The Hardest Thing I've ever had to do

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Be Positive
Mar 13, 2013
AFL Club
Should of known from the start it was a huge mistake, but I just wanted to be like my 3 big brothers.

There we were exactly 50 years ago sharing a ciggie in my Nan's garage and in burst my mother.

To say she was outraged was an understatement, "Of all the stupid, senseless beep beep beep things"

She raged and it slowly dawned on us it wasn't the smoking she was angry about, it was the fact that 4 0f her 5 children, her 4 sons were sitting on 4 full kerosene tins smoking. Not one of our brightest moments

But there began a struggle, which has been my hardest.

Other substances, legal and non-legal, have come and gone and by the time I got to the "Not sure about this smoking lark" 20 years had come and gone.

So the goals begain..."When they reach such and such price" "When I turn 35///40///45///50" They all came and went. New years reso after new years reso.

Last year I took a stand and switched to vaping, it was seamless and allowed me to deal with the nicotine addiction while ridding myself of the toxic by-products of tobacco.

Best laid plans, right on cue they became illegal.

Luckily successive governments out of pure greed and under the guise "we care about your health" had created one of the biggest black markets in the world.

So getting what I needed was easy.

Over the last 6 months I've tapered off vaping to the point 4 weeks ago I stopped altogether. I could not of done that on cigarettes, I needed a viable way out that was going to work for me

Looking back on it all, I see now it wasn't a long held habit I was trying to break, it was a long held addiction that had me where it wanted me, it was been one of the hardest things I have had to look in the eye and beat.
Should of known from the start it was a huge mistake, but I just wanted to be like my 3 big brothers.

There we were exactly 50 years ago sharing a ciggie in my Nan's garage and in burst my mother.

To say she was outraged was an understatement, "Of all the stupid, senseless beep beep beep things"

She raged and it slowly dawned on us it wasn't the smoking she was angry about, it was the fact that 4 0f her 5 children, her 4 sons were sitting on 4 full kerosene tins smoking. Not one of our brightest moments

But there began a struggle, which has been my hardest.

Other substances, legal and non-legal, have come and gone and by the time I got to the "Not sure about this smoking lark" 20 years had come and gone.

So the goals begain..."When they reach such and such price" "When I turn 35///40///45///50" They all came and went. New years reso after new years reso.

Last year I took a stand and switched to vaping, it was seamless and allowed me to deal with the nicotine addiction while ridding myself of the toxic by-products of tobacco.

Best laid plans, right on cue they became illegal.

Luckily successive governments out of pure greed and under the guise "we care about your health" had created one of the biggest black markets in the world.

So getting what I needed was easy.

Over the last 6 months I've tapered off vaping to the point 4 weeks ago I stopped altogether. I could not of done that on cigarettes, I needed a viable way out that was going to work for me

Looking back on it all, I see now it wasn't a long held habit I was trying to break, it was a long held addiction that had me where it wanted me, it was been one of the hardest things I have had to look in the eye and beat.
Was in hospital last week and asked for a patch,
Had the worst nightmares in my life.

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Last year I took a stand and switched to vaping, it was seamless and allowed me to deal with the nicotine addiction while ridding myself of the toxic by-products of tobacco.

Best laid plans, right on cue they became illegal.

Luckily successive governments out of pure greed and under the guise "we care about your health" had created one of the biggest black markets in the world.

So getting what I needed was easy.

Over the last 6 months I've tapered off vaping to the point 4 weeks ago I stopped altogether. I could not of done that on cigarettes, I needed a viable way out that was going to work for me

Looking back on it all, I see now it wasn't a long held habit I was trying to break, it was a long held addiction that had me where it wanted me, it was been one of the hardest things I have had to look in the eye and beat.
Making vaping illegal is so stupid. My wife had smoked from 14 (geek trying to become cooler, just ended up a geek who smoked). Tried quitting many times, but similar to you, switching to vaping, then tapering off it was what had her able to finally kick the habit after almost 35 years by the end of it. I get not wanting kids to try the 'cool' vaping, make it illegal to those under 25 or even 30, and it'd remain as an option for those using it to quit smoking. Instead they've gone for the worst of all worlds option.

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The Hardest Thing I've ever had to do

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