Radio The SEN Thread 10

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Hungry for the Punt Road Genie
We saw the birth of the Greater Western Sydney side on Saturday, the Giants first win. On the same day we saw the decline of one of the great teams of recent years. The Cats were mauled by the Crows. It happens in sport; you go to bed one night, when you wake up in the morning and you can’t perform anywhere near the level that you once could. The Cats’ players have achieved enormous success with a great win/loss ratio sealed with three flags. They have a bunch of young kids coming through, have the support of wise heads, but are those young kids better than those of other hungry-for-success teams? The stats tell us that they’ve been beaten in every game for contested possessions. That alone says the contest no longer excites what once was – a great club.
I’m KB, that’s my Take


The Punt Road Genie and the evil Jafar Smith.

Seems like a case of lost Cat scratch fever for KB who has drawn a definitive line through Geelong. According to the SEN Genie the Cats struggled through a third quarter against the last placed Dees and struggled to beat the Tigers at Sleepy Hollow. No longer are they that good and their younger players are not as good as other teams. Of course SEN’s favourite evil character, Putz “Jarfar” Smith, is circumspect about the Cats situation (he won’t make a presumptive call until after they’d made or missed the eight:rolleyes:). Smith reminds us “they have the nucleus of a very, very fine side; superbly coached; and premature to discard them yet.” He even uses the “injury” excuse and KB fires back with the Eagles and Bombers both having myriad injuries. KB also throws Carlton and Collingwood injuries into mix as well. He still predicting a Collingwood flag, too.

Lots of excitement takes hold as the conversation swings to Richmond and the expected “killer-diller” Dreamtime game at the “G.” KB: True test for Tigers; Putz: True test for Essendon. … No easy answers from these two for the Adelaide resurgence but they’re both impressed. … Flounder from Woodend makes hid usual appearance to, as often, spend most of his on-air time bagging Essendon. Putz warns Flounder about underselling the Dons with Hird and Thompson who are a pretty profession mob that won’t get ahead of themselves.

First talkback caller complains about – umpiring. Smith steals the first wish by describing the real problem which is the umps doing their job without confidence and they are frustrated due to all the interpretations thrust upon them. But wait, someone else wants to chime in:

KB: [derisively] No, hang on, [Putz], what different interpretations have been thrown on them?
Putz: OH, how’s the sliding rule going, Kevin?

KB: Well, there, there, there’s one.
Putz: It’s a new rule.

KB: There’s one!
Putz: It’s a new rule, Kevin.

KB: Well – there’s one! It’s a different interpretation.
Putz: Yes, now hang on and get off your high horse-

KB: No, I just wanted to pick you up on that.
Putz: This is your laws of the game committee rubbish.

KB: Nothing to do with me.
Putz: I know, but the other stuff is. There’s been pressure put on them by the coaches and clubs about head-high tackles, sinking to your knees, techniques to push the arms up over the shoulders. That’s all been thrust on the umpires by coaches. And then the AFL pretends it doesn’t bring in a new rule but it does. … But it’s never been interpreted the way the AFL wants it interpreted from this week. So in actual fact it is a new rule which is absurd bringing it in.

Another caller is on the line not happy with KB denouncing the Cats when they’re playing Collingwood next round. KB’s response is that “it will be a walk in the park” for the Pies. Putz quickly notes the claim for later reference. The Cats are in decline exclaims KB who is leaving no doubt as to what is his word of the day.

I thought KB’s disappointment in North would be palpable and Putz rubs the Genie KB teapot again:

Putz: You’ve just slagged North Melbourne for the last hour and a half. Didn’t they have a shot after the siren to beat Essendon?
KB: They did! They did. But they’ve fallen away for some reason, too.

