Two sets of rules??

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When you have put as much money and personal time into your club as I put into Fitzroy, then you can lecture me about loyalty, you self-righteous twerp. I owe you no explanations at all, but for your information, the reason I took up following North, was because I went to a game on my return from overseas, and I saw Wayne Carey play for the first time. I was so impressed by what I saw, I decided to follow his career, and consequently the club he plays for. It had nothing to do with North's position on the ladder.
Please spare me your holier-than-thou bullshit about how you have followed your club through thick and thin. You would not know what the thin part was ! Only Fitzroy supporters are entitled to talk about that, and if they want to take me to task about jumping ship, that is their right, and I will accept it from them, but not from you.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
You are clearly too stupid to understand the difference between "being on the bottom" as you put it, and a club which is bankrupt. I followed and supported the Roys when they went the whole season without a win, but when they are no longer in a financial position to trade, the party is over.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
It would have been nice if the AFL had allowed to Fitzroy to help themselves. Mr. Ripper is quite right, the 1997 season would have had 17 teams if Fitzroy had been able to continue.

To Groucho, any advance on dividends that Fitzroy asked for from the AFL was to come off their funds allocation from the AFL for the following year, just as North's will.

To PA1870, we didn't expect our club to survive, what we did expect was the right to decide our own destiny, i.e. merger wiith North, relocation to Canberra, relocation to Tasmania, lucrative sponsorship with Galaxy, etc etc., ALL of which were thwarted by the AFL.

To Woofer, well all I can say is that one of the MAJOR reasons why the situation had become farcical by 1995-1996, is because the AFL had largely (NOT TOTALLY) allowed it to become so by.....

* vigously opposing re-directing Fitzroy's 1992-1993 AFL dividend worth $1.1 million to Westpac. Most other clubs borrowed against the follwing year's dividend, so Fitzroy was not alone here. Fitzroy's 1.1 million would go straight to paying off it's debt. The AFL wanted to force Fitzroy out of the competition.
* threatening to sue Fitzroy directors in 1993,over a non-payment of a loan from the AFL of $250,000, a loan which was not even due.
* implementing draft rule changes allowing Brisbane, Sydney and poor performing teams to sign uncontracted players without any compensation. It put us in a very poor bargaining position. Our player list was decimated, losing Alistair Lynch, Michael Gale, Jamie Elliott, Matty Dundas, Paul Roos, Ross Lyon and Matthew Armstrong. The AFL was even assisting Damien Smith, Alistair Lynch's manager as to how his move to Brisbane could be contained under the salary cap.
* passing a rule that prevented white knights such as Bernie Ahern assisting the club
* refusing to remove the debenture charge against the FFC hotel, even thought the debt had been paid. It was eventually removed after the threat of legal action by Fitzroy against the AFL.
* leaking Fitzroy's problems to the press, (this was proven and is not speculation) which in turn sparked negative media press making it harder to find sponsors and bankers for the club. This indirectly led to sponsorships from the Grollo brothers, and CRA being knocked back. Eventually a seven year loan was secured from the Republic of Nauru.
* never drawing Fitzroy to play matches or on big occasions such as public holidays, so as to increase exposure and therefore members. One can understadn this from the AFL's point of view, but the fact remains that Essendon for example would make more money from gate receipts in two public holidays matches that Fitzroy would make in a year...making it very hard to compete. Granted they had the members to do so, but also gained a large amount of money from ...for want of a better word from "theatre-goers" who went to the football for something to do. In 1993 for example Fitzroy had an exciting team that on its day could beat anyone in the league including the Essendons, Carltons and Collingwoods, and yet we rarely played in big venues or on big occasions.
* ruling that Fitzroy would have to pay all travel and accomodation costs out of its own match receipts when playing in Tasmania. Fitzroy lost money from that and to this day are the only Victorian team who played home matches out of Victoria not to receive some AFL assistance.
* knocking back Fitzroy's application to play four home games in Canberra, which may have led to up to possibly eight per year. Fitzroy beleived it could have made an extra million dollars a year, through membership, corporate opportunities etc. The reason...the AFL wanted Port Adelaide in the comp. and still only 16 teams in 1997 if possible.
* knocking back the Galaxy phone company sponsorship worth over a million dollars a year because the AFL's major sponsor at the time was Telstra (it's direct competitor). How ironic there were Galaxy advertisement signs on the hoardings around the SCG (benefiting the Swans) at exactly the same time.

