Media The Run Home - Season 34

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The Run Home is back for season 34. We only have 5 rounds left with some teams only having 4 with the bye, and in a shortened season every game counts just that little bit more. After 8 rounds we have a couple of premiership contenders already putting their hands up and some other teams struggling at the bottom.
Season 34 Ladder after Round Eight

Team                   P   W   L   D   Pen   For  Agnst     %     Pts  Streak   L5   Change   GB    Chase

Gumbies FFC            8   6   2   -    -    805   643   125.19   24     1W    WWWLW   +1     Ldr     -
Baghdad Bombers        8   6   2   -    -    701   688   101.89   24     3W    LLWWW   +1      -      -
Mount Buller Demons    7   5   2   -    -    823   668   123.20   20     2L    WWWLL   -2     -1      -
West Coast Wonders     8   4   4   -    -    761   768    99.09   16     3W    LLWWW   +3     -2      -
Roys FFC               7   4   3   -    -    694   714    97.20   16     2W    LLLWW   +3     -2      -
Gold City Royals       8   4   4   -    -    765   833    91.84   16     3L    WWLLL   -2     -2      -
Sin City Swamprats     8   4   4   -    2    757   724   104.56   14     1L    WLWWL   -2     -2.5    -
East Side Phoenix      7   3   3   1    -    773   751   102.93   14     2W    DWLWW   +1     -2.5   Ldr
Ophidian Old Boys FFC  7   3   4   -    -    691   641   107.80   12     1L    LLLWL   -3     -3     -0.5
Dragons FFC            7   2   4   1    -    641   729    87.93   10     2L    WDWLL    -     -3.5   -1
Fighting Furies        7   2   5   -    -    657   708    92.80    8     4L    WLLLL    -     -4     -1.5
Las Vegas Bears        7   2   5   -    -    611   682    89.59    8     1W    LWLLW   +1     -4     -1.5
Coney Island Warriors  7   2   5   -    -    599   729    82.17    8     1L    LLWWL   -1     -4     -1.5

Let’s get into the teams:

Gumbies FFC

Round 9: Dragons FFC @ House of Gumby
Round 10: Baghdad Bombers @ Abdu Prison
Round 11: BYE
Round 12: Gold City Royals @ House of Gumby
Round 13: Fighting Furies @ rfctigerarmy's hippodrome

Sitting pretty on top of the ladder is Gumbies FFC with 6 wins and 2 losses so far this season. Broken has happily already stated that Gumbies need to win just one more game to confirm finals (or Old Boys lose one more game) so thanks for that. A healthy percentage will make them feel very comfortable as we head towards the end of the season.

2 home games against 10th and 6th placed teams should be very winnable games. The road game against Baghdad Bombers is looming as a top of the ladder clash and will be the most difficult game by far. Depending on how Furies go in the next 4 weeks, the final game might end up being a walkover if Furies are out of finals contention.

Gumbies are likely to win at least 2 if not 3 games, putting them easily in the top 4 with the Bombers game being the possible decider of 1st and 2nd on the ladder.

Likely finish: Top 2

Baghdad Bombers

Round 9: BYE
Round 10: Gumbies FFC @ Abdu Prison
Round 11: Gold City Royals @ The Golden Throne
Round 12: Fighting Furies @ Abdu Prison
Round 13: Las Vegas Bears @ The Stadium in the Sky

In 2nd place is Baghdad Bombers also sitting on 6 wins and 2 losses for the season. They have the bye this week to freshen up for their round 10 clash against the Gumbies. That will be their biggest challenge by far. After that they travel to 6th placed Gold City, then play current 11th and 12th placed teams in the last 2 weeks.

Bombers have a huge round 10 match-up that will be the game of the season (probably) then a very easy last 2 weeks. Baghdad should win the last 2 games to make top 4 easily, but finishing top will require them to beat Gumbies in a fortnight, as their percentage is much worse than Gumbies and Demons.

Likely finish: Top 3

Mount Buller Demons

Round 9: Gold City Royals @ Snow Dome
Round 10: Fighting Furies @ rfctigerarmy’s hippodrome
Round 11: Las Vegas Bears @ Snow Dome
Round 12: Ophidian Old Boys @ Spotwood Oval
Round 13: Coney Island Warriors @ Snow Dome

Mount Buller dropped to 3rd place on the weekend after falling to Gumbies FFC in a top of the ladder clash. Good news is they have an extra game in hand over both of the teams above them as Demons have already had their bye. Mount Buller also has one of the easiest runs home out of any of the teams.

3 home games left against current 6th, 12th and 13th placed teams, and 2 away games against 11th and 9th place. Mount Buller will be confident they can win at least 4 if not all 5 of those games and come home strong. They’ll need to if they want to finish 1st. Luckily for the Demons, the top 2 teams will face off in round 10 so at least one will have to drop a game.

If Demons want a home qualifying final they’ll need to win all their home games and knock off at least one other team away from home. Based on their form this season I think they will do it.

Likely finish: Top 3

West Coast Wonders

Round 9: Coney Island Warriors @ The Colosseum
Round 10: BYE
Round 11: Sin City Swamprats @ Underground Stadium
Round 12: East Side Phoenix @ The Colosseum
Round 13: Roys FFC @ Brunswick Junction Oval

Sitting in 4th is the Wonders with 4 wins and 4 losses so far this season. West Coast are on a 3 win streak after starting the season poorly and seem to be steamrolling their way into finals. damicky has done well to turn the team performances around after Moz left.

A home game against 13th placed Warriors awaits them this week before they have a rest in round 10. Then they play current 7th, 8th and 5th placed teams to end the season. The home game this week against last placed Coney Island should be penciled in already as a win. Their last 3 games are all 50/50 matches.

You would assume Wonders would win this week then at least one or even two more wins to end the season if they are lucky. They will probably need to win all of their remaining games to make top 4, but only need 2 good wins to make the 8.

Likely finish: Top 8

Roys FFC

Round 9: Fighting Furies @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 10: Las Vegas Bears @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 11: Ophidian Old Boys @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 12: Coney Island Warriors @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 13: West Coast Wonders @ Brunswick Junction Oval

In 5th place is Roys FFC with 4 wins and 3 losses so far this season. The reigning premiers have been very inconsistent this season with 3 losses in a row, then 2 wins in the past fortnight against worthy opponents. Hopefully they can hit some good form at the end of the season to defend their premiership.

Roys have a relatively easy next 4 games with current 11th, 12th, 9th and 13th placed teams to come in the next month of qooty. Round 13 is a 50/50 game against fellow top 8 team the Wonders, but Roys have the slight edge playing at home. Roys have an extra game in hand over a number of other teams who haven’t yet had the bye, so there is some ground to be made back.

If Roys can find the form they had in their last finals series, they should easily roll through their next 4 games. If they do then top 4 is up for the taking with their final home game of the season. If not, then 2 wins should get them through to play finals again.

Likely finish: Top 6

Gold City Royals

Round 9: Mount Buller Demons @ Snow Dome
Round 10: Dragons FFC @ The Golden Throne
Round 11: Baghdad Bombers @ The Golden Throne
Round 12: Gumbies FFC @ House of Gumby
Round 13: BYE

Royals have dropped down to 6th after falling to Roys FFC last weekend. Gold City is desperate to reclaim some of their early season form after losing their last 3 games in a row now. They have a very difficult run home so the team will have to get into form very quickly if they want to keep their spot in the top 8.

