The Upper Murray Football League (Part2)

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bloom from cudgie has had a great year so far. u wouldnt think he would get votes in the games they have been flogged in but should poll well. has been a good pick up for them
Super Wog , seen Bloomy last sat , HALL from Sydney got 2 for his jab , your man from cudgie should have got 6 for his elbow, broken nose and poossible eye socket damage, and the injured player didnt even get a 50 mte penalty, very ordinary result player and umpire wise,and there is a certain bloke running the water for cudgie who thought it was quite funny that this kid had been cleaned up , accidental, maybe, but Jordan you really showed what sort of a person youreally are when you laugh about an oppsition player being helped off the ground with a bad facial injury, we can only hope the same thing doesnt happen to you :thumbsdown:
Well done cudgie on the weekend good to see your club was able to sign a few players before the dead line and yes it will make the finals race interesting,but i wouldn't rite tumba off just yet.
Tiger if your going to go fishing on here you need to catch the guppies not sharks because they have a bigger bite.
Silver Kid i agree with you Nick Purss is a quality player but why did he leave M/F

Nick Purss hasn't left Myrtleford, he had not played in 2 months due to broken ribs and 4 weeks in Thailand, needed a run under his belt and had the oportunity to play with his old club. Sure you will see him back playing with Myrtleford this weekend.
Just heard the young lad from B/W that copped the elbow last week smashed nose ,fractured jaw and had a piece of his nose bone removed from behind his eye and as I said yesterday, very ordinary , the umpire was no more than ten mts away, as it happened within twenty mts of both benches, so we all got a good view of it. And everyone was on Kiel Hunts case for a supposed kick early in the season where are you all now, especially the ROOBOY, one of your teamates goes down and you dissapear off the radar, you were very happy to say Kiels actions were the worst you had seen in a long time, where is the support for young Brett Wesley? I thought last year when Evan dont hurt my sons dad from Corryong had a whinge about the ball players not being looked after was that , just a whinge, but after seeing last weeks incident he is right on the money,and I will be making an apoligy to him when I see him, and no Brett is not my son, and thank christ my son was already injured and hopefully he will stay that way for the rest of the season. And the Tiges need Ben Cousins:thumbsu:

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Nick Purss hasn't left Myrtleford, he had not played in 2 months due to broken ribs and 4 weeks in Thailand, needed a run under his belt and had the oportunity to play with his old club. Sure you will see him back playing with Myrtleford this weekend.
I have just seen Myrtefords team, Nick Purss first ruck, he may be a good player, but based on last weeks effort you have got to be joking, how could they even consider him to be O/M standard, he had that much of the ball last week he wouldnt even make my UMFL twos side . He has got to have something on the coach up at Myrt. I really hope he makes me eat my words but I can tell you now if he can get 2 touches in the UMFL and then play ones in the O/M the next week I am really missing what playing footy is all about, Andrew Dale whats happening up at Myrt?:p And the Tiges need Ben Cousins:thumbsu:
I have just seen Myrtefords team, Nick Purss first ruck, he may be a good player, but based on last weeks effort you have got to be joking, how could they even consider him to be O/M standard, he had that much of the ball last week he wouldnt even make my UMFL twos side . He has got to have something on the coach up at Myrt. I really hope he makes me eat my words but I can tell you now if he can get 2 touches in the UMFL and then play ones in the O/M the next week I am really missing what playing footy is all about, Andrew Dale whats happening up at Myrt?:p And the Tiges need Ben Cousins:thumbsu:
I think the bloke has played in two o and m grand finals when myrt were at there best and has played o and m senior footy for a while, NOT UPPER MURRAY FOOTY LIKE MOST PEOPLE ON HEAR which is one of the weaksest comps in the area. Id say move on from his game as said he has been out for quite a few weeks and was probley well underdone and id say was giving cudgy bout 50% off effort since it was only gunna be one game. Tiger have u not ever put in a shit performance once in a while or do u play every game as well as u right on big footy, and as for the young bloke no one likes to see people getting hurt like that, but been watching umfl for 5 years now and that shit has been going on every week behind play, under packs and even in front off the umpires, they seem to turn a blind eye up here.
Just heard the young lad from B/W that copped the elbow last week smashed nose ,fractured jaw and had a piece of his nose bone removed from behind his eye and as I said yesterday, very ordinary , the umpire was no more than ten mts away, as it happened within twenty mts of both benches, so we all got a good view of it. And everyone was on Kiel Hunts case for a supposed kick early in the season where are you all now, especially the ROOBOY, one of your teamates goes down and you dissapear off the radar, you were very happy to say Kiels actions were the worst you had seen in a long time, where is the support for young Brett Wesley? I thought last year when Evan dont hurt my sons dad from Corryong had a whinge about the ball players not being looked after was that , just a whinge, but after seeing last weeks incident he is right on the money,and I will be making an apoligy to him when I see him, and no Brett is not my son, and thank christ my son was already injured and hopefully he will stay that way for the rest of the season. And the Tiges need Ben Cousins:thumbsu:

