Mega Thread The Flat Earth Mega thread.

What shape is the Earth?

  • Globe

  • Flat circle

  • Unsure

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A long ice glacier now considered to be the 'Ice Wall' that acts as the perimeter for our planet?

8 hr video. only the first half hour or so in and you get to see leaked footage of an "ice wall" that stretches for thousands of miles.
So by saying the above, you actually meant there isn't an ice wall?

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Just trying to keep up mate. You change what you believe after every video you watch. What money or control do "they" gain over lying about the shape of the earth?
Its so simple it doesnt require explaining. Really? If you control everything, you make money from everything. Firstly compulsion to lie to be owners of truth, keep everyone in the dark. Secondly, big pharma is an example. Jesuits/freemasons control every industry....medical, politics, manufacturing, engineering, science, education, data/info, space exploration, etc. They get tons of money from contracts for war, development, space programs, etc. I'm not gonna go into huge detail because its simple and can be researched if you wanted that answer.
If theres a flat earth and dome and ice wall...why would you tell everyone when you can convince the masses its a globe and space and play pretend for a space program worth billions of dollars every year.

Watch the first 30 or so mins of that 5 hr video about stolen/lost history. Theres another good example. Theory was the world pre-1800s was free open energy powering the world. When cataclysm came and they (jesuits/masons) saw opportunity to take over, they tore down the old infrastructure, removed free energy, so they could create a monetized energy system. Thats the premise of that video. Same with the theory they created ww1 and ww2 to power both sides with weapons etc, make tons, then get contracts for rebuilding countries. Same with them fabricating 9/11 so they could invade iraq for oil. Afghanistan for opium control, etc. They invade countries or overthrow leaders that threaten to upset the world banks profits, eg Haiti, Nigeria, etc.
If theres a flat earth and dome and ice wall...why would you tell everyone when you can convince the masses its a globe and space and play pretend for a space program worth billions of dollars every year.

Watch the first 30 or so mins of that 5 hr video about stolen/lost history. Theres another good example. Theory was the world pre-1800s was free open energy powering the world. When cataclysm came and they (jesuits/masons) saw opportunity to take over, they tore down the old infrastructure, removed free energy, so they could create a monetized energy system. Thats the premise of that video. Same with the theory they created ww1 and ww2 to power both sides with weapons etc, make tons, then get contracts for rebuilding countries. Same with them fabricating 9/11 so they could invade iraq for oil. Afghanistan for opium control, etc. They invade countries or overthrow leaders that threaten to upset the world banks profits, eg Haiti, Nigeria, etc.

I reckon something went wrong with WWI. Nobody actually won the war, it just stopped. Then they regrouped and completed their task with WWII.
No I am not. A direct quote from you:

You then provided me a time stamp for the ice wall and it wasn't there. So is there footage of the ice wall or not?

Mandela Effect in action.
Can the argument about money/power not cut both ways? Those seeking power/influence/profit benefit from creating a myth that the earth is flat, publishing material that people gobble up, thus lining their pockets?
Can the argument about money/power not cut both ways? Those seeking power/influence/profit benefit from creating a myth that the earth is flat, publishing material that people gobble up, thus lining their pockets?
It can work that way....if theyre a secret society trying to oust the current jesuit/freemason dominance.

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Or it can work that way out of sheer human greed taking advantage of another human trait - gullibility.
Pennies (youtube views, meager donations) compared to what the world controllers are earning from their position. Billions upon billions. And you KNOW the freemasons are fully in control of all the industries. That isnt mere conjecture l, you KNOW that.
Pennies (youtube views, meager donations) compared to what the world controllers are earning from their position. Billions upon billions. And you KNOW the freemasons are fully in control of all the industries. That isnt mere conjecture l, you KNOW that.

Con artists have fleeced the foolable for centuries. Flat earth con artists are no different. They benefit - profit - from ignorance and pseudo-science. That's all there is to it.
Youre scared, its ok, i understand.

Scared of what? I'm annoyed at the double-standards of the flat earthers, who demand any evidence for the conventional shape of the earth be extremely detailed whilst nit-picking every tiny point, and then taking the smallest piece of evidence for a flat earth as something all-encompassing and undeniable.
Scared of what? I'm annoyed at the double-standards of the flat earthers, who demand any evidence for the conventional shape of the earth be extremely detailed whilst nit-picking every tiny point, and then taking the smallest piece of evidence for a flat earth as something all-encompassing and undeniable.
They do provide plenty of evidence. You may not agree with it, but they dont just declare its flat without trying to back it up, and show how the globular helliocentric model doesnt add up. You may not agree with it, i do. Thats why i believe and you dont. Not because someone is gullible but because i rationalize it. And you have to admit, theres plenty sus about the official story, and constant examples of them faking things in space, artifacts caught on camera on ISS, moon landing inconsistencies, oh we destroyed the data abd lost the tech, aluminum foil Smithsonian etc. The reason FE is growing is because there is mounting evidence inconsistencies, nasa fakery caught out, etc ...only reason its grown. People aren't stupid anymore....well, apart from all those still indoctrinated believing moon landing, ISS, globe/helliocentricity. Thats the irony of it all. Those who still believe all that swearing tooth and nail and not courageous to open their minds and accept the inconsistencies and things that dont add up and are sus.

