Mitchell was traded for pick 41+50 and Cooper Stephens & Hawks took his salary on. Mitchell wa a Brownlow Winner, B&F winner & then went on to win a flag.
Compared to that, my best offer for Barrass is the one proposed earlier, hawks R1(assume 10-12) for Eagles R2+ Barass that rates him around Pick 15. But Eagles won't play ball, so my starting offer is hawks R2(pies R2) + F2.
Let the negotiations begin.
Meanwhile Sam on his Perth trip can have a chat with Harley on his future plans and make a pinky promise to wait to hear from him. If Harley is a chance, hawks are not going to be given up their F1 & FF1 on any trades and kill their options.
If two 2nds is the opening offer then they better have a better offer ready to roll out.
Eagles response to two 2nd rounders.