The UK working visa process

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You will LOVE Cardiff. Compared with Adelaide, obviously you are going to be in for a bit of shock weatherwise, but it is one of the most under rated cities in the UK and the nightlife will make it look like Las Vegas compared with Adelaide. Might be worth heading across to Swansea as well and sampling some of the nightlife there as well, only about 25-30 minutes away from Cardiff.

Good Luck.

Yeah mate I have spent a month in Cardiff prior to this trip, have some mates there as well so should be gun.

They do have some awesome clubs there....Oceana, The Welsh Club, Tiger Tiger and this new place opened when I was there called Vodka Revolutions...very impressive nightlife for a city of 300,000 people!

I also have a friend in Swansea mate so will be keen to suss it all out there as well.

Swansea are in the championship this year....Cardiff V Swansea....look out! (and we think the showdowns are rough)

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Got the email today. 22 working days counting the morning it arrived in Canberra. It's a pretty busy time, so around 20 working days would be about right in terms of waiting for a response. Still don't plan to go until October, have tons to take care of before then.

As for bank account, I think I might go with myOE. NI number you can take care of when you are there, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to contact them, (whatever them is) ahead of time to get the appointment date already settled. Regardless, NI number should be one of the first things you should take care of when you arrive as I've been told. As for mobiles, I'm a pre-paid man and will stick to it, might even bring my 4 year old ancient mobile with me.
You'll be right Leon.

Been here 2 weeks now (spent another week in Majorca, Spain).

I had an interview today with British Gas and they said I nailed it but the next step is some assessment thing and they can't do it until So I don't know if I can hold out for a job until then but I have applied for others anyway, basically anything that looks kind of suitable. The thing is will only be there til Dec then am doing a contiki, can't afford to have any loyalty to companies over here, this is my year ;) Good thing about British Gas is that there is 6 weeks of training, so 6 weeks of good money for basically not doing any work, then ill just leave a few months later.

Got my interview for a NI number on Monday the 18th, have to bring supporting documents etc etc so see how that goes.

Going to London next week to see the Socceroos play South Africa, and actually staying at a blokes place I met out in Majorca (ahh the joys of travelling, you meet so many people abroad who you would like to swap with people at home haha).
i agree with most of the comment made on this thread. The system does need an overhaul expecially for the people from Adelaide. The reason we are getting a visa is to travel to the UK europe ect and then we have to fork out money we are saving for a trip to go 2 Melbourne for fingerprints that take just 5 minutes.

Was some good info on here guys which has helped me wiv my visa...sent it away 15 working days ago...not too worried about it yet as im not leaving till mid september.

I hope all the guys that have applied for the visas hav got them and are loving it over there
arse.... 21 days and still no email, let alone the passports/visas.

I called them first thing on the 20th day and they said (after much hesitation) that they'd email a progress report, and if I didn't receive it by Friday 9am then to call them back.

Also, their turnaround time for received applications post 12th August is now 30 days,which tells me it's obviously bloody busy at the moment.

Not much I can do here but sit and wait until tomorrow morning. Best case scenario now is probably making a run to Canberra if it's ready to pick up on Monday morning.

Got my passport/visa back yesterday. They stuffed up the dates on the visa!!!

I wanted to go in October and I mentioned in the application and on the questionairre the specific date when I would like to arrive in the UK. So I thought the "Valid From" date would be that date in October. Instead, the "Valid From" date was from last weekend just after my application was processed, ie August. So my stay will be 2 months shorter already. Is this a mistake, or am I wrong?

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Email came on the 23rd business day, this morning... but not in time for original booked flights, so we've put the flights back to Sat. Not the end of the world... just spending less time in Shangers on the way. Fortunately had some frequent flyer points left over to move them with no cost. Thumbs up to Qantas for once.

Thumbs down to this convoluted UK system though.

Footy Junkie, I might be wrong, but the "Valid from" date might just be the time you're allowed to initially enter the country from (e.g. you've got 3 months to enter from that time).... and the visa length starts from when you first actually enter the UK. That's how it was for me in Japan and Korea, from memory.
to all those from Adelaide who had to fly to Melbourne so they could sit and have a photo taken and some fingerprints done all of which took a maximum of 2 minutes - my sympathies

what an absolute joke that they can't slap one of these centres in adelaide - as much as I enjoyed paying an extra $250 on flights just for the privledge of a 2 minute photo.

