Society & Culture Theories you and your mates have developed - Part 2

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I haven't seen Star Wars but know about "I am your father" and Yoda and Chewbacca and a bunch of other s**t, because the stuff gets parodied a whole bunch.

I guess I was prime age for the prequel trilogy but I just never had much interest in those types of movies. I basically watched whatever my older brother watched and he wasn't into all that mess.

I always though Star Wars was weird, nerd shit. I watched them all about 4 years ago over 2 days, and absolutely loved them.
Well I'm on the fence with star wars because while the original trilogy (episodes 4/5/6) were obviously incredible, every SW film that has come since has been god-awful. So with each film that's come out since the original trilogy, the ratio of good to bad star wars films gets worse. There's now what, 7 crappy SW films (if you include the spin offs like solo and rogue one) and only 3 good ones. They also butchered the OG trilogy with the digital remaster, especially ROTJ. I mean you just watch it and go...WTF were they thinking?
Well I'm on the fence with star wars because while the original trilogy (episodes 4/5/6) were obviously incredible, every SW film that has come since has been god-awful. So with each film that's come out since the original trilogy, the ratio of good to bad star wars films gets worse. There's now what, 7 crappy SW films (if you include the spin offs like solo and rogue one) and only 3 good ones. They also butchered the OG trilogy with the digital remaster, especially ROTJ. I mean you just watch it and go...WTF were they thinking?

Prequel #1 and #3 were okay. Different, but okay. We don't need to mention the snoozefest that was Attack of the Clones. I watched Rogue One (which I enjoyed, but very forgettable), and TFA. Haven't bothered since, so uninspired.

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Average girls get better looking the longer you know them... I think it's the inside beauty s**t or whatever...

This one works in reverse for me too. Smoking hot girls get less stunning as I get to know them.

Don't know if it's because the initial dazzle wears off as familiarity sets in, or because you start to notice imperfections or what, but it always happens.
This one works in reverse for me too. Smoking hot girls get less stunning as I get to know them.

Don't know if it's because the initial dazzle wears off as familiarity sets in, or because you start to notice imperfections or what, but it always happens.

Yeah, seeing them without makeup for the first time will usually do that.
Well I'm on the fence with star wars because while the original trilogy (episodes 4/5/6) were obviously incredible, every SW film that has come since has been god-awful. So with each film that's come out since the original trilogy, the ratio of good to bad star wars films gets worse. There's now what, 7 crappy SW films (if you include the spin offs like solo and rogue one) and only 3 good ones. They also butchered the OG trilogy with the digital remaster, especially ROTJ. I mean you just watch it and go...WTF were they thinking?

You are on a hiding to nothing with the prequels and subsequent sequels. Can't please everyone and if someone likes a choice of actor they won't like a story line, or someone will like a story arc but not a character... Etc. All the nerds in the cinema during The Force Awakens simultaneously wee'd a little bit when Han and Chewy came on screen. Then retreated to the internet to voice their disgust and what happened after that. With the sequels there is at least a degree of blank slate with the story.

The originals sit in the upper echelon of pop culture. If you said to someone 'Mama said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gon' get' and they didn't get it you would wonder if they were raised by wolves. Star Wars sits in that category for mine. As for episodes I-II and VII & VIII millions of people around the world will have seen them and forgotten pretty much everything. Especially with the prequels where you pretty much knew the story going in and a lot of it was filler. Apologies if it's a spoiler for a trilogy ending in 2005 taking its plot from a trilogy that ended in 1983 but chancellor becomes emperor, Anakin becomes Darth... no way, who saw that coming? Even if you liked some or all of the films outside the original trilogy they aren't high in the pop culture rankings.
Anyone who uses 'wanderer/wanderlust', 'gypsy' or 'old soul' unironically is definitely a campaigner.

What if I use 'gypsy' as an derogatory term?

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This one is one I've developed quite recently.

If you've got your washing on the line (exposed, undercover, whatever) and you don't know whether they're all dry or not, touch the thickest item hung up.

If the item with the thickest material of the lot is dry, the rest of the washing will be too.

This one is one I've developed quite recently.

If you've got your washing on the line (exposed, undercover, whatever) and you don't know whether they're all dry or not, touch the thickest item hung up.

If the item with the thickest material of the lot is dry, the rest of the washing will be too.

you check inside the pockets of thick trackers or jeans.
VW Golf drivers (at least in Sydney) are the kinda dweebs who:

- wear Ralph Lauren polos and Birkenstocks;
- work in graphic design or drafting or some other lower-mid-level, quasi-creative white collar job;
- drink craft beers around their hipster mates but secretly don't actually like the taste of beer;
- follow an 'a' league team almost exclusively aside from maybe some other fashionable European soccer team;
- are infatuated with the sound of their own voice and will talk loudly and like they're hosting a podcast when on their phone in public spaces or when they're having a coffee in a crowded cafe with a friend;
- will drive as aggressively as Max Verstappen on the roads and intimidate the more timid drivers but will fold like a P&O deck chair when confronted by a tradie or westie and then whinge to their mates later about how dumb and uncouth westies are.

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Society & Culture Theories you and your mates have developed - Part 2

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