Radio The SEN Thread 10

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Hungry for Not Much
Now playing full-back or picking up a gun forward never seems to be on the wish list of players. We never read a recruit’s profile dream of being a defender. Of all the greats down back only Dustin Fletcher comes to mind as someone who started there, and I suspect against his wishes. It’s a roll that doesn’t get the kudos it deserves. We even have a medal for those who kick goals. I’m thrilled that Darren Glass has signed on for at least one more year with the Eagles, and last year’s all-Australian is going around again. Let’s hope Matty Scarlett who’s on record that this is his swan-song year, goes again in 2013. And if we get the trifecta and Fletcher plays on then the game will be richer for it.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

A soft Take to be followed by the soft Jon LeBaron-Ralph to cross-promote his average Herald Sun column. Talking about favourite positional players has been done to death over the days, months, and years and this would prove no different in an hour that can’t be recovered. As for the plugged LeBaron-Ralph column, it’s primarily about whether Geelong will trade some favourite sons in the best interest of Geelong. As usual the column lacks in frame of reference to the trade-offs, and is light on the pitfalls at play regarding the veteran players once cajoled and courted by their incumbent clubs and fans in the romanticism of being a one-club player, and then asking them to Buzz off for the good of the club by accepting a trade. The rest of the column is predictable, uninsightful, and barely worth the time free subscription. I must admit that I only took up the two month free subscription with the HUN website for Susie O’Brien insightful feminazi columns:rolleyes:, and it’s just a bonus to get “Mixed Grill” and “Hard Boiled” and “The Wackle” and, not forgetting “The Buzz.”:rolleyes:

KB: Can you recall David Dench?
JLR: Absolutely!

Hmmm, didn’t know who Rory Sloane was during the NAB Cup, but – subject to one’s definition of “recall” – LeBaron-Ralph absolutely can recall the talents of a bloke who retired twenty-eight years ago. How old is Lebaron-Ralph again?

“You can always set the sporting agenda,” says KB a couple of times but it’s mostly full-backs and an attempted rehashing of done stories during this siesta-inducing hump day hour of sports radio. :(

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What , you reckon they are going to give air time to an indoor sport, if so close the station down

If they want Futsal, Go to Channel 31 on Watch it.

The guy comment today was just a whinge and not getting anything yet 90,000 people play with a high amount of people play soccer as well as futsal.
Gold from Raymondo from Werribee
Melbourne are being kicked from "Pillow to Post".:eek:
Taking it one week at a time, just be happy to improve , can't win at Etihad.

Great turn-out at the All Night Appetite listener breakfast with 50-odd listeners treated to free breakfast by the Pancake Parlour East Malvern this morning. The whole Appetite crew really appreciated the dedication and interest in the event. Hopefully everyone who came along appreciated Steven J Peak in the flesh, in full flight.
More photos please Teo, preferably of any with Peaky with a mouthful of hotballs.

Also, feel free to go whackity-whack-whack on anyone that criticises you ITT, just a bit of light entertainment wouldn't go astray :D
Hungry for Not Much
Now playing full-back or picking up a gun forward never seems to be on the wish list of players. We never read a recruit’s profile dream of being a defender. Of all the greats down back only Dustin Fletcher comes to mind as someone who started there, and I suspect against his wishes. It’s a roll that doesn’t get the kudos it deserves. We even have a medal for those who kick goals. I’m thrilled that Darren Glass has signed on for at least one more year with the Eagles, and last year’s all-Australian is going around again. Let’s hope Matty Scarlett who’s on record that this is his swan-song year, goes again in 2013. And if we get the trifecta and Fletcher plays on then the game will be richer for it.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