Tiges, been away for a bit but I did see it happen it and it was a cheap hit,there is really no need for it, and before you say anything wog boy whether or not its been happening, it shouldn't
I think the bloke has played in two o and m grand finals when myrt were at there best and has played o and m senior footy for a while, NOT UPPER MURRAY FOOTY LIKE MOST PEOPLE ON HEAR which is one of the weaksest comps in the area. Id say move on from his game as said he has been out for quite a few weeks and was probley well underdone and id say was giving cudgy bout 50% off effort since it was only gunna be one game. Tiger have u not ever put in a shit performance once in a while or do u play every game as well as u right on big footy, and as for the young bloke no one likes to see people getting hurt like that, but been watching umfl for 5 years now and that shit has been going on every week behind play, under packs and even in front off the umpires, they seem to turn a blind eye up here.
Well here we go Wogboy, you have been watching UMFL for 5 years and you think its the weakest comp in the area ,and you still say Purss should be first ruck in an O/M side after last weeks game, you also say he was probably only giving 50 %,well 50%,of f..kall is stiill f..kall and I suppose you went and watched him give f..kall against Lavington yesterday.If the UMFL is so bad why are you wasting your valuable football brain in watching it ,you have just shown how much of an inbred halfwit from struggle town you really are .And you are wrong on one point with what happened with young Brett getting hurt ,it was a piss weak action and a piss weak response from one particular cudgie water boy, and Jordan, I know a bloke that is making a comeback next time Cudgie play B/W ,I watched him sparing the other night ,Ihope your feet move as fast as your mouth,but I dont think thats possible.And another thing WOG that shit does not happen every week ,there are things that happen but they are not reportable, last weeks incident was, but the down syndrome umpireing the game smiled ,and nothing more was said,not even by the coaching staff of B/W,and when they go to field a team next year they will wonder why they havent got any kids playing for them, because they refuse to support them ,these young blokes put thier necks on the line every week like all the clubs kids do and they will not go in to bat for them when they get cleaned up or are getting shafted week after week by the men who are supposedto be looking after the ball players,maybe they dont want your weakest footy comp to continue WOGBOY. These blokes take the money every week but dont or cant produce the level of umpireing thats required, not even for a lowly comp like ours WOGBOY:thumbsdown:
Well here we go Wogboy, you have been watching UMFL for 5 years and you think its the weakest comp in the area ,and you still say Purss should be first ruck in an O/M side after last weeks game, you also say he was probably only giving 50 %,well 50%,of f..kall is stiill f..kall and I suppose you went and watched him give f..kall against Lavington yesterday.If the UMFL is so bad why are you wasting your valuable football brain in watching it ,you have just shown how much of an inbred halfwit from struggle town you really are .And you are wrong on one point with what happened with young Brett getting hurt ,it was a piss weak action and a piss weak response from one particular cudgie water boy, and Jordan, I know a bloke that is making a comeback next time Cudgie play B/W ,I watched him sparing the other night ,Ihope your feet move as fast as your mouth,but I dont think thats possible.And another thing WOG that shit does not happen every week ,there are things that happen but they are not reportable, last weeks incident was, but the down syndrome umpireing the game smiled ,and nothing more was said,not even by the coaching staff of B/W,and when they go to field a team next year they will wonder why they havent got any kids playing for them, because they refuse to support them ,these young blokes put thier necks on the line every week like all the clubs kids do and they will not go in to bat for them when they get cleaned up or are getting shafted week after week by the men who are supposedto be looking after the ball players,maybe they dont want your weakest footy comp to continue WOGBOY. These blokes take the money every week but dont or cant produce the level of umpireing thats required, not even for a lowly comp like ours WOGBOY:thumbsdown:
I dont bother watching or playing anymore. went to a game early in the year and as always got there at 12 and there was no 2nds game had to wait 2 hours to watch a game that wasnt worth watching well worth the 200km i drove with a guy who had never been to a umfl game and will never go to again. u love to give ur point of view but hate hearing any1 elses. we r all sorry that we r halfwitt ********s that have no idea on the game. keep up the good work tiger soon no one else will write on hear cause u slag every one off.
Well here we go Wogboy, you have been watching UMFL for 5 years and you think its the weakest comp in the area ,and you still say Purss should be first ruck in an O/M side after last weeks game, you also say he was probably only giving 50 %,well 50%,of f..kall is stiill f..kall and I suppose you went and watched him give f..kall against Lavington yesterday.If the UMFL is so bad why are you wasting your valuable football brain in watching it ,you have just shown how much of an inbred halfwit from struggle town you really are .And you are wrong on one point with what happened with young Brett getting hurt ,it was a piss weak action and a piss weak response from one particular cudgie water boy, and Jordan, I know a bloke that is making a comeback next time Cudgie play B/W ,I watched him sparing the other night ,Ihope your feet move as fast as your mouth,but I dont think thats possible.And another thing WOG that shit does not happen every week ,there are things that happen but they are not reportable, last weeks incident was, but the down syndrome umpireing the game smiled ,and nothing more was said,not even by the coaching staff of B/W,and when they go to field a team next year they will wonder why they havent got any kids playing for them, because they refuse to support them ,these young blokes put thier necks on the line every week like all the clubs kids do and they will not go in to bat for them when they get cleaned up or are getting shafted week after week by the men who are supposedto be looking after the ball players,maybe they dont want your weakest footy comp to continue WOGBOY. These blokes take the money every week but dont or cant produce the level of umpireing thats required, not even for a lowly comp like ours WOGBOY:thumbsdown:

