The Greens

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He started ranting about rooftop solar and batteries. Got asked multiple times how long it would take, how much it would cost and what infrastructure changes would be necessary. His "answers" were essentially, that's not the point, the ALP should start doing it now.
Was there an ALP person to answer the question why they weren't?
By picking fights, what I am getting at is that when he is asked about the Greens position he too frequently shifts the discussion to what the major parties aren't doing rather than what he wants to do, why and how. He's got ideals that I agree with and that will bring people along for the ride but whenever anybody drills into Bandt's (Greens) policy lately, he is found wanting. He then changes gears and starts the finger pointing.

Yesterday was a prime example. Insiders, love it or loathe it is an excellent forum for somebody like Bandt given the audience it attracts. He's never going to win over the right, but he does need to win over the centre and centre-left as they are the people who will push the government to where the Greens want them to go. But all he wanted to do was get into an argument with David Speers and dodge answering questions that he should expect to be asked. It then just turned into two people talking over the top of each other.
Well that's fair, he really should be on top of those things and be able to outline a vision along with taking the government to task.

On some subjects he might be hamstrung by internal disagreements within the party on agreeing a formal position. For example, there was significant internal bickering about what stance to take on the Voice referendum. Even the First Nations groups within the party had disagreements. Most prominently, amongst First Nations Greens parliamentarians Dorinda Cox was for Yes while Lidia Thorpe was for the progressive No. Eventually the decision was made by the hierarchy to support Yes (which directly led to Thorpe's departure), but until that point, it would have been impossible for Bandt to express a definite position when his party hadn't yet made a decision internally.

However, this would only apply to a small handful of issues, as the party has policies for most topical issues.

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"Reluctantly" (Bandt), after months of umming and ahing instead of staying loyal and in solidarity with the black fellas as they had been right from the beginning of the Voice process which began some ten year earlier.

They played a pivotal role in convincing the electorate about the absolute bull shit being peddled by the racists and the reactionaries that it was touch and go amongst Aboriginal people as to whether or not they supported the Voice. And all so that they wouldn't lose a few votes from the inner city Blak fascists. Have a look at the voting numbers on the AEC to see that between 65% and 85%+ YES vote in areas and regions with predominantly Aboriginal populations.

Bandt and the green/bourgeois party played politics with the lives and wellbeing of the First Nations people and they stand condemned forever for that atrocity. F**k the greens!
The ALP well and truly bungled the Voice referendum, blaming it on the Greens is delusional.
Queensland Greens appear the best run, most grounded of the lot.

They definitely are and their performance in 2022 gave me a lot of hope but I don't know if they have the funds to continue taking up the fight to the major parties, I really hope I am wrong on this
There's not a lot that comes out of Adam Bandt's mouth that I agree with, but the speech he just gave in Parliament while introducing a bill to recognise Palestine as a state was absolutely brilliant. It was passionate and factual, and showed both the ALP and LNP for the cowards they on this issue. One thing he mentioned which I wasn't aware of, was the ALP's platform on this issue. At last year's national conference, it was resolved that "The National Conference... calls on the Australian Government to recognise Palestine as a state" and "expects that this will be an important priority for the Australian Government". Yet we hear absolute f***ng crickets about it.

And to the interjectors during his speech (unsure if they were LNP or ALP members) hang your heads in absolute shame, safe in the knowledge that you are actively helping the oppression of the Palestinian people.
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Schroedinger's Greens: simultaneously a small ineffective minority, and also leading the government.
yeah never mind he asked for bipartisan support to go ahead with the religious discrimination bill and the coalition refused to support it (even though it was originally their policy)
Labor and liberals join up to accuse the greens of spouting misinformation and even inciting violence???

Whata going on. I dont follow domestic politics closely. Anyone can explain? Are the media oversensationalising this?
Greens are saying defence is exporting munitions to Israel and has a contract with Elbit. It seems we actually have a contract with a Korean company who are supplying us with Israeli designed but Australian built systems and none are going to Israel

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The ALP well and truly bungled the Voice referendum, blaming it on the Greens is delusional.
Once the LNP opposed it the referendum was dead. Referendums are only ever successful when they are bipartisan.

The LNP were always going to do what the Minerals lobby and pastoralists told them to do.
Labor and liberals join up to accuse the greens of spouting misinformation and even inciting violence???

Whata going on. I dont follow domestic politics closely. Anyone can explain? Are the media oversensationalising this?
They're both sycophants to the US, and by extension, Israel. The Greens are now the real opposition.
Once the LNP opposed it the referendum was dead. Referendums are only ever successful when they are bipartisan.

The LNP were always going to do what the Minerals lobby and pastoralists told them to do.
Doesn't mean the ALP didn't also **** it up though.
Thank faark that will never happen posters in here thinking that clown Bandt speaks for the majority of Australians are deluded., all he will manage to do is help with. handing government back to the opposition.
When exactly has the leader of the Greens said he speaks on behalf of the majority of Australians? What has he said that seems to have offended you so badly?
When exactly has the leader of the Greens said he speaks on behalf of the majority of Australians? What has he said that seems to have offended you so badly?
Lol i’m not offended he’s having a crack at Labor and the Libs for not condemning Israel like the people of Australia agree with him which couldn’t be further from the truth.
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Lol i’m not offended he’s having a crack at Labor and the Libs for not condemning Israel like the people of Australia agree with him which couldn’t be further from the truth.

"Twice as many Australians support Israel withdrawing from Gaza (37%) than believe Israel is justified in continuing its military action (18%)."

"Four in five Australians are in favour of a ceasefire in Gaza (81%), and a majority (53%) support the Australian Government taking more action to achieve that goal"

"Twice as many Australians support Israel withdrawing from Gaza (37%) than believe Israel is justified in continuing its military action (18%)."

"Four in five Australians are in favour of a ceasefire in Gaza (81%), and a majority (53%) support the Australian Government taking more action to achieve that goal"
Polled a thousand people eh? let me guess inner city Melbourne bahaha.

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The Greens

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