No Oppo Supporters The TAN 83 - arse: keep it clean just in case

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for Meteoric Rise



Imagine shagging someone's missus in that? Would be mint. :)

We could get like 5 of these and Mustangs and do like The Italian Job up the Stuart Highway. We just need something to steal.

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Imagine shagging someone's missus in that? Would be mint. :)

We could get like 5 of these and Mustangs and do like The Italian Job up the Stuart Highway. We just need something to steal.
fk mustangs

how bout xb coupe

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stick to tosca campaigner
Holy shit.
You talk about Tosca then I put up a Tosca pic without knowing you were talking about em.
We are gonna beat Freo.
I'm going for a tosca used to be something you said when you were going to take a dump.
Weren't they luggage awarded to VFL players on World Of Sport along with a bottle of Patra Orange juice?

Uncle Doug.
Weren't they luggage awarded to VFL players on World Of Sport along with a bottle of Patra Orange juice?

Uncle Doug.
Was a chocolate bar too. The TV ad used to be " Where's George?"

"He's gone for a Tosca"..

Why in school we'd say I'm going for a Tosca when you took a dump.

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