Trump - Harris Presidential Election 2024

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Look, I'm not anti-migration however it does get to a point whereby your cheating your own citizens whatever their background for greed on university campuses where rich students from.overseas fill far too many spots, cheap labour see 747 visas or whatever they were, pop up communities that don't have the amenities to support them, sky rocketing house prices to put younger people further out of reach? This has been an impact in what has happened in Melbourne in particular.

The other big issue in our politics in Australia is say the greens who want a big Australia, is it even environmentally sustainable? Putting aside all the other challenges. This is where the other extreme on the political spectrum can be quite dishonest.
Your obsession with the Greens is a bit misplaced. They have very little political clout in this country and their influence over an issue that you seem to fret over, immigration, is virtually zero.

Like what has happened for decades now is that people flee from countries were their lives are at risk for the safety and the opportunity in places like Australia. The fact that we as a society along with the Americans and now the British seek to demonise these people is a disgrace. That has occurred because what was once a truly conservative party in the Liberals has turned into the lunatic far right.

It has nothing to do with the Greens, whose only influence is to request a return to decency and empathy. It was never a political issue into the far right found political advantage by turning it into a fear and misinformation campaign.

If we turn into what you term as a 'big AUSTRALIA' it will be because of the will of Liberal or Labour Governments, probably both
Your obsession with the Greens is a bit misplaced. They have very little political clout in this country and their influence over an issue that you seem to fret over, immigration, is virtually zero.

Like what has happened for decades now is that people flee from countries were their lives are at risk for the safety and the opportunity in places like Australia. The fact that we as a society along with the Americans and now the British seek to demonise these people is a disgrace. That has occurred because what was once a truly conservative party in the Liberals has turned into the lunatic far right.

It has nothing to do with the Greens, whose only influence is to request a return to decency and empathy. It was never a political issue into the far right found political advantage by turning it into a fear and misinformation campaign.

If we turn into what you term as a 'big AUSTRALIA' it will be because of the will of Liberal or Labour Governments, probably both
As someone who enjoys the benefits of a multi cultural society migration does have limits. My original point was left parties especially say the greens in this country will not paint a holistic picture of the debate and will be compromised. It's a pretty obvious and banal observations in political discourse all over the world.

That it's not been acknowledged by progressives in this thread just proves my point really. I won't play the contrarian, devils advocate any longer as it makes me look like a Trump supporter, or someone who voted for Abbott in 2014 when he 'stopped the boats', spoiler, I didn't.

Both sides of the political spectrum have issues they are compromised on. There will be matters where Trump has authenticity over his democratic rivals. Spoiler, I think Trump will be extremely entertaining if he gets up, it's just that he will also be a disaster.

Have a good day. 👍
As someone who enjoys the benefits of a multi cultural society migration does have limits. My original point was left parties especially say the greens in this country will not paint a holistic picture of the debate and will be compromised. It's a pretty obvious and banal observations in political discourse all over the world.

That it's not been acknowledged by progressives in this thread just proves my point really. I won't play the contrarian, devils advocate any longer as it makes me look like a Trump supporter, or someone who voted for Abbott in 2014 when he 'stopped the boats', spoiler, I didn't.

Both sides of the political spectrum have issues they are compromised on. There will be matters where Trump has authenticity over his democratic rivals. Spoiler, I think Trump will be extremely entertaining if he gets up, it's just that he will also be a disaster.

Have a good day. 👍
Climate change is a global issue. Accepting refugees doesn't increase global population. The argument that the Greens are being environmentally irresponsible by advocating for refugees is an argument that we should keep poor foreigners in poverty to stop consumption. As the global environmental impact is that they will become big consuming Australians. It's obscene.

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Climate change is a global issue. Accepting refugees doesn't increase global population. The argument that the Greens are being environmentally irresponsible by advocating for refugees is an argument that we should keep poor foreigners in poverty to stop consumption. As the global environmental impact is that they will become big consuming Australians. It's obscene.
My experience with greens supporters on this forum (not this board) who are their base is that they genuinely hate Australia. Most just openly hate everything about the country.