Tiger, i didnt see the incident but it sounds like it was pretty ordinary. BUT if the upper murray league is such a shit comp with shit umpires and shit players, then y does your son play in it? u hav bagged nick purss who has been playing O&M seniors for years yet your son is still running around for walwa. cant he even get a game of reserves in down there?
Well guys went out with maxie on Saturday night a great night might i say.
Asked him his tips for league medal.Here they are

BULLIOH -G.Thomas C.Tonkin and M.Nichols

B/W -M.Wilson Nelson M.Hayes [dark horse Broughton]

CORRY -E.Nichols

FEDS -W.Sinclair L.Paton J.Jarvis

TUMBA -A.Widderson T.Brook W.McPherson [dark horse M.Clarke]

In a close one tumba over b/w due to both sides having injuries to players

bullioh over feds 6gls

corryong to cause upset by downing cudgie 7pts

Tiger maxie [the mouth] sends his regards and Richmond do need B.C.
Now i'll enjoy the rest of my R.D.O.
Tiger, i didnt see the incident but it sounds like it was pretty ordinary. BUT if the upper murray league is such a shit comp with shit umpires and shit players, then y does your son play in it? u hav bagged nick purss who has been playing O&M seniors for years yet your son is still running around for walwa. cant he even get a game of reserves in down there?
Hey, you w***er,I didnt say it was a shit comp or shit players, your learned comrade The SUPER WOG WAS CANNING THE COMP AND PLAYERS I just hate the umpires Ilove everything else about UMFL ,even all you blokes,you make getting on here and having a discusion,even a heated oneall worth the effort,keep up the good work.Sorry for calling you a w***er, Im going to turn over a new leaf and be nice to people,.Maybe next year.And the reason my son plays up there is because his mates do and he,s in love and she is from up in the hills,where men are men and sheep are nervous:thumbsu:
Had a great few weeks up north guys ;went an seen a local game not a bad standard fair few victorian boys playing up here must be the weather.
Good to see cudgie putting afew wins on the board will make the run home interesting [go blue boys].Good to see SUPER WOG back on line.Hows the family?
Why's everyone getting into TIGER He's only playing with you's [don't take it to heart guys].
Tiger the sheep may-be nervous but the cattle run.
Here are my tips for this week
Tumba to beat B/W 9pts
Cudgie to beat Corry 5gls
Bullioh by 10gls over Feds