I see some worrying similiarities between Fitzroy's and North's situation, especially in the areas of increasing negative media speculation about their future. The main difference of course is that North, for the moment have AFL support and assistance in their ventures, something Fitzroy was sadly denied. In my opinion Fitzroy's board in the nineties was just as innovative as North's is now, in trying to get the club to survive, but had less resources and certainly MUCH less support from the AFL in ensuring their ideas had a chance of suceeding.

CAK's defection from Fitzroy is disappointing, but not unusual. It probably explains why Essendon have so many supporters, why Hawthorn's is growing and why North's, if they can survive, will grow in the next 10-15 years.
I was at the match for example where Lockett kicked 16 and there were 5,000-6,000 people there. Yet a year later for the last match in Victoria against Richmond there were over 50,000, at least half of whom were supporting Fitzroy.
At least I and others such as Mr Ripper, lioness 22, Mobbenfuhrer can say we supported Fitzroy up to the very end and now at least we have something of Fitzroy in the Brisbane Lions. Having supported Fitzroy in adversity, at least a Brisbane Lions premiership (while not exactly the same as a Fitzroy premiership would have been) will still be very sweet indeed.

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Originally posted by dees01:
That is a good point. Why didn't they help Fitzroy? Anyway it is good they are helping North and lets hope they help ALL clubs when needed.

They didn't help Fitzroy because they didn't want them in the league anymore!!

~*~Go Chippa!!~*~
~*~Go Binger!!~*~
Originally posted by Carey_is_King:
You are clearly too stupid to understand the difference between "being on the bottom" as you put it, and a club which is bankrupt. I followed and supported the Roys when they went the whole season without a win, but when they are no longer in a financial position to trade, the party is over.

I did too CIK, I went to see them every week and I went to see them lose every week for a whole season, we were grateful if they could mange 1 or 2 wins a season, but I remember you having something to say to me when I said that I used to support Fitzroy but I now support Collingwood you were one of the ones saying that I should support Brisbane Lions, at least I stuck by them the whole way, you didn't you left then before it was all over!!

~*~Go Chippa!!~*~
~*~Go Binger!!~*~

Lets analyze your reply :--

1/- You assume to know how much money and time I have put into Port Adelaide, have you been reading the Tarot cards again fool?

2/- I never asked for an explanation, I neither desire or require communication with low-life bottom dwelling pond scum, who feels he can only rise to the top when he is associated with something successful.

3/- Following North because of Carey is still just success chasing, Carey is a great player, you need the fix his success gave you, you pathetic junkie.

4/- My club always has been Port Adelaide, always will be, we have had failures, traumas, financial troubles, but I am still and forever will be Port Adelaide, nothing can break that resolve. However to you, resolve like that is as foreign as determination, fortitude, courage, you are an unprincipled opportunist.

5/- As for who is and who isn't entitled to communicate with you, HA, who is being a self-righteous twerp now?

I hope you follow Carey into retirement

Originally posted by PieGirl#41:
... I remember you having something to say to me when I said that I used to support Fitzroy but I now support Collingwood you were one of the ones saying that I should support Brisbane Lions, at least I stuck by them the whole way, you didn't you left then before it was all over!!

Not guilty PieGirl. I have never questioned you for not following Brisbane. Like many ex-Fitzroy supporters, I would have never followed Brisbane, if only because of the way the deal was done, and the arrogance shown by the Brisbane president.
As an ex -Fitzroy girl, you can criticise me for leaving the party early, and I will accept it from you - you are entitled.
I will not, however, accept that sort of thing from supporters of the most successful football club in the land (Port), who would not know what it was like in the days of the Roys at the Junction Oval.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
Every club needs blind, dumb, follow-the-leader supporters like you. You are the cannon fodder of the football business. You happily go along with everything your club says and does, and you follow them through thick and thin, whilst proudly trumpeting to anyone who will listen that you are "LOYAL".
Loyal to what ???? In case you had not noticed, football is not a suburban, tribal festival, where you get to show your loyalties. It is a multi-million dollar business, where only the strong survive.

