Roast UMPIRING is just me or is it really getting more biased each week.

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bar a few bad calls i thought the umpiring was good last night. thought it was noticeable that they were numerous head hit tackles that the umps let go cause they judged the player was ducking. dont usually see that and was very much welcomed considering we were playing the kings of ducking.

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Three goals to West Coast as a direct result of decisions that should have been 'play on'. One goal not payed to us with a dubious overruling of the (perfectly positioned) boundary umpire. Poor game from the umps because they had too much of a baring on the outcome
this. They were better in the second half when they put the whistle away.
I wasn't the right decision. The high view showed some part of the ball was probably on the line. You can't go by the view behind the post, because you cant see the back end of the ball.

You cannot tell me it was CONCLUSIVELY over the line. FFS we had two umpires two metres away and we have a guy who makes the decision based on footage shot from 50 metres away.

Remember from - I think it was 2010 - when Shannon Byrne ran into an open goal and kicked it 'too late'? The umpire was right there only metres away. Yet he paid an incorrect decision when the replay showed clearly that the goal should have been allowed.

Not that I don't believe last night's decision was correct, nor was it the right protocol. Just playing Devil's advocate :)
Remember from - I think it was 2010 - when Shannon Byrne ran into an open goal and kicked it 'too late'? The umpire was right there only metres away. Yet he paid an incorrect decision when the replay showed clearly that the goal should have been allowed.

Not that I don't believe last night's decision was correct, nor was it the right protocol. Just playing Devil's advocate :)
Fair point. I just think there was a problem with the process:
-Boundary umpire and goal umpire believe ball didn't cross the line, hence play continued
-Video umpire called for a review (pretty sure it is the guy in the box who calls it when it goes back to the middle like that)
-Video umpire overturns decision based on limited and inconclusive footage

I'm all for the right decision being made. However, I am not convinced it was. We were shafted on Anzac Day with the Goldsack one, and we were screwed over again imo.
Let's all rejoice in one decision.

Adam Selwood buckled at the knees and Jamie Elliott's tackle momentarily slid high. Selwood tried to grab his arm so it would stay there. Umpire called for a bounce. Adam Selwood's look of disbelief was a beautiful sight.
The Umps obviously used all their quota for Joel Selwood against Freo....... think it was 3 in 3 mins in the 3rd quarter (Imagine Milney saying that sentence). :thumbsu:
I'm really surprised by the timing of the OP. Having just watched the replay I thought the umpiring was fantastic, one of the best umpired games of the season. To be honest, I hardly noticed them. I reckon there may have been only 3/4 decisions where either side would've had a genuine right to feel aggrieved.

Of our 24 matches so far this I would be interested to know how many times we finished in front on the free kick count not many I would hazard a guess.
10 matches where we 'won' the free kick count, 12 where we lost it, 2 where it was even. Tough to complain really.
I'm really surprised by the timing of the OP. Having just watched the replay I thought the umpiring was fantastic, one of the best umpired games of the season. To be honest, I hardly noticed them. I reckon there may have been only 3/4 decisions where either side would've had a genuine right to feel aggrieved.

10 matches where we 'won' the free kick count, 12 where we lost it, 2 where it was even. Tough to complain really.
1. Free against Shaw to Darling - goal
2. Disallowed goal to Krakouer, West Coast take it down the other and and score - 11 point turnaround
3. Blatant hands in the back against Hill not paid - goal
4. Outrageous free paid to Cox - goal

All this in the first quarter lol

5. Mark not paid to Reid, West Coast goal
6. Free against Jolly to Naitanui - goal

They kicked 9 goals for the whole game, 3 came from frees, another from a blatant mark that wasn't paid, and another from a blatant push that wasn't paid.

And those are just those that resulted in scores - there were others like Krak's head getting ripped off, no free, etc.

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1. Free against Shaw to Darling - goal Clear free kick every day of the week, tried to do the right thing and put his eyes on the ball, but failed.
2. Disallowed goal to Krakouer, West Coast take it down the other and and score - 11 point turnaround Meh, you can't blame the central umpires for that, but if we're going to encompass all officials...well...fine.
3. Blatant hands in the back against Hill not paid - goal Amazing that it didn't get noted by the commentators, fair enough, but no one wants the action of Hill's (where it didn't influence the contest) to be paid.
4. Outrageous free paid to Cox - goal You could argue Cox made first front on contact to Brown and he in fact deserved the free, but all things being equal, that's going to be a free to Cox every day of the week. I had no problems with it.

