Mega Thread The Flat Earth Mega thread.

What shape is the Earth?

  • Globe

  • Flat circle

  • Unsure

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So you've got this kinda agnostic view on our planet.

And because you can't see the planet in it's entirety for're gonna be tumbling down the rabbit hole for the rest of your days.

Because other than being in one of them Russian space jets that can take you 60-80,000ft above the are you gonna know?

I was hoping you'd say lights.

Some FE'ers have claimed that to be the case.
The reset started in the 1800s. The quick and steady takeover. Long before the 1950s space race.

Not seen that amateur video risen to 100,000 feet? Forget 60,000 feet of Freemason owned Russian jet, the amateur video shows zero curvature and a "hot spot" of the sun on the earth....which indicates a closer proximity and a smaller entity than what is taught.

That video can be found if you search for it on YT.
Matches the clockwork astronomical and alternate flat earth model that Ewar presents....

The end of the ice ages

Around Australia, we know that at the coldest time of the last ice age about 20,000 years ago, sea level stood about 120 metres below its present level.

When the last ice age began to end, a few thousand years later, huge masses of ice that had built up on the land, particularly in the northern hemisphere, began melting. Water poured into the world’s oceans, raising their levels in ways that are now well understood.

By about 13,000 years ago, sea level had risen to around 70 metres below its present level. One thousand years later, it had risen to about 50 metres below present.


Each age is 2,160 years, a full cycle is 25,920 years. At some point the current known lands start entering an ice age, the unknown lands start melting and become habitable.

About 1 hr 14 mins in that 8 hr video .... Amateur video in the pole showing the sun traveling 360 degress in the sky, never rising / setting but following the FE model, circling above the earth.

So many other great examples and demonstrations. But dont think any of you are brave enough to try

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8 hr video -- What on Earth Happened

From start to about 1hr 24 or so mins is evidence and demonstrations to support a flat earth. Ewar is excellent at pinpointing things. Reckon anyone who watches that first 80 mins would not come away without admitting to their private self that it all really does make more sense than heliocentric and globe model. Would deep down privately feel that sense of Weltschmerz. If one was brave enough to try.

There's a few minutes after which segues from talking about the kabbalah as it pertains to origin story of the universe (same as big bang theory) to the origin story of the Rothschild family, and their rise, showing how they took control of everything. From about 1 hr 24 to about 1 hr 40 is the Rothschild origin story.

And now its gonna go in deeper on Rothschild, the kabbalah, illuminati, etc

For those who want answers how control = power = money, the lies of world wars, etc, thats only 20 mins worth of a good concise summation to watch. With a deeper dive to come after.
The reset started in the 1800s. The quick and steady takeover. Long before the 1950s space race.

Not seen that amateur video risen to 100,000 feet? Forget 60,000 feet of Freemason owned Russian jet, the amateur video shows zero curvature and a "hot spot" of the sun on the earth....which indicates a closer proximity and a smaller entity than what is taught.

That video can be found if you search for it on YT.

OK GG - I'll entertain for a minute the earth is somehow not a sphere/globe..?
What now? I mean, what's the end goal here, why are the US, other governments, NASA and related official agencies around the World going to such extraordinary lengths and expense to uphold what you purport to be a myth..?
OK GG - I'll entertain for a minute the earth is somehow not a sphere/globe..?
What now? I mean, what's the end goal here, why are the US, other governments, NASA and related official agencies around the World going to such extraordinary lengths and expense to uphold what you purport to be a myth..?
Control power money, ownership of truth/info/truth is power and means to control is via deception. I cant explain it as well as the videos i keep asking to be viewed. Is it that horrific to spend an hour a night watching those total 13 hr videos? Treat it like a doco, thats all it is, whats so frightening? You dont have to accept its answers, but youll admit to your personal self, theres great merit, and that at least gives you a chance for gnosis
If the planet we live on was anything other than what the vast majority of people believe it to be……we’d know about it.

A secret of that scale in today’s world is impossible.
Nah. Ewar on youtube has broken the code.

It is so cooked, and yet GG claims to not fall for all the CTs.
It's a comprehensive analysis of flat earth, but delves into why and how, and an integral part of it is rothschilds, illuminati, why they lie and control everything, why theyre satanists, why pizzagate activity is part of their schtick, why media plays a part etc.

The doco is broken down into roughly hourly parts inside the video, to make it more accessible.

1st hr....flat earth demonstrations, nasa fakery
2nd of rothschild
3rd hr....delving into illuminati, origins of masonry (solomon), their charter
4th hr....the medias role, how theyre all part of it, covid.
5th hr....delving back into flat earth, cymatics, tesla, free energy, magnetics, earth sun moon just a huge clock mechanism, etc

Will continue tonight.