Putz: I’m just-
KB: Just when you expect North Melbourne to take the next step, they fail! I don’t know why. After I saw the Geelong game; that was the game for the Kangaroos – they were gonna take the next step. They were unbelievable that night. … I think they’ve won one game since then.
Putz: Hmmmm

Mensa Talkback representative, Jack from Carnegie rings in to beef about “would-be experts in the Herald Sun” not tipping St. Kilda in the last two weeks. KB asks whether the tipsters were right or wrong. “Oh they were correct but St. Kilda are not going that poorly that – you’d expect one or two to pick them.” KB ponders the complaint when the tipsters got it right but Jack’s still puzzled that no one was tipping the Saints. LOL all-round as KB is perplexed at Jack’s quest for what must be a perceived call for fairness in tipping. Even if you’re gonna lose.

Ticks and crosses on a Monday has eventually found its way to a cross for one KB for his portrayal as the Punt Road Genie in the Foxtel commercial. … The host remains quite taken with his performance. … An interview with the great Kevin Sheedy follows the Genie in a Tigers jumper debate on through to the news.

Guus of the Week: Greater Western Sydney
Goose of the Week: AFL for pretending to not introduce a new rule when they actually did.

Quote of the Day:
And North Melbourne hasn’t got any injuries, Kevin, and they couldn’t even possibly win a game in the Haggis Cup.
- Putz Smith


The regular co-host is pulling a sickie on the eleven o’clock gig and thus it’s Jon Aladdin-Ralph who will come off the subs bench to put the Genie KB with the phenomenal cosmic rules power back in his tea pot with its itty-bitty living space. KB wants more on the Warner/Rubbo stoush but Aladdin-Ralph pulls no punches on the Genie-KB promo. He claims the Punt Road Genie made him sick after watching it just one time. He claims KB was wooden, over-acted, and an assault on the senses. :D

Oh no, Aladdin-Ralph loves Monday night football but he’s at least aware that it would never come in for all twenty-two weeks of a season. But then he couldn’t help himself as references the “NFL experience” being so good with great games like St. Kilda/Carlton. Only one problem, the great NFL games are now on Sunday night, not Monday. JAR is hoping for about four games. Jonny says for him Sunday night is perfect and claims the best model would be a Sunday night regular slot. Free-to-air TV wanting nothing to do with it may be an issue that JAR hasn’t thought of amongst a few other pertinent reasons that are not in the frame of reference for journos.

Back to Geelong being in all sorts of trouble and KB doesn’t see the Cats hiding the decline. Aladdin-Ralph put up an argument for the defence but the Genie KB says he would be flabbergasted if they could win the flag and also has them out of the top four in 2012. KB fires back with several points until JAR begins to acquiesce to the Tigers Genie.

Well I’m not giving them one more chance. I think they’re gone.
- Genie KB on Geelong.

O.K. that’s enough on Geelong. Time for some kicking the crap out of Melbourne … Neeld has struggled says JAR and calls for changes and names several players for the twos and only stops when the Genie reminds him they have to actually field a side … Back to MNF as a caller suggests it’s a “no-brainer” because it would stop all these anomalies in the draw regards short breaks allowing the league to play with the fixture. The naïve hosts agree it’s a fair point but still no mention of the TV interests involved.

On to North Melbourne for a grievance discussion and that grievance starts with their whingeing coach, Brad Scott. Aladdin-Ralphy would like to see the coach throwing his arms up in disgust at the North turnovers instead of the free kicks. … The Dees get pulled out of the bin for another trashing before a caller rightfully turns the attention to the No.1 footy coach in the media, Garry Lyon: “He had a big say in the last two selections in Bailey and Neeld when there was a guy named Kevin Sheedy who would have been ideal for that football club.” The great fence sitter was also an advocate for getting his mate, Peter Rohde the job as coach at the Bulldogs. Fail. Fail. Fail. That’s why Lyon likes to keep his distance from the accountability that those at the coalface are subjected to. Lyon hasn’t played for fifteen years, wasn’t even average as the International Rules coach and his other greatest coaching feat was an U/16 side. Why he is the go-to bloke for some to select the next AFL coach is surely a mystery. The Tim Flannery of Australian football!

And the Genie KB thanks Aladdin-Ralph for filling in for the usual bloke who KB says is suffering from Melbourneitis.

