Current Trial The Murder of 9yo Charlise Mutten - Blue Mountains * Justin Stein Sentenced to Life in Prison

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Article quoted a fellow-client as stating KM swapped rollies for Coke (or something like that). Last November. The whole corvid thing is a blur to me, but would licking rollies pre-swap-for-coke be corvid-safe? Or did KM carry a container of sterilised water with her when manufacturing the rollies ? And could life get any more insane

not to mention sex in the ute during 'access'. Where were Hazzard and Chant?

But the accused is in Silverwater undergoing corvid isolation at the moment. So life did become more insane

I was in a psych ward which was also a rehab at a private hospital in August 2021 in Melbourne and we were exempt from wearing masks. The state went into lockdown when I was there and so visitors and trips outside the hospital were banned but people were free to go outside or to the carpark to smoke.

There was one patient very worried about covid but the rest not at all.
Online dating?

Prison pen pal system. And no, I'm not joking. I will see if I can find the article.

But they wrote to each other for something like 2 years?

I think that's one of the reasons they got engaged so quickly. They met for the first time in person in November 20 but had known each other through their penpal relationship for 2 years.
Prison pen pal system. And no, I'm not joking. I will see if I can find the article.

But they wrote to each other for something like 2 years?

I think that's one of the reasons they got engaged so quickly. They met for the first time in person in November 20 but had known each other through their penpal relationship for 2 years.

Tax-payer funded penal system can point to the two individuals in question as evidence of the outstanding results achieved by the prison pen-pal programme. Pump another billion dollars into it

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It might not be a scammer but this is what makes me suspicious:

1. It's a high profile case so ripe for scammer pickings
2. The wording is off, it's scripted, not personalised
3. "Ian" doesn't state what his connection to the grandmother is
4. I believe it's not just the grandmother that Charlise was living with but there's also a grandfather but no mention of him
5. Hearsay, but I was told in a private message that the Mutten family are not wealthy like the Steins but reasonably well off so not sure they'd need the money
6. The grandmother has made no public statements. So that doesn't seem to fit with her authorising a go fund me page on her behalf
7. The organisers photo matches this name and photo on a Facebook account that screams scammer to me:

Anyway I've reported it for investigation because then it's up to gofundme to decide if it's legit or not.

If anyone else shares my suspicions then please report it. There's a link on the gofundme page "report fundraiser" and takes 2 minutes.

The more reports gofundme get, the more likely they are to investigate it. I hate to see people doing their dough and having their kindness taken advantage of.
Yep fair enough these get shut down quiet quickly normally.
People really are scum if true
I was in a psych ward which was also a rehab at a private hospital in August 2021 in Melbourne and we were exempt from wearing masks. The state went into lockdown when I was there and so visitors and trips outside the hospital were banned but people were free to go outside or to the carpark to smoke and lick each other's smokes (although must be admitted via evidence in her FB --- KM is a well-known licker of things)

There was one patient very worried about covid but the rest not at all.
Yep fair enough these get shut down quiet quickly normally.
People really are scum if true

There's nothing I've read or seen which indicates the grandparents need or want money from strangers. I mean why would they? They're not on trial. And if they need financial assistance for CM's funeral, justice demands the killer/s (whomever they are found to be) funds/assets should be seized for that purpose, imo
There's nothing I've read or seen which indicates the grandparents need or want money from strangers. I mean why would they? They're not on trial. And if they need financial assistance for CM's funeral, justice demands the killer/s (whomever they are found to be) funds/assets should be seized for that purpose, imo
People like to virtue signal….

Looks around quickly, got told off for using that expression… 😳
Mate the stuff I've seen as a frequent flyer in the psych wards of the public and private system would rock most normal peoples world. Licking each other or licking each others cigarettes would be the least of it.

I believe you. They're going to have to bin all those true-crime series because they usually require criminals on parole to carefully avoid other crims, particularly (I'd guess) all crims convicted of similar crimes. Australia breaks the mould again -- train em up inside then join em up via a prison pen-pal system
I believe you. They're going to have to bin all those true-crime series because they usually require criminals on parole to carefully avoid other crims, particularly (I'd guess) all crims convicted of similar crimes. Australia breaks the mould again -- train em up inside then join em up via a prison pen-pal system
Umm can you name a government run penpal program? It would have to be a state government program because not all states have the same laws regarding this issue. Victoria for example bans any prison penpal program. Others see it as a way of reducing recidivism... I assume that is based on research.

I ask because those I have come across are commercial ventures run out of the USA servicing the world. Americans like to know everything about everyone..

Seen as all mail for prisoners is searched for contraband and any illegal content I don't see where there is problem with a penpal program, and after a little research can actually see a benefit from them.

One case slipping through the cracks is not a reason to throw the baby out with the bath water, but rather. a reason to seal that crack.
Umm can you name a government run penpal program? It would have to be a state government program because not all states have the same laws regarding this issue. Victoria for example bans any prison penpal program. Others see it as a way of reducing recidivism... I assume that is based on research.