No club deserves my loyalty or my money; they need to earn it.In not too many years time, the notion of club "supporters" will be a thing of the past, and you will be irrelevant to the success or otherwise of "your" club.The TV rights money is a precursor to that. Personally, I would prefer the old VFL days, but alas, they are gone, just like Fitzroy. I am at least realistic enough to see that and move on.
You are free to continue to wallow in your self-righteous loyalty.

PS Notice it is not necessary to resort to personal abuse to make a point. You should try it.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
As correctly highlighted by Denno, there is an apparent double standard between the redirection of dividend between Fitzroy of 199x and the Kangaroos today. I am pleased (albeit with reservations) that this double standard exists! I believe that the AFL were wrong to condemn Fitzroy in the despicable manner that they did. This has been covered in detail in the Fitzroy – Dyson Hore-Lacy thread. I am pleased that the AFL have seen fit to forsake consistency in this regard for the simple premise that two wrongs do not make a right. If forwarding this money – that North are due to receive anyway – will smooth over the cash flow during the lean summer months then so be it. This is the right thing to do.

The concern that I have about this situation is that
  1. North were not able to earn enough money this year to cover expenses. As a once off this is not a big deal as most clubs do experience this kind of trough, it seems a bigger concern for the Kangaroos as they are not able cover this shortfall in cash flow under their own steam by way of taking out a short term extension onto their debt. Are they at the limit of what they are allowed to borrow?
  2. This may well help the Kangaroos at the moment but means their revenue will automatically be short by the same amount next year. Unless they are able to increase their revenue significantly next year the predicament will continue to fester. Assume no relative increase in revenue and next year they will be looking for twice the amount. This spiral must be checked next season else it will get dismal for them.

    Posted by Carey_Is_King in response to Asgardian
    Please spare me your holier-than-thou bullshit about how you have followed your club through thick and thin. You would not know what the thin part was ! Only Fitzroy supporters are entitled to talk about that, and if they want to take me to task about jumping ship, that is their right, and I will accept it from them, but not from you.

    CIK, you position really is indefensible. I am sure that if you wrote you had sold of your grandmother for profit you would find us more sympathetic! Changing teams in the manner that you did is despicable and will rightly have you caste as a pariah wherever you go.

    You criticise Asgardian about not truly knowing what the thin part of club support is like. I contend that neither do you –having skipped town before you found out. I also dispute that only Fitzroy supporters know what the thin edge is like. Footscray, Richmond, Hawthorn and Melbourne also have seen their clubs go right near the edge over the past decade and a bit. Nonetheless, supporters loyalty to these clubs has still remained true despite the frightening alternative prospect.

    Posted by Carey_Is_King:

    Loyal to what ???? In case you had not noticed, football is not a suburban, tribal festival, where you get to show your loyalties. It is a multi-million dollar business, where only the strong survive.

    No club deserves my loyalty or my money…

    You seek to devalue loyalty yet you appear to not truly understand it’s nature. In the future there will be clubs that fail and are wound up. Others will remain strong and prosper. Competent management will be the single most important factor in a clubs future viability. But even this will not be enough to save a club if it doesn’t have sufficient support. Clubs that have loyal support will be able to survive the rough periods when their team is languishing near the bottom of the ladder as this loyalty does translate in a significant revenue stream for the clubs.

    No club deserves your loyalty? Given your track record, I’m not sure they would particularly want it!

    Finally, a superb piece of hypocrisy. Don’t mind dishing out the insults, but get touchy when thrown back to you?

    Posted by Carey_is_King to Asgardian:

    When you have put as much money and personal time into your club as I put into Fitzroy, then you can lecture me about loyalty, you self-righteous twerp.

    Posted by Carey_Is_King to FF2:

    You are clearly too stupid to understand the difference between…

    Posted by Carey_Is_King to Asgardian:
    PS Notice it is not necessary to resort to personal abuse to make a point. You should try it

    This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.

    [This message has been edited by CJH (edited 27 December 2000).]

Wow, you are a truely special person, that any club must work to deserve your loyalty. I wonder if you know what a club is? Shall I make your mistake and ASSUME that you don't know? Yep, I'll assume for the moment.
A club, any club, is merely a collection of individuals banded together for a common goal, they are not there working their butts off, many of them unpaid, just to earn your support.
I'm sorry if this deflates your own ego balloon.
I guess I better add that in life, business, sport even marriage loyalty and trust is freely given, it is not witheld awaiting proof that your wife, or your boss, or the club sprigger deserves it.
At least that is the way I work, live, play and love, it works for me.
As for abuse, if you can't hack it don't be so keen to dish it out, personally I love it, my nickname playing footy and cricket was SLEDGE, and I earnt it.

