Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

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Sounds like a shitty situation there fella.

I think your plan of asking to be observed and letting someone higher up in the pecking order see what is happening is a good plan to deal with the situation and won't have you been seen as a 'dobber'.

I`ll be interested to hear what happens next.
Sounds like a shitty situation there fella.

I think your plan of asking to be observed and letting someone higher up in the pecking order see what is happening is a good plan to deal with the situation and won't have you been seen as a 'dobber'.

I`ll be interested to hear what happens next.

Cheers boss. I'm back in on Monday so I'll see if the book has returned and then formulate a plan of action. I'm a pretty easygoing guy usually but this situation has definitely got my hackles up.
This "meeting room" next door - how often is it in use? Do you think for large sections of the day you could move your kids into there? Or not an option...?

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How did people go about transferring from teaching to other careers?

I'm a 2nd-year teacher and am basically certain of stopping at the end of this year. Possibly not permanently, I can see myself returning one day. But I would like to try and experience something else.

I have a Commerce degree with a major in HR, but also an interest in statistics and accounting. Has anyone gone through the process or experience of making the transition?
This "meeting room" next door - how often is it in use? Do you think for large sections of the day you could move your kids into there? Or not an option...?

Probably not an option without consulting leadership, wouldn't be a good look making the heavily pregnant mothers and traumatised new arrivals wait outside for me to vacate so they can start their community meeting.

EDIT: not that ive actually seen anyone use it so far, knowing my luck though haha.
I read your recent post with a smile- I work/ed in a primary school and have gone out on stress from dealing with whinging females who try the power struggle and if/ when it doesn't work they complain to leadership and play the victim and accuse the other person of being the bully. My only advice is have as little as possible to deal with this certain individual, keep a diary and write everything down- your feelings/ how it impacts your teaching/ her comments/ her lack of support. Keep a hard copy of everything- and definitely get your leadership involved in the observation to highlight the issue. I have been on leave for 2 months now, due to constant bullying which I have taken to my principal and to which he just chooses to ignore and not do anything. I have gone to region and they are not interested. It is quite mentally challenging and deflating. Good luck sir.
I read your recent post with a smile- I work/ed in a primary school and have gone out on stress from dealing with whinging females who try the power struggle and if/ when it doesn't work they complain to leadership and play the victim and accuse the other person of being the bully. My only advice is have as little as possible to deal with this certain individual, keep a diary and write everything down- your feelings/ how it impacts your teaching/ her comments/ her lack of support. Keep a hard copy of everything- and definitely get your leadership involved in the observation to highlight the issue. I have been on leave for 2 months now, due to constant bullying which I have taken to my principal and to which he just chooses to ignore and not do anything. I have gone to region and they are not interested. It is quite mentally challenging and deflating. Good luck sir.
Thankyou for the advice, am going to start doing that, actually bumped into one of the leaders this morning getting a coffee on my way to trt elsewhere, said she was planning to come in soon but just caught up with naplan etc at the moment. Good luck with everything, am sorry to hear, hang in there and i hope u get a nice resolution your way soon

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I have a question relating to creativity in the curriculum.

For example, if I want to be a Humanities or English Teacher - how much can you 'get creative' with the course material in the classroom? I mean using allegories/parables/stories to convey a point, practical and interactive activities then reach students in a different way.

I spent 6 month facilitating job-seeker workshops many moons ago and I loved it - we would literally re-create the interview process, work conflicts, team meetings/performance management, passive aggressive clients etc. I loved it.

I know teaching drawns upon a specific curriculum but surely there must be some dynamism involved? My public high school experience had none of this but that was a long-time ago.
I have a question relating to creativity in the curriculum.

For example, if I want to be a Humanities or English Teacher - how much can you 'get creative' with the course material in the classroom? I mean using allegories/parables/stories to convey a point, practical and interactive activities then reach students in a different way.

I spent 6 month facilitating job-seeker workshops many moons ago and I loved it - we would literally re-create the interview process, work conflicts, team meetings/performance management, passive aggressive clients etc. I loved it.

I know teaching drawns upon a specific curriculum but surely there must be some dynamism involved? My public high school experience had none of this but that was a long-time ago.