All this in the first quarter lol

5. Mark not paid to Reid, West Coast goal Yeah, I thought it should've been paid a mark, but it was a 50/50 call and the umpire decided not to pay it.
6. Free against Jolly to Naitanui - goal Soft yeah, pissed me off yeah, but you can't touch/whack someone in the face. Sif the umpire isn't going to pay it.

They kicked 9 goals for the whole game, 3 came from frees, another from a blatant mark that wasn't paid, and another from a blatant push that wasn't paid.

And those are just those that resulted in scores - there were others like Krak's head getting ripped off, no free, etc.

Despite your more than reasonable points with a few contests, I stick by my original comments. If more games were umpired like last night our game would be in a better place. Obviously we're not going to agree, but this goes to argument of umpiring to the spirit of the game v the strict interpretations. Tough game we have, hey.
I have a big problem with Jeff Gieschen - he blabbers on every week about how you can't "push, block or hold in a marking contest". That happens every marking contest. It is stupidly defined and is ridiculously difficult to interpret.

The free against Shaw for blocking - what Shaw did is the same as just having front position and standing there. You are still blocking your opponent. He turned around and had his eyes on the ball - that's not a free.
We got Royaly Screwed. Umpire #17 Schmitt is a Shocker. How he keeps his job I don't know.

It was Cheating Tonight

Didn't click that it was the same umpire until I had a quick look at twitter.

It was shocking last night and think all 3 will be planing their summer holidays a week early
I just want to know how Cloke gets done for every slight touch on a defender but Darren Glass can basically put them in a headlock and still get away it it.

He gets nothing at all. Just Like Rocca copped
The umpiring felt bad because they paid 50/50s in which it gave WCE a goal or denied us one. I didn't mind most of them, but I was fuming about Reid's mark which resulted in a momentum killing goal on the siren, as well as Beams' mark right in front of goal.

On balance, it was a night with some poor decisions where some went our way, but most didn't. As a whole though, it's generally better than it was in the H&A and it's not an intentional bias.

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

But I reckon it doesn't help that some of our players like to have a whinge when giving away frees. Heater, Jolly, Maxwell and the like.
Don't agree with everything written here; When i usually watch a game of footy I don't really complain about the umpires as I tried to keep the mentality "the umpires cant decide a contest", i much rather when they put the whistle away - we have been on the backend of ordinary umpiring such as the taclke by harry on roughead that wasn't paid holding the ball or the video review last night, when not one but two human beigns that were a matter of metres away on respective angles had no problem with (i was a bit 50 50 on the call) however in saying this we have benefited from shockers too and umpires are human- i think what annoys me the most is that every week the umpires boss (to lazy to write his name) defends his boys (as he should) but only once in a blue moon are the decisions given as "incorrect" - he even defended zeibel's report as "correct" - it wouldnt hurt once in a while to put their hands up and say yes we got it wrong and we will endeavour to work harder to rub out these issues so they dont come up again - it provides more respect, honour and respect from fans - dont get me wrong love the umpires as we wouldnt have a game without them...this is just a major flaw i feel needs adressing..
I am generally ok with bad umpiring decisions, until they cost a goal. I think the game in general would benefit a lot for changing the rules for free kicks inside 50. Professional free kicks result in a on the spot free. Unintentional free kicks could be a free kick outside the 50.

Sounds wrong and would probably never happen but it would mean the umpires aren't controlling the result and reduce their influence.
This is the point here. If you look at other club boards throughout the year, you will get threads bemoaning the umpires and how their team always cop the rough end of the stick. You have 18 clubs all claiming it's them who always gets screwed.
I'd like to see the for/against free kicks for the year which would shed some light on it, but still, it doesn't tell you about missed frees, and whether the paid ones were incorrect or not.

At times I've sworn we get it rough. Thinking that maybe our club's reputation has somehow subconsciously given the umpires reason to be less lenient or something, like perhaps the less powerful clubs are less likely to cop it. I mean the umps are only human, and we're are affected by these things even if we don't know it. Perhaps our team colors are less sympathetic when relating to brain function. I remember reading something about this in regards to soccer teams and referee bias. But I think the reality is, there's countless decisions and non-decisions in a game, and we focus and remember the ones that don't go our way much more than the ones that do. And due to the nature of the game and it's rules, you can make a case for copping a bad one every minute or so if you're hoping for a good one. The complicated way our game is adjudicated is just perfect for supporter bias. You can find something going against you every 30 seconds if you try hard enough.

All the guys in my house are Pies fans. The women are all Bombers fans. They hate us yet they agree we get shafted most games by the umpires.

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Roast UMPIRING is just me or is it really getting more biased each week.

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