Ewar is very comprehensive, connecting how it all works, concisely thorough, lot of scientific explanation, demonstration, lot of investigative research into every topic explaining who people are, how they tie in, their backgrounds, affiliations, their quotes, supporting photos or passages from esoteric works, or books on subject matter.

Building a case layer upon layer in great detail, you naturally keep watching, so interesting, revealing. And the further you genuinely go along the 8 hrs the more you will accept.

Many people I've urged to watch have stopped after 5 mins, 1 hr, 2 hrs, but give up, don't want to accept, don't want to consider. It's a hard truth pill to swallow because it's so connected and comprehensive, supported with evidence that cannot be ignored. It's a barrage on one's conditioned mind to shake it by the shoulders, to force you to reconsider your world view.

It may not convince you, depending how dug in you are, but it will pound you incessantly with supporting evidence that you cannot ignore the possibility it may well be true, makes too much sense compared to the network of indoctrinated beliefs. The longer you can go thru the docos length, the more your world view will be altered or at the very least open to acknowledging to your private self.... and that can only be a good first step for us all as individuals. Doesnt matter if your public bigfooty facade is to keep up appearances and scoff and mock me. Whats more important to me is that you privately watch it all and allow that private self to ponder further on its validity.

Also highly recommend his four part The Lost History of Flat Earth also on bitchute. Hashtag search Ewar. That one spends fours hours on the Lost/Stolen History premise (see thread on the Mysteries main board) and the last hour on flat earth with even more supporting evidence, and a model of FE no one else has cottoned on to.

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I see no problem with people taking their time. 4x2, 8x1. Work it into ones personal life. Rather than spend an hour each night on a TV show or new movie, try these two Ewar docos, take it in over 13 days. Whats the harm? Its just a doco. Are we so afraid to allow ourselves to discover something new and drastic? We go on about the scientific method, genuine research, analysis....and yet hypocritically slam the door here, dug in, arent being fair dinkum about search for knowledge.

A genuine watch thru. Cant sit here and lol at me or ask me questions that the docos explain better. Watch it and you will know and wont need to ask, wont need to express dismay with specific questions. Theres no brief summary. 13 hrs of info into a paragraph and then pester with follow up questions. Watch it, endure the experience, be part of the group whove seen it and we can back and forth on isolated points. Even if you remain dug in, you can only be better off after the experience, understanding the comprehensive points and evidence that forms the basis, your own erudition.
In the media analysis section theres a good section where he shows congress and politicians in general so focused on trying to stop FE theory from expanding, how they dont care or censor ufos, bigfoot, etc, but theres a panic among TPTB to censor and derail FE.

Again, explaining why this is so, because the whole network of the illuminati, rothschilds, the NWO age theyve established requires keeping people away from the truths and steered toward the untruths.

I cant do the docos 8hrs of corroboration justice in trying to briefly encapsulate it in posts. Just encouraging those dug in to try and test your beliefs, and ive seen plenty of alt-media, alt-docos, but no one is as thorough building a case and tying everything together as Ewar. Too much sense made to be ignored. A disservice for one to not even ingest 13 hrs of all this into your own zeitgest, mere 13 hrs into the eventual thousands of hours of your life invested in movies etc
You gotta stop this "you're scared to open your mind" comment bro. Its not the case at all.
I understand. FE itself is so difficult to grasp, let alone believe. Weight of 100-200 years of indoctrination and NASA/science evidence for it. Why so many people struggle to even want to engage the topic.

The way to start grasping it better i feel is in seeing and realizing all the fakery NASA does. When you start truly seeing it then it opens the door -- why? And then when you see/realize the illuminati/freemason control over the post 1800s great reset, then it starts tying all together. Can start to notice why the evidence for FE makes sense, validated even.

It's a journey. Not something happens at the snap of the fingers. The journey i reckon best to take is 13 hrs of Ewar. Let his case be given to you as tho you were a juror. Absorb it all, then touch base with your private self
The Rothschild family (/ˈrɒθstʃaɪld/) is a wealthy Ashkenazi Jewish family originally from Frankfurt that rose to prominence with Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812),

Not their original last name.
Anyway, even if theres jewish heritage in their germanic background, suddenly it means the whole story is all mere anti-semitic? Cant be criticized for being central to freemasonry, world banking usurpers, deployers of nwo, etc?
About 1 hr 14 mins in that 8 hr video .... Amateur video in the pole showing the sun traveling 360 degress in the sky, never rising / setting but following the FE model, circling above the earth.

So many other great examples and demonstrations. But dont think any of you are brave enough to try
How brave do you need to be to watch a documentary, even if it is a bit long?

I just finished the 5 hour one. It is a lot to process..

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Mega Thread The Flat Earth Mega thread.
