Game Day The Overrated Shizen Swans vs The Bow Wow's Of The West

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Bulldogs sooks complaining about the umpiring


I couldn't be happier lol

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He also liked an ale plus ranting just like you as well!;)

ha.. we had a great fun row for an hour in the back smoking area of French bistro in Carlton. We disappeared from our respective tables. We ended up ordering and knocking over a bottle of red. Talked footy, I thanked him for stuffing Carlton and he said he despised the Bloods. We argued about politics, happy to see in the other the personification of the Class Enemy. He was delighted to be arguing with an old Commy campaigner.
ha.. we had a great fun row for an hour in the back smoking area of French bistro in Carlton. We disappeared from our respective tables. We ended up ordering and knocking over a bottle of red. Talked footy, I thanked him for stuffing Carlton and he said he despised the Bloods. We argued about politics, happy to see in the other the personification of the Class Enemy. He was delighted to be arguing with an old Commy campaigner.
He was a fiesty old campaigner that's for sure. I remember doing a security job outside pratt's mansion one night many moons ago for a function for the rich and famous and my boss let me go around midnight thinking everyone would be gone by 1am at the lastest, anyway the next day i asked him what time did you finish and he said after 3am because pigs arrse was drunk as a skunk and woiuldn't leave...hahahaha!!:laughv1:
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He was a fiesty old campaigner that's for sure. I remember doing a security job outside pratt's mansion one night many moons ago for a function for the rich and fanous and my boss let me go around midnight thinking everyone would be gone by 1am at the lastest, anyway the next day i asked him what time did you finish and he said after 3am because pigs arrse was drunk as a skunk and woiuldn't leave...hahahaha!!:laughv1:


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