The paradox is the government is supposed to govern for its people. I'd not trust the greens on almost all issues. Migration would be just one of those. Hopefully they remain a minor party until they change their stripes.

As I said in another thread, they a characterised as representing a watermelon for very good reason. A lot of their representatives arent a member to the party for environmental action.
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As I said in another thread, they a characterised as representing a watermelon for very good reason.
The welfare = communism theory. Accepting refugees = communism. Trying to limit environmental damage at the expense of profits = communism. Supporting gay rights = communism. Etc...

The good reason why they are described like this is that there are a lot of idiots who try to simplify everything into a left/right battlefield and don't understand that economic and social beliefs don't have to be aligned to the current US common binary categories.
The welfare = communism theory. Accepting refugees = communism. Trying to limit environmental damage at the expense of profits = communism. Supporting gay rights = communism. Etc...
Errrgh no
The welfare = communism theory. Accepting refugees = communism. Trying to limit environmental damage at the expense of profits = communism. Supporting gay rights = communism. Etc...

The good reason why they are described like this is that there are a lot of idiots who try to simplify everything into a left/right battlefield and don't understand that economic and social beliefs don't have to be aligned to the current US common binary cacategories.
Red is the colour of social justice such as fringe issues whereby they cancel terfs from the party. Watermelon is particularly used in regards to political discourse in Australia and new Zealand. Not so much in the USA

We have a better system and governance than america's anyway, most Australians don't want a system mimicking americas and for good reason.

'A lot of idiots', - might be time to tone it down a little hey!
If you think Trump is incoherent, then Biden must clow your mind!

I've listened to the both quite a bit. Yes, listening to Biden makes me want to blow my mind.

Trump's mash of words is on another level. At his best he sounds like crack addict in mania, with a few thoughts on the go and an inability to focus on one at a time.

At his worst, no sense can be made of him at all. Just a dribble of verbiage, with the man himself relying on a few key words to get a cheer from the fans.

And then there was his confusion a day or so ago, when he kept referring to Nancy Pelosi as Nikki Haley. Not once, but three times.

But again, the fans knew what he was trying to say, and that's what matters.
Frankly, I'm astounded that the 25th amendment hasn't been called into play for Biden. There's no way that guy is mentally competent. Then again, he makes the perfect muppet for those 'pulling his strings' and the alternate (Harris) is hardly any better!
Bring on the election - assuming there's no 'Russian collusion' or 'mail-in ballot fraud'.
Frankly, I'm astounded that the 25th amendment hasn't been called into play for Biden. There's no way that guy is mentally competent. Then again, he makes the perfect muppet for those 'pulling his strings' and the alternate (Harris) is hardly any better!
Bring on the election - assuming there's no 'Russian collusion' or 'mail-in ballot fraud'.

Sounds like you want Don to get back in. Can I ask why?

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Sounds like you want Don to get back in. Can I ask why?
I don't 'want' anything with regards to US presidents, although I feel that despite the rhetoric of potential doom around Donny's, shall we say 'flamboyant' statements, I found it refreshing that he thumbed his nose to the mainstream media and reverted to Twitter for announcements. His performance with regards to foreign affairs, although unorthodox, was effetive - Middle East with the Abraham Accords, North Korea (stepping foot in and meeting their leader - not done previously) and China - showing that they will not dictate to the market globally. All the doom predicted by the usual talking heads amount to naugt in that regard.

He is the only President for a VERY long time that didn't engage in any military conflict - which I am sure has upset the Military Inductrial Complex. This was very quickly undone by the current 'leader' to the delight of the aforementioned, I'm sure.
I do like his take on the swamp. The number of career politicians (on both sides) that have become insanely wealthy from disproportonately small salaries is staggering (Pelosi, anyone!?) and an absolute marker for the corruption that exists at all levels. He donated his entire slaray whilst in office - some might say that this was a mere stunt but no others have done it. He is the only President who's persoanl fortune has diminished after being in office. And he returned job and manufacturing to middle-America - the ones that Obama said "simply don't exit".

