Society/Culture The Welcome/Acknowledgment of Country thread

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It wasn’t I agree. But was still the world’s most fair at the time. And because of the system it is has continued to be the world’s most progressive and fair. It not perfect but is getting there.
Remember up until fairly recently in world history might always meant right. If you could claim land and fight for it, it was yours. We have moved beyond that now and have law, but a law can only exist if it has the culture around it to keep it.
You keep stating the system is better than all others. Have you got any evidence for that opinion other than it is ours?

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The evidence is called world history. Show me an example of a country that would have done it better than the British in the 1700’s?
Europeans were the first to explore the world or whatever because of a combination of lots of coastline and lots airable land and generally moderate, balanced weather. Speaking anthropologically, there's nothing metaphysical about being British that meant that their system of justice is better than how other cultures decided upon them, merely because they happened to grow up on an island that necessitated the building of ships to defend their land.
The evidence is called world history. Show me an example of a country that would have done it better than the British in the 1700’s?
what metric? body count? you continue to flatter yourself that your opinion is evidence. then without offering any evidence at all you have the nerve to ask me for some. Wasnt me who declared someone best and fairest.
Garrat's politics through his music was absolutely brilliant and raised so much awareness but that's where it should have stayed.. if he really had to go there at least be an Independant, joining the Labor party as part of a team lmao.
Yeah, he was unfortunately constrained by the Party Room once he joined. He wasn't an abject failure though;

...Peter entered federal parliament as the Member for Kingsford Smith in 2004. In 2007, Labor won government and he was appointed Minister for the Environment, Heritage & the Arts.

This role saw substantial additions to Australia’s national reserve system, particularly to Indigenous Protected Areas, along with increased investment and new programs for conservation of the Great Barrier Reef.

As Minister for the Environment, Peter Garrett was instrumental in the campaign against so called “scientific whaling” in the Antarctic, culminating in Australia’s successful challenge to Japanese whaling in the International Court of Justice in 2014. He secured agreement to a national waste policy leading to Australia’s first ever e-waste recycling scheme, and delivered a long awaited resale royalty scheme for visual artists.

Following the 2010 election Peter was sworn in as Minister for School Education, Early Childhood and Youth. In that role he secured a broad suite of education reforms. These included legislating, for the first time, a needs-based funding system for all Australian schools, as well as implementing a national curriculum and initiating indigenous ranger cadetships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students...
Europeans were the first to explore the world or whatever because of a combination of lots of coastline and lots airable land and generally moderate, balanced weather. Speaking anthropologically, there's nothing metaphysical about being British that meant that their system of justice is better than how other cultures decided upon them, merely because they happened to grow up on an island that necessitated the building of ships to defend their land.
What makes you think that the aboriginal tribes and nations were better morally than the British? Where do you get the philosophical metrics that make you think that way? At some point you need a moral compass I believe, and once you’ve got one, and one has been chosen, hopefully it is one that has self improvement and reflection baked into it so it can improve and progress.
You are trying to judge the past from your moral position now in 2024, it is a futile exercise. Even more futile is to try and make amends on the past by judging the past on today’s standard. The best thing I reckon is to makes things right now, and now means not judging anyone by the colour of their skin and race or ethnicity and us all being equal before the law. We were close to this more perfect position until the modern race baiters from both the far left and far right got in academia and have re-racialised everything. Martin Luther King articulated it best when he said he wants all judged by their character not their skin colour.
What makes you think that the aboriginal tribes and nations were better morally than the British?
I never made this claim, but I'm not the one claiming that any one system of justice (as with you and British common law) is the best.
What makes you think that the aboriginal tribes and nations were better morally than the British? Where do you get the philosophical metrics that make you think that way? At some point you need a moral compass I believe, and once you’ve got one, and one has been chosen, hopefully it is one that has self improvement and reflection baked into it so it can improve and progress.
You are trying to judge the past from your moral position now in 2024, it is a futile exercise. Even more futile is to try and make amends on the past by judging the past on today’s standard. The best thing I reckon is to makes things right now, and now means not judging anyone by the colour of their skin and race or ethnicity and us all being equal before the law. We were close to this more perfect position until the modern race baiters from both the far left and far right got in academia and have re-racialised everything. Martin Luther King articulated it best when he said he wants all judged by their character not their skin colour.
i've noticed the people who favour status quos usually have more to protect and benefit from than thos who are up for change.
i've noticed the people who favour status quos usually have more to protect and benefit from than thos who are up for change.
Who said I favoured the status quo? Every post I’ve posted I’ve talked about the progress from then to now. I still believe we are far from ‘equality of opportunity’, and much more progress needs to be made to achieve this.

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I never made this claim, but I'm not the one claiming that any one system of justice (as with you and British common law) is the best.
The British system clearly has faults, many many faults. But any study of world history shows English Common Law as the most fair of all the legal systems yet tried. So just by having this we have more of a chance at eventually getting ‘equality of opportunity’ for everyone regardless of position or race etc. There is not a system of law, past or present, that has been close to this yet established. I know people want to be all anti British or English about the wrongs in the past but we wouldn’t even have the debate we have now if we didn’t have this heritage. And because of this heritage we have a chance to eventually get there. We won’t under all the authoritarian regime out there.
The British system clearly has faults, many many faults. But any study of world history shows English Common Law as the most fair of all the legal systems yet tried. So just by having this we have more of a chance at eventually getting ‘equality of opportunity’ for everyone regardless of position or race etc. There is not a system of law, past or present, that has been close to this yet established. I know people want to be all anti British or English about the wrongs in the past but we wouldn’t even have the debate we have now if we didn’t have this heritage. And because of this heritage we have a chance to eventually get there. We won’t under all the authoritarian regime out there.
You still haven't provided one scrap of evidence to support your opinion that the system is best other than "because I say so". And you want to call it a "debate"?
You still haven't provided one scrap of evidence to support your opinion that the system is best other than "because I say so". And you want to call it a "debate"?
You could have Chinese law😂, Sharia law, Roman law, fascist or communist laws and systems, all worse for just courts and ability to live in free and wealthy societies. If you truly want to help the Aboriginal peoples then having an anti British pathology you might have is not going to help them one iota. It’s sometimes more about the person who says they a for Aboriginals, but are really egotistical and about tearing down this country’s culture rather than trying to improve it.
You could have Chinese law, Sharia law, Roman law, fascist or communist laws and systems, all worse for just courts and ability to live in free and wealthy societies. If you truly want to help the Aboriginal peoples then having an anti British pathology you might have is not going to help them one iota. It’s sometimes more about the person who says they a for Aboriginals, but are really egotistical and about tearing down this country’s culture rather than trying to improve it.

I’ll ignore the last pathetic insult and note again that you simply state the opinion that we have the best system ever without any rationale. Taking a while to convince you that what you believe isn’t evidence. Sorry to burst your omnipotence bubble.

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Just went back and watched it and it is just divisive crap.

It is getting beyond a joke now, how wit is shoved down our throats everyday.
I have to do this BS at every meeting I have, even if it is on ZOOM.
Next I will have a WTC to order a pizza.

Australia has gone mad with the way the country is going.
Between the corrupt and weak Governments, to the people who protest for the sake of protesting all the way to the people who fight a cause they know little about.
Australia just isnt that enjoyable anymore.

The sooner I can retire and leave this overtaxed, over governed, miserable place the better.
Where are you going that's this tax free Shangri La where there are no roads or sewerage?

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Society/Culture The Welcome/Acknowledgment of Country thread

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