Tim Lane: "Flawed Eagles hardly heinous"

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Oct 1, 2006
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TONIGHT West Coast hosts Collingwood and, while having great respect for the views of my colleague and friend Robert Walls, I'll be happy to see the locals play well.
While the recent behaviour of some of their players has damaged football's image, I don't believe the Eagles are evil. Their effort last week, to travel to Sydney and win without Cousins, Cox, Fletcher, Embley, and Hansen, was outstanding. But it is, of course, less than half the story.
The rest is that they played the game under the most extreme scrutiny. Most tipsters believed the pressure on the club, largely driven by the excesses of its most influential player, Ben Cousins, would cause the premier to topple. We were wrong. Of course no further proof was needed that West Coast is a very good footy team.
While last week underlined it, it also served to prove that they are as responsive as any other team to the spur of criticism and the prospect of vindication. Usually, the spur is only about football; this time the issues went well beyond the game. Sport was truly being played out against the backdrop of life.
Clearly, the Eagles represent some of what is unhealthy in our lifestyles as well as much of what is good. No one is recommending the use of mind-altering drugs, merely acknowledging that they exist in our society and will inevitably touch football. As Andrew Demetriou said, just because a person has become addicted to drugs doesn't mean he/she is bad.
Furthermore, footballers have done worse things than use illicit drugs without arousing the storm of indignation Cousins and company have faced. Accusations of gang rapes through the years have barely prompted a whisper. Assaults in bars have been seen as the sort of things blokes do when they're letting off steam.
As for the abuse of alcohol, David Parkin told a story last weekend of having blood-tested his Carlton players at Sunday morning training in the early 1980s, to test for after-effects from the previous night. The results were alarming, one player still reading 0.113.
Of course, West Coast and its players don't deserve to be championed for the behaviour that has recently emerged. The club must ask itself whether more could have been done to avoid it or deal with it. They must also ask whether the unique place of their club in the community may have contributed to what has transpired.
Claims about the Eagles' unhealthy level of power in Perth, even extending to the local press, are common. It is time for some brutal honesty that should not be camouflaged by impressive on-field performance. Moreover, the game as a whole must attempt to learn from the experience. One thing to become obvious is that massive confusion exists over the two separate drug codes the AFL now runs.
Many are assuming that West Coast players have gained an unfair advantage on the field although none has returned a positive result under the WADA code. One contribution to this paper's letter page during the week suggested that under the AFL's code Ian Thorpe would have two more strikes.
Some of the radio discussion on the issue has been so ill-informed as to be depressing. That is the level of confusion the AFL has created for itself.
As for the Eagles being evil, sadly we have greater problems. At a function during the week I heard a man speak of his experience mentoring troubled youth. The great fear of one boy, too troubled to avoid a detention centre but too young to be there, was that the lights would be turned out at night and he would be left in the dark.
Then there are other sports, like cricket. There the big issue isn't a few performers taking drugs; it's the apparent murder of a national coach.
Now that sounds like true evil.

Thought it was a pretty good article. :thumbsu: Well balanced and not full of **** like most of the other articles about the saga.

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The ever conservative Tim Lane :thumbsu:

One day he'll write something truly meaningful instead of pandering to the masses and simply rehashing the soft view from every story.

He has missed the entire story of course....but this sorta irrelevent rehashed tripe should satisfy his commitments without rocking the boat...with the added bonus of not upsetting anyone to remain popular.

Here's a thought...i'll write an article that says nothing...i shouldnt make it sound controversial or authorative tho...i should defend with one sentence but make it inexcusabale with another....i can use analogies with other sports in the news... and instead of a conclusion i can refer to the other sports i cover for my livelihood...that way everyone's happy including the missus.
Excellent article. I've always had a lot of respect for Lane, both as a commentator and for his opinions about footy. :thumbsu:
Good article. Finally someone who hasn't taken the ACA/TT type hysteria for idiots view.

I've seen people write such idiotic stuff as:

1. The Eagles knew about Cousins last July. Why weren't we told?

WTF do you think clubs have an obligation to air their dirty laundtry?

2. The Eagles flag is tainted because 8 players admitted to taking illicit drugs.

How do you jump from some players (and every club has them) taking illicit drugs whilst out partying to PEDs? Some people really are LCD stupid. Prolly spend a lot of time watching the 6.30 current affairs progies.

3. Worsfold knew Cousins had a drug problem last July and let a drug addict play. Cheats!

Who said anything about him being a drug addict back then? May have been, may not have been. Is there any proof he played under the influence of ice? Just because he missed a few training sessions after big nights does not necessarily mean he was playing UI. Remember he was tested a fair bit during this period.

4. 8 Eagles players admit that they have experimened with drugs. OMG wtf! WCE are evil! Revoke their license! Let good override evil!