I ask because those I have come across are commercial ventures run out of the USA servicing the world. Americans like to know everything about everyone..

Seen as all mail for prisoners is searched for contraband and any illegal content I don't see where there is problem with a penpal program, and after a little research can actually see a benefit from them.

One case slipping through the cracks is not a reason to throw the baby out with the bath water, but rather. a reason to seal that crack.
Exactly just because these 2 meet via some pen pal program..(is this confirmed)? Doesn’t mean you ban it.. losers and drug farked people find a way to find each other..

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Here in SA, Victims of Crime (VOC) pay all funeral costs. I assume this GoFundMe page (if it's not a scam) has been set up to help Grandma afford the funeral.

There has been a very recent case here where a local identity was killed by a drunk and unlicensed driver. A GFM page was set up and a considerable sum was raised. However, the government stepped in and all contributions had to be refunded.

In contrast, a GFM page is active and fortunately permitted here for a volunteer fire-fighter who lost her life on Friday. I'm wondering if the same rules apply in the rest of Australia?
The press around this seems to be less, we might get something through the week when the autopsy results come through but the police could hold it all back until their investigation is completed. They might not even need the mother's cooperation when that's done. We'll see.
'Charlise Mutten's mother's caravan searched, declared a crime scene in murder investigation
8:36pm Jan 21, 2022'
'A Hawkesbury River caravan where Charlise Mutten spent time in the lead-up to her death remains under police guard after it declared a crime scene this afternoon.
Detectives spent hours forensically searching the shack on the banks of the Hawkesbury River where Charlise's mother, Kallista Mutten, was believed to have been staying on the night her daughter was allegedly killed by her fiancé more than 80 kilometres away in the Blue Mountains.'

'More than half a dozen officers bagged potential evidence and trawled through the inside of the Lower Portland holiday home'

'Police are trying to figure out why the nine-year-old was left in the care of Mr Stein, her future stepfather, in the Blue Mountains last Tuesday night while her mother stayed in the run-down caravan on the river.'

Aren't we all!

And we finally have a winner with Nine referring to Stein as her "future" stepfather.

So now we officially have a new crime scene (Caravan Park) with Nine having video of Police their today embedded in the above article.

'In the lead-up to her death, police believe Charlise was spending time between the Riviera Ski Gardens and a sprawling estate at Mount Wilson, both owned by the family of Justin Stein, the man accused of killing her.'

That makes sense why they were at that particular Caravan Park. Stein family owned it! (if the media report is correc
BFew Good observation.
There were two sites the police searched at the caravan park. Also, it looks like when JS left the barrel on the riverbank he was heading back from Mount Wilson to the area closer to the caravan park. Wildenstein is over 80km away or a 90 minute drive where the police have suggested Charlise was killed but where the barrel was found is only about 20km away from the caravan park.

What I think is an interesting question, why was JS taking Charlise across on the ferry alone?

Detectives and forensic officers swarmed over every inch of the white 1970s van and a nearby cabin in the grounds of the Riviera Ski Gardens at Lower Portland on the Hawkesbury River, 80km north-east of Sydney.

Police arrived armed with a search warrant, forensic kits and brown evidence bags on Friday at Riviera Ski Gardens, one of a number of caravan parks clustered on bends of the Hawkesbury River where it joins up to the Colo River.

The park has around 63 cabins, caravans and shacks on ten hectares with almost half a kilometre of river frontage.

It is about 20km east of where police found Charlise Mutten's body inside a barrel dumped in bushland on a bank of the Colo River.

They spent hours meticulously searching the two locations and took away multiple bags of potential evidence for forensic analysis while two men apparently under police guard sat motionless nearby, watching on.

Residents at the secluded location recalled seeing a 'chatty' Charlise on a ferry to the campsite alongside her alleged killer Justin Stein just days before the schoolgirl died.

Witnesses said the murder accused was behaving oddly during the trip, silently 'staring straight ahead'.

Sadly, special care nurseries around Vic at least, in both regional and city hospitals, are full of newborns going through withdrawals because their mothers (and fathers if involved) do exactly what this mother has been doing. It's not a nice experience when a newborn screams continually because it has f***ed up parent/s. Bu tit is far more common than most people would be aware of.
OMG it gets worse. I wonder if KM was staying at the caravan park to create an alibi??

Detective Superintendent Danny Doherty revealed on Tuesday police would allege in court the schoolgirl was shot dead before being put in a barrel and being dumped near the Colo River, 76km from Sydney.

Who shoots a nine year old.

Absolute POS.

campaigner in Victoria shot his pregnant wife and 3 year old daughter with a speargun. He had to reload and shoot the daughter a second time because the first bolt didn't kill her. iirc, he even took her shopping with him when he purchased the spear gun.

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Current Trial The Murder of 9yo Charlise Mutten - Blue Mountains * Justin Stein Sentenced to Life in Prison

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