Trump - Harris Presidential Election 2024

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Trump has tweeted 50,000 times in the last 4 years.

That is 12,000 a year

or 240 a week

or 34 a day

or about 2 an hour if you assume that he sleeps for 6 of them.

Its not too taxing but it's an impressive longterm achievement for someone. He's obviously got a long term golfing habit too... which takes up a lot of time.

He doesn't read much but spends a lot of time looking at Fox news. He tends to employ people who know his narrow goals and lets them do their job. He doesnt micromanage. If he sees any signs of disagreement, he sacks them. Ditto with no achieving trump goals. He will cut them lose if their is guilt to be worn, but he will show loyalty if they remain loyal and keep their mouths shut.

He values people who keep a low profile. He values loyalty. He values blondes. He values people who can make him money.

He values the deal and believes everyone has a price, although it may not be money. He uses carrots and he uses sticks. He likes to use sticks and he likes the people who he is hitting with a stick, that he is well aware of their respective positions and is enjoying it.

We know he likes to be in charge and we know he likes to be in charge in front of people. The question will be how he reacts to less power and less focus in the coming months...

that was a doodle...

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A sucky bill is better then none? Then just give billions to foreign countries.
Why sign something you know nothing about?
How do you read almost 6000 pages in 4 hours not possible.
Hey anti-Trump mob you know the President you hate so much? Well he just demanded congress get the people more money instead of foreign countries and worthless projects.
And he just signed the bill.
Looks like another kick in the pants on his way out the door.
And he just signed the bill.
Looks like another kick in the pants on his way out the door.
It is a omnibus bill with plenty of extras and more money to the people.
It is a omnibus bill with plenty of extras and more money to the people.
It is exactly the same bill as he refused to sign.
That you were ECSTATIC when he refused to sign.
There have been no alterations because Congress/Senate haven’t been sitting.
They are now doing back room deals to try and increase those payments. But it’s Trumps party that is refusing to increase the amount.
Just an embarrassing backflip from the lame duck!
Lame Duck! Lame Duck!

So many Republicans crossed the floor.
Will be interesting to see if the numbers hold up when it goes to the senate.
the latest story i heard is that trump was going to slink off to florida and not bother to go back to the white house..... kind of a slimy gutless way to handle himself
the latest story i heard is that trump was going to slink off to florida and not bother to go back to the white house..... kind of a slimy gutless way to handle himself
i am pretty sure his Florida neighbours are threatening a law suit so he cannot stay in Mar-a-lago due to some legal clause. He might have to move in with Pinko i think
i am pretty sure his Florida neighbours are threatening a law suit so he cannot stay in Mar-a-lago due to some legal clause. He might have to move in with Pinko i think

theres something in the trump-lago contract that says you cant live there on a full-time basis. Probably the real reason is the drop in land prices that someone like him would cause. the likelihood of regular visits from don jnr and the resulting house break ins......i've heard he just cant help himself

Pinky would jump at the chance to be able to chew the fat with his hero. I'd be happy to take melania in if she promised not to be so morose around the house - i think the separation from donny would help her perk up. i wouldnt want the kid coming over. that name of his just gives me the creeps.

i hope pinky realises trump's demands before he sends over the invite. He might have to invite hope hicks over to cater for the big guy's needs.

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theres something in the trump-lago contract that says you cant live there on a full-time basis. Probably the real reason is the drop in land prices that someone like him would cause. the likelihood of regular visits from don jnr and the resulting house break ins......i've heard he just cant help himself

Pinky would jump at the chance to be able to chew the fat with his hero. I'd be happy to take melania in if she promised not to be so morose around the house - i think the separation from donny would help her perk up. i wouldnt want the kid coming over. that name of his just gives me the creeps.

i hope pinky realises trump's demands before he sends over the invite. He might have to invite hope hicks over to cater for the big guy's needs.
Oh i dont know about having Melania as a houseguest. I think she would be the biggest nagger in the world. Donny and her would be a perfect match because she would nag and he wouldnt listen at all. Not worth the trouble.
Oh i dont know about having Melania as a houseguest. I think she would be the biggest nagger in the world. Donny and her would be a perfect match because she would nag and he wouldnt listen at all. Not worth the trouble.

i dunno.... a few fashion mags... cable channel with fashion and glamour.... slovenian christmas carols.... actually ive been to slovenia... bled and the capital. it's a very nice country. I actually went after melania vacated the country for a more fuller life and to develop her einstein capabilities.

talking bout nagging and i know this is a kiddies channel, but I was just wondering if she was the one with the whip ...i dont think the don would have the nerve.
i'm thinking of putting in a counter offer to beat Pinky to get the Don staying over.... the more i think about him having hope over and the miss universe contestants ..... and he would be twitter all the time and meals would be a cinch...
The Manhattan District Attorney's Office has retained forensic accounting specialists to aid its criminal investigation of President Trump and his business operations, as prosecutors ramp up their scrutiny of his company's real estate transactions, according to people familiar with the matter.

District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. opened the investigation in 2018 to examine alleged hush-money payments made to two women who, during Trump’s first presidential campaign, claimed to have had affairs with him years earlier. The probe has since expanded, and now includes the Trump Organization's activities more broadly, said the people familiar with the matter. Vance’s office has suggested in court filings that bank, tax and insurance fraud are areas of exploration.
Vance has contracted with FTI Consulting to look for anomalies among a variety of property deals, and to advise the district attorney on whether the president’s company manipulated the value of certain assets to obtain favorable interest rates and tax breaks, according to a person with knowledge of the investigation who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity because the matter remains highly sensitive. The probe is believed to encompass transactions spanning several years.
Continuing a presidential tradition. They always improve their golf during their tenure but rarely do they get the time to improve the world...

News is that the vaccination pace in the US is well below what Trump promised..... LOL. Is he the most unbelievable person in history? He has a number of interesting quirks but at least you can say he has controlled them somewhat. He hasn't molested his daughter during his term or put his hands on a female who was walking by....well at least what we know of.

However, every single statement about future plans, goals etc, is overstated. I cant remember a time when he said something that ended up coming in on time. I suppose his prediction of the date for HIS vaccine is one....but reallllly. He had no impact on the drug companies, especially those overseas. It was just a lucky guess.

I'm gonna miss him
News is that the vaccination pace in the US is well below what Trump promised..... LOL. Is he the most unbelievable person in history? He has a number of interesting quirks but at least you can say he has controlled them somewhat. He hasn't molested his daughter during his term or put his hands on a female who was walking by....well at least what we know of.

However, every single statement about future plans, goals etc, is overstated. I cant remember a time when he said something that ended up coming in on time. I suppose his prediction of the date for HIS vaccine is one....but reallllly. He had no impact on the drug companies, especially those overseas. It was just a lucky guess.

I'm gonna miss him

The scary thing is he got 70 odd million votes.
The scary thing is he got 70 odd million votes.

he just got voted most popular person in the world - by americans of course. Obama won the last 14 years or something. The reason he wins is that he's so polarising in the US, he gets 30% without even trying.

It reminds me about a story about rod stewart. I wondered why he was so popular. This was the 80s. My sister told me he was in every woman's day, every new idea, every rolling stone mag.....

a lot of people hated him....but a lot of people loved him..
he just got voted most popular person in the world - by americans of course. Obama won the last 14 years or something. The reason he wins is that he's so polarising in the US, he gets 30% without even trying.

It reminds me about a story about rod stewart. I wondered why he was so popular. This was the 80s. My sister told me he was in every woman's day, every new idea, every rolling stone mag.....
Rodney had some top class songs before he sold out. Every Picture Tells a Story is probably one of my top 10 songs of all time

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