So, despite the bravado, and at times unrefined demeanor and his typically gruff personality, he is the opposite of what has lead the US (and other nations) to fill their respective halls of office with swine and he is looking to clean the decks. AND, watching the lefties collective heads explode when he won the unwinnable election was delightful (I'm still waitning for all those that said if he won they would leave America, to do so)

As I said, it will be interesting come November...
Red is the colour of social justice such as fringe issues whereby they cancel terfs from the party. Watermelon is particularly used in regards to political discourse in Australia and new Zealand. Not so much in the USA

We have a better system and governance than america's anyway, most Australians don't want a system mimicking americas and for good reason.

'A lot of idiots', - might be time to tone it down a little hey!
It's a communist reference - green on the outside, communist on the inside. Strongly not conservative equals communist is the rationale

You don't claim the rhetoric you repeat and preference it with things like some people think... - therefore you can't say that the idiot reference was referring to you.
It's a communist reference - green on the outside, communist on the inside. Strongly not conservative equals communist is the rationale

You don't claim the rhetoric you repeat and preference it with things like some people think... - therefore you can't say that the idiot reference was referring to you.

Watermelon means something different in different countries. In the Australian context it's referring to the truth that the Greens are more obsessed with social justice issues than anything to do with the environment. They have representatives who are emblematic of this. It's plain and obvious to see.
I don't 'want' anything with regards to US presidents, although I feel that despite the rhetoric of potential doom around Donny's, shall we say 'flamboyant' statements, I found it refreshing that he thumbed his nose to the mainstream media and reverted to Twitter for announcements. His performance with regards to foreign affairs, although unorthodox, was effetive - Middle East with the Abraham Accords, North Korea (stepping foot in and meeting their leader - not done previously) and China - showing that they will not dictate to the market globally. All the doom predicted by the usual talking heads amount to naugt in that regard.

He is the only President for a VERY long time that didn't engage in any military conflict - which I am sure has upset the Military Inductrial Complex. This was very quickly undone by the current 'leader' to the delight of the aforementioned, I'm sure.
I do like his take on the swamp. The number of career politicians (on both sides) that have become insanely wealthy from disproportonately small salaries is staggering (Pelosi, anyone!?) and an absolute marker for the corruption that exists at all levels. He donated his entire slaray whilst in office - some might say that this was a mere stunt but no others have done it. He is the only President who's persoanl fortune has diminished after being in office. And he returned job and manufacturing to middle-America - the ones that Obama said "simply don't exit".

So, despite the bravado, and at times unrefined demeanor and his typically gruff personality, he is the opposite of what has lead the US (and other nations) to fill their respective halls of office with swine and he is looking to clean the decks. AND, watching the lefties collective heads explode when he won the unwinnable election was delightful (I'm still waitning for all those that said if he won they would leave America, to do so)

As I said, it will be interesting come November...
How much tax did he pay?
Watermelon means something different in different countries. In the Australian context it's referring to the truth that the Greens are more obsessed with social justice issues than anything to do with the environment. They have representatives who are emblematic of this. It's plain and obvious to see.
That's the point. It's equating campaigning for a more inclusive society, or as you refer to it - social justice - as communist, because that's seen as derogatory. Or do you actually think calling someone red in terms of political ideology is not a reference to communism?
I don't 'want' anything with regards to US presidents, although I feel that despite the rhetoric of potential doom around Donny's, shall we say 'flamboyant' statements, I found it refreshing that he thumbed his nose to the mainstream media and reverted to Twitter for announcements. His performance with regards to foreign affairs, although unorthodox, was effetive - Middle East with the Abraham Accords, North Korea (stepping foot in and meeting their leader - not done previously) and China - showing that they will not dictate to the market globally. All the doom predicted by the usual talking heads amount to naugt in that regard.

