Thread in support of Malthouse

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Premiership Player
Jun 27, 2008
AFL Club
Don't mean to clog up the forum with more MM, I'm hardly the thread starter.

But since Friday night's match, I have woken up every morning to see MM and our club getting absolutely hammered in the papers.

Caro is still going at it with another disgraceful piece today.

The HS haven't backed off either, and Patrick Smith at The Australian was just as vicious.

In another great shock, MM was also copping punches from fellow Collingwood stewards, including Tony Shaw and Peter McKenna.

This has been totally blown out of proportion, and as a consequence, MM has been distracted from his duties this week and who knows what the outcome will be for our footy club against the Hawks this weekend.

It is fair to say that MM has a lot of people who hate him in this industry, and they were just waiting for one tiny slip up (i.e. now) for them to spit their venom (including some Collingwood folk).

Well this is to say **** all the bastards that want to see us fall and cause friction at our club, from Caro to Sheahan to Shaw to the St.Kilda Football Club.

Whatever criticism you may have of his coaching style, he hasn't deserved the shit he's copped the past few days.

This thread is to say we're side-by-side Mick Malthouse and looking forward to this weekend's match.
This is the media's opportunity to retalliate after all the reamings they've coped from Malthouse over the years. The problem for them jackals is that i doubt MM will bat an eyelash at this hysteria. We wont hear about it after this weekend.
This has been totally blown out of proportion, and as a consequence, MM has been distracted from his duties this week and who knows what the outcome will be for our footy club against the Hawks this weekend.

Out of everything that has gone on, this is the only "factor" that should concern Collingwood right now, focus on Hawthorn, forget last week ever happened (apart from the bad kicking) and move on.

This game is so crucial for our season it's hard to put words to it, and if the whole Milne/MM thing gets in the way and we lose, I'm afraid the shit really will hit the fan both at Collingwood and the media.

What Horseface Caro, Fat Patty, Dopey Sheahen and all the other media bashers don't get is MM never lied to the club, the AFL or us (supporters), which basically means he lied to a stupid media pack that is irrelevant in general terms.

I just hope we are focused, and it is because of that I support this thread and Mick Malthouse 100%.

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Some of the speculation is pretty funny/dumb. Malthouse has always been an angry old codger, he gives sprays regularly. Milne coming up and mouthing off at him, well Malthouse would respond any day of the week no matter the circumstances.

If they seriously want to say that Malthouse is cracking under pressure then surely there's got to be a better indicator than losing his temper, otherwise he's been cracking for the better part of a decade!
the media are like a pack of hungry sharks looking for any negative issue about our club... the coverage and media bashing this man is receiving is disgraceful... CFC should ban all media press conferences and only release their own for the remainder of the season.. this is a football witch hunt designed to sell papers and destablise our club.. stupid journos.. MM has all my support.
If they seriously want to say that Malthouse is cracking under pressure then surely there's got to be a better indicator than losing his temper, otherwise he's been cracking for the better part of a decade!

Longer than that, not that I was around but by all reports the man has always had a temper going back to his playing days where he was an angry back pocket. From what I can gather he ain't happy unless he is angry - try to figure that out:D
I was livid when I read Caro's article today - such a piece of viral journalism! She seems determined to engineer bad feeling between MM and Bucks.

More widely, the malice toward the Pies is of epic proportions. It's certainly time to stand side by side. I hope the boys can work their anger into their game against Hawthorn - a win would be the best response.

I've just called the club to express my support. There's nothing else we can do.
I think thats being a bit reactionary Spartan. If you think this week was bad in the media it would have nothing on what would happen if went down that road. It's all a non incident anyway, no need for drastic reactions.

i dont think so... MM is painted like he is James Manson... Questioning his his integrity, credibility, his standing, the buckely scenario... the scrutiny he has received has been far from fair... id be happy if eddie refused HS, TA and whoever rights to press conference involving MM .... maybe we could send in the boot studder after the games to deal with those scumbags... then we could wait and see as they try and discredit him too...
I think thats being a bit reactionary Spartan. If you think this week was bad in the media it would have nothing on what would happen if went down that road. It's all a non incident anyway, no need for drastic reactions.

Completely agree, but the media won't let it rest. People have been ringing SEN yesterday and again today, pleading with them to talk about something else - they're so fed up with it. But just look at the papers today. It's a witch-hunt.
i dont think so... MM is painted like he is James Manson... Questioning his his integrity, credibility, his standing, the buckely scenario... the scrutiny he has received has been far from fair... id be happy if eddie refused HS, TA and whoever rights to press conference involving MM .... maybe we could send in the boot studder after the games to deal with those scumbags... then we could wait and see as they try and discredit him too...

I didn't say it was fair but that doesn't make banning the media the right way to respond. The amount of scrutiny we'd get if we did that would be ridiculous. Can you imagine how precious we'd look?? The whole idea is reactionary and would only serve to make things worse.
I didn't say it was fair but that doesn't make banning the media the right way to respond. The amount of scrutiny we'd get if we did that would be ridiculous. Can you imagine how precious we'd look?? The whole idea is reactionary and would only serve to make things worse.

i understand where your coming and i reality your probably right but I believe it would serve our club more if MM were to become off limits so he could focus on coaching.. give them mark neeld to talk to or geoff walsh - anyone but MM..

its obvious the media wants disharmony at our club and thats why they are crucifying MM, regurgitating the shaw didak incident and how it has parallels with this incident , bringing in comments by maxwell , bagging eddie (again) .. what i suggest is we show them the same lack of respect by giving them nothing from our coach..

and the worst thing is that little instigating prick milne barely rates a mention... up until now MM has been a upstanding man - media aside - i doubt anyone here could question the integrity of the man.. premierships or not MM is very good man that obviously bleeds for our boys and this tripe in the media makes me sick..
I find it comical that every supporter base is too happy to eat the shit they serve up whenever it's another club involved, but when it's our own club it's OH NOES!