Has anyone heard from the Toecutter?
Had a great few weeks up north guys ;went an seen a local game not a bad standard fair few victorian boys playing up here must be the weather.
Good to see cudgie putting afew wins on the board will make the run home interesting [go blue boys].Good to see SUPER WOG back on line.Hows the family?
Why's everyone getting into TIGER He's only playing with you's [don't take it to heart guys].
Tiger the sheep may-be nervous but the cattle run.
Here are my tips for this week
Tumba to beat B/W 9pts
Cudgie to beat Corry 5gls
Bullioh by 10gls over Feds

Has anyone heard from the Toecutter?
Thanks REF for telling everyone Im only takeing the piss out of them,its taken a fair while for somebody to relieze it.Anyway good to have you back,there has been alot go down while you were away as you would know by reading this column. B/W are in big trouble with unrelated footy injures,two of thier good players are out after THE BROTHERS paid that housewarming a visit,and Idoubt if either will get back this year,its bad enough losing blokes to onfield injures without that crap,and to make matters worse the clown of a magistrate has let the bits of scum out on bail.Im not racist but Im starting to lean that way.My tips -Bullioh by 6 gls over Feds - Cudgie by 4 gls over Corry - B/W by 3 gls over Tumba in hopefully an injury free game for both sides,because christ knows they are both in a bit of bother and could do without anymore of thier boys out.And the TIGES need Ben Cousins:thumbsu:Have a good weekend lads:p

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Thanks REF for telling everyone Im only takeing the piss out of them,its taken a fair while for somebody to relieze it.Anyway good to have you back,there has been alot go down while you were away as you would know by reading this column. B/W are in big trouble with unrelated footy injures,two of thier good players are out after THE BROTHERS paid that housewarming a visit,and Idoubt if either will get back this year,its bad enough losing blokes to onfield injures without that crap,and to make matters worse the clown of a magistrate has let the bits of scum out on bail.Im not racist but Im starting to lean that way.My tips -Bullioh by 6 gls over Feds - Cudgie by 4 gls over Corry - B/W by 3 gls over Tumba in hopefully an injury free game for both sides,because christ knows they are both in a bit of bother and could do without anymore of thier boys out.And the TIGES need Ben Cousins:thumbsu:Have a good weekend lads:p

I must have missed this one, but what happened to the walwa blokes, got touched up? thats not good to hear, especially if the culprits only got a slap on the wrist... who were the walwa blokes?

my tips:
bullioh 1 goal over feds
corryong 2 goals over cudge
Tumba 2points over walwa...

I must have missed this one, but what happened to the walwa blokes, got touched up? thats not good to hear, especially if the culprits only got a slap on the wrist... who were the walwa blokes?

my tips:
bullioh 1 goal over feds
corryong 2 goals over cudge
Tumba 2points over walwa...

arrgh you's can all garn get f**ked
this is the worst forum i have ever read. the umfl isn't the best of leaguess i think we can all agree on that but u dont have to take up 2 pages about the topic. that first sentence was just for shits and giggles
Had a great few weeks up north guys ;went an seen a local game not a bad standard fair few victorian boys playing up here must be the weather.
Good to see cudgie putting afew wins on the board will make the run home interesting [go blue boys].Good to see SUPER WOG back on line.Hows the family?
Why's everyone getting into TIGER He's only playing with you's [don't take it to heart guys].
Tiger the sheep may-be nervous but the cattle run.
Here are my tips for this week
Tumba to beat B/W 9pts
Cudgie to beat Corry 5gls
Bullioh by 10gls over Feds

Has anyone heard from the Toecutter?

