the good, no bad or ugly.

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You know the truth behind it, there wasn't actually any Bad or Ugly issues to post about this week. However, because someone made the suggestion, the select few didn't like that and got there back up and decided to argue the point.

If anyone had any Bad and Ugly issues to talk about, wouldn't someone actaully post them?

Or do I actually have that much influence on this board that they are afraid to post anything. Get a life.
You know the truth behind it, there wasn't actually any Bad or Ugly issues to post about this week. However, because someone made the suggestion, the select few didn't like that and got there back up and decided to argue the point.

If anyone had any Bad and Ugly issues to talk about, wouldn't someone actaully post them?

Or do I actually have that much influence on this board that they are afraid to post anything. Get a life.
What the hell are you on about? There are bad and ugly issues which began your sooking. You said to me the other day something which is apt for your last sentence:

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What the hell are you on about? There are bad and ugly issues which began your sooking. You said to me the other day something which is apt for your last sentence:
Then stop arguing with me and post them. Yet, I'm the only one who argues.

Nice work.
That's why here is an 'ignore' function. I have three boring twats on mine and it makes the forum a much better place when you don't have to read post after post of whinging drivel.

I know there is and at different times of my forum existence I will use it but mainly for trolls. Usually, I appreciate that Alex has a different point of view and whether right or wrong, it is refreshing but when it drags on and on in a thread, sometimes it needs someone to say " enough is enough"
I think EC and AIOF have got themselves stuck in a continuous loop in a rip in the time/space continuum (please excuse the Star Trek reference) and just keep looping back on themselves. I would suggest that they leave themselves subliminal tags so when they next loop around, they get the hint and take action to prevent a recurrence.
I think EC and AIOF have got themselves stuck in a continuous loop in a rip in the time/space continuum (please excuse the Star Trek reference) and just keep looping back on themselves. I would suggest that they leave themselves subliminal tags so when they next loop around, they get the hint and take action to prevent a recurrence.
I only jumped back in to respond to one of the most absurd posts I've read on this board. Go back over the last few days and theres been other posters taking up the cause.
I only jumped back in to respond to one of the most absurd posts I've read on this board. Go back over the last few days and theres been other posters taking up the cause.

Granted, but I guess the more you, and a few others keep arguing with alex, the more the topic keeps looping back on itself. The essence of the weekly "Good, Bad and Ugly" thread has gotten horribly lost as a result.
This is true, clubs are known to analyze all aspects of the game - good, bad and indifferent. However, you know what else is true Macca23, after games where teams lost by 119 points, clubs are also prone to just wipe the slate clean and say, lets just forget about that performance and move on to next week. Lets put it down as an aberration. You've never heard a club make that statement? The point I'm making, not every game requires a total in depth analysis. That's why, IMO we didn't or don't need to worry about about the bad or the ugly this week.

There are approx. 30 active threads on the first page of this board, why do you need one more to discuss the negative aspects of the game and club after a 119 point victory.

FFS, after winning by 119 point why do we need to read about Chris Knights being a shit player, Richard Douglas falling over, Brent Reilly's errant handballs, or any other negative crap that goes on. One week, one ******* week where we ahve won by 119 we would give it a miss. But no, not on this bloody board.

No, as far as I know that was Andrew Jarman alias on the MMM rush hour great mate debate? wasn't it.

Why do you ask?

I can categorically say, I am not and have never been an alias of Crows98.
Firstly why do we need to defend one of the most popular weekly posts because Alex decides he thinks it silly because we won and not only that has gone on repeatedly saying why.
It simply a easy way for individual posters to do a brief match review , it is that simple.
Yes Alex it is your right to also put your view but to attack anyone that post on subject and keep on about it doesnt need to happen .
I enjoy win or lose by whatever ,like or not the views of other fanatical Crows supporters.
Just as I suspected, and no doubt this will be deleted as well.

Kane I've said my piece, hopefully we can move on.

Good: lots
Bad: injuries
Ugly: Reilly costing us a goal in the last qtr ;)

Elite Crow was the main instigator in getting his knickers in a knot over my suggestion not to have a Bad Or Ugly section this week, yet his only contribution was a 'joke'

Considering it's Wednesday afternoon (more than 70 hours after the match), so either a cat has his tongue and he's waiting to read other people contribution and bade his argument on that, or deep down he agrees with me that this week we didn't need that section after all.

Like I said last night, I only made a suggestion
Firstly why do we need to defend one of the most popular weekly posts because Alex decides he thinks it silly because we won and not only that has gone on repeatedly saying why.

Like I said last night, I only made a suggestion and can not control how anyone else post; if you wish to add anything to the 'Bad or Ugly' section, go ahead. However, considering it is Wednesday afternoon and you're yet to even add anything, I don't think it's that important.
FFS stop being a baby. Just because I havent decided to provide an in depth analysis of the game doesnt mean others dont have a right to. For all you know I could agree with what others have posted and didnt feel the need to add further.

As for getting my knickers in a knot, I told you to pull your head in and allow people to post what they want. It wasnt an attack as youve tried to portray it and yours wasnt a suggestion it was a whinge.

Sorry Mods for replying to the sook. I promise to allow Alex to have the last word which Im sure he will.

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FFS stop being a baby. Just because I havent decided to provide an in depth analysis of the game doesnt mean others dont have a right to. For all you know I could agree with what others have posted and didnt feel the need to add further.

Yet, you have the audacity to suggest I lecture, yet here you are talking on everyone behalf. I made a suggestion after 119 point win, it wasn't like a 3 or 4 goal victory.

As for getting my knickers in a knot, I told you to pull your head in and allow people to post what they want. It wasnt an attack as youve tried to portray it and yours wasnt a suggestion it was a whinge.

Sorry Mods for replying to the sook. I promise to allow Alex to have the last word which Im sure he will.

Pull my head in, what the **** are you on. Why the **** should I do that for. It's the ****ing internet you. Are you serious? You seriously have an over inflated ego and a warped sense of reality if you think anything said on this is half important.

ha ha ha cool story bro. :thumbsu:

Alex - In a win, Good Bad and Ugly - you can choose to put the word "nothing" in the Bad and/or Ugly columns. Just because YOU saw nothing bad or ugly, doesn't mean others didn't. Seriously dude, you really need to lighten up!

WTF are you talking about Jenny? - we won by 119 points. Only the hardest of critics would have found fault during that game. If you opened your eyes and looked at the situation, it would be a no brainier. FFS

Why are you still telling me to pull my bloody head in, either post your bad or ugly or STFU.

People clearly don't agree with me, you must post bad and ugly stuff so so ahead and 'just do it'. But FFS we won by 119 points, what can you find fault with? It's a simple equation.
Yet, you have the audacity to suggest I lecture, yet here you are talking on everyone behalf. I made a suggestion after 119 point win, it wasn't like a 3 or 4 goal victory.

ha ha ha cool story bro. :thumbsu:

WTF - we won by 119 points. Only the hardest of critics would have found fault during that game. If you opened your eyes and looked at the situation, it would be a no brainier. FFS

Why are you still telling me to pull my bloody head in, either post your bad or ugly or STFU. It's a simple equation.

Bad could have been the injuries sustained, or a relatively poor first half, Ugly could have been the poor crowd attendance, or the commentating, or the umpiring. Every game has highs and lows.
Bad could have been the injuries sustained, or a relatively poor first half, Ugly could have been the poor crowd attendance, or the commentating, or the umpiring. Every game has highs and lows.

Maybe someone should dig the Perfect Storm thread up again, as that's the direction we are heading.

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the good, no bad or ugly.

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