Well, Well Well, what a variety of posts!

Some pontificating, some pious attitudes.

What was not mentioned - the fixture.

Essendon, Carlton, Collingwood and (to sum degree) Richmond are GUARANTEED a vast sum of money every year, REGARDLESS of where each team finished on the ladder because the draw is fixed.

North and a few other clubs would benefit from that same guarantee every year.
Other teams have played on ANZAC Day before it became a "new tradition" exclusively for Ess and Carl

Before the start of 2000, North were to play Ess once(A) at Colonial. Greg Miller said no way, we want that game changed to the MCG.
65,000 came and Essendon kept all gate receipts. Carl & Coll play each other twice and so do Ess & Carl. Easy money!

The "draw" is hopelessly compromised.
Too much is taken into consideration, because at the end of the season, the AFL want to be able to say that the crowd attendance was 'up' on last year. (A variation of profit-making)

I would ask the Melbourne supporters where would their team be without Gutnick. Rich, why were the supporters rattling tins - SOS, Collingwood - bought a few too many schools, not enough good players (in the past), the Doggies were looking for a home, the Saints will possibly be OK now with Malcolm.

My point is MOST teams are vulnerable - so stop singling out North.


Your first/second para reads as though that was said by the AFL. That is not the case at all and that's how fiction becomes fact.


I am not sure that "self righteous twerp" ranks up there with "bottom dwelling pond scum", but hey, you are the moderator here and I tugs me forelock to you and your judgement. You might also read FF2's post to which I responded.(in the interests of balance)
As for my football loyalty or otherwise, I contend that loyalty is a total irrelevance now and will become more so in the future. How dare you, or anyone else, judge me on how much I did or did not support Fitzroy. You simply do not know. If you think I did the wrong thing, so be it, but frankly your opinion is of little import to me.
I must also say that a Port supporter lecturing other supporters on how to behave in the hard times is a bit rich though. As a tiger supporter, you have at least been there, so I grant you some credibility on that score.
Anyway, you can all please yourselves.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.

[This message has been edited by Carey_is_King (edited 27 December 2000).]

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The BigFooty Moderator bit only has any relevance on the Richmond board. I'm not able to delete or edit anything on any other board. This is all that a Moderator can do. It is not so lofty a position as to grant me any special wisdom or judgement on these boards.

You still devalue loyalty, in particular from the supporter to the club. You contend that this will continue to deteriorate in the future, citing an increased dependance on factors such as TV Rights.

TV Rights will not be the panacea that many are tipping it to be. Details of how the will be payments will be structured have not been revealed yet and will not be so until after Channel 7 resubmit their revised bid. Nonetheless, it is expected that the majority will go to the players in increased payment and be allocated as capital grants in the same manner as the $500K coming from the sale of the last bid rights. It will not provide the abundance of cash reserves that some are expecting. This money will be paid to the clubs in the form on an annual dividend which will be expected to be about $5 million per annum. This would represent only about 20 - 25% of a clubs annual revenue. Not enough to even come close to sustaining the viability of a club.

Of Richmond's 2000 revenue of $18.3 million, about $10 million (approx 55%) would have come from the supporters in the form of membership, match receipts, merchandising and coterie / social operations. This is more than half which is generated due to the loyalty factor.

If Richmond were a business, we would have gone long ago. 18 miserable seasons interrupted by only 1 ray of sunshine in 1995. No normal business could survive this level of chronic underperformance.

But we have!

Not only survived, but from a very low ebb have to a degree prospered. Even considering this years substantial loss, Richmond still remain one of the financially stronger Melbourne clubs. No debt and solid cash reserves. How is this possible?

We love our club. That is how. This has been our saviour as well as being to our detriment. To a degree, you are right when you mention dumb follow the leader supporters. For too long we have been guilty of this apathy towards the management of our club. For too long we have pulled the trigger at the coach instead when things get tough. At least we the collective supporters have turned this around in recent years demanding greater accountability from our management.

The loyalty factor cannot be discounted when talking about a club. This ties hand in hand with the passion and emotion that is the lifeblood of clubs. This factor is realised in terms of at least 50% of a clubs revenue. It cannot be disputed or dismissed.

