Smell The Glove
Nup, never said Hawthorn posters (or Calrotn posters) have any bearing on trading deals- I've been mentioning that fact from day one. Oh, and who has a life- you are the one who posts on this thread at 12:30 in the morning just to berate me- I feel so special.#7#Matt#7# said:WOW!!! All I have to say is, Whippersnapper, get a life. Honestly, someone who has a life would not have the time of the day to sit there and pick out so much crap from someone else's posts. What's it matter to you what we say? At the end of the day it doesn't matter what we think, or even what you think, it matters what the Carlton and Hawthorn officials think thats going to count. I would continue on but, unlike yourself, I have a life to go live.