MRP / Trib. Tom Hawkins "made an example of" - accepts 1 match suspension

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Obviously they want punches out of the game, whether they be regular punches or jumper punches.

Players don't deserve to miss a game for a little jumper punch, but I also understand we can't have players just giving each other little punches whenever they want without consequence.

Surely you simply raise the level of money they are fined for little punches?

Don't suspend them but instead of:
1st Offence - $1000
2nd Offence - $1500
3rd Offence - 1 week suspension
Make it:
1st Offence - $10,000
2nd Offence - $20,000
3rd Offence - 1 week suspension

Win/Win because players don't miss a game for something very small, but they also stop jumper/gut punches if being fined so much money. Also the AFL gets heaps of money if players are silly enough to do it which they'd love too because all they care about is money.

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So the question for the MRP is do they do nothing in regards to Tom Hawkins IE insufficient force and look like fools a again or do they suspend Hawkins and prove they are fools.

Cats players always get screwed by the MRP.

You watch - 2 weeks but if early plea reduced to 1 week.

If it was Hodge doing it they say all good mate and apologies about the inconvenience.
The Crouch brothers were all over Hawkins....who knows what went on in that altercation..suspect it was more than just wrestling.....whatever it was, it infuriated Tom Hawkins to the point of jumper punching M Crouch.

He'll get a week....I guess we'll never know what initiated the Hawkins response.
The Crouch brothers were all over Hawkins....who knows what went on in that altercation..suspect it was more than just wrestling.....whatever it was, it infuriated Tom Hawkins to the point of jumper punching M Crouch.

He'll get a week....I guess we'll never know what initiated the Hawkins response.
Perhaps Hawkins should tell. If it was sledging well the AFL are all over that aren't they?????
With a supposed crackdown on jumper punches and anything else resembling a punch, I'm guessing they'll start this week by making an example of Tom Hawkins again ... Jack Steven and Zac Jones smile on in the background.


So how much is a jab to the neck worth these days?

I'm guessing 3 down to 2. Silly man Tom, silly man.
What I'd really like to see is the guy who punched Selwood in the head while he was on the ground get cited. That's what started this. Won't happen of course cos BT etc did not highlight it though it was plain to see on the TV live.

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The Crouch brothers were all over Hawkins....who knows what went on in that altercation..suspect it was more than just wrestling.....whatever it was, it infuriated Tom Hawkins to the point of jumper punching M Crouch.

He'll get a week....I guess we'll never know what initiated the Hawkins response.
See my post above
Should be a fine.
Will make a statement though so get a week.
Of course they COULD have done that last week with the 2 examples instantly after the AFL spoke about them... no, wasn't a Geelong player...
That's what confuses me. I thought all last week they were saying that it was all bluster since they did nothing with the previous round's obvious punches thrown and a slap of the wrist given in return by the MRP. Why would they do nothing then change the rules with no public directive given?
This is bad.... No Hawkins for the Eagles match is a huge loss. Our forward line might really struggle, and it will be interesting to see how we go on the bigger ground.
Insufficient force.

Had no impact on the player other than giving him an opportunity to show that a career in acting is not beckoning. Crouch(?) jumps up half a second after the push, carrying on about getting a free. It's a joke.
Well considering how they graded Cotchin they have no choice but to give him a fine. If they rub him out the club should lodge a formal complaint - in no world is what he did any greater than Cotchin.
Well considering how they graded Cotchin they have no choice but to give him a fine. If they rub him out the club should lodge a formal complaint - in no world is what he did any greater than Cotchin.
Unfortunately the MRP have a short memory.
Compare the pair

Looking at the footage from Friday night, surely Crouch should be looked at for staging. True, it was stupid from Hawkins, but gee, Crouch sure hammed it up, didn't he? If I was him, I'd be embarrassed looking back at that.
There has been a change since the Cotchin incident. Bartel said last week (The Age Podcast i think) that the MRP would grade punches with a higher impact than previously - so low went to medium, medium to high.

That included the Zac Jones one as well, but as it was a body punch it wasn;t enough for a suspension.

So Hawkins will get graded as medium, where as Cotchin gets low. Inconsistent yes. But clubs were warned.
There has been a change since the Cotchin incident. Bartel said last week (The Age Podcast i think) that the MRP would grade punches with a higher impact than previously - so low went to medium, medium to high.

That included the Zac Jones one as well, but as it was a body punch it wasn;t enough for a suspension.

So Hawkins will get graded as medium, where as Cotchin gets low. Inconsistent yes. But clubs were warned.
So Geelong banner at the WC game.

He will go... hopefully for only one.

Not such a bad out come. One might say if you are going to go for a jumper punch , one may as well really wind up..jumper punches were only a technique for avoidance of a punch assessment. To stop all skirmishes is an ideal target but thats also forgetting that players are emotional beings not robots. There will be times where disagreements happen in contact sport.

To me this all happened on the end of a third hit to Selwood , it was enough is enough stuff. The "accidental" hits to Selwood probably put a certain mindset into Tom that made him forget the likely outcome.

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MRP / Trib. Tom Hawkins "made an example of" - accepts 1 match suspension

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