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big nick

Senior List
Oct 3, 2003
AFL Club
North Melbourne
Other Teams
Quite a few on this board have been all over Deano like a rash about the side performance in Canberra, agreed that the way that the boys played was not the way the North Melbourne FC we love and admire for there determination and desperation. Having said this it is clear that we are heading in a new direction. Deno is looking to accelerate the development of our younger players and thus the team.
JYD flaged last week the fact that he thought Stevo and Arch were incapable of performing heroics of the previous decade and would not be playing 4 ever. His selection of younger developing players is what we need long term instead of some of the older middle range short range prospects.
Sainsbury although not performing to the greatest of levels, the kid has all the tools of a long term AFL prospect. Quick, atheletic, good skills and he has a red hot crack. Imho just needs to settle down and get someone like Kingy take him under his wing and give him some advise. You cant put an old head on a young player. I would much rather see this Kid have a crack than bring in a middle of the road player like S Clayton.
The same can be said with Grima & Harris V's Benny Robbins. Dont get me wrong i like Benny a real honest footballer, however the development of players like Grima and Harris at the highest level is paramunt to our long tem future.
Keep blooding new player's Deno such as Chad, Firitto, Sainsbury, Grima and like its not always going to come offf but needs to be done.
Go Roos
Good points.

I find that you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. People used to dislike Pagan for playing the 'oldies' and then Laidley plays the 'kids' and he gets hammered. Ah, to be a footy coach!


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Originally posted by moomba
People want the kids to be played before they are ready, and then slag them when they don't star week in week out.

Not healthy IMO.

quickest way too get them ready is too be thrown in the mix, and wouldnt take much longer than a week or two for them too find their feet! The game is very basic and its only hard if you make it hard on yourself and they are not kids anymore. If they dont star and pick it up right away then you know that there not ready and thats where they go back and develop in the VFL to get ready. But i guarantee 80% of kids thrown straight in will pick it up cause they will do everything in their power too not let their chance go....

Nursing them until their ready is Un healthy because by the time they take too get ready in the VFL which is not quick, the kids are 20 - 22 years old.

Back in the day kids thrown in the mix like Watson, brereton and so on picked it up straight away because being younger is an edge.

It is very basic and the men have too seperated from the boys ASAP.............
Originally posted by THIRTY-THREE
quickest way too get them ready is too be thrown in the mix, and wouldnt take much longer than a week or two for them too find their feet!

It doesnt matter how acclimatised you are. A kid one year into a weight and fitness program is not going to be able to compete physically with a seasoned AFL player.

You quote Brereton and Watson, but for every one of those their are hundreds that aren't capable of playing senior footy in their teens.
Yeah, and Brereton was gone at 27. On the other hand Michael Tuck didn't play senior footy til his twenties and ended up playong 400! It's a dumb arguement. You are either ready or your not, each player is an individual and is treated so. We don't know the exact reasons why some do and some don't get a game. And I'm sure the coaching staff and about to broadcast those reasons to the general public.
Originally posted by moomba
People want the kids to be played before they are ready, and then slag them when they don't star week in week out.

Not healthy IMO.

Absolutley. A lot of people are also impatient due to the fact that we've had a lot of success over the past decade and can't hack it when we aren't IMO. I was 13 in 1993, a time when I was starting togoregularly to the footy. Went every now and then as a young tacker but didn't go week in week out till 92. So I have only ever known successbut still have the balls to stick up for my team and be patient with the club. Sure we all love to win but we have to face facts and realise that we have a list that probably doesn't look good eneough for finals footy. Just stick with it and the kids will bring us success again!
I don’t think the people calling for kids to come in are slagging em off. Im fairly happy with the balance as it is, but I do see the next few weeks as danagerous to the long term plan. Who will be dropped to make way for Archer, Stevo, Sav and Porter who many want back in. Remove 4 kids and replace them with these guys and we have the mix terribly wrong imo.
Originally posted by moomba
It doesnt matter how acclimatised you are. A kid one year into a weight and fitness program is not going to be able to compete physically with a seasoned AFL player.

You quote Brereton and Watson, but for every one of those their are hundreds that aren't capable of playing senior footy in their teens.

ill quote more that are one year in and by being thrown straight in they find their feet...
FRASER, GODDARD, DYSON, WAITE, and many many more... they acclimitise straight away
Originally posted by THIRTY-THREE
ill quote more that are one year in and by being thrown straight in they find their feet...
FRASER, GODDARD, DYSON, WAITE, and many many more... they acclimitise straight away

waite didn't play a single game in his first year at the club, he was the only rookie that year that didn't debute
What i wanted to afirm by starting this thread was that although the performances of the last 3 weeks are not ideal to put it lightly, it is clear that Deano is looking 2 the future and blooding new and young up and commers. However this is being done in what i perceive is the correct manner in that there are still a number of senior players in the side to make sure the kids have someone to learn from and make sure the kids dont get done in.
This being said now is the time to do so as our senior leaders and hero's of the past decadeare enteing there twighlight of there carrers who better 4 players to learn about the much vaunted North spirit than legends like Arch, Colby, Kingy and Stevo.
what ****es me off is that our new leadership group are playing like **** and are not leading by example at all! and even simmo who always has the ball and tries his guts out just does absolutely nothing with it half the time.
i understand what u are saying with the leaders of the team not performing at there optimum at the minute, this will change and quickly the return of Arch and Stevo will make the team walk taller and there leadership by example will lift all.
Simo realy missed these two, it is clear he is still lurning the ropes as a captain and the challanges he has comfronted over the past three weeks without his two mates and the best leaders in team will make him grow and develop as a Captain.
Simo also needs a specific role to sink his teeth in to, specificlly a run with role. This is were he made the most impact with us in past years and may be good way to boost his confidence by minimising the influence off a higher rated Brisi Bear opponent.
Thoughts Neo

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Originally posted by big nick
i understand what u are saying with the leaders of the team not performing at there optimum at the minute, this will change and quickly the return of Arch and Stevo will make the team walk taller and there leadership by example will lift all.
Simo realy missed these two, it is clear he is still lurning the ropes as a captain and the challanges he has comfronted over the past three weeks without his two mates and the best leaders in team will make him grow and develop as a Captain.
Simo also needs a specific role to sink his teeth in to, specificlly a run with role. This is were he made the most impact with us in past years and may be good way to boost his confidence by minimising the influence off a higher rated Brisi Bear opponent.
Thoughts Neo

i think there's a lot of merit in bringing simmo back to his old role, but then there's the quesiton of how is he going to "lead" the side if he's constantly looking after the best midfielder of the opposition where he could be very well dragged out of a position where he can't influence a game. The way I see it we're in a very dangerous situation because:

Grant is too much of a downhill skiier and likewise for Harvey. Both are capable of being much more consistent and dangerous but they simply aren't performing. I hate this argument (like Dean) where everything will be alright if Arch and Stevo come back. They won't be around all the time and these players are supposed to be in their prime yet they're just playing for themselves.

For mine I think if the current leadership group can't get their act together this year then we could well be dumping them by next year. Call it a crisis of belief but I don't think they have the qualities to be good leaders if they continue to play like they have been. And although I'm going to be shot down for this I think Grant should be traded, we have so many of his type (the forward running midfielder/forward) only he's more decorated and I think we could get something good for him to fill strategic weaknesses in our team.

But then it's not just the leaders, Laidley is a leader as well and he needs to learn to accept his mistakes, some of his moves are just ridiculous and sometimes I just have no idea what planet he's from.

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