No Oppo Supporters The TAN 83 - Keep it clean

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Sunday arvo games suck arse. How come the CFL scheduled so many for us this year?
I got 7 cans

gonna start at 3 if I dont have a mood swing and start at 12

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a touch of cloth. if anyone hasnt watched it its hilarious. real naked gun laughs/per second writing.
Had a pretty grouse dream about the tigers last night. I was hanging out with Seth Cambell and he was a full legend - heaps down to earth and nice. I noticed His arm muscles were larger than what I thought they would be. He told me that Jacob Blight was really up himself though. Jacob Blight was also hanging around, looked about 7 foot tall and had heaps of neck tattoos and was kicking laser passes at training. I sympathised with Seth, but in my head I could totally see why they had listed him.

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