Do yourself a favour and ignore Hutchy, Caro and the rest of the gutterdwellers. Ignore them always.

If you must get outraged, do so about something a little more significant. Like taxes. Everybody hates taxes. Let's get rid of them! Who's with me? Yeah!!!

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Carro can go and get ****ed, no one would wanna do that to her anway:D, but shes a dumbass, they should now leave mick alone , he said the truth, that Milne is RAPIST, everyone knows it, dirty little shit, hope when we play him later on iin the year someone decks him:mad:
i understand where your coming and i reality your probably right but I believe it would serve our club more if MM were to become off limits so he could focus on coaching.. give them mark neeld to talk to or geoff walsh - anyone but MM..

How about Nathan Buckley? Excellent media performer, says nothing but does it with a smile on his face.

Also when he was signing with Collingwood he gave everyone else the opinion that he was doing a deal with North or Richmond. He kept things confidential that needed to be, which shows unlike Eddie or Mick, he is a guy who is very measured.

I'd be getting Buckley to handle the 5th quarter and tell the media Mick is off limits for the rest of the year.

Side by side
How about Nathan Buckley? Excellent media performer, says nothing but does it with a smile on his face.

Also when he was signing with Collingwood he gave everyone else the opinion that he was doing a deal with North or Richmond. He kept things confidential that needed to be, which shows unlike Eddie or Mick, he is a guy who is very measured.

I'd be getting Buckley to handle the 5th quarter and tell the media Mick is off limits for the rest of the year.

Side by side

that was my initial thought but then i thought the media would use that to undermine MM as well.. We cant win. id be happy to do the press conference myself.. :D id throw bottle of powerade at most of them, some schmackos at caro..
I have a feeling this will galvanize the group. Just like the time when Didak and Shaw copped club suspensions for lying to the club. We came up against St Kilda that week and we beat them.

Watch out Hawthorn - I expect a pretty fired up Collingwood side to run out on the G' next weekend.
It's evident that the Herald Sun are aware of the amount of Collingwood supporters who purchase their Newspaper, by the un-news worthy back-page articles and nonsense pieces they write.

They are also aware of the hatred for Collingwood, which is influenced by the Journo's Caro etc who clearly love to put us down where possible. They are aware the immense hatred from opposition also sells newspapers.

I for one will never purchase another Herald Sun.....
It's evident that the Herald Sun are aware of the amount of Collingwood supporters who purchase their Newspaper, by the un-news worthy back-page articles and nonsense pieces they write.

They are also aware of the hatred for Collingwood, which is influenced by the Journo's Caro etc who clearly love to put us down where possible. They are aware the immense hatred from opposition also sells newspapers.

I for one will never purchase another Herald Sun.....

im doing the same..
Seriously but folks, MM acted like a DH and hardly for the first time. It's been overblown but that doesn't hide the fact that MM is a failed coach of Collingwood and he under pressure. I suspect he is crapping himself that he will end more than a decade at Collingwood flagless. We realy should have pulled the trigger when we had the chance but we are not brave enough to have taken the punt.
I have a feeling this will galvanize the group. Just like the time when Didak and Shaw copped club suspensions for lying to the club. We came up against St Kilda that week and we beat them.

Watch out Hawthorn - I expect a pretty fired up Collingwood side to run out on the G' next weekend.
Agree. We should beat Hawthorn given their outs. If we don't though the pressure will mount. I expect we will win and get the season back on track. Expect Maxwell to play out of his skin.
Seriously but folks, MM acted like a DH and hardly for the first time. It's been overblown but that doesn't hide the fact that MM is a failed coach of Collingwood and he under pressure. I suspect he is crapping himself that he will end more than a decade at Collingwood flagless. We realy should have pulled the trigger when we had the chance but we are not brave enough to have taken the punt.
Hey MarkT2 don't know if you can read but this is a thread in SUPPORT of Malthouse. There are plenty of others threads that you spruik your dislike of him. go find one.

Side by Side with Mick Malthouse.
Sheehan is just made for such a situation, ditto Caro. What Sheehan brings to 'journalism' has me perplexed, and how he enjoys the mantle of revered journalist is the Lord's own private mystery. Sermons on the mount, especially anti-Collingwood moralising are the bread and butter for Sheehan and Wilson - the only way they can ingratiate themselves.

I wish we had top-line sports journo's like George Plimpton or Norman Mailer, whose prose and vision is sweeping. Instead we get these pygmies.
Seriously but folks, MM acted like a DH and hardly for the first time. It's been overblown but that doesn't hide the fact that MM is a failed coach of Collingwood and he under pressure. I suspect he is crapping himself that he will end more than a decade at Collingwood flagless. We realy should have pulled the trigger when we had the chance but we are not brave enough to have taken the punt.

If Bucks came in tomorrow, I'd give Caro six weeks before we were reading headlines such as, "Pies Messiah - No Redemption", "Bucks Fails to Deliver" etc.

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Thread in support of Malthouse

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