I sent off all my paperwork on the 14th of August - departure date is 31st of October and I noticed yesterday they have processed the VISA application fee - I guess this is good news if I haven't heard anything from them? I'd have to assume if my application was dodgey in anyway they would at least phone me before the fee is processed? Who knows!

I can't wait to get over there - staying with friends in London and using them as a home base so I can travel around Europe on the cheap 2-3 months before I start work. Should have 10K saved before departure date - if you don't mind me asking how much has everyone else saved and how long do you think it will last you for?

I'm nervous!
Should have 10K saved before departure date - if you don't mind me asking how much has everyone else saved and how long do you think it will last you for?

I'm nervous!

10k is a good amount.

i left for dublin in november of 2006. i had 11k saved in september when i quit my job and went a bit mental and ending up leaving with only about 7.5k. i arrived at the start of november 2006, and by the time i started work which was around the second week of december i was down to about 3k australian left.

you really burn through the money, particularly in expensive cities like London and Dublin, and assumably Rome and Paris although i haven't visited the latter two.

however much your kind of budgeting to spend add another third on top at least. when i left i kinda figured i'd get by on about 40 euros a day in dublin which is about $65.... but i spent way more than that.

it also depends where you go - if your in spain and portugal you'll spend less. if you head east to hungary, latvia, lithuania, poland, you'll spend less again. conversely though if your using the UK as a base, getting to eastern europe can be quite pricey.

the guide books are generally fairly accurate but they don't take into accoutn drinking money which is such a huge cost for young travellers. my lonely planet for instance said i'd spend about 30-40 euro a day in spain. that was pretty close to right if you didn't count the money i spent boozing. but that was another 30-40 euro a night on top of day costs....

but if you've got 10K you should be able to backpack for at least 10 weeks and still get back to the UK with about 2-3k. which is what you'll need when you get back because you won't be able to crash at your friends for ever so you'll need your own pad - straight up thats 2 months rent. 1 for the first month and 1 for a deposit. in london, most rent is about 300 pounds a month. so thats 600 straight up, or around $1250.... straight there you can see how easily you burn money, if you got back to the UK with $2000 your already down to about $700 and you still don't have a job.....
10k is a good amount.

but if you've got 10K you should be able to backpack for at least 10 weeks and still get back to the UK with about 2-3k. which is what you'll need when you get back because you won't be able to crash at your friends for ever so you'll need your own pad - straight up thats 2 months rent. 1 for the first month and 1 for a deposit. in london, most rent is about 300 pounds a month. so thats 600 straight up, or around $1250.... straight there you can see how easily you burn money, if you got back to the UK with $2000 your already down to about $700 and you still don't have a job.....

thanks for the advice - am lucky to have a position to go straight into after I finish traveling thanks to a friend in a good position in a company over there so hopefully there will be a bit of leeway and minus some stress after the traveling part is over.

btw am I absolutely mad to go backpacking for 10 weeks during November/Dec - should I put off some countries until the Euro summer rocks around? How bad do you reckon it will get?
thanks for the advice - am lucky to have a position to go straight into after I finish traveling thanks to a friend in a good position in a company over there so hopefully there will be a bit of leeway and minus some stress after the traveling part is over.

btw am I absolutely mad to go backpacking for 10 weeks during November/Dec - should I put off some countries until the Euro summer rocks around? How bad do you reckon it will get?

yeah having a job sorted is a sweet case to be in. finding work is easy enough but it can be a tad stressful especially when the money starts getting low....

i must admit i used december/january/february for work when i've been over there and then the summer for travelling.

although i've never done it i'm sure backpacking through the winter months can have its advantages - for instance aside from christmas and new year you'll never have problems with getting accommodation. the added bonus on this is that you can just up and go to any city and know you'll have no problems with accommo.

during the summer months you often have to book in advance which means a lack of flexibility which is something i love. i love the idea of being able to just go whereever you want but if there's no accommo it can get very difficult and expensive.

during the summer any major city will need booking in advance for the weekends, while the very big tourist cities like Amsterdam, Barcelona, Rome, Paris, Prague, London etc,. usually need bookings for any day of the week (maybe monday or tuesday you can get lucky)....

during the winter though the only time you would need bookings is at weekends for places like Amsterdam and Barcelona.

Also if your going to places which rely on weather to have a good time - spain, portugal, southern italy then going during the winter can be a bit of a downer. but for the most part, most european cities aren't really all that reliant on having good weather for a good time (in saying that no one would say no to a bit of sunshine) - Places like Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, London... they can all get cold and wet during the winter but there is nothing less to do than during the summer (when they can still be cold and wet anyway)....

