Unsolved The Family Murders

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Out of Sight - The Untold Story of Adelaide's Gay Hate Murders

The Cases of Forensic Pathologist Colin Manock

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let me correct your grammar first:
I have spoken to someone that is very close to this case. I can't say names cos once it all comes out I don't want to ruin it for all the families. There are so many more suspects but I don't know the names. I'm not wasting people's time but why is there only von Einem in prison. So many people went missing and killed. It's a group of people they have suspects. Why don't they get their DNA, they can pick up smokes from the ground and test them. Therefore this case is corrupt
A few points:

1. In the second sentence you say you know names. In the very next sentence you say you don't know names. Which one is it? Your arse or your elbow?
2. von Einem is the only one caught because they don't have proof for the others. The police know who his accomplices were (through statements made by suspects and these statements aligning) but don't have hard proof. They never found the unit the boys were kept at. This would have changed everything.
3. They don't have DNA to test against. Four of the bodies were cleaned, the other was a skeleton.

If you think they higher powers protected the suspects named in this thread then you have rocks in your head. For years rumours went round about high profile people making up The Family and if that were true, it would be reasonable to think there may be a cover up. But only 1 of the suspects was considered high profile. The rest ranged from a doctor, a business man, a hairdresser, a drug addicted rent boy, and 3 drug addicted transsexuals, none of which would be considered high profile. Just a bunch of queer people who formed a social group based around the kidnapping, raping, and sometimes killing of young men,

So either front of with some facts or plausible theories.
let me correct your grammar first:

A few points:

1. In the second sentence you say you know names. In the very next sentence you say you don't know names. Which one is it? Your arse or your elbow?
2. von Einem is the only one caught because they don't have proof for the others. The police know who his accomplices were (through statements made by suspects and these statements aligning) but don't have hard proof. They never found the unit the boys were kept at. This would have changed everything.
3. They don't have DNA to test against. Four of the bodies were cleaned, the other was a skeleton.

If you think they higher powers protected the suspects named in this thread then you have rocks in your head. For years rumours went round about high profile people making up The Family and if that were true, it would be reasonable to think there may be a cover up. But only 1 of the suspects was considered high profile. The rest ranged from a doctor, a business man, a hairdresser, a drug addicted rent boy, and 3 drug addicted transsexuals, none of which would be considered high profile. Just a bunch of queer people who formed a social group based around the kidnapping, raping, and sometimes killing of young men,

So either front of with some facts or plausible theories.

Hard to believe a bunch of misfit weirdos could get away with all these crimes, especially when everyone that's done their "research" knows their names, place of business, address etc...

Adelaide's a small town, even smaller 30 years ago, and those involved in local political parties know there's more to this story then what's ever been published in newspapers.

Ever heard of a very high ranking pollie back in the day ordering incriminating documents be shredded regarding this case? They weren't the only copies! You can't have done research... If all you did is read papers. Bevans had privileges his entire sentence for a reason. One word from that fat old pig and he could cause all sorts of hysteria. But he wouldn't dare, not while the ones that mean the most to him still have a heart beat.

Seriously what people think they know and what's reality is so far apart, if it wasn't so disturbing it would be laughable.
Ever heard of a very high ranking pollie back in the day ordering incriminating documents be shredded regarding this case? They weren't the only copies!

I haven't heard this, but then again I don't live in Adelaide. Do you have any evidence this actually occurred? Or was it 'shredded' too?

I must admit I do find it pretty unbelievable that the only one of these murders they could actually charge von Einem with was Richard Kelvin. Any there any legitimate explanations for why crucial similar fact evidence was deemed inadmissible by the presiding judge?

I have always found these paragraphs particularly weird


"The Good Samaritan

The name Bevan Spencer von Einem first came to attention on the night of May 10, 1972. That night, two homosexual men were thrown into the River Torrens by a group of men. The river banks (or "Number 1 beat" as it was known) were a place for homosexuals to meet in secret, as homosexuality was still illegal in South Australia at that time.

Tragically, one of the men, Dr. George Duncan drowned, however the other man, Roger James suffered a broken leg and was rescued out of the river by von Einem, who happened to be driving by at the time. Von Einem then took James to Royal Adelaide Hospital.

Over the next decade, rumours were rife that the group of men that threw the two men in the river were Vice Squad Police and on July 30, 1985 former Vice Squad officer Mick O'Shea revealed in the The Advertiser newspaper that the group involved were Vice Squad officers and that there was a cover-up to protect them. A task force was soon set up, and on February 5, 1986 three former police officers were charged with the manslaughter of Dr. Duncan, however all were eventually cleared of the charges."


