Tiger Training

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bee dee said:
The following guys missed the game they played 2x15min 1/2's. Hartigan, Schulz hammy again, Stafford, Hall, Moore, Newman, Hilton, Bowden and Coughlan.They all trained then did extra running.
Richo sooked his way to 1 goal and beaten by Rix, Jackson gave Brown a touch up as did Gaspar who looks back v Campbell and Simmonds did little same for Deleido. Tried Rodan in midfield, Meyer lloks good and McGuane did well kied a few goals.
Raines/Roach and Tambling all play RD1 4 sure. Graham solid down back and the B team won 8 goals to 6.

At this stage apart from the compusory 5 changes due to retirments and delistings I cannot see our line for round 1 being that much different from round 22 last year. Raines played in round 22 but we will also bring in Johnson, Stafford, Simonds not much room for a heap of new players...

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Training times are on the Richmond website
They don't list what's on at each session, but Wallace has mentioned that most of the training from the start of the new year will mostly be game based training
everytime ived been its always had some sort of intraclub match. havent been since the break up training session last year but i will no doubt be goin soonly. i asume the training will be based off match day stuff as infamy also mentioned!
Punt Rd Training today. Dropped in for a look and was very impressed with Tambling. Cogs was moving well, kicking and marking and even tackling. Rodan looked buffed right up as well as Browny, both running around topless. Richo looked like he was just going thru the motions as usual. Troy Simmonds seemed to be getting a good run at CHF thru most of the drills (didn't over impress) and I will wait till see his game face before saying anything else. Couldn't pick out Deledio to save myself unless he was one of the two guys doing laps with Sugar and Chaff. I think it was Hartigan who left the main group 1/2 way thru training and commenced lapping Punt Oval. Umm... Gas looked fit and was putting his body in to all marking duals that came his way. There was a young blondish brown curly haired dude who looked super fit and stood out enuff to get a mention. In general they all looked good but so they should at this time of the year.
thanks for the report...... sounds like each other training day..... tambling will always impress everyone.. cant wait til matches to watch him play. hartigan also left the feild 1/2 way thru the session in one or two other ocasions ived watched. simmonds i would be guessing he is getting used to a different team... new players, new coach, new drills etc.... gives me enough to impress. gas i havent kept an eye on but surely will on friday. good news to see cogs is getting involved. hopefully more people can give us a report on today and i will surely be going to training on friday with my mates digital! :D

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This is from PRE... Not my work but interesting none the less:
- stinking hot out there, but a nice little breeze to stop things getting out of control;
- missed first 20 minutes but training consisted mostly of movement from backline to forward line drill (end to end movement), spoiling drill, clearance work on the forward line and some tactical discussions in various groups at the end of training;
- Brian Taylor was there helping out with David King on forward line setup and chatting to the players:
- Allessio looked after a lot of the ruck work during the session;
- Robert Shaw was a sneeky onlooker taking heaps of notes;
- Plough made the comment to Hyde to stop whinging about something because he was starting to sound like Richo !!!;
- besides bulking up a lot, Rainesy has also added a much needed yard or two to his pace. He’s clearly worked very hard on his fitness, strength and pace. Good on him;
- Schulz yet again limped off the track with a quad strain albeit right at the end of training. Looking at his position in the drills, he’ll be a good chance to play on the backline this year;
- Richo and Simmonds dominated in the air;
- Deledio and Tambling will be very good. No doubt about it. Both have lightening quick reflexes, are pacy and have good skills;
- Official: they are now calling Tambling “Bling” and Deledio “Lids”;
- Having said that, maybe they should call Deledio “Shuffler.” Whenever the play is a mile away from him, he doesn’t walk or jog, he shuffles…almost like an old man. Check him out next time;
- McGuane has lightening pace for a boy his height. But his kicking is a big worry. Very ungainly, scrappy.
- Polo is struggling in my opinion. At every training session I’ve seen him at he has struggled to deliver the ball adequately. Virtually every kick in the end to end drill missed its target by a mile;
- he wasn’t the only one. We still have far too many players who do not hit their targets when running with the football. Until we rectify this we will continue to turn the ball over too many times in games and lose as a result;
- Jacko has a new tattoo;
- every training session I’ve been to seems to have a big emphasis on forward structure/set up/delivery. Expect an improvement (I hope) on how our forward line operates this year;
- Gaspar still looks slow to me;
- Meyer is a very good finisher around goal (we already knew that);
- Coughlan participated in most stuff (albeit 75% pace). But at one stage when Plough called them into the centre of the ground for a chat, he spent most of time doing standing up cross legged groin stretches and grimacing;
- following players did restricted training: Hartigan, Stafford (as always), Thursfield, Foley (has been on the sidelines for a while now), Hall (although he probably did most of the work), Chaffey and Johnson.
- Archibald seems to be fully mobile after OP last year. Will be interesting to see how he goes;
- Brownie seemed to be doing a lot of talking in between drills and making suggestions, comments etc.;
- I hope they start to turn up the physical stuff soon. I haven’t seen much tackling or hard nosed defensive work over the last couple of months at the training sessions;
- so far, skills wise I see little or minor improvement. Deledio, Tambling and Meyer contribute to this but there are still way too many who are not up to scratch. Would say as a group they appear to be maybe minimally fitter, bigger and stronger (maybe 5%-10%) but the biggest difference seems to be in the sense of their freshness and enthusiasm. That has gone up maybe 30%-40%.

