Umpires influencing games: Exhibit 1 Car v Fre

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2020. The year the competition became terminal. Ju
10k Posts
Sep 1, 2006
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
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Liverpool, Lakers, Rabbitohs
If ever anyone was in any doubt that umpires can influence games, watch the last 5 minutes of this game.
Downfield frees ignored, deliberate OOB’s, clear HTB’s ignored, then the absolute joke of a free to Car with 17 seconds left.
Magnificent kick by Newnes, but if he’d missed I’m sure the umpires would have found a way to give him another go.
Just disgraceful, and almost worthy of match fixing investigations. (Late edit: crossout, unfair on my part)
(and no, I don’t gamble, there‘s no ulterior motive here)
How on earth has our game come to this?
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Winners are Grinners. Losers can please themselves.
We are all losers, the AFL and it’s pure level of greed bordering on corruption has destroyed our game at the top level.
For every supreme performance like Tom Hawkins yesterday, we get crap like that (not on this level though) served up ten fold.
I didn't see any of the game except the last 30 seconds, the dilberate out of bounds and downfield were both there. I don't seec what's crimminal about it.
You need context. Watch the game. The umpiring wave was evident as the game and esp the last quarter went on and Freo refused to fold.

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Free was there. Docherty got wiped out front on,not tackled after the kick.

It was a horribly umpires game throughout, and my team was damn lucky to win. But I don't think it's fixing

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If the two push in the back calls in the last five minutes that happened as a Freo player kicked from CHB were called downfield instead of back to the spot where the player was pushed the result would have been different.
Both of these were awful.
They actually encourage pushing in the back, as there is no downside. You either bring the ball back thus slowing the play if given, or you influence the kick downfield without penalty if not given.
Free kick was there.

Should never have been downfield though as it went out on the full.

Also Newnes never should have had the kick, had to be Gibbons.

It was an absolute shitshow, i'm glad we were on the right end of it but i'd be fuming if i were a Fremantle fan.

Also you won't find a Carlton supporter who doesn't agree that the state of umpiring at the moment is atrocious.
If ever anyone was in any doubt that umpires can influence games, watch the last 5 minutes of this game.
Downfield frees ignored, deliberate OOB’s, clear HTB’s ignored, then the absolute joke of a free to Car with 17 seconds left.
Magnificent kick by Newnes, but if he’d missed I’m sure the umpires would have found a way to give him another go.
Just disgraceful, and almost worthy of match fixing investigations.
(and no, I don’t gamble, there‘s no ulterior motive here)
How on earth has our game come to this?
Have no problem at all with the deliberate out of bounds was 100.% the right decision was actually good to see the umpire still had the guts to pay it in the dying seconds . As for the down field well that was a 50/50 decision either way I have seen far worse decisions then that payed this season!
And this is after the 6-6-6 debacle after Murphy’s goal in the last 30 secs that gave Carlton the points last year.
Free was there. Docherty got wiped out front on,not tackled after the kick.

It was a horribly umpires game throughout, and my team was damn lucky to win. But I don't think it's fixing

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Even if it was there, it can’t be paid down field once it goes out on the full....
Both of these were awful.
They actually encourage pushing in the back, as there is no downside. You either bring the ball back thus slowing the play if given, or you influence the kick downfield without penalty if not given.
That’s the rule though mate the pushes were before the kick so they can’t be payed down field pretty simple really!

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Umpires influencing games: Exhibit 1 Car v Fre

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