Conspiracy Theory The Moon landing - 40 years on

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Here are some nice pictures of the Apollo 11 and 12 landing sites taken from India's Chandrayaan 2 orbiter. Note this is orbiter from the previous mission where the lander failed. Can we please bury the moronic conspiracy that the yanks didn't go to the moon, I suspect it was a Russian disinformation exercise and so many folks fell for it.

Here are some nice pictures of the Apollo 11 and 12 landing sites taken from India's Chandrayaan 2 orbiter. Note this is orbiter from the previous mission where the lander failed. Can we please bury the moronic conspiracy that the yanks didn't go to the moon, I suspect it was a Russian disinformation exercise and so many folks fell for it.

Actually the Soviets were congratulatory at the time, albeit disheartened by their own setbacks. IIRC the conspiracy theories were mostly kicked off by Bill Kaysing, an American.

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Actually the Soviets were congratulatory at the time, albeit disheartened by their own setbacks. IIRC the conspiracy theories were mostly kicked off by Bill Kaysing, an American.
Thanks for that. I have seen Dmitry Rogozin claiming the moon landings were fake. My brother had a French girlfriend in the 1970's and she never believed the Apollo program landed on the moon. When I asked her why, she answered - 'how could they, they are not French'
Here are some nice pictures of the Apollo 11 and 12 landing sites taken from India's Chandrayaan 2 orbiter. Note this is orbiter from the previous mission where the lander failed. Can we please bury the moronic conspiracy that the yanks didn't go to the moon, I suspect it was a Russian disinformation exercise and so many folks fell for it.

Why did GG.exe laugh at this?

Posting all this stuff "pretends" like he doesn't believe in it. Have they fooled everyone? Not me.
Unrelated perhaps but interesting to follow, I am Santa Claus of the United States@bigredwavenow on twitter.

Here we have BlueE using an alt account on social media, to suggest to someone else they follow a guy on Twitter whom he also follows.

This was posted 5 years ago.

But... 'I'm not on any social media and I dont do Twitter'.

Lololol. You've been in the oven getting well cooked for several years now mate.

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Conspiracy Theory The Moon landing - 40 years on

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