A soft Take to be followed by the soft Jon LeBaron-Ralph to cross-promote his average Herald Sun column. Talking about favourite positional players has been done to death over the days, months, and years and this would prove no different in an hour that can’t be recovered. As for the plugged LeBaron-Ralph column, it’s primarily about whether Geelong will trade some favourite sons in the best interest of Geelong. As usual the column lacks in frame of reference to the trade-offs, and is light on the pitfalls at play regarding the veteran players once cajoled and courted by their incumbent clubs and fans in the romanticism of being a one-club player, and then asking them to Buzz off for the good of the club by accepting a trade. The rest of the column is predictable, uninsightful, and barely worth the time free subscription. I must admit that I only took up the two month free subscription with the HUN website for Susie O’Brien insightful feminazi columns:rolleyes:, and it’s just a bonus to get “Mixed Grill” and “Hard Boiled” and “The Wackle” and, not forgetting “The Buzz.”:rolleyes:

KB: Can you recall David Dench?
JLR: Absolutely!

Hmmm, didn’t know who Rory Sloane was during the NAB Cup, but – subject to one’s definition of “recall” – LeBaron-Ralph absolutely can recall the talents of a bloke who retired twenty-eight years ago. How old is Lebaron-Ralph again?

“You can always set the sporting agenda,” says KB a couple of times but it’s mostly full-backs and an attempted rehashing of done stories during this siesta-inducing hump day hour of sports radio. :(
Huh :confused::confused:
It's funny how Finey and stkilda weren't critical of Lyon when he took them to 3 GF's . Heard Francis Leach rejoicing Freo have been "Rossed" he stated.
Bet he wasn't moaning watching his team play in GF's:rolleyes:

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It's funny how Finey and stkilda weren't critical of Lyon when he took them to 3 GF's . Heard Francis Leach rejoicing Freo have been "Rossed" he stated.
Bet he wasn't moaning watching his team play in GF's:rolleyes:

I remember Finey and Leach were often critical of Lyon.

Great turn-out at the All Night Appetite listener breakfast with 50-odd listeners treated to free breakfast by the Pancake Parlour East Malvern this morning. The whole Appetite crew really appreciated the dedication and interest in the event. Hopefully everyone who came along appreciated Steven J Peak in the flesh, in full flight.

Teo, players didn't join the new franchises because they weren't "sold" on their former teams . They deserted for dollars, so Ablett wasn't "Sold" on the Cats.
Davis and Bock? Some footballers stay, others go .
thx brah.

hope my boys go a bit further than your 05-06 dogs did but ;)

I'd go a bit further and say the tiges are reminding me of the young cats of 04-05...
Hungry for Ninety-Nine Point Winning Dockers
Actually it’s probably a golden opportunity without KB today. I can actually say this without getting hailed down but, Richmond supporters, as we speak, getting a little bit ahead of yourselves aren’t you? I mean great win last week; sensational, but to talk finals now, you’re not even in the same position; you’re behind where you were this exact same time last year.
[That’s Grunk Denham, and that’s his Take]:eek:

Now I was out of the loop yesterday when Ross Lyon held his press conference regarding minnows and whacking the media. Now that we know how sensitive Ross is we should watch our Ps and Qs out of respect. Pre-season I had Freo in my top eight; I’d factored in Ross Lyon’s defensive coaching strategies balancing up the Dockers’ historically attacking skills. They’re still a realistic chance of making September action at 5-4 after nine games. It’s Ross’s job to pump up the Purple Haze but the rest of us are not cheerleaders for the club. If Ross believes the game against West Coast was watchable – a cracker, a killer-diller – and not a snoozfest, boring fans to a point of death, then that is just spin. And the spin stops here.
I’m a minnow – and that’s my Take

Anyone else want to weigh in?

What’s up with Ross Lyon attacking the legendary KB!? How dare a man who has turned our great game into a boring, ugly, snore-a-thon, take pot-shots at a genuine God of football? That’s right, I consider Ross Lyon’s attack on KB as an act of sacrilege. And I’m launching a fatwa on his head for this blasphemy. Repent Ross, repent!
[That’s Rita “Softpaws” Panacea and that’s her Take]

Sounds like the SEN troops are rallying around that SEN God-like legend of football. O.K., how about Denham fresh from a Thursday devoid of KB shtick?