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Hungry for the New Halo
In recent years St. Kilda nearly won two premierships to break a premiership drought over forty years old but fans were not satisfied. Many lamented the brand of shut-down football that not only strangled other teams, but fans themselves. Well those fans must love what they saw last night against Carlton. The tough, uncompromising Saints footy was there with a touch of pizzazz. The balance last night was spot on; something for everyone. Ross Lyon faced criticism from everyone for not having enough faith in the new breed. It appears Scotty Waters has opened the selection book to anyone who can play.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

Smith and Bartlett: In raptures about the rebirthed Saints … Small forwards not so much a thing of the past … should Carlton be resting a few more players and get them primed up for the next game?:D Blues chopped up and exposed by small forwards … rests are sometimes not good for the player. Waite didn’t play like a player that was refreshed. … And should the Carlton coach be on the sideline? … KB again laments the players of a losing team pleasantly meandering around fraternizing with the victorious team members after the game …

Human Nature 101!!!
Jan from Cheltenham:
I want to talk about Steven Milne’s language. I thought it was atrocious. He’s got to remember there’s children close by that can hear … that language, and there’s kids close by to the fence. He has a duty of care surely.
Not happy Jan is a Carlton supporter.;) (Other Blues fans had the same complaint)

Gibberish of the Week:
Brian Taylor for an appalling bad call on Monday night. (Cites the common fault of commentators umpiring instead of simply calling the play:thumbsu::thumbsu:) Channel Seven bagged and Tim Michael Watson underused.

Quote of the Day:
Ya can’t make a move from down on the boundary line because all you are seeing is legs.
- KB on Brett Ratten et al. coaching from the sideline
Hungry for Knights’… Respect
Dreamtime at the ‘G’ in front of eighty thousand fans; what a night to make a statement. The Tigers have momentum and you can sense something is building down at Punt Road. Supporters of the yellow and black don’t want to hear phrases like ‘solid effort’ and ‘still rebuilding’ any more. So far the Tigers have won three games all of which they have started favourite. Now it’s time to send a statement to the rest of the competition; the top teams can no longer pencil in four points when they face Richmond. List has balance now, some brilliance, still got some holes of course across the ground but excuses are no longer there. The Tiger army has been waiting a long, long time, and Saturday will provide a stage for them to signal their arrival. But it’s on the players; the midfield can go with any in the competition and the backline is growing in strength led by Rance. And of course the forward line combination of Tyrone and Jack that needs to install more fear into the competition. If they do, Dreamtime at the “G” will become the BOMBERS nightmare. Has to be Tiger-time now. Fans can’t wait anymore, nor should they.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

Back to buying stock in the Tigers is one KB who is joined by Tigers fan Jon LeBaron-Ralph to regale in the positives of one of the weaker performing stocks in recent AFL market history: The great crash after 1982, the bear market years often highlighted by a Gary Ablett Snr goal picnic, the flailing of the Save Our Skins years, the KB coach era, through to the contemporary Fighting Fund campaign.

They have to win this one says KB to say they have arrived. If not a win he emphasizes a very competitive performance at least. The protégé agrees they need a big scalp. A few predictable platitudes are thrown for a handful of Dons before the excitement of the Tigers midfield matching up against Essendon has KB all bullish.

“You can always set the sporting agenda on Hungry for Sport” always segues the move to talkback and it doesn’t take long for one name to surface. That name is Matthew Knights.

KB: Can I ask Essendon fans – and I just want to pose this question – Matthew Knights, does he deserve any credit for the development of Essendon as we see it at the moment with the players there? Because there’s a lot of players there that he actually gave the chance to and actually recruited. I know some times he’s a much maligned person with Essendon fans but I just want to ask Essendon fans do they give any credit to where they are at the moment … Any credit whatsoever?