Im fully confident in my new beliefs. I was once a believer of moon landing, space, globe, helliocentricity. Truly. And yet a very intelligent and rationale mind such as myself has slowly but surely allowed myself to genuinely consider it may all be a lie.
They do provide plenty of evidence. You may not agree with it, but they dont just declare its flat without trying to back it up, and show how the globular helliocentric model doesnt add up. You may not agree with it, i do. Thats why i believe and you dont. Not because someone is gullible but because i rationalize it. And you have to admit, theres plenty sus about the official story, and constant examples of them faking things in space, artifacts caught on camera on ISS, moon landing inconsistencies, oh we destroyed the data abd lost the tech, aluminum foil Smithsonian etc. The reason FE is growing is because there is mounting evidence inconsistencies, nasa fakery caught out, etc ...only reason its grown. People aren't stupid anymore....well, apart from all those still indoctrinated believing moon landing, ISS, globe/helliocentricity. Thats the irony of it all. Those who still believe all that swearing tooth and nail and not courageous to open their minds and accept the inconsistencies and things that dont add up and are sus.

Im fully confident in my new beliefs. I was once a believer of moon landing, space, globe, helliocentricity. Truly. And yet a very intelligent and rationale mind such as myself has slowly but surely allowed myself to genuinely consider it may all be a lie.

A lot of the things which are 'sus' about things like the Moon landings, the shape of the earth etc are usually because the people arguing for a flat earth make their arguments out of ignorance and pseudo-science. They can craft arguments that sound plausible without actually being plausible. Flat earth arguments have grown because the internet allowed like-minded people to band together and reinforce their arguments, but those arguments are consistently shot down.

The standards of proof are different. Flat earthers demand huge standards of proof for a globe, yet will accept low standards to accept a flat earth.


This photo, taken by Captain Orvil A. Anderson and Captain Albert W. Stevens in 1935, shows the subtle curvature of the earth. Credits to the National Geographic Society
They do provide plenty of evidence. You may not agree with it, but they dont just declare its flat without trying to back it up, and show how the globular helliocentric model doesnt add up. You may not agree with it, i do. Thats why i believe and you dont. Not because someone is gullible but because i rationalize it. And you have to admit, theres plenty sus about the official story, and constant examples of them faking things in space, artifacts caught on camera on ISS, moon landing inconsistencies, oh we destroyed the data abd lost the tech, aluminum foil Smithsonian etc. The reason FE is growing is because there is mounting evidence inconsistencies, nasa fakery caught out, etc ...only reason its grown. People aren't stupid anymore....well, apart from all those still indoctrinated believing moon landing, ISS, globe/helliocentricity. Thats the irony of it all. Those who still believe all that swearing tooth and nail and not courageous to open their minds and accept the inconsistencies and things that dont add up and are sus.

Im fully confident in my new beliefs. I was once a believer of moon landing, space, globe, helliocentricity. Truly. And yet a very intelligent and rationale mind such as myself has slowly but surely allowed myself to genuinely consider it may all be a lie.
The stars in the sky….to you what are they?
I see no curvature whatsoever. None.

I also posted screengrabs from the video of an engineer explaining how they NEVER account for curvature when constructing long bridges, roads, canals, etc. Pilots have admitted they do not keep pointing their nose down every x miles to accord with curvature.

There's plenty of evidence out there, whether you want to give it credence or not, many many other people with equally rational minds as yourself, do give credence. Giving credence is not being stupid and gullible, like believing in a Tele-evangelist offering salvation at $100 per month kind of thing. It's everyday people, skilled workers, educated career-people, genuinely weighing evidence up, their own questions/research, seeing plain as day the fakery of NASA, and deciding for themselves. If you dont want to, thats fine. I'm not asking you to adopt it. But I do feel like youve made up your mind and just not willing (even inside your own self) to. Or, maybe, everyone deep down DOES see the fakery of NASA, DOES see the inconsistencies and sees the things that dont add up with whatever Official Story....but just want to default to the OS as its safer/easier or that scoffing "surely not".

