The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

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And no one mentions how Australia is the 6th largest contributor to China's Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank, which Australia joined in 2015 when Abbott was PM. Where's all the "Abbott CCP Shill" comments? Why didn't the Liberals (or Labor recently) remove Australia from the AIIB if they are so concerned about Keating being involved with a Chinese bank?

It's such dripping hypocrisy. It makes me want to vomit.
Crap comparison. The AIIB is a multi lateraly controlled organisation set-up by China before Xi consolidated his power and started his path to war around 2016. It is a government to government deal that no single Australian profits from and is an example of the positive path China was on before Xi got comfortable enough to start undoing the great work of his predecessors.

Keating is being made millions by a CCP controlled bank.

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It wasn't that long ago that Abbott stood up in Parliament and said any criticism of the trade agreement with China was racist, Morrison leased Darwin Port to them, they own vast tracts of our country, Stuie Roberts was accepting Rolexes from them ffs and now we're supposed to believe they're some sort of existential threat us. If that's the case how did we get our recent relationship with them so very wrong in allowing all of this, should we not be asking serious questions about the judgement of members of the government that let this happen on their watch?
Shinzo Abe and Xi were close. Trump’s Tariff’s brought Japan and China closer. They have island disputes, but every nation in the region has those. Arguably Japan-South Korea relations are arguably worse, but no one suggests a Japan-South Korea war is imminent.

If you read the history of the rape of Nanking then you’ll realise it’s actually China which has the main grievance with Japan, not the other way around.
Wowee, do you just make up stuff about relationships between Japan and China?

Japan is firmly on the US/EU side of the equation of completely distrusting China.

The CCP has killed waayyyy more Chinese people than the Japanese did during WW2. Not excusing those atrocities, but it seems strange that people are bringing up WW2 as being relevant, but that the Chinese invasion of Vietnam is not, and that the US being involved in the Vietnam Civil war is relevant, but the CHinese involvement in Pol Pot's Cambodia is not.

Seems ridiculously selective.

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Keating is being made millions by a CCP controlled bank.

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Absolute crap….. his fee on being on the board of the Chinese development bank was $5000…. The same fee the next bloke sitting next him got … Henry Kissinger … stop watching Skynews and stop reading NewsCorp dribble.
Has little Johnny Howard spoken up yet? I guess he still has nightmares about being owned everyday in Partliment by Keating…

“Like a dog returning to his vomit” 😂😂😂

“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.

Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance.

In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation.

The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Russia or China, but to keep the very structure of society intact.”

The main point I took out of Keatins various rants was, how the hell is an invading army getting here.

Seems like we are getting worked up about things that are highly unlikely

That being said, we should always be prepared for that style of invasion, just not hysterical.
The main point I took out of Keatins various rants was, how the hell is an invading army getting here.

Seems like we are getting worked up about things that are highly unlikely

That being said, we should always be prepared for that style of invasion, just not hysterical.
The Japanese worked out it couldn't be done
The main point I took out of Keatins various rants was, how the hell is an invading army getting here.

Seems like we are getting worked up about things that are highly unlikely

That being said, we should always be prepared for that style of invasion, just not hysterical.

It would be so easy to see them coming and repel them especially from the shoreline.

Also, don't China already own like 20% of Australian land? lol. They'll just be invading themselves.

This is legalised corruption on steroids, I wouldn't be surprised if every Labor and Liberal politician had shares in weapons companies. Just like how Tim Pallas has shares in Transurban and approved the West Gate Tunnel.
Has little Johnny Howard spoken up yet? I guess he still has nightmares about being owned everyday in Partliment by Keating…

“Like a dog returning to his vomit” 😂😂😂

Last time I looked at the only political scorecard that matters between Howard and Keating, the score was Howard 1, Keating 0.

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Name 1 significant legacy that Howard left us? And you can’t use the baby bonus …

Parliamentary abuse isn't a legacy either.

50% of people who lost their jobs in the recession that took place while Keating was Treasurer never worked again. That's literal human wreckage. A recession that was, in the most fair analysis of Keating as Treasurer, exacerbated by his world class hubris. Now that is a legacy.

Fewer guns is a legacy too.

But Keating's personal abuse is humorous, clever, and targeted at people you don't like, so you give him a pass. Stick it to Hartcher! Take that Hewson!

It's part of the reason I had no time for the "political discourse is as bad as it has ever been" line used during the Gillard Government. Pictures of protests comparing people like Malcolm Fraser and Jeff Kennett to Nazis tell me otherwise.
It wasn't that long ago that Abbott stood up in Parliament and said any criticism of the trade agreement with China was racist, Morrison leased Darwin Port to them, they own vast tracts of our country, Stuie Roberts was accepting Rolexes from them ffs and now we're supposed to believe they're some sort of existential threat us. If that's the case how did we get our recent relationship with them so very wrong in allowing all of this, should we not be asking serious questions about the judgement of members of the government that let this happen on their watch?
Its almost like the liberals and their donors value money over everything till they just cant ignore it.