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Hard to believe a bunch of misfit weirdos could get away with all these crimes, especially when everyone that's done their "research" knows their names, place of business, address etc...
But that's what happened.

TBH, I'm just not understanding what you don't get? Do you think the paper printed Dr Woodards name but had it wrong? Do you think the names that were recently uncovered in the diaries that police claim match exactly the information they already have from multiple sources is some sort of cover up?

You know these suspects have all been named in court, right?

Cover up? Really?

Adelaide's a small town, even smaller 30 years ago, and those involved in local political parties know there's more to this story then what's ever been published in newspapers.
You are basing this on.......

Ever heard of a very high ranking pollie back in the day ordering incriminating documents be shredded regarding this case?
Nope. But I heard rumours that high profile hairdresser X was in The Family and that high profile politician Y was in The Family and high profile TV celebrity was in The Family. Guess what? These rumours are/were WRONG.

What makes you think the rumour you just posted isn't another incorrect rumour? Do you have a source? Because I have sources for all my stuff.

They weren't the only copies! You can't have done research... If all you did is read papers.
Places face in palm whilst shaking head. I deal with people like you who for some reason think your competent, all the time.

ps Please point out which bits I have wrong.

Bevans had privileges his entire sentence for a reason. One word from that fat old pig and he could cause all sorts of hysteria. But he wouldn't dare, not while the ones that mean the most to him still have a heart beat.
I've heard bits and pieces but there's no evidence this is actually true to the extent you claim.

Seriously what people think they know and what's reality is so far apart, if it wasn't so disturbing it would be laughable.
I can prove beyond reasonable doubt what I know. You on the other hand can't. You really are a peanut.
Well said and I wouldn't trust what the media say there paid to shut there mouths,quick straw it's a massive cover up
With the grammar skills you have it's quite obvious you're way down the human pecking order. Doesn't say much for your new mate Beary.

Do you really think the media would cover up such abhorrent crimes? Have you ever been abducted by a UFO before?

how could so many people go missing serious and one person only gets caught
Lack of evidence. von einem took Richard Kelvin to his house just before dumping him. Physical evidence proved Kelvin had been in his house just days before his body was found. Given he was held captive for 6 weeks or so, the only logical conclusion is that Von Einem was involved in holding him and probably killing him.

There was no physical evidence linked to M R, Mr B, Denis St Denis, Stephen Woodards, or any of the three trannies. Mr B made a statement to police and gave up names. This matched the knowledge they already had. One of the trannies also made a statement and this too backed up Mr B's version of events. Then a diary was found recently that named the exact same people Mr B and the trans named.

The people have all been named in court.

and exactly what beary17 said why hasn't he told about other people helping he can't they are very high people in this
Could be a number of reasons including:

1. He still protests his innocence and to give other people up would be an admission of guilt
2, If he gave other people up they would then give him up for other things the police don't know about
3. He maybe getting paid to keep quiet by some of the other members

ur not going to solve cases following google
Who said anything about solving it? There's no chance a random will solve this case.But let me repeat this: More information about this case has been uncovered on this thread that any other public media forum.
But that's what happened.

TBH, I'm just not understanding what you don't get? Do you think the paper printed Dr Woodards name but had it wrong? Do you think the names that were recently uncovered in the diaries that police claim match exactly the information they already have from multiple sources is some sort of cover up?

You know these suspects have all been named in court, right?

Cover up? Really?

You are basing this on.......

Nope. But I heard rumours that high profile hairdresser X was in The Family and that high profile politician Y was in The Family and high profile TV celebrity was in The Family. Guess what? These rumours are/were WRONG.

What makes you think the rumour you just posted isn't another incorrect rumour? Do you have a source? Because I have sources for all my stuff.

Places face in palm whilst shaking head. I deal with people like you who for some reason think your competent, all the time.

ps Please point out which bits I have wrong.

I've heard bits and pieces but there's no evidence this is actually true to the extent you claim.

I can prove beyond reasonable doubt what I know. You on the other hand can't. You really are a peanut.

No need for insults pal

The 5 main suspects who police believe are the core group

Bevan Spencer Von Einem - Convicted of killing Richard Kelvin with no doubt about his guilt. Von Eimen was regularly picking up young males, drugging them and raping them, sometimes killing them. He is without a doubt the leader.