This week they travel to 3rd placed Demons in a challenging match-up where they will go in as underdogs. Then they have 2 home games against 10th placed Dragons and 2nd placed Bombers. The former is a likely victory, and the latter is another difficult game. Finally they play 1st placed Gumbies away from home in their final game for the season.

Royals will be watching the final round very closely if they only win one or two more games, as they will need other results to go their way to make finals. The bye in the last round would be a blessing if they make finals as it will help them freshen up for week 1 of the finals fixtures.

With the bye in the last round and games against all of the current top 3 teams, I don’t see how Royals make finals from here on current form.

Likely finish: Top 10

Sin City Swamprats

Round 9: Ophidian Old Boys @ Spotswood Oval
Round 10: Coney Island Warriors @ Underground Stadium
Round 11: West Coast Wonders @ Underground Stadium
Round 12: BYE
Round 13: East Side Phoenix @ The Eyrie

In 7th place is Sin City Swamprats with 4 wins and 4 losses so far this season (and a 2 point penalty). Swamprats would be in 4th place if not for their early season penalty. That might really come back to bite them at the end of the season.

Sin City has 3 50/50 games to go with their round 10 game at home against 13th placed Warriors looking like an easy win. Swamprats are however the lowest team on the ladder to have played all 8 rounds so far. This will be some cause for concern, as they are likely to drop down lower after their bye in round 12.

Sin City likely needs to win both of their home games as well as one of their away games to make finals. It will be tough but it is possible.

Likely finish: Top 10

East Side Phoenix

Round 9: Las Vegas Bears @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 10: Ophidian Old Boys @ The Eyrie
Round 11: Coney Island Warriors @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 12: West Coast Wonders @ The Colosseum
Round 13: Sin City Swamprats @ The Eyrie

Phoenix have just sneaked their way into the top 8 last weekend with a win over the Furies. They’ll need to keep winning if they want to remain there. Good news is they have a game in hand over the teams above them who still have their byes.

Round 9 and 11 matches against the 12th and 13th placed teams should be relatively simple to get the 4 points. After that they have 50/50 games at their home deck against Old Boys and Sin City. Their most difficult game will be the away game against West Coast Wonders in round 12.

It is a simple task for East Side: Beat the teams below them and they will make finals. If they lose against any of those teams in the next 3 weeks, then they will be forced to beat Wonders/Swamprats in the last 2 rounds.

Likely finish: Top 8

Ophidian Old Boys

Round 9: Sin City Swamprats @ Spotswood Oval
Round 10: East Side Phoenix @ The Eyrie
Round 11: Roys FFC @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 12: Mount Buller Demons @ Spotswood Oval
Round 13: Dragons FFC @ Spotswood Oval

After starting the season so well, the Old Boys have lost 4 of their last 5 and are now outside of the top 8. Ophidian does have a good percentage and also has a game in hand over a lot of the teams above them who have yet to have their bye, so there are some positives.

The next fortnight will be interesting, with 2 50/50 games against 7th and 8th placed teams just above them on the ladder. Rounds 11 and 12 will be much more challenging with 5th placed Roys and 3rd placed Demons to overcome. In the final round they face 10th placed Dragons, which might end up being a match that decides who gets into the top 8.

If Ophidian can overcome their next 2 opponents then everything opens up for them. Lose one or two of those games then it will be a very difficult road to playing finals in their first season in the league.

Likely finish: Top 10

Dragons FFC

Round 9: Gumbies FFC @ House of Gumby
Round 10: Gold City Royals @ The Golden Throne
Round 11: Fighting Furies @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 12: Las Vegas Bears @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 13: Ophidian Old Boys @ Spotswood Oval

In 10th place is Dragons FFC with 2 wins 4 losses and a draw. Dragons started to season ok, but are now on a 2 game losing streak and are desperate to turn that around if they want to make finals.

This weeks game against 1st place Gumbies on the road will be their most challenging game by far. After that they have to travel again to play 6th placed Royals, then they have 2 home games against teams below them on the ladder. Lastly, they play 9th placed Old Boys in what is looking to be a decisive match for which of those teams make top 8.

If Dragons lose these next 2 games (which is very likely) then they will have to win all 3 of their final games and hope teams above them win less than 3 games. It will be very difficult for them to make finals from here.

Likely finish: Bottom 4

Fighting Furies

Round 9: Roys FFC @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 10: Mount Buller Demons @ rfctigerarmy’s hippodrome
Round 11: Dragons FFC @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 12: Baghdad Bombers @ Adbu Prison
Round 13: Gumbies FFC @ rfctigerarmy’s hippodrome

Fighting Furies are now 1 and a half games outside of the top 8 after losing their last 4 games in a row. Worrying signs on and off the field as they also delisted Dominic03 this week. Is there anything the Furies can do to turn their club around?

It is a very difficult run home with away games against 5th placed Roys and 2nd placed Bombers, as well as home games against 3rd placed Demons and 1st placed Gumbies. The only 50/50 game they look to have a big chance in is the Round 11 Dragons game.

Furies look to have a horror run home to end season 34 and I can only see them winning one of their last 5 games.

Likely finish: Bottom 2

Las Vegas Bears

Round 9: East Side Phoenix @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 10: Roys FFC @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 11: Mount Buller Demons @ Snow Dome
Round 12: Dragons FFC @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 13: Baghdad Bombers @ The Stadium in the Sky

A great victory over top 8 team the Swamprats moved Las Vegas up to 12th and still in with a chance of making finals. If Bears had lost that one then the season probably would’ve been over, but now there is a sign of life.

The next fortnight will be very important with 2 home games against top 8 teams. Lose both and say goodbye to finals, but if Bears manage to win one or both of those games then finals are within their grasp. The Round 11 away game against Mount Buller Demons will be the most challenging game of their last 5, with the last round Bombers home game also looking very difficult.

Round 9 and 12 are two very gettable 50/50 games, but Bears will need to win those as well as 2 others if they want to make finals this season.

Likely finish: Bottom 4

Coney Island Warriors

Round 9: West Coast Wonders @ The Colosseum
Round 10: Sin City Swamprats @ Underground Stadium
Round 11: East Side Phoenix @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 12: Roys FFC @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 13: Mount Buller Demons @ Snow Dome

Possibly the worst thing that could happen during a teams bye happened to Coney Island last weekend. They watched as the team below them won and the Warriors once again moved back to the bottom of the ladder. Carrying the worst percentage in the league, Coney Island will need a miracle from here if they want to make finals.

The fixtures don’t make it any easier for the Warriors as their last 5 games contain all current top 8 teams, with 2 of those games being away from home against 2 of the current top 4 teams. Like I said, it would be a miracle if Coney island make finals from here.

Warriors need to win 4 of their last 5 to make finals, and even then they might still need other results to got their way. Mount Buller away from home in the final round will be their most challenging game by far. I don’t see them winning any of these games, with only a small chance of upsetting Swamprats or Phoenix in rounds 10 and 11 because they are playing at home.