Grunk: You’ve gone from one week [being] the Punt Road Genie to out west you’re just a lightweight these days. And I think you’re being very unfair with Fremantle. I think Ross was quite right to put you down. I think you can’t pick on one or two games in isolation. Ross Lyon didn’t say it was a cracker of a game or a killer-diller of a game-

KB interrupts Grunk’s opening rant and questions the watchability of the derby while also accusing the Grunkster of being part of the Freo fan club (he’s an Eagles fan) because he is from Fremantle. Rita Panacea’s SEN/AFL deity states that Grunk and Kermit Bretheraton “are the only two in the world who believe the first half was fascinating.”

Talkback will have to wait as KB and partner Grunk go head to head quarrelling over watchable versus unwatchable footy in a display that could make gay marriage proponents rethink their stand. KB predicates is stand on Fremantle footy being “as boring as bat tish.” Grunk’s more journo mainstream with “you worship the four premiership points.”:rolleyes: Frustration builds as Grunk – and many others on this day – fail to understand the big picture KB is attempting to make regards the aesthetics of boring, stop-start, low scoring, unwatchable footy for non-partisan fans. Grunk reiterates his point right from the annuls of traditional footy-speak by claiming the irrelevance of whether a game is exciting or boring when there’s premiership points up for grabs.

KB: See, you, you, you, you, get this wrong. You see, you think I’m actually going crook – and Ross Lyon thinks – that playing a boring defensive game is against what he wants to do. I don’t care how Freo plays, how they want to win four points, all I’m saying is as a spectator sitting there watching it – it’s boring.

Kev’s had enough and starts taking the piss out of Freo because it’s Fremantle membership day on SEN and they “need a lot of love.” Although the sports host with the most says he doesn’t care what Ross Lyon says, that jibe about him being a minnow seems to have hit a very big nerve.

KB: Some fans who are not cheerleaders for Freo, when they sit down to watch it on the television actually turn off, [Grunk] because they think ‘you know what, this is not a very interesting game.’ It doesn’t matter whether Freo wins or loses, that’s Freo’s problem. I’m saying from a spectator’s point of view people will just turn off. :thumbsu:

After a few good talkback callers who understood KB’s take on unwatchable footy from a pro league’s perspective the two keep at it with KB sharpening up the barbs.

Grunk: Don’t pick games in isolation. You can’t do that! Because horses for courses
KB: Well hang on, you’ll jump up and you’ll come in on Monday and say ‘what a great game that was on Friday night. That was a fantastic game! So why do you do that!?

Grunk: Well because it might have been a fantastic game.
KB: NO, because you’re flog!:D

Talkback finally hits its usual stride back on familiar ground as caller Specky suggests KB being a purist fails to understand the contest of the Swans/Eagles grand final and he needs to strategically evolve. After the long break KB returns with a Ballantyne audio grab before showing his appreciation and new love for the Dockers albeit with his sarcastic tongue planted firmly in his cheek.


KB: That’s for the SEN scrapbook. I love Hayden Ballantyne. In fact now that we know they’re pretty sensitive down at the Dockers. I actually love the Dockers. I love the way they structure up. I love the way that they move the ball. I love the way they tackle. I love the Midfield; I love the defence; I love the forward line; and I even love the interchange, and the sub. I love the coach; I love the president; I love the board. I think that they’ll play fantastic, outstanding football against Adelaide. I think they’re ready to explode. They’ve just been humming along at the moment, going pretty darn well, and I think this could be a boilover and I think they’ll win by a big margin. And I’m tipping the Dockers by ninety-nine points.

Caller Gary from Noble Park: It’s all about the contest. What would you rather watch, Kevin, in a game of cricket I’d rather watch a ring of fieldsmen around a batsman when no runs are scored than watch someone hit lollypops over the fence for six. It’s the contest, mate.
KB: Well you should tell that to the people who saw Dave Warner when he made 180 in the Test match … that’s what was happening to Test cricket though, Gary. It was dying because that’s the way they played in those days. It was only in recent times when they decided instead of going for five days they ended in three days, and you’d get Gilchrist coming in to bat and you’ve got Warner coming in to bat and you had Hayden batting. I mean, under Steve Waugh that’s what happened. I mean they decided to change the game because the people out there – Test cricket was dying. It was dying, Gary. If you’d want to put on a game that was boring, it will die.