Under suppression - The Eastern suburbs business man (Mr R) - it's speculated that this man owned an inner city anique related shop for a number of years. He was close with Von Einem and was likely the second biggest player. At the time he lived with Dr Stephen George Woodards in St Peters. He was refered to as "Mr R" during court hearings. He still operates his business, just not in the eastern suburbs any more.

Denis St Denis - Owned a hairdressing salon in Hazelwood Park. Diaries recently uncover claim the writer saw von Einem and St Denis with pictures of Barnes after he disappeared but before he died. St Denis died in the 90s. St Denis allegedly cut Richard Kelvin's hair whilst he was in captivity. St Denis is also to have alleged to have rented a terrace house in the inner eastern suburbs with Von Einem and this is where the boys were held between abduction and death.

Dr Stephen George Woodards - Lived with the "Eastern suburbs business man" at the time but also had a high profile lawyer lover who was also allegedly involved. Woodards no doubt would have been the supplier of the date rape drugs at the time. Mark Langley had a 16cm incision from just above his penis to the navel area that was stitched up with cotton. Police have speculated this could have been to try to retrieve an object that was stuck in Langley and needed to be retrieved as this object may have had fingerprints. Could be the work of Woodards.

Under suppression - The Male Prostitute (Mr B) - Was in his early 20s at the time so was born circa 1960. Participated in many abductions, drugging, and raping of young men with Von Einem. He gave the police a lot of inside information on Von Einem and for the most part it correlates with the information the police have. Has know to live in Melbourne and Sydney since. His name is in the public domain for an unrelated case. He was most recently reported to be a bus driver in Brisbane

The people who police believe are Associates of the family

6. Pru Firman - a drag queen who lived in share house with 2 other drag queens in Alberton (shitty suburb). Lot's a drugs and date raping of young men going on here
7. Brother of Mike Turtur the Olympic Gold medalist - drag queen who live in Alberton share house
8. Drag Queen 3 - lived in same share house
9. High profile lawyer who was Woodards boyfriend
10 Donald Storen

* One of the drag queens is half maori, not sure which one.
* Also a guy called "Mario" was named in a court case as being present when von Einem met Alan Barnes at a city pub a few days before Barnes was murdered. Mr B and Stephen Woodards were also there. Could Mario be the first name of Woodards' high profile lawyer boyfriend who is also a suspect?
You can kill a man but you can't kill an idea...........

You're not dealing with men, the 'family' does not consist of people. It consists of institutions. 40 years ago there was people shredding evidence, today there is different people doing the same thing. People who have no ties with the names spoken about here. There not protecting individuals, their protecting a system designed to protect itself. That is the family.

Bevan VE was the main man behind these murders. Young Blood - a fantastic book by Bob Obrien (SAPOL Detective) explains how there were peripheral sicko associates of VE but the police were convinced that VE did the killing.
The research I have done does put some doubt into the murder of the Barnes boy.

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Don Dunstan was not the Premier at the time of the killings... but he was very good friends with a paedophile (later convicted in Indonesia).
In your opinion, was Donald Storn associated with the Family?
No. The so called Family were people involved with the drugging/raping and killing of boys/young adults. There is certainly no evidence of Storen being involved.
I am convinced that Von Einem did the killing with help from associates, probably high on drugs supplied by VE.
i can safely say my opinions aren't deduced from what the media ever reported on this case.
I've heard the lot.

The common words that always popped-up are -

Prominent-well known

Do wonder if some lonewolf pleb from a " less affluent " suburb was the culprit whether this would've remained unsolved though.
i can safely say my opinions aren't deduced from what the media ever reported on this case.
I've heard the lot.

The common words that always popped-up are -

Prominent-well known

Do wonder if some lonewolf pleb from a " less affluent " suburb was the culprit whether this would've remained unsolved though.
Von Einem isn't exactly affluent though. Through the gay scene at the time, no doubt there would have been a network that touched on prominent gay people. Certainly Woodard's lover was a prominent lawyer who we don't yet know the name of. Whether these people were connected to the periphery and had some involvement in a cover up is hard to say.

But one thing is for sure: the average person thinks The Family are a bunch of high society people in the upper echelons of professionalism (politicians, lawyers etc). We know BVE was nothing of the sort and the others range from 1x prominent lawyer, a doctor, a clock/fine art dealer, to a bunch of nobody drug addicts. It does match the myth that many believe.

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Unsolved The Family Murders

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