He is the only President for a VERY long time that didn't engage in any military conflict - which I am sure has upset the Military Inductrial Complex. This was very quickly undone by the current 'leader' to the delight of the aforementioned, I'm sure.
I do like his take on the swamp. The number of career politicians (on both sides) that have become insanely wealthy from disproportonately small salaries is staggering (Pelosi, anyone!?) and an absolute marker for the corruption that exists at all levels. He donated his entire slaray whilst in office - some might say that this was a mere stunt but no others have done it. He is the only President who's persoanl fortune has diminished after being in office. And he returned job and manufacturing to middle-America - the ones that Obama said "simply don't exit".

So, despite the bravado, and at times unrefined demeanor and his typically gruff personality, he is the opposite of what has lead the US (and other nations) to fill their respective halls of office with swine and he is looking to clean the decks. AND, watching the lefties collective heads explode when he won the unwinnable election was delightful (I'm still waitning for all those that said if he won they would leave America, to do so)

As I said, it will be interesting come November...

I can take issue with all of your points, not least Don's record on foreign policy. There was nothing particularly effective about his approach to China.

As for the virtue of not starting a war, it is dubious at best, not least because America has a positive responsibility to intervene in a world it has done so much to create.

I'm curious about the process by which so many Americans who were shamelessly gung-ho in the aftermath of September 11 have since become rabid isolationists yammering on about the military-industrial complex. They'd ignored the term for 50 years, now suddenly they're stuck on repeat.

Not that anyone should deny that American democracy is built upon an incestuous network of self-interest. Indeed it is.

But this malaise isn't going to be fixed by the appointment of a self-interested, narcissistic and reckless megalomaniac. For all his grandstanding about draining the swamp, how effective was his effort last time around? What will he achieve next time? The answer to both questions is SFA, because his self-interest in using the presidency to make himself relevant is stronger than any actual policy agenda.

That you identify him as a man of principle doesn't stagger me in the way it once would have.

A lot of people who think on these issues for a living have suggested that Don has a strong anti-democratic impulse. Do you not see it? Al Gore has some reason to feel peeved that Florida didn't bring him the top job against Bush Jr, but he didn't make an ideological crusade out of it, did he? There was no program of 'stolen election' designed to undermine the adherence of the people to democratic process, or to the legal system.
If he was donating $400k per year I'd expect sweet FA! How much tax did Obama pay? How much tax does Biden pay?
How much did he earn from his various businesses?
That's the point. It's equating campaigning for a more inclusive society, or as you refer to it - social justice - as communist, because that's seen as derogatory. Or do you actually think calling someone red in terms of political ideology is not a reference to communism?
Lidia Thorpe getting punch drunk at the strippers and then threatening hit-jobs in Brunswick, a one time Greens senator no less, was someone who is emblematic of this political party wanting a more inclusive society? This is the behaviour the world over that makes negative connotations to the word social justice legitimate.
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I can take issue with all of your points, not least Don's record on foreign policy. There was nothing particularly effective about his approach to China.

As for the virtue of not starting a war, it is dubious at best, not least because America has a positive responsibility to intervene in a world it has done so much to create.

I'm curious about the process by which so many Americans who were shamelessly gung-ho in the aftermath of September 11 have since become rabid isolationists yammering on about the military-industrial complex. They'd ignored the term for 50 years, now suddenly they're stuck on repeat.

Not that anyone should deny that American democracy is built upon an incestuous network of self-interest. Indeed it is.

But this malaise isn't going to be fixed by the appointment of a self-interested, narcissistic and reckless megalomaniac. For all his grandstanding about draining the swamp, how effective was his effort last time around? What will he achieve next time? The answer to both questions is SFA, because his self-interest in using the presidency to make himself relevant is stronger than any actual policy agenda.

That you identify him as a man of principle doesn't stagger me in the way it once would have.

A lot of people who think on these issues for a living have suggested that Don has a strong anti-democratic impulse. Do you not see it? Al Gore has some reason to feel peeved that Florida didn't bring him the top job against Bush Jr, but he didn't make an ideological crusade out of it, did he? There was no program of 'stolen election' designed to undermine the adherence of the people to democratic process, or to the legal system.
I recall a couple of air strikes on Syria. Also a trade war with China.
How much did he earn from his various businesses?
He is a con, a crook, despicable person. Should be in a mental asylum.

