and western Europe.

After the Serbia-Belgium game I read the Serbian comments on a forum and Benteke was being referred to as "the black guy" and some felt they had to mention how proud they were that their national team didn't need "immigrants". Yes, 1 of our players was born outside Belgium and is an immigrant, but I guess that's not what they meant.

Look, England has its racist past, so has the US, Australia, Holland etc... But these countries have faced the problem and have done something about it. Racism obviously still exists there and it will never go away, but the general perception can definitely be improved and people can be educated. That's what disturbs me the most - not the monkey noises by a bunch of backward idiots, but the Serbian FA coming out and denying it. That is not only disgraceful, but also another missed opportunity to do something about it.
It happens in england does it.... Maybe ask chris samba abour the differences between playing in england and russia.
Apples and apples huh? I dont think so.

A few season's back i was at upton park sitting amongst home supporters and the guy behind me continually called carlton cole a useless monkey. Granted an isolated case but no one pulled him up either
I reckon the English FA are at the front of the queue in regards to stamping it out.

You will always have idiots in the crowd anywhere but you won't get the chants in big numbers like you do in other countries.
Good on Danny Rose for standing up to them at the final whistle. I would have liked to have seen him and Sordell and any of England's other players who copped abuse just stop play mid game and say F**K this sort these pis* ants in the crowd out or we aren't playing. More players need to stand up for themself during the game ala Nicky Winmar for this to finally get stamped out.

The difference between the AFL and UEFA is the AFL aren't affraid of change at making things better when it comes to racism. IMO any club or nation who has incidents like this should be punished as follows:

1st incident - game stopped, generic FIFA announcement that racism isnt tolerated. Game restarts if it the racism doesnt stop 3-0 loss to the offending team.

2nd incident - ban all advertising in and around the ground and just display the KICK RACISM OUT OF FOOTBALL placards. First sign of racism 3-0 loss, all games for the next 12 months behind closed doors.

3rd incident - deregister the pricks

You'd notice a lot more clubs and FA's take it serious if they lose all advertising revenue for a game, lose points and lose matchday revenues

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The Danny Rose/Serbia incident (U-21s)

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