Werewolf Town of Salem IX (Arsonist Wins)

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Also, it would've been unfair to not have revealed it given that the protection confers daytime immunity too and the OP of the thread did say that everyone would be informed ^^ . The decision to protect early and effectively reveal early was an interesting one though.
Friendship Hold Hands GIF by Thelma and Louise
I just hate the idea of you getting 2 lives. You should start with 0 lives not 2

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Also, it would've been unfair to not have revealed it given that the protection confers daytime immunity too and the OP of the thread did say that everyone would be informed ^^ . The decision to protect early and effectively reveal early was an interesting one though.
Maybe they thought Zerg would be an early target due to last game's shenanigans.
ha ha Yeh I saw that but I thought night started at 6.00pm
That's when it ends. At this stage the GA is wondering whether a survivor role would be easier.

I want to get burned on the cross but I just can't figure out how to get this last nail in.
When YOU have a nail the whole world looks like hammers

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so if GA protecting Zerg we can never lynch him unless we lynch the GA first ?

I tohught i rea the GA can Protect from Grave too.
There's a limit of two protects and Nothing is just trying to waste my second one.

Or he genuinely posted his ignite in the wrong thread which would be very embarrassing for him.
Guardian Angel (Neutral Benign): An Angel whose only goal is the protection of your charge. You have one goal: keep your target alive. Twice a game at Night you may Heal (Powerful DEF) and Purge (remove any Poison or Arsonist douse) your target. This may be done from the grave. Watching over a player can prevent execution by the Jailor or ignition by the Arsonist. Watching over a player invalidates any votes on that player during the following Day's lynch vote.

So the GA always is watching OVER their Charge, so only the JAILOR and ASONIST cant kill them at Night but all other night kills are Ok. and ZERG can never be lynchedwhile the GA is alive . Zerg can be Healed and Purged twice per game also from the Grave

Twice a game you may heal AND Purge
Does this mean they can Heal twice and Purge twice, or is it only two of those actions all up?
For e.g could they Heal x2, purge x2 , or one of each only? Kinda confusing.
They'd be better off letting me burn and going full Survivor.
True. I was thinking they need to save you, but they could just ignore it and become a survivor. That then brings back to who would save you N1, someone who wants you around, or someone who wants to bring attention to you.

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Werewolf Town of Salem IX (Arsonist Wins)

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