Probably depends on your school
Basically yes you can. But
a) You are limited somewhat by the curriculum
b) Good luck finding the time to do that as often as you'd like
c) (again depends on the school) be prepared for only 10%, maybe 15% to show any interest/appreciation in your creatively planned lesson.

But yes, you're certainly allowed to. VCE probably a little bit time limited to do it too often
Passed my ATP today. I am so happy right now as I didn't have the best start to this prac. I'm definitely looking forward to having some time to myself after this week.
Passed my ATP today. I am so happy right now as I didn't have the best start to this prac. I'm definitely looking forward to having some time to myself after this week.
Congrats, enjoy your career. It's a bit like marriage, through the good times and the bad and through sickness and in health.
I read your recent post with a smile- I work/ed in a primary school and have gone out on stress from dealing with whinging females who try the power struggle and if/ when it doesn't work they complain to leadership and play the victim and accuse the other person of being the bully. My only advice is have as little as possible to deal with this certain individual, keep a diary and write everything down- your feelings/ how it impacts your teaching/ her comments/ her lack of support. Keep a hard copy of everything- and definitely get your leadership involved in the observation to highlight the issue. I have been on leave for 2 months now, due to constant bullying which I have taken to my principal and to which he just chooses to ignore and not do anything. I have gone to region and they are not interested. It is quite mentally challenging and deflating. Good luck sir.

A female colleague tried bullying me last week and when I retaliated she ran to the boss crying. The boss defended her but most of the other teachers took my side and told me I had their support. I'm off work today for a mental day from it all and a few teachers have messaged me saying that they hope I'm ok and that they've got my back.
I've just applied for LWOP (Leave without pay) for next year from my school. I'm 26 and 2yrs into my career and... I just feel too overworked, too "taken advantage of", too "this isn't worth it" too often for my liking. I certainly haven't ruled out coming back to it, but I think I'd like to try something else next year.

So question for those that have changed careers, or even thought about it - my other main degree is Human Resource Management, which I'm happy to try for next year. Checking sites such as seek, there seem to be "a few" jobs in this area. I suppose when to start applying is my question. Assuming I get approved for the leave without pay for a year, if I see jobs advertised now that I'm interested in... I can't exactly apply for them, I've got Year 12s this year and I've no intention of leaving them part way through a year. Having said that, if I wait until the end of the year, I'll obviously be fighting against a huge number of graduates who are just finishing uni this year too...

My back-up option is if I get approved for the year without pay, and don't get a HRM job, to CRT for a while whilst still searching... but any advice from people who may have been, or even considered, being in and out of the teaching career?

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I have been a teacher for 23 years and have taken Leave without Pay for the rest of the year also. Had enough of weak principal who allows teachers to bully other teachers and has not done a thing about it- basically he buries his head in a bucket and hope the problems go away. I will do CRT work for the rest of the year. I applied and had a chat with Tradewinds in the city. They actually offered me full time CRT contract where u only work for them only- and if there is no work for that day they still pay you 3 hours for any day you dont work. There is plenty of CRT work around = I will do some for friends at various school and for a few agencies. Lots of options- most important thing is to do what is best for you mentally.
A female colleague tried bullying me last week and when I retaliated she ran to the boss crying. The boss defended her but most of the other teachers took my side and told me I had their support. I'm off work today for a mental day from it all and a few teachers have messaged me saying that they hope I'm ok and that they've got my back.
When colleagues run to the boss rather than just talking to you in a civil manner, it's the worst. Now I just sit in the corner of the staffroom and keep to myself.
I've just applied for LWOP (Leave without pay) for next year from my school. I'm 26 and 2yrs into my career and... I just feel too overworked, too "taken advantage of", too "this isn't worth it" too often for my liking. I certainly haven't ruled out coming back to it, but I think I'd like to try something else next year.