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
This isn't the whole post (Cause most of it was just a bunch of crap!!)so I sectioned it.

Originally posted by Michele:

Essendon, Carlton, Collingwood and (to sum degree) Richmond are GUARANTEED a vast sum of money every year, REGARDLESS of where each team finished on the ladder because the draw is fixed.


North and a few other clubs would benefit from that same guarantee every year.
Other teams have played on ANZAC Day before it became a "new tradition" exclusively for Ess and Carl.


The "draw" is hopelessly compromised.
Too much is taken into consideration, because at the end of the season, the AFL want to be able to say that the crowd attendance was 'up' on last year. (A variation of profit-making)


My point is MOST teams are vulnerable - so stop singling out North.



I am going to ask you a serious question...OK. Are you on drugs?? Collingwood, Carlton & Essendon get $ each year you rekon? Why would Essendon need money from the AFL? A team like Sydney are the ones who get the handouts from the AFL!!!

And once again you have shown just how stupid you really are.... The Anzac Day Clash becomeing a tradition for Ess & Carl!! It is between Ess & MORON!!

And I really don't think the draw is 'fixed', and this is my reason... Fitzroy didn't play thier last game ever in Melbourne it was interstate. Thier second last game was against Richmond at the MCG.

And after reading all the sh*t you posted it doesn't sound like you have a point!


~*~Go Chippa!!~*~
~*~Go Binger!!~*~

[This message has been edited by PieGirl#41 (edited 28 December 2000).]
Thank you for a reasoned, civil response. My thinking in terms of how supporters are being devalued goes along the following lines.
Consider how many members of the participating clubs actually get to see the GF each year. The clubs always make a song and dance about it, but nothing ever changes, and it does seem patently unfair.
The reason it never changes ? Because you and I might pay our $40-$50 for a ticket, but the corporate client will pay $500, and then spend another $250 on catering for his "function".
The mathematics tell you that it is better for the AFL, and ultimately the clubs, to go this way. I think if the MCG was full of punters like us on GF day, the AFL would suffer a severe loss in terms of gate receipts Vs costs.
My reference to TV rights was more in the vein that the dollars coming into the game from other than members & supporters is growing each year, and the TV rights money puts that in focus. In rough (very rough) terms, if a club has 30,000 members who pay an average of $100 for their memberships, that is $3M. In the scheme of things, it won't take long for other income streams to replace, then overtake this. The clubs will hang onto this for as long as possible, particularly the strong ones with a large supporter base, but I think the percentage of income stemming from supporters will decline, and as it does, so will the importance of the member/supporter.
Let's face it, AFL football is a commodity, which is packaged, marketed and sold like any other. The value of that commodity determines who it is sold to. All this sounds pessimistic, but I think it is a reality.
An interesting parallel is the US baseball club I follow, the Chicago Cubs. Never won a World Series, and not likely to soon,yet they could easily buy the players they need to do it. The owner is a very wealthy individual, as you might imagine, and the Cubs have a great deal of baseball tradition, as does their home ground; Wrigley Field. Why don't they chase the success and make their millions of fans happy ? The Cubs is a business, and a very profitable one, their lack of on-field success notwithstanding. They treat their fans well, as a visit to their website will show, but their first priority is to the profit the business makes. They have long ago stopped depending on fan's gate receipts.
I have rambled long enough here, but I think you get my drift. I am trying to say what I see as the future. Not that I like it, just that I think I see it.

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.
I'm not intending to give a reasoned response because it's too emotional an issue to be wasted through reasoning.

CAREY IS KING are you off yer NUT! You chucked the Roys? You reckon that you put enough time and money and effort and decibels into them, and because they did not provide you with onfield success or a promise of longevity, they no longer deserve your support?


My football team is Fitzroy, even now. No, there's no place for tribal votaricity in a football league that is business-driven. But there is no place for a business-driven football league in a tribal sporting religion, either.

Fitzroy and the AFL are better off separated, because they do not suit each other.

'Though they'll erase what is you, its still all true.'

Yep, I barracked for Collingwood until I was about 7, because until then I was not given any explanation about the other clubs. They were names given to me by my parents and sisters, never any information about them actually even having players. As soon as that changed, I saw I had been PLACED in the wrong handbasket.