Robert, you should have applied for Anna Coren's job when Robson quit.
I've seen people write such idiotic stuff as:

1. The Eagles knew about Cousins last July. Why weren't we told?

2. The Eagles flag is tainted because 8 players admitted to taking illicit drugs.

3. Worsfold knew Cousins had a drug problem last July and let a drug addict play. Cheats!

4. 8 Eagles players admit that they have experimened with drugs. OMG wtf! WCE are evil! Revoke their license! Let good override evil!

U have a nice way of trying to bend the truth to suit.

1. Why werent we told wasnt the question being asked...it was "WHY DIDNT THEY DO ANYTHING ABOOUT IT ?"

2. You got a problem understanding why SOME (not myself) might simply wonder if MORE were on speed ?...lets face it...8 blokes admitted to taking drugs (the euphemism "experiment" is noted) and the coach admitted to knowing Cousins had a drug problem too. Speed is a performance enhancing drug whether u like it or not...it is banned in all sports and u dont need to be einstein to work out why INTELLIGENT people would ask the question. It isnt important if u actually LIKE the inference or not....you're stuck with it now because of Ben Cousins.

3. See 2...not sure why u are playing dumb...ppl arnt "idiots" for thinking that drugs in sport is "cheating"...quite the contrary...u would need to be an absolute numbskull to think taking drugs is NOT cheating coz it is banned under the rules of the game....the unanswered issue is whether he took amphetimines before or during any games and we will never know the answer to this...it is logical tho for ppl to speculate...its not idiocy...it is afterall a self inflicted issue and one confirmed as a possibility by his coach.

4. You're just exaggerating for effect from Tim Lanes waffle... irrelevant and you're just trying your best to belittle what is a MAJOR story....this will only make YOU an idiot. It was never an episode of the thunderbirds sunshine....its a bloke caught taking banned substances who happened to be taking them during the season lat yr also...so his coach says.

Its alright to try to defend it...but at least stick to reality and dont exaggerate in the same way as the journo's u criticise.

And its better for weagle fans to avoid calling others "idiots" over this issue...trying to belittle their justifiable questions isnt gonna work....pulling ya head in and admitting that your club has a serious problem tho WILL help.
As a person who considers himself to be a man of the world, it was a complete shock to me when I found out that men aged between 20 and 30 years-of-age had a propensity to take drugs. Who would have thought?
The ever conservative Tim Lane :thumbsu:

One day he'll write something truly meaningful instead of pandering to the masses and simply rehashing the soft view from every story.

He has missed the entire story of course....but this sorta irrelevent rehashed tripe should satisfy his commitments without rocking the boat...with the added bonus of not upsetting anyone to remain popular.

Here's a thought...i'll write an article that says nothing...i shouldnt make it sound controversial or authorative tho...i should defend with one sentence but make it inexcusabale with another....i can use analogies with other sports in the news... and instead of a conclusion i can refer to the other sports i cover for my livelihood...that way everyone's happy including the missus.

Yes, the true evil is daring to defend the eagles, those nasty people who denied the swans in the grand final ...
I had no idea Ben Cousins' drug addictions were so closely linked to the Sydney Swans....nice angle fella's.

We've seen their fans try to ignore, deflect, deny, defend and basically stick their head in a bucket over Benny...they even want ppl to think u;d need to be an idiot to simply raise a concern about it...but trying to exaggerate it into a good v evil episode of the Thunderbirds isnt gonna help.

After all the lies, coverups, spin and denial of their club....their fans would now like to belittle anyone not trusting their word...or belittle any fans that dont trust a word their club says....u;d have to be an idiot to even believe Benny was on the gear right ?...and all addicts are so strong they can just stop taking them during the week of the game,...which is every week for 6 months....easy :thumbsu: ...yeah u;d be an idiot to think he'd lie too.

I'll add paranoia to the other traits on display shall i ?

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I had no idea Ben Cousins' drug addictions were so closely linked to the Sydney Swans....nice angle fella's.

We've seen their fans try to ignore, deflect, deny, defend and basically stick their head in a bucket over Benny...they even want ppl to think u;d need to be an idiot to simply raise a concern about it...but trying to exaggerate it into a good v evil episode of the Thunderbirds isnt gonna help.

After all the lies, coverups, spin and denial of their club....their fans would now like to belittle anyone not trusting their word...or belittle any fans that dont trust a word their club says....u;d have to be an idiot to even believe Benny was on the gear right ?...and all addicts are so strong they can just stop taking them during the week of the game,...which is every week for 6 months....easy :thumbsu: ...yeah u;d be an idiot to think he'd lie too.

I'll add paranoia to the other traits on display shall i ?

Paranoid? You seem to be the one foaming at the mouth every time WCE are mentioned. Only someone as arrogant as you would assume that they know everything that goes on at the WCE.

If you actually read the article Lane says the Eagles are "flawed" and have made their share of mistakes so it is by no means are cheerleading exercise. The difference between Lane's article in comparison to Wall's is that it has a balanced view unlike Wall's which is pure tabloid appealing to the under 10's.
Some of the drugs these players are on are prohibited doping substances under the WADA code.

