Treatment versus Vaccine

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re-read the post. My interpretation is the most probable interpretation given the words you wrote but i admit there is no clear interpretation because it is quite vague. If your intentions were different then it hasnt been written appropriately to reflect that.

theres nothing toxic about attacking anti government views About vaccines during a pandemic. The opposite in fact if toxic actually has any objective meaning.
So what you've done then is just make huge assumptions about me and come out fists flailing? My post is not vague and your interpretation is not the most probable, Roby's interpretation is. What you've done is misinterpreted it because you seem to be looking for an argument.

A statement was made about "willing to get jabbed as many times as they say" my statement was that eventually, when the virus has gone from being pandemic to maybe endemic in appearance it won't be a case of getting jabbed when they say, but rather if you choose to, like we do with the flu vaccine... you know... based on health decisions (the thing that you said I wasn't basing my decision on). Until then, i'll stay vaccinated as needed based on vaccine efficacy (currently that is every six months).

I've been an active poster on this board with pretty clear views that support the vaccine as a means to protect yourself against the virus. I'm double vaccinated and will be getting the booster (again, all based on health decisions). Nowhere in my post was there a statement about the government, because there was no need to, yet you went on the attack about it.

How about you pull your head in and don't reply so aggressively because now you just look like a fool.
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Because they are stealing an unfair share amount of public resources from other people who have also paid their taxes.

and lets face it. most anti vaxers are from the less educated parts of society who are paying far less taxes then everyone else on average.
Your ideology is ridiculous lol, do you not help people that overdose on drugs also? Or people that consume to much alcohol?.

I've gone and spoke to many anti vaxxers they don't seem less educated at all, they're people like you and me with a different opinion so get off your high horse dude. These people are doctors,nurses,teachers,cops and mothers and fathers just like you.

This idea that vaccinated people are the only ones that can be right on this subject is quite disturbing. Who are you to say people shouldn't be afforded care for a decision that should rightfully be there's? You know the one they were born with in this country.

I sure hope nothing happens to any of your family that are vaccinated and contract covid because well they should be safe so why do they need treatment?.
The issue with covid is the immune system hasn't time to react once it really takes hold of the two percent of the positive cases doctor's are powerless.

The vaxxinne is only designed to program the immune system to respond
immeaditely, so tha one, maybe only half a percent of all infecrions have a better
chance at living.

It does not stop transmission in any way. The science is showing that you dont develop immunity after recovering. Where as unjabbed do.

The white elephant in the room is the vaxx does more harm than good.

The science is clear that widespread use of small amounts of iv, when there is an outbreak flattens the curve.

It is what is.
Almost all of that is untrue.

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The issue with covid is the immune system hasn't time to react once it really takes hold of the two percent of the positive cases doctor's are powerless.

The vaxxinne is only designed to program the immune system to respond
immeaditely, so tha one, maybe only half a percent of all infecrions have a better
chance at living.

It does not stop transmission in any way. The science is showing that you dont develop immunity after recovering. Where as unjabbed do.

The white elephant in the room is the vaxx does more harm than good.

The science is clear that widespread use of small amounts of iv, when there is an outbreak flattens the curve.

It is what is.
The vaccine reduces transmission significantly, as we can now see in NSW and Vic. Your supposed white elephant is 100% bullshit and isn’t even worth debating.
What science on IV’s? How is it clear? Do you even understand what it means for science to be clear about something?
Nearly everything you said is wrong.
The issue with covid is the immune system hasn't time to react once it really takes hold of the two percent of the positive cases doctor's are powerless.

The vaxxinne is only designed to program the immune system to respond
immeaditely, so tha one, maybe only half a percent of all infecrions have a better
chance at living.

It does not stop transmission in any way. The science is showing that you dont develop immunity after recovering. Where as unjabbed do.

The white elephant in the room is the vaxx does more harm than good.

The science is clear that widespread use of small amounts of iv, when there is an outbreak flattens the curve.

It is what is.
What do you think has pushed cases down in Victoria and NSW?
Are people not aware covid will be less contracted during the warmer weather? Hence the numbers will slow down come summer. Numbers will be sky high again come winter but somehow it'll be the unvaccinateds fault 🥴🥴.
Are people not aware covid will be less contracted during the warmer weather? Hence the numbers will slow down come summer. Numbers will be sky high again come winter but somehow it'll be the unvaccinateds fault 🥴🥴.

Maybe not the unvax fault. Certainly not the fault of those who took the shots.

However the unvaxd will be the bulk of those in ICU & the Cemeteries across the country.
Maybe not the unvax fault. Certainly not the fault of those who took the shots.

However the unvaxd will be the bulk of those in ICU & the Cemeteries across the country.
What about those that have died taking the vaccine? Do you not care about them ? Some people have had severe reactions to them do they not matter these reactions should be headline news but they're hidden.
What about those that have died taking the vaccine? Do you not care about them ? Some people have had severe reactions to them do they not matter these reactions should be headline news but they're hidden.

Explain the mechanism of how traditional viral vaccines or messenger RNA vaccines kill you. Appreciated.

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I'm not disputing VAERS but this is not the answer to my question. Come and respond when you have that.
How would you like me to explain it? I don't have the answer to that I'm showing you a legitimate source that says it's happening so please debunk it if it's untrue?. I'll be waiting.
How would you like me to explain it? I don't have the answer to that I'm showing you a legitimate source that says it's happening so please debunk it if it's untrue?. I'll be waiting.