Just to re-iterate something.......I am not a conspiracy nut. It's not like I believe any old thing. All the CTs i accept are BECAUSE they are evident (derived from the word evidence). I always need to see evidence. I'm always, like we all mostly are, like a judge in court. I want data, info, evidence, reports, accounts, I want to weigh stuff up, I'm impartial (i have my leanings, but im genuine enough to not let it get in the way of true impartiality).

What CTs do i even believe in? Always felt from day one that JFK was a set up. At the time, for a long time, many people accepted it. Look now, 50 years later, most people truly believe it was a set up, assassinated by more than one shooter. There's been plenty of further evidence over time to make fence-sitters or skeptics change. But there wouldve been a time when people like me who outright believed wouldve been scoffed at. Now they scoff at those who might still think a lone shooter. That was THE only CT i ever accepted. There was a LOT of stuff I'd heard....satanic pedo networks....MKULTRA....etc....and I just didnt believe such stuff. Absurd. When evidence started to mount, more reports, accounts, of Satanic Pedo Networks....eventually I had to go wow it's actually true....politicians, judges, police, etc, powerful business people actually worship Satan lol, and actually engage in organized pedofilia. Wow. Never would've believed it. Even the last 5 years since Pizzagate, people around the world have started seeing that veil lifted and KNOW it's true, the child trafficking, etc. So many busted, so many more reports, so many times when courts, FBI, etc made stuff go away to protect the rich and powerful accused. So obvious. There wouldve been a time when I first started believing it to be true that many others mocked me. Now more people accept it, not JUST BECAUSE....but evidence keeps mounting, suspicious things keep happening, people suiciding themselves with a gunshot to the back of the head type ridiculous stuff, cases made to go away, etc. Now it's a consensus that pedo networks for the rich and powerful exist.

MKULTRA ended up being proven true. After all those years of govt mocking us who believed, and others mocking us, it ended up being exposed and admitted. Who'd have thought it!! Wow, it was actually true all along.

And I've told this story too many times I'm not gonna repeat it....but I NEVER believed 9/11 conspiracy. I was gung ho O/S. Those damned terrorists, lets go to war. It was a chance meeting, gentle persuasion to truly research things, explain this and that, someone urged me, I was full on a bigger scoffer and refused to consider than you about Flat Earth. But I noticed something one day at a street market and suddenly it made me go NOW HANG ON A MINUTE, and I started to genuinely consider. More and more over time it became EVIDENT. Both the lies/susness of the O/S, as well as very solid reasoned evidence and logic applied to evidence for a CT. Slowly I saw/noticed what I didnt before. That's how it works -- open-mindedness. But eventually I went wow. That's when I first started getting into CTs. Around 2004/5. Same with scoffing at the moon landing. Same feeling you guys have whenever you hear a new CT....oh geez, cmon, what else are you idiots gonna start questioning now. Cmon, a fake moon landing? Get real. What now? Fake this. Fake that. You guys are sick, it's a contagion among you. More and more weird theories. I was EXACTLY like that. Even as a CT'er I kept wavering back and forth between no moon landing and yes moon landing, because my brain couldn't comprehend how much of a shit thing that would be to perpetrate on people. Was wavering back and forth as recent as a few years ago even. Nah, cmon. But it was that leaked footage of them creating a fake distant earth on the window that made me commit to it. And then I noticed things I never noticed before. That's how it works.

But the thing that truly convinced me.....once it dawned on me, research into, Jesuits, Freemasons, then that's when the world as I knew it started to crumble apart. Realizing that there really are secret societies, they control everything, they enslave people, they fabricate histories, they lie, they embezzle, they are behind every huge world event. Seeing it all play out. 1984. CCTV. Tracking tech. Freedoms gradually stolen. Spying on masses. The lies and BS of big pharma. The truths about who started wars, who funded wars. The world banking system. Rockeffeler, Morgan, Rothschild, all leaders of nations freemasons, it all starts unraveling, the matrix. Not like you just believe any CT that pops along. I don't believe in lizard people, for instance. Things that MAKE SENSE, that factor into the Jesuit/Freemason matrix. When evidence mounts.

I mean what do YOU believe in? I bet you believe in UFOs/aliens, because....they painted this idea of space and distant suns and planets, a big bang, earth is a mere speck, millions of suns like you just come to accept there MUST BE aliens. UFOs from outer space. I don't even believe in that. I might believe in ghosts. There's really not much outlandish that I believe in.