If australian special forces were operating in china clandestinely, covert accessing companies secrets and inventions, stealing ip, breaking into infrastructure and causing breakdowns and general mayhem, what do you think chinas response would be?

Would that be unacceptable?

Isnt that a hostile act by a hostile power?

China is doing all of that, online, every day of the week.

Just because its dine virtually doesnt make it any less than the act of a hostile nation.
Its almost like the liberals and their donors value money over everything till they just cant ignore it.

If australian special forces were operating in china clandestinely, covert accessing companies secrets and inventions, stealing ip, breaking into infrastructure and causing breakdowns and general mayhem, what do you think chinas response would be?

Would that be unacceptable?

Isnt that a hostile act by a hostile power?

China is doing all of that, online, every day of the week.

Just because its dine virtually doesnt make it any less than the act of a hostile nation.
And the USA would never do anything like that, would they?

Why are you pushing so hard for a war?
What do you think you will gain?

Here's a little tip, just like me and millions of others, you will be fkng won't be a pretend weekend warrior war game, you will be D.E.A.D
And the USA would never do anything like that, would they?

Why are you pushing so hard for a war?
What do you think you will gain?

Here's a little tip, just like me and millions of others, you will be fkng won't be a pretend weekend warrior war game, you will be D.E.A.D
Im not pushing for a war funk that.

Im pushing for us to be independently able to defend our country so efficiently that noone wants to go to war with us.

Armaments are expensive, billions and billions of dollars.

But they are cheap compared to wars which cost billions a day. The uk just recently finished repaying ww2

Also whats with the whataboutism? If the us does something to someone that makes it ok for someone else to do it to us?
Im not pushing for a war funk that.

Im pushing for us to be independently able to defend our country so efficiently that noone wants to go to war with us.

Armaments are expensive, billions and billions of dollars.

But they are cheap compared to wars which cost billions a day. The uk just recently finished repaying ww2

Also whats with the whataboutism? If the us does something to someone that makes it ok for someone else to do it to us?
Modern war does not have to be expensive. In fact, it is not expensive.

Ukraine is destroying Russian tanks by the 100's with relatively cheap shoulder launched weapons and attacking troops with retail drones holding grenades. Russia is too scared to commit their fighter fleet to the conflict because it is too easy for Ukraine to shoot them down - instead they are raiding washing machines of their microchips so they can build more drones themselves.

What is the point of expensive military hardware if it can be destroyed in an instant with cheap hand held weapons.

And this will apply to maritime assets soon enough as well.

What we are doing is beyond dumb. Instead of building capability to defend Australia we are buying a capability to support USA maritime blockades.

And in two years Trump probably gets back in, restarts America First and then where are we?
What's the most hilarious thing about either Libs or Labor drumming up the threat of China is that they gleefully take donations from Chinese donors and sell Australian assets to them

It's all a big game

And the ALP had better realise - the reason why they have a slight majority government rather than a minority government is because of the 4-5 seats they got, and some more that came very close (Deakin), because of Chinese Australian voters swinging to Labor.

Whilst they didn't appreciate the dog whistling from the LNP don't think they won't feel nervous about their nation of heritage being the number one target of the Australian neocon establishment. Labor had better watch themselves.
What we are doing is beyond dumb. Instead of building capability to defend Australia we are buying a capability to support USA maritime blockades.

And in two years Trump probably gets back in, restarts America First and then where are we?

That's Keating's point.

Yeah, it's one thing to get submarines and military equipment to defend this nation, but all this AUKUS deal does is tie us into the US war machine. Now we are getting Tomahawk missiles too. Great, we can expend some munitions on whatever Chinese target the Pentagon tells us we need to destroy.

For the Pentagon at least they believe that the Chinese retaliation will probably be directed here not at their country.
It wasn't that long ago that Abbott stood up in Parliament and said any criticism of the trade agreement with China was racist, Morrison leased Darwin Port to them, they own vast tracts of our country, Stuie Roberts was accepting Rolexes from them ffs and now we're supposed to believe they're some sort of existential threat us. If that's the case how did we get our recent relationship with them so very wrong in allowing all of this, should we not be asking serious questions about the judgement of members of the government that let this happen on their watch?
All before Xi turned pyscho and militarised the islands stolen from the Philippines, started the largest military build up in history (outside actual wartime), attacked India, threatened Taiwan for not allowing themselves to occupied, implemented crimes against humanity in Xinyang, oppressed Hong Kong, reinstated some of the most oppressive internal laws in history, started disappearing rivals etc.

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The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

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