tigerwill, thank you.Probably safe, but you'll get a mixture of replies.
But just to clarify a couple of points. You can underspend, but only by 5%, you need to pay a minimum of 95% of the TPP.
If you pay less than the 95% a club pays the balance to the afl of up to the 95% and the afl distributes this to that clubs players.
A club can only overspend by a maximum of 5% of the TPP in any one year. ie 105% of that years TPP. Any underspend in one year can be banked for up to 3 years then it ceases. So it can roll on, but it doesn't accumulate, if that makes sense.
You can only ever have a maximum of 105% of the TPP to spend in any one year.
Reference the link you provided. But scroll down to paragraph 13 (f) and (g).
So the number is essentially the same, but that extra 5%, assuming it exists, that would have been banked over each of three years, can only be redrawn over three years.
So the WAG figure, of a $6.3M kitty, thankfully, can't all be spent in one year.