That seems to becoming more frequently out there in our profession (overworked etc). It needs to be addressed as a Union but also teachers need to stop going above and beyond or the decision makers will just keep piling on the workload thinking 'They'll be right.'
I have been a teacher for 23 years and have taken Leave without Pay for the rest of the year also. Had enough of weak principal who allows teachers to bully other teachers and has not done a thing about it- basically he buries his head in a bucket and hope the problems go away. I will do CRT work for the rest of the year. I applied and had a chat with Tradewinds in the city. They actually offered me full time CRT contract where u only work for them only- and if there is no work for that day they still pay you 3 hours for any day you dont work. There is plenty of CRT work around = I will do some for friends at various school and for a few agencies. Lots of options- most important thing is to do what is best for you mentally.
I didn't get much work from them when I started over 8 years ago. ANZUK is popular. But good work getting fulltime. At this time of the year, Agencies would be screaming for more qualified teachers who have been in the system a long time as they get snapped up on contracts fairly quickly.
I am going to be applying out once again at the end of this year as I have a young family, been where I am for over 6 years and have no chance of a promotion or moving up the position ladder to a learning specialist. No luck last year but I only applied for 2 schools that are new and didn't get an interview. This year I will try and branch out to schools in the same suburb as me (so no more than 10 minutes drive). Due to financial situations, I cannot take a fixed term as I am not prepared to go back to year by year or if I leave, I dont think I could handle coming back. I know of teachers who have taken the year contract and came back to our school and I know the stigma that sticks to it: "Couldn't secure ongoing and oh they are back." like the tail between the legs. So they bail again at the end of the next year.
Good thats sounds so much like my situation. Exactly the same- the women cause the issues, then run to the principal and play the victim. I had a piss weak principal, so I went out on stress leave for 4 months and feel better for it, now have taken LWOP for 6 months and will see what happens at the end of the year. Feel very much unappreiciated and am glad I am not there this semester. Hope things work out for you.
Good thats sounds so much like my situation. Exactly the same- the women cause the issues, then run to the principal and play the victim. I had a piss weak principal, so I went out on stress leave for 4 months and feel better for it, now have taken LWOP for 6 months and will see what happens at the end of the year. Feel very much unappreiciated and am glad I am not there this semester. Hope things work out for you.
That's how I'm feeling atm (unappreciated). Our Prin doesn't even celebrate world teachers day. Staff Morale is probably at an all time low in the staffroom where they don't venture into to mingle with us.

From my understanding quite few of us are looking out at years end.
That's how I'm feeling atm (unappreciated). Our Prin doesn't even celebrate world teachers day. Staff Morale is probably at an all time low in the staffroom where they don't venture into to mingle with us.

From my understanding quite few of us are looking out at years end

God that sounds like my situation, so eerie. We had a teacher suicide and on the 1 year anniversary we were not allowed to acknowledge her- quite sad. The staff situation sounds so similair- the prin just buries his head in a bucket- no one respects him and everyone talks down to him. Funny thing is the kids and parents are great.
I'm a third year HASS teacher. This year Geography isn't taught in upper school at my school but will be next year and having an undergraduate degree in just geography before I got my teaching degree I thought I would teach it as it's my passion. My head has chosen a history teacher to teach it though who only has two years teaching experience wtf? Have to say I'm a little pissed and thinking about speaking to someone about it. My head says I might teach it in the future but I doubt it. This history teacher is a real arse licker whereas I just get my work done.
That's how I'm feeling atm (unappreciated). Our Prin doesn't even celebrate world teachers day. Staff Morale is probably at an all time low in the staffroom where they don't venture into to mingle with us.

From my understanding quite few of us are looking out at years end

God that sounds like my situation, so eerie. We had a teacher suicide and on the 1 year anniversary we were not allowed to acknowledge her- quite sad. The staff situation sounds so similair- the prin just buries his head in a bucket- no one respects him and everyone talks down to him. Funny thing is the kids and parents are great.
I've never had a prin celebrate world teachers day. Is it a thing?
I'm a third year HASS teacher. This year Geography isn't taught in upper school at my school but will be next year and having an undergraduate degree in just geography before I got my teaching degree I thought I would teach it as it's my passion. My head has chosen a history teacher to teach it though who only has two years teaching experience wtf? Have to say I'm a little pissed and thinking about speaking to someone about it. My head says I might teach it in the future but I doubt it. This history teacher is a real arse licker whereas I just get my work done.

That's how it works in most industries. I've known former leading teachers of English and Numeracy being overlooked for people with no experience because they are 'yes' people.

The people overlooked have since moved to other schools and gotten the position.

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Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

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