Boxing The General Boxing Discussion Thread

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Loved the way he pushed him back as well. Margarito definitely wasn't as energetic as the first fight though IMO. Though Cotto was brilliant in my amateur opinion.
I think Cotto was a lot smarter in this fight. Cotto used his superior boxing skills with great lateral movement. Margarito likes to use his superior strength and power to overcome his opponents but with Cotto continually moving and landing with both hands, Margarito couldn't get any momentum. Just about the most impressive performance Cotto has had in my opinion.
Remember that it's easy to look good against Margarito - a guy with slow feet who trudges forward without much head movement throwing wide shots. Cotto did well, pretty much the same he did in the first fight except that he didnt tire or let Margarito get to him. Marg looked really slow to me.

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cotto did well man but that margarito is a nutcase. i think he actually likes pain. the more shots he takes the bigger his smile grows. not a bad undercard i thought that john murray did surprisingly well early in the fight against brandon rios. for a guy that wasnt given a chance in hell, but he cuts and swells far too easily like margarito, who is gonna have a hard time continuing his career with that eye.
Yeah the undercard was awesome. A lot of people were hating on the Mike Jones fight (or whatever his name was) against the Argentinean, but I liked that fight purely because of the way the Argentinean was fighting - coming forward with a lot of awkward head movement Joe Frazier style. Too bad he didn't really have any decent punches to go with it. The Wolak-Rodriguez fight was good too, and Murray put in a great effort against Rios. He got the upper hand in round 4 or 5, and actually got to Rios with some body shots, and I thought for a second that Rios' weight problems were coming to haunt him, but he turned the fight in his favour and Murray's susceptability to uppercuts ended it.

For me I don't think Margarito's previous eye injuries were related at all to the stoppage. This cut was on the eyelid and the swelling came from above the eye as opposed to below it like last time. Margarito is just too easy to hit, that's his real problem.
Remember that it's easy to look good against Margarito - a guy with slow feet who trudges forward without much head movement throwing wide shots. Cotto did well, pretty much the same he did in the first fight except that he didnt tire or let Margarito get to him. Marg looked really slow to me.

In the first fight he was fighting from the ropes from about round 5 onwards. Quite often getting caught in the corner. In this fight he seemed to push Margarito away from the ropes a lot to get himself a lot more room.

I've only been watching boxing for a few months, but it seemed pretty smart to me. His punches were also hurting Margarito a hell of a lot more, seemingly because he was throwing more of them, and harder.
Yeah good point, he was tying up Margarito a little too. Not sure if Margarito was getting hurt though, the punches were snapping his head back but he's a tough bastard
cotto did well man but that margarito is a nutcase. i think he actually likes pain. the more shots he takes the bigger his smile grows. not a bad undercard i thought that john murray did surprisingly well early in the fight against brandon rios. for a guy that wasnt given a chance in hell, but he cuts and swells far too easily like margarito, who is gonna have a hard time continuing his career with that eye.


it's the truth though
Khan v Lamont Peterson. Really good fight here.

Thought Khan had it in the bag early, but Peterson digging real deep.

Was wondering whether anyone else was watching this. Fight of the year type stuff so far.
Kahn wins the fight but loses his titles because of two point deductions for pushing. Silly boy. Great fight by Peterson though. I think the ref could have told him to keep his head a bit more than he did.

Ref was pretty average to be honest. Got in the way and his instructions were very ordinary.

Great fight though.
Khan ripped off there. 2 points deducted were rubbish considering the ref was too lazy to break them and Peterson was juts rushing in with his head.

judges too were dodgy i had Khan winning 114-111. Peterson did well but he wasn't that effective at all.

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I, for one, applaud the ref for the point deductions. Pushing/holding is ILLEGAL and too often it's just accepted as part of boxing. No folks, it's illegal, and it's about time a ref enforced the rules. Khan was shoving Peterson away from him and pushing down on his head because he had no other answer for what Peterson could do to him at close range, and he was warned about these actions throughout the fight.

^^^ furn talking about Peterson rushing in with his head is just echoing the sore loser in Khan (disgraceful postfight interview). Anyone who knows anything about boxing knows that Peterson did nothing illegal - he was merely chasing Khan around the ring. Roach is pissed that now Pacquiao AND Khan were exposed in each of their last respective fights for sure.

To me Khan is nothing but a fast puncher and quick mover. He has no defence (except to cover up), no counter-punching skills, and didn't adapt to anything that was happening in the ring. All Peterson had to do was keep moving his hands and Khan would shell up. Tell me this: what would Khan be without speed??
I, for one, applaud the ref for the point deductions. Pushing/holding is ILLEGAL and too often it's just accepted as part of boxing. No folks, it's illegal, and it's about time a ref enforced the rules. Khan was shoving Peterson away from him and pushing down on his head because he had no other answer for what Peterson could do to him at close range, and he was warned about these actions throughout the fight.