Likely finish: Wooden Spoon

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View attachment 1519137

The Run Home is back for season 34. We only have 5 rounds left with some teams only having 4 with the bye, and in a shortened season every game counts just that little bit more. After 8 rounds we have a couple of premiership contenders already putting their hands up and some other teams struggling at the bottom.
Season 34 Ladder after Round Eight

Team                   P   W   L   D   Pen   For  Agnst     %     Pts  Streak   L5   Change   GB    Chase

Gumbies FFC            8   6   2   -    -    805   643   125.19   24     1W    WWWLW   +1     Ldr     -
Baghdad Bombers        8   6   2   -    -    701   688   101.89   24     3W    LLWWW   +1      -      -
Mount Buller Demons    7   5   2   -    -    823   668   123.20   20     2L    WWWLL   -2     -1      -
West Coast Wonders     8   4   4   -    -    761   768    99.09   16     3W    LLWWW   +3     -2      -
Roys FFC               7   4   3   -    -    694   714    97.20   16     2W    LLLWW   +3     -2      -
Gold City Royals       8   4   4   -    -    765   833    91.84   16     3L    WWLLL   -2     -2      -
Sin City Swamprats     8   4   4   -    2    757   724   104.56   14     1L    WLWWL   -2     -2.5    -
East Side Phoenix      7   3   3   1    -    773   751   102.93   14     2W    DWLWW   +1     -2.5   Ldr
Ophidian Old Boys FFC  7   3   4   -    -    691   641   107.80   12     1L    LLLWL   -3     -3     -0.5
Dragons FFC            7   2   4   1    -    641   729    87.93   10     2L    WDWLL    -     -3.5   -1
Fighting Furies        7   2   5   -    -    657   708    92.80    8     4L    WLLLL    -     -4     -1.5
Las Vegas Bears        7   2   5   -    -    611   682    89.59    8     1W    LWLLW   +1     -4     -1.5
Coney Island Warriors  7   2   5   -    -    599   729    82.17    8     1L    LLWWL   -1     -4     -1.5

Let’s get into the teams:

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Gumbies FFC

Round 9: Dragons FFC @ House of Gumby
Round 10: Baghdad Bombers @ Abdu Prison
Round 11: BYE
Round 12: Gold City Royals @ House of Gumby
Round 13: Fighting Furies @ rfctigerarmy's hippodrome

Sitting pretty on top of the ladder is Gumbies FFC with 6 wins and 2 losses so far this season. Broken has happily already stated that Gumbies need to win just one more game to confirm finals (or Old Boys lose one more game) so thanks for that. A healthy percentage will make them feel very comfortable as we head towards the end of the season.

2 home games against 10th and 6th placed teams should be very winnable games. The road game against Baghdad Bombers is looming as a top of the ladder clash and will be the most difficult game by far. Depending on how Furies go in the next 4 weeks, the final game might end up being a walkover if Furies are out of finals contention.

Gumbies are likely to win at least 2 if not 3 games, putting them easily in the top 4 with the Bombers game being the possible decider of 1st and 2nd on the ladder.

Likely finish: Top 2

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Baghdad Bombers

Round 9: BYE
Round 10: Gumbies FFC @ Abdu Prison
Round 11: Gold City Royals @ The Golden Throne
Round 12: Fighting Furies @ Abdu Prison
Round 13: Las Vegas Bears @ The Stadium in the Sky

In 2nd place is Baghdad Bombers also sitting on 6 wins and 2 losses for the season. They have the bye this week to freshen up for their round 10 clash against the Gumbies. That will be their biggest challenge by far. After that they travel to 6th placed Gold City, then play current 11th and 12th placed teams in the last 2 weeks.

Bombers have a huge round 10 match-up that will be the game of the season (probably) then a very easy last 2 weeks. Baghdad should win the last 2 games to make top 4 easily, but finishing top will require them to beat Gumbies in a fortnight, as their percentage is much worse than Gumbies and Demons.

Likely finish: Top 3

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Mount Buller Demons

Round 9: Gold City Royals @ Snow Dome
Round 10: Fighting Furies @ rfctigerarmy’s hippodrome
Round 11: Las Vegas Bears @ Snow Dome
Round 12: Ophidian Old Boys @ Spotwood Oval
Round 13: Coney Island Warriors @ Snow Dome

Mount Buller dropped to 3rd place on the weekend after falling to Gumbies FFC in a top of the ladder clash. Good news is they have an extra game in hand over both of the teams above them as Demons have already had their bye. Mount Buller also has one of the easiest runs home out of any of the teams.

3 home games left against current 6th, 12th and 13th placed teams, and 2 away games against 11th and 9th place. Mount Buller will be confident they can win at least 4 if not all 5 of those games and come home strong. They’ll need to if they want to finish 1st. Luckily for the Demons, the top 2 teams will face off in round 10 so at least one will have to drop a game.

If Demons want a home qualifying final they’ll need to win all their home games and knock off at least one other team away from home. Based on their form this season I think they will do it.

Likely finish: Top 3

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West Coast Wonders

Round 9: Coney Island Warriors @ The Colosseum
Round 10: BYE
Round 11: Sin City Swamprats @ Underground Stadium
Round 12: East Side Phoenix @ The Colosseum
Round 13: Roys FFC @ Brunswick Junction Oval

Sitting in 4th is the Wonders with 4 wins and 4 losses so far this season. West Coast are on a 3 win streak after starting the season poorly and seem to be steamrolling their way into finals. damicky has done well to turn the team performances around after Moz left.

A home game against 13th placed Warriors awaits them this week before they have a rest in round 10. Then they play current 7th, 8th and 5th placed teams to end the season. The home game this week against last placed Coney Island should be penciled in already as a win. Their last 3 games are all 50/50 matches.

You would assume Wonders would win this week then at least one or even two more wins to end the season if they are lucky. They will probably need to win all of their remaining games to make top 4, but only need 2 good wins to make the 8.

Likely finish: Top 8

Round 9: Fighting Furies @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 10: Las Vegas Bears @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 11: Ophidian Old Boys @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 12: Coney Island Warriors @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 13: West Coast Wonders @ Brunswick Junction Oval

In 5th place is Roys FFC with 4 wins and 3 losses so far this season. The reigning premiers have been very inconsistent this season with 3 losses in a row, then 2 wins in the past fortnight against worthy opponents. Hopefully they can hit some good form at the end of the season to defend their premiership.

Roys have a relatively easy next 4 games with current 11th, 12th, 9th and 13th placed teams to come in the next month of qooty. Round 13 is a 50/50 game against fellow top 8 team the Wonders, but Roys have the slight edge playing at home. Roys have an extra game in hand over a number of other teams who haven’t yet had the bye, so there is some ground to be made back.

If Roys can find the form they had in their last finals series, they should easily roll through their next 4 games. If they do then top 4 is up for the taking with their final home game of the season. If not, then 2 wins should get them through to play finals again.

Likely finish: Top 6

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Gold City Royals

Round 9: Mount Buller Demons @ Snow Dome
Round 10: Dragons FFC @ The Golden Throne
Round 11: Baghdad Bombers @ The Golden Throne
Round 12: Gumbies FFC @ House of Gumby
Round 13: BYE

Royals have dropped down to 6th after falling to Roys FFC last weekend. Gold City is desperate to reclaim some of their early season form after losing their last 3 games in a row now. They have a very difficult run home so the team will have to get into form very quickly if they want to keep their spot in the top 8.