Grunk: Hmm, so you think Fremantle’s killing the game?
KB: Well if they play like they played last week on a regular basis, [Grunk], then it’s unwatchable.

Grunk: [dismissively] Hmm, O.K.
KB: Look, they may win the premiership playing that way. St. Kilda nearly won the premiership. And I’ve said to you before, only two bad bounces stopped them winning the premiership. It doesn’t mean, [Grunk], that they’re watchable.

Grunk: Hmm. I’ve heard ya. You’ve said that eight times today.
KB: You know why? Because it doesn’t get through to your head. You just look at me with a dumb look on your face. Young kids love Dave Warner I reckon. I don’t know whether they love Simon Katich as much.

KB Tips: Richmond, Geelong, Hawthorn, Essendon, Adelaide [Dockers by 99 on-air], Carlton, West Coast, Western Bulldogs, Collingwood.

KB truly gets it where Denham is as clueless as the average SEN Mensa Talkback Society member. Just like the teenage American watching a pitcher’s duel leading to a 1-0 result on a sac fly in the 14th inning after four hours of play, or a boring 9-6 field goal fest on the gridiron, or one of those unexciting low scoring NBA defensive battles before the zone defence was reintroduced as just one of many rule changes to spice the game up, or dare I say it – almost any soccer game, young non-partisan Aussie sports fans will turn off at the sight of the unwatchable defensive quagmire that is Ross Lyon football. KB and the AFL get it. The NFL got it decades ago. The NBA woke up to it. Baseball sadly never got it. And Denham? Well, he’s still just a journalist without real world accountability who writes and talks about what other people do and he and his brethren mostly never get it.

What kids and fans in general can never get enough of is what KB calls a killer-diller. And that, for example, would be the Lyon-less St. Kilda vs. Richmond last Friday night. :thumbsu:

Journalistic Semantics Department
Reckon/close/certain quote of the Week:
I reckon Foley’s pretty close to re-signing actually. I wouldn’t be surprised if we got an announcement before Friday’s game. I think that he’s certain to stay there.
- Grunk Denham on Nathan Foley’s contract status

Surveying The Weekly Denhamography
a) Not happy with Richmond wearing their clash strip.
b) Richmond’s “time” is next year not this year.
c) Richmond “sniffing around” a couple of St. Kilda players but not Goddard – “no interest.”
d) If Travis Boak is going anywhere it will be Geelong. Brett Ratten trying to win Gibberish of the Week.
e) North Melbourne ticking along but probably can’t play finals now.
f) Kreuzer and Gibbs is where Carlton’s money will probably go next year.
g) “Mark my words; listen to me: Dawson Simpson – two words, he could be the big wild card that Geelong need this year to get back.”
h) David Hille would be sensational at St. Kilda for about two years. Would be the next Michael Gardiner at St. Kilda; he’d be fantastic.
i) Travis Cloked-out. Doesn’t know the latest; doesn’t care.

Quote of the Day
But you’ve got hardcore journos like Tony Jones that are like a dog with a bone.
“Diamond” Dave Culbert throwing the definition of hardcore into a state of ambiguity

A final word from KB: No I don’t blame [Lyon] myself. I mean he’s a coach and [Fremantle] came to him with a deal and he probably looked at ‘em and thought, you know, they’ve got a good chance of having success. And they obviously felt with his defensive style of play, and that’s why I tipped them to make the eight, that he would balance up maybe historically their attacking brand of football and bring in his defensive mode. Now the defensive mode may be overtaking the attacking style of football at the moment and therefore there are some games that they’re playing which I’ll repeat, [Grunk], are unwatchable. We’ll take a break.
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