So you don't see what the issue is?

You're making an assumption without even understanding the mechanism of it.

I'm not even confident you understand what VAERS is and what's its designed for.

Correlation is not causation. You can't just hang your hat on correlations all the time and then think your work is done. At some point you have to show cause.

Which part of the vaccine do you think is killing people? Do you think it's possible that the VAERS numbers could be just "noise" in the data and purely just coincidental?
What about those that have died taking the vaccine? Do you not care about them ? Some people have had severe reactions to them do they not matter these reactions should be headline news but they're hidden.

If they're hidden you wouldn't know.

We've had a few due to the rare clotting issue, thats about it in OZ.
Can anybody tell me if there any difference in the composition of the 3rd dose (Or more) of the currently available vaccines to the first 2 doses?

Generally they are the exact same formulation as the first dose, but it can depend on which manufacturer. You can ask this information before you get the vaccine.
You're aware people have died taking the vaccine? Surely you're not that blind to that. Go check the vaers website
sadly 9 people have died in Australia post injection with the AstraZeneca vaccine. That is all that has been recorded and if there had been more, I have no doubt one or more media organisations here would have brought them to light.

All of those 9 deaths were reported to have significant blood clotting issues due to their own immune system reacting to the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein in the vaccine causing clots which caused strokes or heart attacks in the individuals.

Their bodies would likely have had the same reaction to the same SARS-Cov-2 spike protein upon infection with the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Likely more so since the AZ vaccine comprises 0.5ml injected locally into the upper arm in order for the vaccine to reach the lymph nodes under that arm. In some cases, small amounts of the vaccine can enter the blood stream, leading to, in rare cases, the significant blood clotting causing blood vessel blockages and subsequent heart attacks and strokes.

Alternatively, upon infection with the SARS-Cov-2 virus, it enters the blood stream of the individual and spreads throughout just about every organ. If you are prone to significant immune reaction to proteins in the virus including the spike protein, you will see massive immune cell clotting causing blockages and stroke, heart attacks and death. In this respect, you may have seen articles where younger, healthy people have been recently infected with the virus and die at home suddenly and not on hospital ventilators.

We are fortunate that the mRNA vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna are only the blueprints for a portion of the virus (spike protein) thereby avoiding the blood clotting issues seen with the AZ.

Look, I have a PhD in this area, but since we are on an anonymous site, you don't have to believe me but please believe Australia's best immunologist and Nobel prize winner (in Immunology) Peter Doherty who is saying the exact same thing. I encourage you to follow him on Twitter and get your information from the source. Ask him a question if you want as he seems happy to respond. Please just take the vaccines and tell your family and friends to do the same. Ignore the politics, the media, the mandates, the smug science illiterates who have told you to do it, and just do it because 99.9% of the medicos and scientists have said this is the best thing for you like we do with every other treatment when you go to the doctor. Please just trust your doctor like you probably always have. Enough people have now taken these vaccines to show they are safe. It will not cause you issues down the track because it will no longer be in you body. It's not going to make you sterile because it's not injected near your balls. And again, if the vaccine is going to cause you such an issue, the covid virus definitely will too. I am currently assisting a top lab out of Poland on alternative covid treatments and they look potentially useful and safe but they will not be approved for some time and they are to help you once infected and sick. I would prefer you and your family and friends did not get sick in the first place. All the best.
You're aware people have died taking the vaccine? Surely you're not that blind to that. Go check the vaers website
Yes you are right, people have died from the vaccine but it is purely a numbers game.

Less people will die from the vaccine that will die if you let covid lose with not vaccinations.

This has already been demonstrated....

20 million + give a vaccine in Australia - deaths less than 100
190,000 cases of corona in Australia - 1800 deaths
sadly 9 people have died in Australia post injection with the AstraZeneca vaccine. That is all that has been recorded and if there had been more, I have no doubt one or more media organisations here would have brought them to light.

We are fortunate that the mRNA vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna are only the blueprints for a portion of the virus (spike protein) thereby avoiding the blood clotting issues seen with the AZ.

And again, if the vaccine is going to cause you such an issue, the covid virus definitely will too. I am currently assisting a top lab out of Poland on alternative covid treatments and they look potentially useful and safe but they will not be approved for some time and they are to help you once infected and sick. I would prefer you and your family and friends did not get sick in the first place. All the best.

Fantastic post, thanks for that.

Now if you can just wean the Antivax/Conspiracy loving luddites off their addiction to ignorant social media sites & back onto the path of proper science analysis, we, the country, the world will be a much better & saner place.

Again, thank you, & Good luck ;)
Can anybody tell me if there any difference in the composition of the 3rd dose (Or more) of the currently available vaccines to the first 2 doses?
Pfizer is given as a booster dose regardless of which vaccine you had for your first 2 doses.

You can also receive the Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) vaccine if you:
  • can’t have the Pfizer vaccine for medical reasons
  • had 2 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine previously
Generally they are the exact same formulation as the first dose, but it can depend on which manufacturer. You can ask this information before you get the vaccine.
Pfizer is the only mRNA vaccine available despite whether you had Moderna, Pfizer or AZ. Although can still get AZ under certain conditions.

Moderna is more than three times the dose of Pfizer and boosters were rejected 16-2 by the FDA recently because of heart inflammation safety concerns before the US government over ruled.

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Treatment versus Vaccine

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