This week they travel to 3rd placed Demons in a challenging match-up where they will go in as underdogs. Then they have 2 home games against 10th placed Dragons and 2nd placed Bombers. The former is a likely victory, and the latter is another difficult game. Finally they play 1st placed Gumbies away from home in their final game for the season.

Royals will be watching the final round very closely if they only win one or two more games, as they will need other results to go their way to make finals. The bye in the last round would be a blessing if they make finals as it will help them freshen up for week 1 of the finals fixtures.

With the bye in the last round and games against all of the current top 3 teams, I don’t see how Royals make finals from here on current form.

Likely finish: Top 10

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Sin City Swamprats

Round 9: Ophidian Old Boys @ Spotswood Oval
Round 10: Coney Island Warriors @ Underground Stadium
Round 11: West Coast Wonders @ Underground Stadium
Round 12: BYE
Round 13: East Side Phoenix @ The Eyrie

In 7th place is Sin City Swamprats with 4 wins and 4 losses so far this season (and a 2 point penalty). Swamprats would be in 4th place if not for their early season penalty. That might really come back to bite them at the end of the season.

Sin City has 3 50/50 games to go with their round 10 game at home against 13th placed Warriors looking like an easy win. Swamprats are however the lowest team on the ladder to have played all 8 rounds so far. This will be some cause for concern, as they are likely to drop down lower after their bye in round 12.

Sin City likely needs to win both of their home games as well as one of their away games to make finals. It will be tough but it is possible.

Likely finish: Top 10

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East Side Phoenix

Round 9: Las Vegas Bears @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 10: Ophidian Old Boys @ The Eyrie
Round 11: Coney Island Warriors @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 12: West Coast Wonders @ The Colosseum
Round 13: Sin City Swamprats @ The Eyrie

Phoenix have just sneaked their way into the top 8 last weekend with a win over the Furies. They’ll need to keep winning if they want to remain there. Good news is they have a game in hand over the teams above them who still have their byes.

Round 9 and 11 matches against the 12th and 13th placed teams should be relatively simple to get the 4 points. After that they have 50/50 games at their home deck against Old Boys and Sin City. Their most difficult game will be the away game against West Coast Wonders in round 12.

It is a simple task for East Side: Beat the teams below them and they will make finals. If they lose against any of those teams in the next 3 weeks, then they will be forced to beat Wonders/Swamprats in the last 2 rounds.

Likely finish: Top 8

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Ophidian Old Boys

Round 9: Sin City Swamprats @ Spotswood Oval
Round 10: East Side Phoenix @ The Eyrie
Round 11: Roys FFC @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 12: Mount Buller Demons @ Spotswood Oval
Round 13: Dragons FFC @ Spotswood Oval

After starting the season so well, the Old Boys have lost 4 of their last 5 and are now outside of the top 8. Ophidian does have a good percentage and also has a game in hand over a lot of the teams above them who have yet to have their bye, so there are some positives.

The next fortnight will be interesting, with 2 50/50 games against 7th and 8th placed teams just above them on the ladder. Rounds 11 and 12 will be much more challenging with 5th placed Roys and 3rd placed Demons to overcome. In the final round they face 10th placed Dragons, which might end up being a match that decides who gets into the top 8.

If Ophidian can overcome their next 2 opponents then everything opens up for them. Lose one or two of those games then it will be a very difficult road to playing finals in their first season in the league.

Likely finish: Top 10

Round 9: Gumbies FFC @ House of Gumby
Round 10: Gold City Royals @ The Golden Throne
Round 11: Fighting Furies @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 12: Las Vegas Bears @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 13: Ophidian Old Boys @ Spotswood Oval

In 10th place is Dragons FFC with 2 wins 4 losses and a draw. Dragons started to season ok, but are now on a 2 game losing streak and are desperate to turn that around if they want to make finals.

This weeks game against 1st place Gumbies on the road will be their most challenging game by far. After that they have to travel again to play 6th placed Royals, then they have 2 home games against teams below them on the ladder. Lastly, they play 9th placed Old Boys in what is looking to be a decisive match for which of those teams make top 8.

If Dragons lose these next 2 games (which is very likely) then they will have to win all 3 of their final games and hope teams above them win less than 3 games. It will be very difficult for them to make finals from here.

Likely finish: Bottom 4

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Fighting Furies

Round 9: Roys FFC @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 10: Mount Buller Demons @ rfctigerarmy’s hippodrome
Round 11: Dragons FFC @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 12: Baghdad Bombers @ Adbu Prison
Round 13: Gumbies FFC @ rfctigerarmy’s hippodrome

Fighting Furies are now 1 and a half games outside of the top 8 after losing their last 4 games in a row. Worrying signs on and off the field as they also delisted Dominic03 this week. Is there anything the Furies can do to turn their club around?

It is a very difficult run home with away games against 5th placed Roys and 2nd placed Bombers, as well as home games against 3rd placed Demons and 1st placed Gumbies. The only 50/50 game they look to have a big chance in is the Round 11 Dragons game.

Furies look to have a horror run home to end season 34 and I can only see them winning one of their last 5 games.

Likely finish: Bottom 2

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Las Vegas Bears

Round 9: East Side Phoenix @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 10: Roys FFC @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 11: Mount Buller Demons @ Snow Dome
Round 12: Dragons FFC @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 13: Baghdad Bombers @ The Stadium in the Sky

A great victory over top 8 team the Swamprats moved Las Vegas up to 12th and still in with a chance of making finals. If Bears had lost that one then the season probably would’ve been over, but now there is a sign of life.

The next fortnight will be very important with 2 home games against top 8 teams. Lose both and say goodbye to finals, but if Bears manage to win one or both of those games then finals are within their grasp. The Round 11 away game against Mount Buller Demons will be the most challenging game of their last 5, with the last round Bombers home game also looking very difficult.

Round 9 and 12 are two very gettable 50/50 games, but Bears will need to win those as well as 2 others if they want to make finals this season.

Likely finish: Bottom 4

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Coney Island Warriors

Round 9: West Coast Wonders @ The Colosseum
Round 10: Sin City Swamprats @ Underground Stadium
Round 11: East Side Phoenix @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 12: Roys FFC @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 13: Mount Buller Demons @ Snow Dome

Possibly the worst thing that could happen during a teams bye happened to Coney Island last weekend. They watched as the team below them won and the Warriors once again moved back to the bottom of the ladder. Carrying the worst percentage in the league, Coney Island will need a miracle from here if they want to make finals.

The fixtures don’t make it any easier for the Warriors as their last 5 games contain all current top 8 teams, with 2 of those games being away from home against 2 of the current top 4 teams. Like I said, it would be a miracle if Coney island make finals from here.

Warriors need to win 4 of their last 5 to make finals, and even then they might still need other results to got their way. Mount Buller away from home in the final round will be their most challenging game by far. I don’t see them winning any of these games, with only a small chance of upsetting Swamprats or Phoenix in rounds 10 and 11 because they are playing at home.

Likely finish: Wooden Spoon
The fixtures don’t make it any easier for the Warriors as their last 5 games contain all current top 8 teams, with 2 of those games being away from home against 2 of the current top 4 teams. Like I said, it would be a miracle if Coney island make finals from here.