I’ll take a stab – NO!:mad:

The ghastly sight for Dons fans of bruise-free defenceless Tigers hack, Matthew Knights wearing the mostly hard-hitting prestigious red and black winning colours. Ugh!!! Almost as bad as TD wearing a Collingwood polo shirt. Double Ugh!! The SEN Tigers puppet master has always been enamoured with Brendan “Sunny” Gales and Knights. KB recruited one to Richmond and gave the other his first ever game. Hence their successes and failures are vicariously felt by KB. And just wait for a senior opening in the AFL commission, Sunny Gales will be out of Richmond pursuing his own self-of-interest faster that the Dons jettisoned Knights from the cockpit.

The Argument for Knights Credits
Troy from Hoppers Crossing accredits Jobe Watson’s elevation to Knights, as Sheedy wasn’t playing or believing in him … Dan from Prahran echoes KB and Jon and credits Knights for being upfront with his attacking style and was going (woulda,coulda, shoulda) to install tackling and the press (possibly anachronistically?) at later on going back to the drawing board.

KB: Reckons Crameri was brought by Knights … Carlisle, Howlett, Hardingham are some of the names that come to mind. Collyer, Melksham, Zaharakis, Pears, Hooker … Sheeds had given up a bit on Watson who wasn’t going to be part of the modern game; flourished under Knights … cites Scott Gumbleton (drafted in 2006!*) to the Knights era – “He was another kid picked up by Matthew Knights.” … made the finals under Knights after four-year drought … Heath Hocking grew under Matthew Knights; when he made his mark … Sheedy in 2006 won three and a half games so they weren’t starting with a premiership list …

* Kevin Sheedy is on the record saying that if the rules for priority draft picks had not been changed Essendon would have taken Joel Selwood with their first pick (Leroy Jetta/No.18) after Gumbleton. How many times during the Sheedy tenure did the Dons get a double dip at the high end of the draft? Zero. Zilch. Nufin’. Never.

JLR: Knights taught the players KB mentioned how to play fantastic attacking football. While there was no defensive side Knights still taught them how to do that, James Hird installed the other stuff … Knights had it half right and deserves credit.

The Argument against Knights Credits
Polly from Richmond reminds the studio duo that Knights had to send out a team: You say that he gave certain blokes a go but he had to field a team and in reality he gave Crameri only about three or four games at the end of the season. He was more hell-bent on getting Neagle into the side and giving Laycock and Quinn and Atkinson every chance they had. The only person he really pushed aside was Scott Lucas. There was blokes like Lonergan (Sheedy era) Courtney Dempsey (Sheedy era) maybe even Jetta (Sheedy era) and Alwyn Davey (Sheedy era) that played terrible football under him. They were hopeless so the improvement from those blokes has been eight-fold since he left. Even Lovett-Murray (Sheedy era) and Heath Hocking (Sheedy era) have just played ten times better football than they did under Knights.

Ken from South Yarra suggests a point is being missed: Kevin Sheedy always gave full credit to Noel Judkins as the recruiting officer who brought the great Essendon team of the eighties. Those players: Watson and Merrett and so forth. It’s not so much the coach it’s whoever is involved in the recruiting. (Judkins recruited for the once on-field powerhouse Richmond until a dispute ended his tenure. The dispute? Tiger goofballs wouldn’t pay him petrol money to get to work. True story. He spent the next 17 years at Windy Hill.:cool:)

Alan from Endeavour Hills has followed the Dons since 1945: I’ve never seen the club so down as when Knights was there and he did one thing I couldn’t understand; we went over to Adelaide without a ruckman. … Why he ever did that – that was a disgrace.

Brett from Ringwood drops the anvil: I can’t believe you and your Richmond [cricket], Caroline Wilson and Matthew Richardson trying to push Matthew Knights’ wheelbarrow. The fact is his three years at Essendon was an absolute disaster. We’re a basket case eighteen months ago. We lost Bachar Houli coz he wouldn’t play him; got Williams over from Hawthorn; he structured a forward line around Neagle and Gumbleton that was nonexistent. The fact we are as successful as we are is despite what Matthew Knights did to the club, not because of it. And the fact he’s gone to Geelong now and they’re stuffed is another indication:D

The final blow from Rob of Beaumaris: Oh, I think you’ve been a little bit unfair to most of the Essendon supporters. I think all Essendon supporters are rapped that Matty Knights was there because if he hadn’t of been there and hadn’t of been such an unmitigated disaster we probably wouldn’t have Hirdy and the team we’ve got now.

