Tommy Walsh is so tough... (a variation on Chuck Norris jokes...)

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Every team has their tough guy / cult hero. At the moment, for us Sainters it's probably Tommy Walsh. On Saintsational they've been doing Chuck Norris jokes but with him instead. I figure other teams could join in (Majak Daws from the Kangas sounds like he fits the tough guy/ cult hero mould, for example...). What I was thinking was

Saints Supporter: "Tommy Walsh is so tough, he can make onions cry."

Kangas Supporter: "Well, Majak Daws is so tough, he wins games of connect-4 in three moves or less."

You get the idea...
I'll get the ball rolling:

Tommy Walsh is so tough that, he once gave a horse an upper-cut. It's decendant is now known as a Giraffe.

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Every team has their tough guy / cult hero. At the moment, for us Sainters it's probably Tommy Walsh. On Saintsational they've been doing Chuck Norris jokes but with him instead. I figure other teams could join in (Majak Daws from the Kangas sounds like he fits the tough guy/ cult hero mould, for example...). What I was thinking was

Saints Supporter: "Tommy Walsh is so tough, he can make onions cry."

Kangas Supporter: "Well, Majak Daws is so tough, he wins games of connect-4 in three moves or less."

You get the idea...

Things better than this thread

- melbourne vs richmond games
-richmond's recruiting staff
-NM training facilites
-Ox's special comments
-Kelly underwood's commentating
-Scott lucas's right foot
-Chris judd alibi's
Things better than this thread
-NM training facilites

Well, obviously.


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One time in an airport Tommy Walsh accidentally called Chuck Norris "Chick Norris". He explained it was an honest mistake and apologized profusely. Chuck accepted his apology and politely signed an autograph. Nine months later, Tommy's girlfriend gave birth to a bearded baby. Tommy Walsh Knew exactly what had happened, and blames nobody but himself.
Things better than this thread

- melbourne vs richmond games
-richmond's recruiting staff
-NM training facilites
-Ox's special comments
-Kelly underwood's commentating
-Scott lucas's right foot
-Chris judd alibi's

Just a horrible horrible thread BUT to say anything is better than Underwood is just not right.

For example.

I was driving to work and got in an accident. I lost a leg and two arms and will have to learn to walk again for the next 8 months with a prosthetic leg & now have large dining forks for arms. I also lost an eye so will have to wear a leather patch for the rest of my life. On top of that my facial scars are so hideous that i will never be able to leave my house again.

Now, an angel comes down and says right if you just watch this hour long highlights package of Kelli Underwood's best moments in football broadcasting DVD you can jump in our angel time machine and go back to the precise moment that the accident happened and change the course of time. So obviously its a pretty simple answer. Its only an hour right?. So wish me luck in my rehab.
Even in his native land, where there's a propensity to fall down squealing in order to attract sympathy from the ref, players do not seem to be in awe of Tommy Walsh.

Tommy Welsh is so tough, Lovett got himself traded to the Saints to avoid playing against him. When that failed, he moved on to escape plan B.

Too soon?
One time in an airport Tommy Walsh accidentally called Chuck Norris "Chick Norris". He explained it was an honest mistake and apologized profusely. Chuck accepted his apology and politely signed an autograph. Nine months later, Tommy's girlfriend gave birth to a bearded baby. Tommy Walsh Knew exactly what had happened, and blames nobody but himself.

You stole the first part of that situation from King of the Hill.
Tommy Walsh is so tough, he and Ben Cousins fought each other on a bet early last year. The loser had to go play for Richmond.

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Tommy Walsh is so tough... (a variation on Chuck Norris jokes...)

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