Warriors need to win 4 of their last 5 to make finals, and even then they might still need other results to got their way. Mount Buller away from home in the final round will be their most challenging game by far. I don’t see them winning any of these games, with only a small chance of upsetting Swamprats or Phoenix in rounds 10 and 11 because they are playing at home.
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The Run Home is back for season 34. We only have 5 rounds left with some teams only having 4 with the bye, and in a shortened season every game counts just that little bit more. After 8 rounds we have a couple of premiership contenders already putting their hands up and some other teams struggling at the bottom.
Season 34 Ladder after Round Eight

Team                   P   W   L   D   Pen   For  Agnst     %     Pts  Streak   L5   Change   GB    Chase

Gumbies FFC            8   6   2   -    -    805   643   125.19   24     1W    WWWLW   +1     Ldr     -
Baghdad Bombers        8   6   2   -    -    701   688   101.89   24     3W    LLWWW   +1      -      -
Mount Buller Demons    7   5   2   -    -    823   668   123.20   20     2L    WWWLL   -2     -1      -
West Coast Wonders     8   4   4   -    -    761   768    99.09   16     3W    LLWWW   +3     -2      -
Roys FFC               7   4   3   -    -    694   714    97.20   16     2W    LLLWW   +3     -2      -
Gold City Royals       8   4   4   -    -    765   833    91.84   16     3L    WWLLL   -2     -2      -
Sin City Swamprats     8   4   4   -    2    757   724   104.56   14     1L    WLWWL   -2     -2.5    -
East Side Phoenix      7   3   3   1    -    773   751   102.93   14     2W    DWLWW   +1     -2.5   Ldr
Ophidian Old Boys FFC  7   3   4   -    -    691   641   107.80   12     1L    LLLWL   -3     -3     -0.5
Dragons FFC            7   2   4   1    -    641   729    87.93   10     2L    WDWLL    -     -3.5   -1
Fighting Furies        7   2   5   -    -    657   708    92.80    8     4L    WLLLL    -     -4     -1.5
Las Vegas Bears        7   2   5   -    -    611   682    89.59    8     1W    LWLLW   +1     -4     -1.5
Coney Island Warriors  7   2   5   -    -    599   729    82.17    8     1L    LLWWL   -1     -4     -1.5

Let’s get into the teams:

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Gumbies FFC

Round 9: Dragons FFC @ House of Gumby
Round 10: Baghdad Bombers @ Abdu Prison
Round 11: BYE
Round 12: Gold City Royals @ House of Gumby
Round 13: Fighting Furies @ rfctigerarmy's hippodrome

Sitting pretty on top of the ladder is Gumbies FFC with 6 wins and 2 losses so far this season. Broken has happily already stated that Gumbies need to win just one more game to confirm finals (or Old Boys lose one more game) so thanks for that. A healthy percentage will make them feel very comfortable as we head towards the end of the season.

2 home games against 10th and 6th placed teams should be very winnable games. The road game against Baghdad Bombers is looming as a top of the ladder clash and will be the most difficult game by far. Depending on how Furies go in the next 4 weeks, the final game might end up being a walkover if Furies are out of finals contention.

Gumbies are likely to win at least 2 if not 3 games, putting them easily in the top 4 with the Bombers game being the possible decider of 1st and 2nd on the ladder.

Likely finish: Top 2

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Baghdad Bombers

Round 9: BYE
Round 10: Gumbies FFC @ Abdu Prison
Round 11: Gold City Royals @ The Golden Throne
Round 12: Fighting Furies @ Abdu Prison
Round 13: Las Vegas Bears @ The Stadium in the Sky

In 2nd place is Baghdad Bombers also sitting on 6 wins and 2 losses for the season. They have the bye this week to freshen up for their round 10 clash against the Gumbies. That will be their biggest challenge by far. After that they travel to 6th placed Gold City, then play current 11th and 12th placed teams in the last 2 weeks.

Bombers have a huge round 10 match-up that will be the game of the season (probably) then a very easy last 2 weeks. Baghdad should win the last 2 games to make top 4 easily, but finishing top will require them to beat Gumbies in a fortnight, as their percentage is much worse than Gumbies and Demons.

Likely finish: Top 3

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Mount Buller Demons

Round 9: Gold City Royals @ Snow Dome
Round 10: Fighting Furies @ rfctigerarmy’s hippodrome
Round 11: Las Vegas Bears @ Snow Dome
Round 12: Ophidian Old Boys @ Spotwood Oval
Round 13: Coney Island Warriors @ Snow Dome

Mount Buller dropped to 3rd place on the weekend after falling to Gumbies FFC in a top of the ladder clash. Good news is they have an extra game in hand over both of the teams above them as Demons have already had their bye. Mount Buller also has one of the easiest runs home out of any of the teams.

3 home games left against current 6th, 12th and 13th placed teams, and 2 away games against 11th and 9th place. Mount Buller will be confident they can win at least 4 if not all 5 of those games and come home strong. They’ll need to if they want to finish 1st. Luckily for the Demons, the top 2 teams will face off in round 10 so at least one will have to drop a game.

If Demons want a home qualifying final they’ll need to win all their home games and knock off at least one other team away from home. Based on their form this season I think they will do it.

Likely finish: Top 3

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West Coast Wonders

Round 9: Coney Island Warriors @ The Colosseum
Round 10: BYE
Round 11: Sin City Swamprats @ Underground Stadium
Round 12: East Side Phoenix @ The Colosseum
Round 13: Roys FFC @ Brunswick Junction Oval

Sitting in 4th is the Wonders with 4 wins and 4 losses so far this season. West Coast are on a 3 win streak after starting the season poorly and seem to be steamrolling their way into finals. damicky has done well to turn the team performances around after Moz left.

A home game against 13th placed Warriors awaits them this week before they have a rest in round 10. Then they play current 7th, 8th and 5th placed teams to end the season. The home game this week against last placed Coney Island should be penciled in already as a win. Their last 3 games are all 50/50 matches.

You would assume Wonders would win this week then at least one or even two more wins to end the season if they are lucky. They will probably need to win all of their remaining games to make top 4, but only need 2 good wins to make the 8.

Likely finish: Top 8

Round 9: Fighting Furies @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 10: Las Vegas Bears @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 11: Ophidian Old Boys @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 12: Coney Island Warriors @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 13: West Coast Wonders @ Brunswick Junction Oval

In 5th place is Roys FFC with 4 wins and 3 losses so far this season. The reigning premiers have been very inconsistent this season with 3 losses in a row, then 2 wins in the past fortnight against worthy opponents. Hopefully they can hit some good form at the end of the season to defend their premiership.

Roys have a relatively easy next 4 games with current 11th, 12th, 9th and 13th placed teams to come in the next month of qooty. Round 13 is a 50/50 game against fellow top 8 team the Wonders, but Roys have the slight edge playing at home. Roys have an extra game in hand over a number of other teams who haven’t yet had the bye, so there is some ground to be made back.

If Roys can find the form they had in their last finals series, they should easily roll through their next 4 games. If they do then top 4 is up for the taking with their final home game of the season. If not, then 2 wins should get them through to play finals again.

Likely finish: Top 6

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Gold City Royals

Round 9: Mount Buller Demons @ Snow Dome
Round 10: Dragons FFC @ The Golden Throne
Round 11: Baghdad Bombers @ The Golden Throne
Round 12: Gumbies FFC @ House of Gumby
Round 13: BYE

Royals have dropped down to 6th after falling to Roys FFC last weekend. Gold City is desperate to reclaim some of their early season form after losing their last 3 games in a row now. They have a very difficult run home so the team will have to get into form very quickly if they want to keep their spot in the top 8.