Quote of the Day
But hey, we don’t make things up at the Herald Sun, KB.
- Jon LeBaron-Ralph:rolleyes:

SMS: None read out. Only this quote from KB: “Ahh, not getting a great deal of love off the SMS’s.”

KB: But do you think he needs some, you know, credit for, you know, developing some players into the system and giving them a chance and…
JLR: [rhetorically] He’s not Pol Pot is he. [LOL] He hasn’t ruined the world, he just had a bad year there.

KB: [Beaten into submission] I’ll have to take a break.
During the 3pm news yesterday, the final sports news item was a one-liner about how Brian Lara has apparently called for Shivnarine Chanderpaul (newsreader pronounced his name as "Shivani" :confused:) to be promoted up the order for the Test series against England.

Perhaps not exclusively an SEN problem, but how is that even news? Why even bother?
Thought he was alright tbh.
Definitely one of the hardest parts of that job I imagine.

I remember a few years ago when he quite clearly said "soccer's crap" on his show.

Being forced to follow/become knowledgeable about a sport you don't like would be such a pain.

From what I heard he seemed to be pretty involved in the conversation.

Now the Ming Dynasty ended in 1644 and the Roman domination collapsed around the fifth century. History lessons tell us you don’t rule forever. Cats’ star James Kelly says the football world no longer respects Geelong. The respect will always be there for what they have achieved but I believe the reign has come to an end, and Collingwood will be the new empire. The rematch of the Grand Final on Friday night will show the baton has finally been passed on. Nathan Buckley and his men will finally bury the cat
I’m KB, that’s my Take

Here’s another type of dreamtime that should’ve remained in the times of the Ming Dynasty and days of Roman empires. But after the Bolt decision what can one really say but – spears and machetes ahoy!:rolleyes:

But it was funny, KB, I went out to the town camp where all this was alleged to have taken place, and actually to the house where it’s all alleged to have taken place in the yard just outside house No. 1 … I spoke with a Warlpiri elder from Yuendumu who’s living near Murraywood. Now this is Liam’s great uncle and he said ‘you know what? No matter what happens tomorrow in court and no matter what happens as we move forward with the court process. It doesn’t mean anything to the indigenous community.’ The way that these matters will be solved and resolved, is through payback where Basil Jurrah meets Liam Jurrah and either a spear is put through Liam Jurrah’s leg, or alternatively, a repeat of the attack, so in other words, the machete attack which allegedly occurred from Liam towards Basil, then that’s returned the other way around. Until that happens this matter will go on forever.
-[I’m]Lachie Wills, SUN 969, Alice Springs [that’s my Take]


KB: But what Lachie is saying is it doesn’t matter what [the courts] find. That’s what I found chilling. He might be found absolutely not guilty and cleared, but he’s saying that the people in the community, their minds are already made up.

Ouch! This’ll put a new definition on “dodgy hamstring.”

Dreamtime? Dream on.
What was Finey going on about at about 11.20pm? Apparently something bout local & country footy?? sounded like he went on a rampage? Love finey's work the best guy on radio love his strong opinions :thumbsu:
I love it when finey gets on a rant! Ask finey about pokies he loves them! He actually created a device that was used for betting in the old crown casino somthing to do with ahorse,

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What was Finey going on about at about 11.20pm? Apparently something bout local & country footy?? sounded like he went on a rampage? Love finey's work the best guy on radio love his strong opinions :thumbsu:

Some bloke sent in a text calling Finey and local footy scribe as flogs etc and how he hated local footy..

I'm not a fan of Finey, although I like his show, but I burst out laughing when he got stuck into "mr anony-mouse"!!