Nope I didn't give a lot of time and money and shit like that into the Roys. (I was the bloke who wrote, printed, copied, delivered the Lynch MOB newsletter from 1991 to 1996).

(That was just in case you bring my allegiance into question. There's more if you want it.)

Giving up on Fitzroy before the end, whether or not you knew the end was coming, is a despairing vision.

I don't like it.

Hallowed be thy Roy.

(Reminder, no intention to be reasonable was envisaged while writing the above.)
Now you have my interest. Who do you follow now ? Am I to understand you have no allegiance ? (By the way I did NOT say that I gave the Roys away because of lack of on field success)

Trample the Weak,
Hurdle the Dead.

[This message has been edited by Carey_is_King (edited 28 December 2000).]
You are to understand that I have no AFL allegiance (sounds like a political statement). But its true, I do not follow a current AFL club. The only club that ever played AFL footy, that I followed, was Fitzroy.

I spent time with Coburg-Fitzroy (before I also killed them off), and it was with an air of guilt, as I had previously had an interest in Oakleigh (before I killed them).

Next year I will be attending Fitzroy Reds matches in the Ammos.

I could go back to my country team, but I killed them too.

(I also killed the NSW rugby league team that I had shown a little interest in, and I killed my chosen SANFL team as well.)

I mentioned lack of success OR promise of longevity, I didn't know if your reasons might have included both. If I had wanted overly assume, I would have said AND instead of OR.
Originally posted by Carey_is_King:
An interesting parallel is the US baseball club I follow, the Chicago Cubs. Never won a World Series, and not likely to soon,yet they could easily buy the players they need to do it. The owner is a very wealthy individual, as you might imagine, and the Cubs have a great deal of baseball tradition, as does their home ground; Wrigley Field. Why don't they chase the success and make their millions of fans happy ? The Cubs is a business, and a very profitable one, their lack of on-field success notwithstanding.

The Cubs have actually won 2 World Series, in 1906 and 1907.

The thing about the owner is that while he may be wealthy, he's just too stingy to go out and sign big name players.

[This message has been edited by Same Old's (edited 28 December 2000).]
Posted by CIK

In rough (very rough) terms, if a club has 30,000 members who pay an average of $100 for their memberships, that is $3M. In the scheme of things, it won't take long for other income streams to replace, then overtake this

Are you possibly suggesting that the clubs - which are run much more professionally now - will allow more than 50% of their annual revenue stream to slowly wither and die? Not a hope in hell. No, they will nurture them, helping them to grow. It would be business suicide to do otherwise.

Your Chicago Cubs analogy is flawed. It may well be true that this entity exists for the sake of making a profit only - I am not qualified to dispute this assertion. It is incorrect to try and compare this to an AFL club. Different types of entities. As you suggest, the Cubs exist to make profit. This is not the principal activity of an AFL club. Our principal activity is "the playing and promotion of Australian Rules Football." We are a club constituted by members. Profit making is only a secondary concern to the club. Making enough money to remain viable will suffice. The members will not be up in arms if we fail to record record profits - although we are not happy about the significant loss.

To summarise, one entity exists solely to make a profit, the other exists to play football. Apples and oranges.

This is a hallucination and these faces are in a dream. A computer generated environment; a fantasy island you can do anything and not have to face the consequences.
To the Pie chick,

So it is true - Collingwood supporters can't read!

Where did I write Essendon that received 'handouts' from the AFL? Perhaps you should re-read my post!

Most teams do not play each other twice - 16 teams, 22 H&A rounds. The 'draw' is compromised before the season begins.

In a previous life, Ian Collins stated on radio that the AFL tried to see that each team played the other twice over 3 year period - maybe longer. Are you still following me!!

The AFL sit down and pencil in Coll/Ess on Anzac Day and a return match; Coll/Carl also usually play each other twice EVERY year.
Each of those clubs is guaranteed a large sum of money from the gate receipts because each of those clubs play the other TWICE.

Imagine how happy Eddie would be if Carl(H)vColl played only once in H&A and with the new equalisation fund, Caarrrlton would keep ALL monies from the game!!!

Throw in the Freo/WC and Port/Adel derby which result in other games in H&A being scheduled around these games already fixtured games.

Anyone with any nous will be able to see that this is a compromised FIXTURE and not an equitable DRAW.

In my previous post, I said perhaps other clubs would welcome the same consideration.


PS Your personal abuse is childish!

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