This week they travel to 3rd placed Demons in a challenging match-up where they will go in as underdogs. Then they have 2 home games against 10th placed Dragons and 2nd placed Bombers. The former is a likely victory, and the latter is another difficult game. Finally they play 1st placed Gumbies away from home in their final game for the season.

Royals will be watching the final round very closely if they only win one or two more games, as they will need other results to go their way to make finals. The bye in the last round would be a blessing if they make finals as it will help them freshen up for week 1 of the finals fixtures.

With the bye in the last round and games against all of the current top 3 teams, I don’t see how Royals make finals from here on current form.

Likely finish: Top 10

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Sin City Swamprats

Round 9: Ophidian Old Boys @ Spotswood Oval
Round 10: Coney Island Warriors @ Underground Stadium
Round 11: West Coast Wonders @ Underground Stadium
Round 12: BYE
Round 13: East Side Phoenix @ The Eyrie

In 7th place is Sin City Swamprats with 4 wins and 4 losses so far this season (and a 2 point penalty). Swamprats would be in 4th place if not for their early season penalty. That might really come back to bite them at the end of the season.

Sin City has 3 50/50 games to go with their round 10 game at home against 13th placed Warriors looking like an easy win. Swamprats are however the lowest team on the ladder to have played all 8 rounds so far. This will be some cause for concern, as they are likely to drop down lower after their bye in round 12.

Sin City likely needs to win both of their home games as well as one of their away games to make finals. It will be tough but it is possible.

Likely finish: Top 10

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East Side Phoenix

Round 9: Las Vegas Bears @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 10: Ophidian Old Boys @ The Eyrie
Round 11: Coney Island Warriors @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 12: West Coast Wonders @ The Colosseum
Round 13: Sin City Swamprats @ The Eyrie

Phoenix have just sneaked their way into the top 8 last weekend with a win over the Furies. They’ll need to keep winning if they want to remain there. Good news is they have a game in hand over the teams above them who still have their byes.

Round 9 and 11 matches against the 12th and 13th placed teams should be relatively simple to get the 4 points. After that they have 50/50 games at their home deck against Old Boys and Sin City. Their most difficult game will be the away game against West Coast Wonders in round 12.

It is a simple task for East Side: Beat the teams below them and they will make finals. If they lose against any of those teams in the next 3 weeks, then they will be forced to beat Wonders/Swamprats in the last 2 rounds.

Likely finish: Top 8

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Ophidian Old Boys

Round 9: Sin City Swamprats @ Spotswood Oval
Round 10: East Side Phoenix @ The Eyrie
Round 11: Roys FFC @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 12: Mount Buller Demons @ Spotswood Oval
Round 13: Dragons FFC @ Spotswood Oval

After starting the season so well, the Old Boys have lost 4 of their last 5 and are now outside of the top 8. Ophidian does have a good percentage and also has a game in hand over a lot of the teams above them who have yet to have their bye, so there are some positives.

The next fortnight will be interesting, with 2 50/50 games against 7th and 8th placed teams just above them on the ladder. Rounds 11 and 12 will be much more challenging with 5th placed Roys and 3rd placed Demons to overcome. In the final round they face 10th placed Dragons, which might end up being a match that decides who gets into the top 8.

If Ophidian can overcome their next 2 opponents then everything opens up for them. Lose one or two of those games then it will be a very difficult road to playing finals in their first season in the league.

Likely finish: Top 10

Round 9: Gumbies FFC @ House of Gumby
Round 10: Gold City Royals @ The Golden Throne
Round 11: Fighting Furies @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 12: Las Vegas Bears @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 13: Ophidian Old Boys @ Spotswood Oval

In 10th place is Dragons FFC with 2 wins 4 losses and a draw. Dragons started to season ok, but are now on a 2 game losing streak and are desperate to turn that around if they want to make finals.

This weeks game against 1st place Gumbies on the road will be their most challenging game by far. After that they have to travel again to play 6th placed Royals, then they have 2 home games against teams below them on the ladder. Lastly, they play 9th placed Old Boys in what is looking to be a decisive match for which of those teams make top 8.

If Dragons lose these next 2 games (which is very likely) then they will have to win all 3 of their final games and hope teams above them win less than 3 games. It will be very difficult for them to make finals from here.

Likely finish: Bottom 4

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Fighting Furies

Round 9: Roys FFC @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 10: Mount Buller Demons @ rfctigerarmy’s hippodrome
Round 11: Dragons FFC @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 12: Baghdad Bombers @ Adbu Prison
Round 13: Gumbies FFC @ rfctigerarmy’s hippodrome

Fighting Furies are now 1 and a half games outside of the top 8 after losing their last 4 games in a row. Worrying signs on and off the field as they also delisted Dominic03 this week. Is there anything the Furies can do to turn their club around?

It is a very difficult run home with away games against 5th placed Roys and 2nd placed Bombers, as well as home games against 3rd placed Demons and 1st placed Gumbies. The only 50/50 game they look to have a big chance in is the Round 11 Dragons game.

Furies look to have a horror run home to end season 34 and I can only see them winning one of their last 5 games.

Likely finish: Bottom 2

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Las Vegas Bears

Round 9: East Side Phoenix @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 10: Roys FFC @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 11: Mount Buller Demons @ Snow Dome
Round 12: Dragons FFC @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 13: Baghdad Bombers @ The Stadium in the Sky

A great victory over top 8 team the Swamprats moved Las Vegas up to 12th and still in with a chance of making finals. If Bears had lost that one then the season probably would’ve been over, but now there is a sign of life.

The next fortnight will be very important with 2 home games against top 8 teams. Lose both and say goodbye to finals, but if Bears manage to win one or both of those games then finals are within their grasp. The Round 11 away game against Mount Buller Demons will be the most challenging game of their last 5, with the last round Bombers home game also looking very difficult.

Round 9 and 12 are two very gettable 50/50 games, but Bears will need to win those as well as 2 others if they want to make finals this season.

Likely finish: Bottom 4

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Coney Island Warriors

Round 9: West Coast Wonders @ The Colosseum
Round 10: Sin City Swamprats @ Underground Stadium
Round 11: East Side Phoenix @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 12: Roys FFC @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 13: Mount Buller Demons @ Snow Dome

Possibly the worst thing that could happen during a teams bye happened to Coney Island last weekend. They watched as the team below them won and the Warriors once again moved back to the bottom of the ladder. Carrying the worst percentage in the league, Coney Island will need a miracle from here if they want to make finals.

The fixtures don’t make it any easier for the Warriors as their last 5 games contain all current top 8 teams, with 2 of those games being away from home against 2 of the current top 4 teams. Like I said, it would be a miracle if Coney island make finals from here.

Warriors need to win 4 of their last 5 to make finals, and even then they might still need other results to got their way. Mount Buller away from home in the final round will be their most challenging game by far. I don’t see them winning any of these games, with only a small chance of upsetting Swamprats or Phoenix in rounds 10 and 11 because they are playing at home.

Likely finish: Wooden Spoon
Great write up - I'm sure most of it will change next week after the sim throws up some weird results.
There's still 5 rounds to go so the predictions are very broad in scope. They'll get more in depth as we get closer to the end of the season.