..called him a w***er, probably a serial killer, probably strangles cats, and probably pulls himself:eek:;)....anyhow, you get the gist..
Some bloke sent in a text calling Finey and local footy scribe as flogs etc and how he hated local footy..

I'm not a fan of Finey, although I like his show, but I burst out laughing when he got stuck into "mr anony-mouse"!!

..called him a w***er, probably a serial killer, probably strangles cats, and probably pulls himself:eek:;)....anyhow, you get the gist..

That was fantastic radio - he even replayed it for the benefit of Peaky
Definitely one of the hardest parts of that job I imagine.

I remember a few years ago when he quite clearly said "soccer's crap" on his show.

Being forced to follow/become knowledgeable about a sport you don't like would be such a pain.

From what I heard he seemed to be pretty involved in the conversation.

Soccer's crap ! Yet Harford does the ground interviewing for MV!!
Ox and Marko wont be happy to hear that the Run Home regular caller "Darren from the custody centre" must be allowed a few extra calls a week now.

Ringing up Huddo and Robbo on Saturday mornings Crunch time at 11:30am as "Shane", then an after 1:00pm call to 3aw Saturday pregame to talk to BT and Mike Sheahan , as "Shane"

Hmmmmm ?
Hungry for Some Life in the Melbourne Football Club

Double shot Denham on SEN was again forced into duelling mode for two days by the frustrated Demons listeners .

Dave from Ormond: Grunk, what’s your problem with Melbourne, mate?
Grunk: What’s the problem?

Demonic Dave: What’s your problem? Not the problem, what’s your problem?
Grunk: Can’t win!

Demonic Dave: Why are you having a go at Melbourne for genuinely chasing Travis Cloke?
GrunK: I don’t think with the money that’s been misspent already this year-

Demonic Dave: Who’ve we misspent it on?
Grunk: Neil Craig! Too dear. … Mitch Clarke’s been quite good … I think he’s too dear at the price that you paid for him. I think you overreacted, going out there announcing you can get a big recruit when I don’t think there was any need to. I think the track record of Melbourne over the last five years speaks for itself. There’s not many wins and stacks and stacks of losses.

Demonic Dave: So he’s our best player for the year and he hasn’t been a good recruit … as you would have anticipated?
Grunk: Well I think that clubs should recruit good players when they’re in that opportunity to play finals football. That’s when you need to recruit in players from outside just to top your list up. Now you haven’t won a game this year so I’d say that’s money not well spent.

Demonic Dave: But isn’t he twenty-four?
Grunk: Yeah.

Demonic Dave: So wouldn’t you think for the future, he’s gonna be a player that’s gonna be at the Melbourne football club-
Grunk: Well what is the future of the Melbourne footy club? Honestly. You know, that’s why I said last week I feel really sorry and I feel sorry for you, Dave that you barrack for Melbourne because you’re in for a rough trot for a long time.
KB: [LOL] Ya don’t give Melbourne any credit at all. For a long time, [Grunk]? For a long time?

Bill from Berwick:mad:: [Grunk], you are living proof that you don’t need a long neck to be a goose.

Now Melbourne has every right to select Liam Jurrah to play against the Swans. Jurrah does face multiple police charges of a very serious nature but under our legal system you are innocent until proven guilty. The Demons are supporting their player but the club did fine him under their rules $5,000 dollars for drinking whilst in rehab with a wrist injury. Now what AFL action if any after the court case remains to be seen. His inclusion seems a surprise because we were told, no that long ago, he wouldn’t be ready to play seniors until the second half of the season. The Demons need something positive to happen after a winless start to the year. The club will be hoping he can turn out to be the x-factor that can breathe some life back into the club.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

Mensa Talkback Society Classic:
Billy from Berwick calls KB asking for goose sound effect when Grunk Denham makes a stupid comment every day. But then he misquotes Grunk in relation to the Liam Jurrah being selected in a bid to prove his point. Grunk rightfully castigates Pinhead for misquote and not listening before sending him packing with “you’re a goose!”:mad:

Surveying The Weekly Denhamography
a) If the indigenous players want a all-stars team it’s fair enough.
b) KB’s in love with Buckley and Collingwood due to the “Carlton thing.”
c) Cats not in decline; if they make the eight it will be a fabulous year; that’s not necessarily in decline.:confused:
d) Dons’ Ryder should be signed by the end of the month.
e) The only club that can really afford Cloke is Fremantle.
f) T. Cloke is not in every club’s focus at all; that’s silly!
g) With Cloke, Carlton would be nearly unbeatable.
h) Trading Maurice Rioli would be idiotic.
i) Richmond should not go after Cloke because they are not in a premiership window period.


Journalistic Semantics Department
“I’ll tell you what, probably” of the Week:
But I’ll tell you what, [Geelong will] probably end up winning more games than Collingwood this year.
- Grunk Denham

Quote of the Day:
I think that Travis Cloke would give the Tigers an outstanding chance of challenging for a flag.

KB Tips: Collingwood, North Melbourne, Essendon, Hawthorn, Sydney, Western Bulldogs, Greater Western Sydney, Adelaide, West Coast

KB: Do you owe Mitch Clarke an apology, [Grunk]?
Grunk: No, no, no. No I don’t. We haven’t seen the season out yet….

Oh boy. Swans 21-12-138 d Melbourne 5-7-37. Grunk moves on to easy street - if he wasn't already swaggering along the sidewalk - with his Melbourne crystal ball. And no doubt ex-Swan, Tadhg Kennelly sent the apoplectic Dees fans to the bar for something like Jameson Irish Whiskey double shots to drown their miserably repeated footy weekend existence:

“It’s a shame. Poor old Jim Stynes would be turning in his grave I’m sure, because the respect they’re losing on the football field and in the football environment is happening right in front of our eyes. Every footballer, every journalist and everyone who sees the game will be saying that about the Melbourne Football Club.” … But honestly they don’t know what their left hand and right hand are doing. ... I just can’t get away, from the Melbourne prospective, that there was absolutely no fight whatsoever.”

And I’ll bet the well satisfied Grunkster will be ready to do more than just honk like a goose next Thursday.
Hungry for the Melbourne Comedy Show
If they say change is as good as a holiday then the Crows have been on a cruise in the Caribbean for a month. They are refreshed and invigorated and have developed a zest for the contest under new coach Brenton Sanderson. The Crows made the one-time premiership favourites look second rate. They reminded me of Geelong, Collingwood, and Hawthorn of recent years when those clubs won flags; a combination of class and a hard edge. Adelaide’s physical attack at the ball and on opponents was awesome. Their players looked like they relished the contest. For mine that was the best performance of the year. A performance of a true premiership favourite.
I’m KB, that’s my Take

A fast start to Manic Monday as Smitty instantly queries KB jumping on the Adelaide bandwagon. In fairness, KB had the Crows over the line on Friday in his continuing disregard for the Blues. … Putz declares Dons, Eagles, and Crows as favourites with only “polish” separating the Tigers from the Dons on Saturday night, but he fears for Fremantle’s chances. KB is again talking up his stock regards Carlton missing the eight …

Talkback is quick to embrace the winners are grinners mantra as Dons’ fan expresses his concern for KB’s regular caller, Blowfish from Woodend who was seen on TV carrying a few spare tyres of girth while being overly excited when Richmond hit the front. A heart attack could be on the cards. … The Blowfish rings in feeling pretty good about his club for having a go. Which he does, um, like, every day! … A funny caller punks KB and Putz while suggesting their must be a parallel premiership cup running for honourable losses after listening to the Blowfish from Woodend.

It didn’t take long for the first “I’m a devastated Melbourne supporter” to hit the airwaves. … Caller quotes Putz from several weeks ago for asking who is taking responsibility at Melbourne and is frustrated that Putz question never got answered. … Caller wants to know how to keep kids watching Melbourne? … Another caller’s son wanted to know when the Dees play GWS after he was asked about going to the Carlton game next week.