Flat Earth seems preposterous and outlandish. But it really isn't. There's so much evidence and reasoning behind it. The ancients believed it. Man believed it for centuries. We changed ONLY because the Jesuits/Freemasons sold us the lie of moon landing, space travel, NASA fakery of ISS, Mars rover, etc. It's not some weird idea at all. It's what man believed and knew for most of his time on planet earth. Moon Landing fake, and all of NASAs fakery....thats not outlandish whatsoever....given how theres so much evidence showing it. If there was no constant glitches and caught out fakery, no one would think NASA was ever lying. But there's so much of it. People are no longer gullible and stupid as they used to be when THINGS FIRST HAPPEN. When the planes crash into the twin towers....we are gullible and accept. When you see on TV grainy images of a moon landing....omg they did it! we are gullible and accept. We are invading Iraq for democracy. We are gullible and accept it, when it happens.

But over time, truth always gets exposed. That's the ONLY reason why I or anyone else of rational mind BEGINS to slowly open their minds, consider, take the courageous step to suspend all their indoctrinated beliefs, education, and journey along a scary path....because it is scary. It's a real shock to the system. I cant emphasize how much I was depressed to the point of suicide just realizing that the world is controlled by jesuits/freemasons, that they faked our historical records, that theyre deliberately altering info on the internet, creating new fake histories, new photos never before existed, new articles never before existed, creating a literal Matrix of deception on the masses. To realize that is so depressing. It's not some silly lolsy ride. It's a genuine cathartic process one chooses to undergo. Not the believing itself, but the journey of giving it credence, and genuinely accepting it might be true. That's the catharsis and where all the hurt and depression comes. Just to consider it.

It's a relief when you find out your wife has been cheating on you, after all those months of agonizing about it, wondering, getting the gut feelings, hearing rumors maybe, but never catching it out, never admitted, etc. It's a relief when you finally catch it, and believe. But the hurt and depression is to stop and genuinely consider if it's actually true, or that feeling that something is terribly wrong. That's when it hurts. That journey you take of ACCEPTING THE POSSIBILITY IT MIGHT BE HAPPENING, IS HAPPENING. But it just hasnt been admitted. They're still lying about it, denying it. Still pretending, but you see thru the bs.

Same with all this stuff.
I'll re-emphasize something I said above......The ONLY reason we all believe/d in moon landing, space travel, ISS, pictures of earth, pictures of planets, space BECAUSE they told us so. Think about that honestly. Do any of us really know? We are completely utterly relying on them, accepting their word for it. Don't bullshit me or yourself....that's the ONLY reason why you believe, and that is exactly the dynamic here.....we believe/d BECAUSE they told us so, pounded it into us (indoctrination), and BECAUSE we are reliant on their word, trusting their word.

Ok, so if you admit that. Which you must. Then consider this.....what if....just what if....everything they said was a lie? What if that was true? What if then you suddenly decided to pay attention to all the fakery that shows up with ISS, Mars Rover, Space X, moon landing evidence....what if you honestly admitted to yourself that there's a lot that theyve lied about, are lying about, or actually faking? What if you noticed it, admitted it. What then? Can you honestly say that this thing you are trusting with your life is trustable?

Same as this supposed cheating wife. What if you started noticing the little lies and inconsistencies? What if she kept denying it, telling you're crazy, that you're being unreasonable and ruining the good thing going? She's not gonna admit it. But it's gnawing away at you. You're not imagining things, you can tell. Little things are showing up. Someone else even tells you a rumor they heard. What if the evidence started mounting up. No clear proof, but the evidence is mounting. The thing I'm asking is.....would you still trust her completely? You'd investigate further. Something aint right. Can you deal with the truth? Can you bring yourself to catch her out? To realize your whole marriage has been a sham and a lie. That she duped you all along, strung you along, for your money, or resources, used you with such disrespect. Maybe she even admitted to a little kiss with John, but she swears that's all it was and she's truly in love with you, there are no others etc. You have to really suck all the depression and distrust in, to go along believing in her and the marriage. But what if more and more over time it started to appear like it's not just some abberation of behavior by her, not a one-off. But something so cruel and crushing as since day one she's been stringing you along the whole time, using you.

Sorry to the ladies out there if I use the cheating wife example....cheating wife or husband would suffice here. Forgive me for using wife. :(
So you've got this kinda agnostic view on our planet.

And because you can't see the planet in it's entirety for're gonna be tumbling down the rabbit hole for the rest of your days.

Because other than being in one of them Russian space jets that can take you 60-80,000ft above the are you gonna know?
I do not know.
I was hoping you'd say lights.

Some FE'ers have claimed that to be the case.

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Mega Thread The Flat Earth Mega thread.