Where will the Koalas finish?

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4 Rounds Left

A tough weekend for the top teams and bottom teams, as all of the teams in the middle of the ladder won. This makes top 4 positioning much more interesting, as now all of the top 8 teams have a good shot at having the double chance for finals. On the other hand, teams outside of the top 8 need a miracle to make it now with only Dragons and Swamprats still a decent chance of sneaking in.
Season 34 Ladder after Round Nine

Team                   P   W   L   D   Pen   For  Agnst     %     Pts  Streak   L5   Change   GB    Chase

Gumbies FFC            9   6   3   -    -    896   746   120.11   24     1L    WWLWL    -     Ldr     -
Baghdad Bombers        8   6   2   -    -    701   688   101.89   24     3W    LLWWW    -      -      -
Mount Buller Demons    8   5   3   -    -    901   814   110.69   20     3L    WWLLL    -     -1      -
Roys FFC               8   5   3   -    -    827   801   103.25   20     3W    LLWWW   +1     -1      -
West Coast Wonders     9   5   4   -    -    887   886   100.11   20     4W    LWWWW   -1     -1      -
Gold City Royals       9   5   4   -    -    911   911   100.00   20     1W    WLLLW    -     -1      -
East Side Phoenix      8   4   3   1    -    895   848   105.54   18     3W    WLWWW   +1     -1.5    -
Ophidian Old Boys FFC  8   4   4   -    -    797   722   110.39   16     1W    LLWLW   +1     -2     Ldr
Sin City Swamprats     9   4   5   -    2    838   830   100.96   14     2L    LWWLL   -2     -2.5   -0.5
Dragons FFC            8   3   4   1    -    744   820    90.73   14     1W    DWLLW    -     -2.5   -0.5
Fighting Furies        8   2   6   -    -    744   841    88.47    8     5L    LLLLL    -     -4     -2
Las Vegas Bears        8   2   6   -    -    708   804    88.06    8     1L    WLLWL    -     -4     -2
Coney Island Warriors  8   2   6   -    -    717   855    83.86    8     2L    LWWLL    -     -4     -2

Gumbies FFC
Round 10: Baghdad Bombers @ Abdu Prison
Round 11: BYE
Round 12: Gold City Royals @ House of Gumby
Round 13: Fighting Furies @ rfctigerarmy's hippodrome

A shock loss to 10th placed Dragons has put a dampener on the Gumbies top 4 prospects. They are still on top of the ladder, but now will need to win 2 of their final 3 games to confirm a top 4 spot. This weeks game against Baghdad Bombers will be very important, not just for their top 4 chances, but also for their premiership credentials. If Gumbies lose that game then they will quickly have to sort out their bad form during the bye week and hope they can beat Royals and Furies in the last 2 weeks.

Gumbies now have a difficult job to make top 4. This weeks Bombers game will almost certainly decide if they make top 4 or not. If Gumbies lose this week then they'll have only won 2 of their last 5 (and only 1 of their last 4) heading into the pointy end of the season. Not great to be heading into finals in shaky form.

Likely Position: 1st - 6th

Baghdad Bombers
Round 10: Gumbies FFC @ Abdu Prison
Round 11: Gold City Royals @ The Golden Throne
Round 12: Fighting Furies @ Abdu Prison
Round 13: Las Vegas Bears @ The Stadium in the Sky

Bombers would've loved how their bye week turned out. Their competitors for top of the ladder (Gumbies and Demons) both lost on the weekend and the Bombers are now in the best position possible to take first place. They will go into this weekends home game against Gumbies as favourites based on form. From there they have a difficult away game against the Royals, then their last 2 rounds are relatively easy against 11th and 12th placed teams (Furies and Bears).

If Bombers win this week against Gumbies, then 1st place is theirs and I don't see them losing it once they get it. They should easily make top 4 with only 2 wins required from their last 4 games to confirm that. Bombers couldn't ask for a better position to be in to end the season. Now they just need to get the job done at home this week and they'll be looking at hosting a qualifying final.

Likely Position: 1st - 4th

Mount Buller Demons
Round 10: Fighting Furies @ rfctigerarmy’s hippodrome
Round 11: Las Vegas Bears @ Snow Dome
Round 12: Ophidian Old Boys @ Spotwood Oval
Round 13: Coney Island Warriors @ Snow Dome

The huge loss to Gold City Royals has put a massive dent in the Demons top 2 aspirations. Mount Buller have lost their last 3 games in a row and have also lost a large amount of their percentage from the big loss. It would be looking pretty grim for the Demons if they didn't have an easy run home. With games against Furies (11th), Bears (12th) and Warriors (13th) to come, Mount Buller can still turn this bad late season form around before finals.

For Demons to make top 4 they will need to win 3 of their last 4 games, or hope their percentage is enough with only 2 wins. Seeing as their percentage took a big hit on the weekend, the Demons will probably need to win against all of the bottom 3 teams to confirm a top 4 spot. If you asked me 3 weeks ago, I'd say Demons would easily do it. But seeing their huge drop in form now, I'm not so sure they win all of those games.

Likely Position: 2nd - 8th

Roys FFC
Round 10: Las Vegas Bears @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 11: Ophidian Old Boys @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 12: Coney Island Warriors @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 13: West Coast Wonders @ Brunswick Junction Oval

A big win on the weekend helped Roys leapfrog over the Wonders into 4th spot. Now only behind Demons on percentage, Roys have a decent chance at not just making top 4, but also staking a claim at a top 2 spot. Games against 12th and 13th placed Bears and Warriors should be very winnable, then home games against Old Boys (8th) and Wonders (5th) will decide if they make top 4 or even top 2.

Roys have put themselves in a great position with just 4 games to go. They are in great form (3 wins in a row) and should easily win enough to make finals. The question is whether they win 3 or more games to make top 4 and even possibly top 2 depending on how Gumbies and Bombers end the season. Roys have a top 4 spot now so they can control their own destiny. Beat the bottom 2 teams as well as win one of their home games and Roys will be running into finals with all the confidence in the world.

Likely Position: 2nd - 6th

West Coast Wonders
Round 10: BYE
Round 11: Sin City Swamprats @ Underground Stadium
Round 12: East Side Phoenix @ The Colosseum
Round 13: Roys FFC @ Brunswick Junction Oval

Wonders just managed to beat the Warriors in what ended up being a very dangerous game for them if they lost. They got jumped by Roys on percentage and now sit just outside of the top 4. Bye week will be interesting for Wonders as they will be hoping all the teams around them lose so they don't drop too far down the ladder. After their bye they have Swamprats (9th), Phoenix (7th) and Roys (4th) to end the season.

Depending on what happens during their bye week, they could end up down in 7th and would be trying to hold onto a top 8 spot. Wonders will probably need two wins to make finals because of their mediocre percentage, and will likely need to win all of their last 3 games to make top 4. Even then, they'll need to hope the teams above them don't win 3+ games in the last 4 rounds or they still won't make top 4. This week is a wait and see round for the Wonders, as they will be watching very closely on the games to see just how far down they fall on the ladder.