West Coast / their doctor knew players were on drugs which are on the performance enhancing list and they continued playing those players.

Interesting to see if the AFL have an investigation as they had one for whoever leaked the names of players who failed drug tests.

Diego Maradona was suspended because of cocaine use in the early 1990's yet it looks as though we will do nothing in Australia to drug cheats.
Some of the drugs these players are on are prohibited doping substances under the WADA code.

West Coast / their doctor knew players were on drugs which are on the performance enhancing list and they continued playing those players.

Interesting to see if the AFL have an investigation as they had one for whoever leaked the names of players who failed drug tests.

Diego Maradona was suspended because of cocaine use in the early 1990's yet it looks as though we will do nothing in Australia to drug cheats.

How many positive drug tests have West Coast had?
They do not disclose until the third positive test.

West Coast have admitted they have / had a drug problem but we will never know because the AFL and WC are protecting themselves.

Some of these drugs are out of your system in 12 hours tey you get the benefit 24 to 36 hours later.
A couple of things here (mainly for the benefit of one clearly obsessed poster).

Firstly no-one has ever said Ben Cousins was an addict, his father said he had a substance abuse problem, there is a difference here. (Might not see it if you look out of red and white eyes though.)

Secondly, no-one has ever said that Cousins was using ice, that is a conclusion that the media jumped to and everyone now accepts as fact. (Someone printed it so it must be true right?)

Thirdly no-one ever said that 8 players were playing under the influence of any kind of drug. Worsfold said that eight players had admitted to trying drugs. He also said that some of them dont play for the club anymore (we can all think of three that fit into this catagory, two are on lists currently.)

If you can find me an AFL club that doesn't have five current players that have tried drugs at some point, I would be quite happy to hand you the cup we won fair and square last year.
They do not disclose until the third positive test.

West Coast have admitted they have / had a drug problem but we will never know because the AFL and WC are protecting themselves.

Some of these drugs are out of your system in 12 hours tey you get the benefit 24 to 36 hours later.
The third positive test disclosure is only for tests done out of season! If you test positive on match days you are named and banned immediately.

To say that WC is protecting itself is ironic when they are in fact the club who has been most up front about the problems that clearly exists at other clubs (as evidenced by 29 positive drug tests). Every other club has its head down, avoiding making waves so they themselves dont have a fine toothed comb run through the activities of the players at their clubs.

The AFL, to cover their own back, came out and said that Cousins had been tested four times since last July and had not had a positive.

As a logically thinking person the bolded statement makes absolutely no sense at all!
The third positive test disclosure is only for tests done out of season! If you test positive on match days you are named and banned immediately. To say that WC is protecting itself is ironic when they are in fact the club who has been most up front about the problems that clearly exists at other clubs (as evidenced by 29 positive drug tests). Every other club has its head down, avoiding making waves so they themselves dont have a fine toothed comb run through the activities of the players at their clubs.

The AFL, to cover their own back, came out and said that Cousins had been tested four times since last July and had not had a positive.

As a logically thinking person the bolded statement makes absolutely no sense at all!

Masking drugs?

I'm quite sure the AFL don't test for them.
Yes a substance abuse problem.

Do you think it is alcohol or glue or something.

It is all typical of the head in the sand approach.

WC were asked about Fletcher and have responded with
1) he had pneumonia
2) he had too much alcohol
3) he had an allergic reaction to a yellow fever injection

When asked if they have asked Fletcher what happened in Vegas WC respond by saying he has had a life changing experience.

If a club admits to having a player on a drug(s) that is on the performancing enhancing list and kept playing him do you just overlook it?
Here's a thought:

Why don't the other 15 clubs ask their players how many have EVER taken drugs at any time in their lives?? That is what Worsfold did. He did not say that those players were CURRENTLY taking drugs - he said eight players had said they had taken drugs, and three of them are no longer at the club.

Anyone who thinks that there would be no affirmative answers in any group of 40+ young men are seriously delusional.
Yes a substance abuse problem.

Do you think it is alcohol or glue or something.

It is all typical of the head in the sand approach.
Well it quite possibly could be alcohol for all you know, the fact is no-one does know so why have a guess at what it may or may not be?

Head in the sand is the other 15 clubs pretenting that there is nothing going on at their clubs of you ask me!:eek:
WC were asked about Fletcher and have responded with
1) he had pneumonia
2) he had too much alcohol
3) he had an allergic reaction to a yellow fever injection

When asked if they have asked Fletcher what happened in Vegas WC respond by saying he has had a life changing experience.
Do you tell your employer about what you do while you are on holiday overseas? Quite frankly this is a completely different thing to playing on performance enhancing drugs, and is none of anyone elses business except Chad Fletchers!
If a club admits to having a player on a drug(s) that is on the performancing enhancing list and kept playing him do you just overlook it?
No club has ever done this in the real world buddy, maybe in your little fantasy world this happened, but not in the real world.

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Tim Lane: "Flawed Eagles hardly heinous"

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