Eastern Europe though - during the winter it sounds like a nightmare. sub zero temperatures (same as Scandanavia), and a lot of places close down and i've heard stories of people ending up in hostels with only 4 or 5 other people in the place and there just isn't much fun to be had.....

Each has their advantages, it depends what you want. I prefer the Summer but everyone has different tastes. I'm happy to sacrifice the flexibility to know i'll have full hostels and a lot of people around and (usually) decent weather to move around in. Although I don't mind the wet, it can be shit lugging around a suit case in wet conditions.
Ok... have been over here for a week and a bit. Got the Visa a little later than expected but we were able to move our flights with no hassle.

Went to the Walkabout @ Islington on Friday night... it was v. mediocre, 10 or so screens, 9 on a Man U game, and 1 on the footy, with no commentary. Then when the soccer finished, I thought we'd get a bit of the footy commentary, but the god awful doof doof started up at the back of the venue.

Stopped by at the Slug @ Fulham on Sunday arvo, caught a bit of Hawks/Carlton... seemed much better there. Thinking of going there on Sat morning to catch Pies/Adelaide game... if it's on.. where else is this game shown live?

Techsta, as far as I know, the BHC take the Visa application cost out as soon as it arrives in Canberra, then from what I've been able to gather, it sits around on someone's desk for 3 or so weeks. But you've given yourself plenty of time for it to be processed, you should be right.
Ok... have been over here for a week and a bit. Got the Visa a little later than expected but we were able to move our flights with no hassle.

Went to the Walkabout @ Islington on Friday night... it was v. mediocre, 10 or so screens, 9 on a Man U game, and 1 on the footy, with no commentary. Then when the soccer finished, I thought we'd get a bit of the footy commentary, but the god awful doof doof started up at the back of the venue.

Stopped by at the Slug @ Fulham on Sunday arvo, caught a bit of Hawks/Carlton... seemed much better there. Thinking of going there on Sat morning to catch Pies/Adelaide game... if it's on.. where else is this game shown live?

Techsta, as far as I know, the BHC take the Visa application cost out as soon as it arrives in Canberra, then from what I've been able to gather, it sits around on someone's desk for 3 or so weeks. But you've given yourself plenty of time for it to be processed, you should be right.

The Walkabout Pub on Shaftesbury Ave near Leicester Square in central London is BRILLIANT for showing the footy!! Went there last saturday week and the they were showing Syd V Pies on all screens with the commentary up and loud. The owner said they showed ALL AFL games. Am heading there on Saturday to watch the Sydney V North final.
Been here for 5 weeks now and havent got a decent job yet, MUCH easier to find work back home than here at the moment. Would be easier in London, but then again Cardiff is a lot cheaper.

I'm down to approx 400 pounds left in my bank haha

Better get a job soon!

Having said that since I have been here, I have been to Palma Mallorca for a week, Cheltenham a few times, London for the Socceroos, checked out Oxford, went and stayed at a mates at Milton Keynes and have blown hundreds of quid on nights out in the abovementioned places.

Also got tickets for Oasis, Kings of Leon and the Fratellis, bring it on!
Techsta, as far as I know, the BHC take the Visa application cost out as soon as it arrives in Canberra, then from what I've been able to gather, it sits around on someone's desk for 3 or so weeks. But you've given yourself plenty of time for it to be processed, you should be right.

Yeah fingers crossed it gets approved. It's such a stressful experience, I can't count how many nights I've dreamt about bloody passports and travel documents. Currently on day (working) 15 since it's been in Canberra - as per their website they're saying due to "increased workload" they now take a full 30 working days to process.

I know I just need to chill.
It is a very stressful process. Finally got the email yesty saying my application had been approved. Sent my parcel off on the 24th of july and had confirmation it had been signed for on the 28th. So had been playn the waiting game. After waiting 28 working days made the call (charges apply) and the bloke i spoke to wasnt very helpful and couldnt even giv me a progress report..just told me to keep checkn my emails. A day later and iv got the email sayn its all go. I dont kno if that has anything to do wiv my phone call or not. But it is such a relief to know its been approved. Luckily i had allowed myself plenty of time and dont fly out till the 16th of sept, but still i was expecting it 8 working days ago. My advice is to giv urself plenty of time, and no news is good news until you get that email.
It is a disgrace the amount of riff raff they let in from European countries so easily...yet us, who have our entire heritage etc from the UK, have to jump through a ridicuous amount of hoops and deal with incompetent staff.

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The UK working visa process

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