Where "up North" ref ? What comp ?
Thanks REF for telling everyone Im only takeing the piss out of them,its taken a fair while for somebody to relieze it.Anyway good to have you back,there has been alot go down while you were away as you would know by reading this column. B/W are in big trouble with unrelated footy injures,two of thier good players are out after THE BROTHERS paid that housewarming a visit,and Idoubt if either will get back this year,its bad enough losing blokes to onfield injures without that crap,and to make matters worse the clown of a magistrate has let the bits of scum out on bail.Im not racist but Im starting to lean that way.My tips -Bullioh by 6 gls over Feds - Cudgie by 4 gls over Corry - B/W by 3 gls over Tumba in hopefully an injury free game for both sides,because christ knows they are both in a bit of bother and could do without anymore of thier boys out.And the TIGES need Ben Cousins:thumbsu:Have a good weekend lads:p

Also heard about a "revenge" this weekend in relation to the "injuries" aquired. Not sure weather it is on or off field or both though.
I must have missed this one, but what happened to the walwa blokes, got touched up? thats not good to hear, especially if the culprits only got a slap on the wrist... who were the walwa blokes?

my tips:
bullioh 1 goal over feds
corryong 2 goals over cudge
Tumba 2points over walwa...

Several of the brothers of the dark skinned type stabbed recka and smashed darius howard,s arm with a hammer,real tough boys,no guts without a weapon ,and I do believe there will be a return match.
Also heard about a "revenge" this weekend in relation to the "injuries" aquired. Not sure weather it is on or off field or both though.
Dont know where you got your info from but it has got nothing to do with anything or anyone playing footy ,it was just a group of ferals from eastern circuit got the heave out of a party,and decided to go get the bruddas,F---EN scum.
arrgh you's can all garn get f**ked
this is the worst forum i have ever read. the umfl isn't the best of leaguess i think we can all agree on that but u dont have to take up 2 pages about the topic. that first sentence was just for shits and giggles
You truly are a pleasure to converse with moron,if its the worst forum you have ever read and the UMFL is the same why do you bother,just F--- off and let the people who love both get on with haveing a great time bagging each other but also haveing a good time aqnd some fun,go away.
Several of the brothers of the dark skinned type stabbed recka and smashed darius howard,s arm with a hammer,real tough boys,no guts without a weapon ,and I do believe there will be a return match.

Not good news Recka & Daz were injured :( Good blokes, good players! From what i hear there will be no return match. Why fuel the fire. Very ugly incident.
Not good news Recka & Daz were injured :( Good blokes, good players! From what i hear there will be no return match. Why fuel the fire. Very ugly incident.
Your right Bundy why fuel the fire, but what do people do? The people who can do something wont, this clown of a magistrate just keeps letting them out on the street,will he be happy when they finally kill someone .Anyway the main thing is that the boys get well and soon,have a good day at the footy.:thumbsu:
You truly are a pleasure to converse with moron,if its the worst forum you have ever read and the UMFL is the same why do you bother,just F--- off and let the people who love both get on with haveing a great time bagging each other but also haveing a good time aqnd some fun,go away.
thank you! i hear the word pleasure a lot, especially from girls who want me. and i bother because i reckon its hilarious what you's yap on about, but i'll end it hear just because u go for richmond!:thumbsu:
See there were no upsets on the weekend maybe only the score between Tumba an B/W any insight to that Tiger?
Also tiger is it true no one from B/W went back to have a drink with the tumba guys after the game.
We play them next week this game will make or break our season any hints on who to watch out for.
Hank2 what forum do you converse on so we can all log on and have a read an see how it's done.
G.Thomas[bull] A.Widderson[tumba] W.Sinclair[feds] Big.Jim[cudgie]
T.Brook[tumba] M.Hayes[b/w] Nelson[b/w] B.Nichols[bull] J.Jarvis[feds]
I've made my selection from best players in B/M.
And this forum needs Tiger:thumbsu:
thank you! i hear the word pleasure a lot, especially from girls who want me. and i bother because i reckon its hilarious what you's yap on about, but i'll end it hear just because u go for richmond!:thumbsu:
Hank,you should change yourname to wank , and I find it hilarious that you find it hilarious to even visit this forum .Have you ever thought of masturbating to get your weekly job done ,or does it run in your family,wank wank money in the bank,you dill ,like I said if the UMFL is that bad and it distresses you and the Super Wog that much to watch it dont go,just let the rest of us, the people who do enjoy it to do just that ,if our side wins good if they lose we haveexcuses why they lost,and we will go and support the same side next week,not like you arsewipe.And the worse thing is Ithink you follow the Tiges,they dont need you either.And the girls that want you are really men in girls clothes ,they call them transvestites,just like your mum and dad,you must really enjoy having your family so close to you.:rolleyes:

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The Upper Murray Football League (Part2)

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