Donald Trump may have donated his $400,000 salary as president, but that represented just one-tenth of a percent of the money he made while the world's most powerful man.

During his four-year term in office, Trump reported making between $1.6 and $1.79 billion, with some $620 million coming from the Mar-a-Lago resort, his hotel in the nation's capital, and three of his golf courses in the United States.

As Insider previously reported, despite making hundreds of millions of dollars each year, Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes for his first year in office.

Donald Trump's financial disclosures neglected to include hundreds of trademarks he owns — including over 100 in China and six in Russia — until after he left the office of the presidency.

The hundreds of trademarks include the rights for business opportunities expected for someone with Trump's business record, like real estate, golf, beauty pageant, and hotel branding in dozens of countries.

The list also includes more unexpected business opportunities for the former president, like video games, lash extensions, deodorant, and nautical instruments.

Trump's complete list of trademarks was first disclosed in a document known as OGE Form 278e, which the US Office of Governmental Ethics requires for US presidents and vice presidents and candidates for president and vice president.

Until this year, the former US president's ethics forms didn't disclose his trademarks in foreign countries, which can provide him revenue and are issued and can be revoked by foreign governments. He didn't disclose them at all while in office, and he first disclosed the long list in July of this year and amended it in August.

It normally takes years for trademarks to be approved by China.

His 'special advisor' his daughter also did very well out of his presidency.

The Chinese government granted 18 trademarks to companies linked to President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump over the last two months, Chinese public records show, raising concerns about conflicts of interest in the White House.

China’s Trademark Office granted provisional approval for 16 trademarks to Ivanka Trump Marks LLC, bringing to 34 the total number of marks China has greenlighted this year, according to the office’s online database. The new approvals cover Ivanka-branded fashion gear including sunglasses, handbags, shoes and jewelry, as well as beauty services and voting machines.

The other half of 'special advisor' hubby Jared also did very well with deals from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

It is a Crime family.
I can take issue with all of your points, not least Don's record on foreign policy. There was nothing particularly effective about his approach to China.

As for the virtue of not starting a war, it is dubious at best, not least because America has a positive responsibility to intervene in a world it has done so much to create.

I'm curious about the process by which so many Americans who were shamelessly gung-ho in the aftermath of September 11 have since become rabid isolationists yammering on about the military-industrial complex. They'd ignored the term for 50 years, now suddenly they're stuck on repeat.

Not that anyone should deny that American democracy is built upon an incestuous network of self-interest. Indeed it is.

But this malaise isn't going to be fixed by the appointment of a self-interested, narcissistic and reckless megalomaniac. For all his grandstanding about draining the swamp, how effective was his effort last time around? What will he achieve next time? The answer to both questions is SFA, because his self-interest in using the presidency to make himself relevant is stronger than any actual policy agenda.

That you identify him as a man of principle doesn't stagger me in the way it once would have.

A lot of people who think on these issues for a living have suggested that Don has a strong anti-democratic impulse. Do you not see it? Al Gore has some reason to feel peeved that Florida didn't bring him the top job against Bush Jr, but he didn't make an ideological crusade out of it, did he? There was no program of 'stolen election' designed to undermine the adherence of the people to democratic process, or to the legal system.
Speaking of Florida. No US President has been elected without winning Florida (Bush and Gore went to the courts over the count for Florida and it determined the result) - but Biden did.
No US President has been elected without winning at least 15 of the 19 Bellweather states - but Biden only won a single one!
No US President has won with winning a majority of Florida, Wisconsin and Arizona and - but Biden did
No time in US history has vote counting been suspended - except 2020. At the time Trump was so far ahead that bookies were paying out on his win. Miraculously, postal votes emerged and almost all were for Biden (statistically near impossible) turning the election.

Any person with any semblance of reason would pause for thought on the boina fides of this election. If for no other reason than to speculate on the shear significance of so many statitical anomolies. A bit like the Clintons being associated with so many people who have 'suicided'. They must live and operate in a very, very stressful environment...
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