^^^ furn talking about Peterson rushing in with his head is just echoing the sore loser in Khan (disgraceful postfight interview). Anyone who knows anything about boxing knows that Peterson did nothing illegal - he was merely chasing Khan around the ring. Roach is pissed that now Pacquiao AND Khan were exposed in each of their last respective fights for sure.

To me Khan is nothing but a fast puncher and quick mover. He has no defence (except to cover up), no counter-punching skills, and didn't adapt to anything that was happening in the ring. All Peterson had to do was keep moving his hands and Khan would shell up. Tell me this: what would Khan be without speed??

Rule of the week stuff.

Yes its illegal, but its always been let go. Foreman and Ali did it 15 times a round, its like cracking down on 50m penalties or holding the ball out of the blue. Never seen a point taken for pushing a guy back before.

As for Khan he has some major flaws but he won that fight.
I agree, it's inconsistent with how many other fights are officiated. Although it's not rare to see points deducted for excessive holding.

I don't have any sympathy for Khan, nor do I think the ref did anything wrong. How can you admonish him for enforcing the rules just because no other refs have the balls to? Khan just as easily could've stopped with the pushing/holding, he was warned that many times. He's supposed to be a professional boxer after all.
The only thing I see wrong about what the ref did was that he rarely admonished Peterson for leading with his down and planting it in Khan's chest, forcing Khan to either punch him in the side/back of the head or tie up and wait for a break, neither of which makes for a good fight.

Khan was pushing him away because he was just getting rushed all of the time. Is it a good tactic by Peterson? Of course it was, it took Khan's quickness and reach away so it was a very good tactic. But the ref has a duty to tell Peterson to keep his head up and he only told him maybe twice in the fight.

Meanwhile Khan was forced to push him away so he could actually box. The ref could have been more insistent on Peterson to stop leaning on Khan, rather than let it continue and then penalise Khan when he got frustrated with being leaned on for the entire fight.

Ref was rather poor in my opinion.
there's nothing illegal about "keeping your head low". holy shit.

there was no head butting or "leading with the head", and the only time Peterson's head touched Khan was when Khan put it in a headlock.

Khan was pushing Peterson away because he had no answer for what Peterson was doing to him on the inside. The dude's green as ****, and has no inside game whatsoever. He's used to doing whatever he wants to go, god forbid somebody actually takes him out of his comfort zone. He was getting pummelled and could only respond with pushing/holding. That's not boxing, that's wrestling. the **** deserved the point deductions.

"forcing Khan to either punch him in the side/back of the head" - oh wow what a disadvantage that must be!!

"neither of which makes for a good fight" - how about running for most of the night, does that make a good fight?

"Khan was forced to push him away so he could actually box" - forced?? forced because Khan can't box on the inside??? he also could've moved to the side???? do you even know what you're talking about or are you just making this shit up as you go??
Khan lost the fight, Peterson didn't win it.

I don't know how you can celebrate that match like Peterson's fans were in the arena after the announcement of the winner when overall Khan was clearly the better boxer that night.

Sure, applaud the point deductions for pushing to make an example of Khan, but if Khan still ended up winning that fight on points, no one would complain because he simply boxed better throughout the match, regardless of any come back Peterson made.
Well Peterson sure as hell tried to win it. Showed more grit and determination than Khan did. Chased him around the ring all night.

I don't think Khan boxed that well at all actually. He can throw good combinations and get them off quickly, but other than that, what did he actually do? He couldn't adjust during the fight at all.

This "keeping his head low" stuff though is getting ridiculous. I can't believe I saw a boxing analyst say a similar type thing about Peterson not getting penalised. If someone's trying to get on the inside and get close to his opponent, is he just supposed to stand straight up and stay rigid while he advances?? I just hate it how these babied boxer's expect special treatment, and the people that believe these hype-jobs fall for it.

Why is Timothy Bradley never DQ'd? There's headclashes in almost every one of his fights. He's the head monster. Yet it's swept under the rug because he's with Bob Arum now and will be getting big fights. Nobody will say anything when he uses that third fist to cut up his opponent's face.
I read he might just be doing community service though??
Yeah, well the problem is that just about every prison in the US is overcrowded, so the "lesser" criminals don't end up spending as much time in jail as they are sentenced too (Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan have shown this in LA).

So yeah, he might not be in for long, but he won't be able to fight for those 90 days for sure.
Hoping for a big year of boxing ahead in 2012!

Michael Katsidis - who do you guys believe he will take on next. After dumping his trainer and teaming up with Fenech, where do you see Katsidis in 2012?
Manny calling out Pacman over Twitter, saying May 5 is the date for the fight, interesting.:cool:

I smell another setup, especially with FM going to gaol soon after, I think there's a decent chance they'll fight on the same card, setting up the fight a few months after Mayweather gets out.

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Boxing The General Boxing Discussion Thread

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