I'm off to the pub.
good read.....ive also noticed players who are getting along well: krak and tambo are becomming good friends... good to see, and jackson has been talking to cambo during and after training drills.....plenty of advice i would asume, stafford and schultz are close but muckin around heaps, and the younger lot (newer draftees) all stick together and help each other out... meyer seems to be the quieter one.
Training report 26/1

It was what I would call a physical session:

1) Four 'midfielders' running towards three defenders, had to get past the defenders and either decide to go for goal themselves or deliver into the forwards.

The Good: Jackson, Raines, Rodan, Bowden, Pettifer (not sure if it was him), Tuck.

The bad: Morrison, Tambling, Stafford.

The comment: Royal says to Roach who kept going wide to get around the
defenders "don't go wide. There is always space out wide. All teams will give you space there. You know why? Because you won't score.

The Note: Stafford marked in the pocket, 20m out. He centered the ball to someone else. Royal stopped the drill, and told staff to take the ball back and have his shot. No stuffing around with dinky passes.

The Note: As midfielders ran toward goal, if they chose to take the shot at goal rather than pass, they HAD to nail it or Royal savaged them. Told them that if they took reponsibility they had better bloody well nail it.

2) A circle of players is formed, facing inwards. 2 players stand in the centre of the circle, the outside guys have to handball to each other without the two guys in the middle touching it. If your pass is touched you go to the middle.

The good: Rodan, Krakouer, Graham, Jackson

The bad: Tambling, Morrison

3) Players paired up. One starts with the ball and has to hold it whilst staying on their feet, their opponent spends 1 minute beating the crap out of them trying to get the ball.

The Good: Newman (great hold off technique), Simmonds, Archibald, Kelvin Moore (big bloke, looking a reasonable prospect), Rodan (note how often he is coming up?)

The bad: Raines (many skills but a bit soft in the physical stuff), Kellaway (looked tired).

4) Chase the rabbit. Like the last drill except rather than holding the ball, the player has to keep it on the ground in front of him, and hold his opponent away.

The good: Simmonds, Krakouer, Moore, Johnson

The Bad: Hard to say, they were all knackered by this stage.

5) Players in 3's. One holds the ball, one shepards to protect that player, one has to get past the shepard and tackle the ball carrier.

The good: Polo, Rodan, Simmonds, Richo, Tuck

The Bad: Kellaway (tired).

Other notes:

Rodan was excellent and tireless. The only question left is can he find the ball, but other than that his decision making, pace, agility and passing were deadly. Watching him in the last drill having to get past a Richo shepard to tackle simmonds was funny. He goose-stepped Richo, ran up to simmonds then realised he could only really reach his knees for the tackle. He gave it a go!

Jackson: wow! Big but soooo fast! If you see him during the year enter a pack of ten opponents while carrying the ball, expect to see him come out the other side still carrying it. Amazing agility, strength and speed. Good skills.

I'd put Rodan and Jacko in the midfield.

Tambling stuffed up quite a lot unfortunately.

Morrison decision making not good. Skills pretty good.

Raines skillful, maybe a bit soft.

Roach was solid.

Archibald has poor kicking but may turn into a reasonable player.

Kelvin Moore is a good defensive prospect. Big, fit, good skills.

Brown was good as always but quiet.

Bowden was commanding. Excellent skill, but was booming out instructions. I think he is big enough this year to hold down CHB. He was very focussed on whipping the defence into shape.

Wallace said he told Richo to bulk down and work on endurance this year since he doesnt want him to be the hulking FF he was last year. Richo was paired with simmonds in the drill to take the ball off your opponent. It was scary. Richo makes the man-mountain simmonds look small, and this is AFTER he toned down the weights.

Simmonds is apparently a black belt in karate and huge, so when Richo couldn't ge the ball off him, he virtually picked up simmonds in a bear hug from behind and shook him!

This part I think I must have mis-heard, but wallace said Richo is bench pressing 105 kg, and Deledio is doing 110!

Polo I think looked pretty good, but maybe not this year.

Meyer has good skills and brain, and wasn't as weedy as I was expecting. He aint big, but whatever muscle a thin young bloke can have, he has got!

It was hard to judge our defence in these drills, but they are very good, practical drills: Moving into attack, dribbling the ball, keeping the ball when tackled, getting the ball off an opponent, keeping on your feet, passing handballs through packs, keeping passes to the corridor, taking the first chance to shoot at goal.

There is very little work in this session to help defensive skills.

Hopefully I didn't confuse or miss too many players.
Ghost of Punt Road said:
Training report 26/1

Wallace said he told Richo to bulk down and work on endurance this year since he doesnt want him to be the hulking FF he was last year. Richo was paired with simmonds in the drill to take the ball off your opponent. It was scary. Richo makes the man-mountain simmonds look small, and this is AFTER he toned down the weights.

Simmonds is apparently a black belt in karate and huge, so when Richo couldn't ge the ball off him, he virtually picked up simmonds in a bear hug from behind and shook him!

This part I think I must have mis-heard, but wallace said Richo is bench pressing 105 kg, and Deledio is doing 110!
Woohooo!!! Yeah baby!!!
itsintheblood said:
Fantastic summary Ghost. Sounds like Tambo is just a little overawed and nervous. Will be fine.

nah im fine! :D i didnt go to that training session so i couldnt give you guys anything.... no more training session reports from me for a while as i have school taking away free time. good work ghost and good to see others giving reports.! very good read ghost!
Hi guys

went to training on friday and i must say i'm very impressed with deledio tambling adn meyer skills. Raines also looks like a regular starter this year as well.

I want to ask if anyone can help me with an unidentified player. He's pretty bulky about the same height as richo and has blonde hair. When he had the ball the boys were calling him "richie"

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Tiger Training

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