Putz: They have betrayed their supporter base… because they keep promising and they deliver nothing. They have wasted the Bailey years; they don’t know what they’re doing this year; they’ve got no idea what they’re doing this year. They’ve invested money in Neil Craig, in Dave Misson; they went and got Mitch Clarke for a lot of money. That’s fine but where’s the results? … The present administration has achieved nothing; has taken the club backwards.

Oh boy, gee, wow-wee, the great BT gets hammered again on talkback for what’s turning out to be another disastrous Saturday night call. Hard to disagree; BT’s calling has become horrendous on Seven. … Putz agrees on the caller’s assessment. Gee, there is no love candy for BT on SEN.:(

Question of Bad to Worse to Oblivion

Captain Terrell from the Redlegs: My children, six and nine years-old, on Saturday night said, ‘Dad, can we follow another football club? Melbourne aren’t winning or not even trying.’ Now if they can see that what is the Melbourne board doing? … I’m thirty-three years consecutive member of the Melbourne Redlegs. I’m an adult; I understand what Mark Neeld ‘s trying to do, but, you need results to keep the children interested. My children want to go to Essendon and Carlton and that’s a big no-no. Help us realise that the children are important.

:DPutz Smith Drops the Comedic Boom on Melbourne Football Club:D

The stench of mediocrity over that club, Kevin; blow your nose off.
- On the Mediocrity of Melbourne.

Well that’ll take a minute and a half. What else do you do in the love-fest?
- On the Double M’s call for Melbourne to have a love-fest.

The club has no sense of expertise; no sense of success; it is just this forlorn useless club that continually betrays the loyalty of its supporters.
- He ain’t gabbing about Manchester teams.;)

There is not a hint of excellence at that club. Not a hint of success. It is a – disaster.
- On no-one taking responsibility at Melbourne.

Do you have any rope? … Superglue?
- On how a caller can keep his kids watching Melbourne.

You don’t think the fact that they kicked the almighty score of 5-7 against Sydney, that’s going to draw them?
- A reason to excite Dees fans and get them to games.

I think a new administration would.
- Another reason to excite Dees fans and get them to games.

They watched Trengove start on the bench. That’ll excite them. [Deep voice] “C’mon son, we’ll go and watch Trengove start on the bench.”
- Yet another reason to excite Dees fans and get them to games.

They do on the bench.
- Response to a caller suggesting there is no leadership on the ground.

I could help Melbourne! I could put a golden retriever on the forward flank and he would get more ball than any Melbourne player. … Worse, Tadhg Kennelly’s eighty-eight-year-old grandmother will lay more tackles.
- On whether Tom Hawkins would be good enough to help Melbourne.

KB attempts redemption but suffers massive FAIL
KB: Ever since I mentioned Tyrone Vickery and Matthew Kreuzer, I don’t think Kreuzer has fired a shot as well, [Putz].
Putz: […] Nah, no, but at least he gets into the senior side. Probably one up on Tyrone [LOL].
KB: Ohh thanks, thanks [Putz]. We’ll take a break.

Guus of the Week: Nick Flanagan (Golfer)
Goose of the Week: Melbourne Football Club (“For there constant betrayal of their supporter base”)
Definitely one of the hardest parts of that job I imagine.

I remember a few years ago when he quite clearly said "soccer's crap" on his show.

Being forced to follow/become knowledgeable about a sport you don't like would be such a pain.

From what I heard he seemed to be pretty involved in the conversation.

I think you are making a big assumption that harf still has those thoughts on soccer.

People do change their opinions, and just because you don't like a sport initially, who's to say after you've had more exposure to it, that you won't actually start to appreciate it?
I think you are making a big assumption that harf still has those thoughts on soccer.

People do change their opinions, and just because you don't like a sport initially, who's to say after you've had more exposure to it, that you won't actually start to appreciate it?

Sure, you might, and he might have.

What I meant was at that time he obviously didn't like soccer but was forced to follow/become knowledgeable about it at least to a basic level.
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