Likely Position: 3rd - 9th

Gold City Royals
Round 10: Dragons FFC @ The Golden Throne
Round 11: Baghdad Bombers @ The Golden Throne
Round 12: Gumbies FFC @ House of Gumby
Round 13: BYE

A massive 11 goal win over 3rd placed Demons has re-ignited the Royals top 4 prospects after losing their previous 3 in a row. Now only just behind Roys and Wonders on percentage, they have every chance to break into the top 4 if they can keep winning. 10th placed Dragons at home this week should be fairly simple, but then Royals have to play 2nd placed Bombers and 1st placed Gumbies in their last 2 games of the season. It is a tough final 2 games, but they will be confident after their massive win against the Demons.

Royals are in the exact same boat as Wonders. Keep winning and top 4 is possible, but lose more than one game and top 8 suddenly becomes difficult to achieve. Royals should win this week and make top 8 all but confirmed, then their final 2 games will decide where they end up inside the 8.

Likely Position: 3rd - 9th

East Side Phoenix
Round 10: Ophidian Old Boys @ The Eyrie
Round 11: Coney Island Warriors @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 12: West Coast Wonders @ The Colosseum
Round 13: Sin City Swamprats @ The Eyrie

A good win against the Bears was necessary to keep their top 8 chances alive. Now they need to win 2 of their last 4 games to make sure they play finals. Phoenix are looking in good shape heading into the end of the season, winning 4 of their last 5 and currently on a 3 win streak. Their game this week against the Old Boys (8th) will be very important for both teams top 8 chances. After that they have last placed Warriors, then 5th placed Wonders and finally 9th placed Swamprats to end the season. Phoenix will go in as big favourites for the Warriors game, but all the others are 50/50 games.

It's a pretty simple task for East Side: win at home and they play finals. Win 3 games and they will likely host an elimination final. Win all 4 games and top 4 is possible, but they will need all the teams above them to lose at least one game. Top 4 is achievable, but East Side will be focusing on making finals, and that starts with beating the Old Boys this week at home.

Likely Position: 4th - 10th

Ophidian Old Boys FFC
Round 10: East Side Phoenix @ The Eyrie
Round 11: Roys FFC @ Brunswick Junction Oval
Round 12: Mount Buller Demons @ Spotswood Oval
Round 13: Dragons FFC @ Spotswood Oval

A good win against the Swamprats moves Ophidian into 8th spot on the ladder as they leapfrog over Sin City. Their destiny is in their hands now with 4 games to go, they'll need to win 2 of them to make top 8. East Side this week is a very important game for both teams top 8 prospects. Win and they will almost certainly cement their spot inside the top 8. Old Boys will then play Roys (4th) and Demons (3rd) in their 2 most difficult games of their final 4. Finally they play Dragons (10th) at home which should be very winnable.

This weeks game will be a good indicator of whether Old Boys will make the 8 or not. If they lose, then they'll need to beat Dragons and one of the current top 4 teams to make it.

Likely Position: 4th - 10th

Sin City Swamprats
Round 10: Coney Island Warriors @ Underground Stadium
Round 11: West Coast Wonders @ Underground Stadium
Round 12: BYE
Round 13: East Side Phoenix @ The Eyrie

A tough loss to the Old Boys drops Swamprats down to 9th and just outside the top 8. Sin City will need to be pretty much perfect from here to play finals this season. With only 3 games left, Swamprats will need to win all 3 to make top 8 because of their penalty from earlier in the season. Warriors (13th) at home should very winnable, then Wonders (5th) at home as well is more of a 50/50 game but still possible. Finally they play East Side (7th) away from home after their bye to end the season.

The penalty from earlier in the season is going to force Swamprats to win 7 games this season to make finals. They will need to be perfect from here to make it. It is possible, but recent form (lost their last 2) indicates they are more likely to finish bottom 4.

Likely Position: 6th - 10th

Dragons FFC
Round 10: Gold City Royals @ The Golden Throne
Round 11: Fighting Furies @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 12: Las Vegas Bears @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 13: Ophidian Old Boys @ Spotswood Oval

An upset victory against top of the ladder Gumbies puts Dragons back within reach of the top 8. Only half a game behind Old Boys in 8th, Dragons will need to win 3 of their last 4 to sneak their way in. Royals (6th) away from home this week will be difficult, then Furies (11th) and Bears (12th) at home will be very winnable games. The final round against Ophidian away from home will likely be a pre-elimination final for both teams, as the loser could miss out on top 8.

Dragons will go in as favourites against Furies and Bears at home, and should easily win those to keep their finals hopes alive. Then they will need to win one of the Royals or Old Boys games to make finals. The last round game will likely be a do-or-die game between current 10th and 8th placed teams.

Likely Position: 6th - 10th

Fighting Furies
Round 10: Mount Buller Demons @ rfctigerarmy’s hippodrome
Round 11: Dragons FFC @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 12: Baghdad Bombers @ Adbu Prison
Round 13: Gumbies FFC @ rfctigerarmy’s hippodrome

Another bad loss makes it 5 in a row for the Furies and the season is well and truly slipping away from them. Fighting Furies are going to need to win all of their last 4 games to make finals, as well as hope current 8th placed Old Boys lose 3 of their final 4 games. It will be very difficult to make it from here and their final 4 games don't make it any easier.

3rd placed Demons this week should end all hopes of finals for the Furies. Then they play Dragons (10th), Bombers (2nd) and Gumbies (1st) in their last 3 games of the season. It is a horror run home with the Dragons game being the only 50/50 game for the Furies. If they manage to win one or even two games, they at least won't win the wooden spoon.

Likely Position: 11th - 13th

Las Vegas Bears
Round 10: Roys FFC @ The Stadium in the Sky
Round 11: Mount Buller Demons @ Snow Dome
Round 12: Dragons FFC @ Ljp86’s Lair
Round 13: Baghdad Bombers @ The Stadium in the Sky

Another loss for the Bears and it looks like season over. They still have a small chance of playing finals, but they need to win every game and hope the team in 8th loses 3 of their last 4 games. Games against Roys (4th), Demons (3rd), Dragons (10th) and Bombers (2nd) won't make it any easier for Las Vegas as they run out the last games of the season. I wonder what Broken will be wearing for Mad Monday?

Likely Position: 11th - 13th

Coney Island Warriors
Round 10: Sin City Swamprats @ Underground Stadium
Round 11: East Side Phoenix @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 12: Roys FFC @ Van Cordlandt Park
Round 13: Mount Buller Demons @ Snow Dome

Warriors almost won. Key word here is almost. Another loss means Warriors finals hopes are hanging by a thread. They will need to win all of their last 4 games, as well as hope at least 5 teams above them lose 3+ games to end the season. If there was ever any time to use the whore trees powers now would be it. Their last 4 games are Swamprats (9th), Phoenix (7th), Roys (4th) and Demons (3rd). They have a slightly easier run home than the Bears and Furies, so there is a small chance they don't finish with the wooden spoon. But that's pretty much all the Warriors can hold on to for the remainder of the season.

Likely Position: 11th - 13th
Our Likely Position is 3rd - 9th ... that only covers 7 of the 13 possible options
What do you want me to say?

There is only a 4 game difference between first and last with still 4 games to go for a lot of teams. Technically every team can still finish in any position.
Our Likely Position is 3rd - 9th ... that only covers 7 of the 13 possible options
Can’t go making predictions that are too precise. Gotta give himself the g BF eat chance of looking vaguely like he knows what he’s talking abt.

Isn’t that right DenieD

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