NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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I had never heard of blackrock until reading this board. What an evil organisation.

Are you aware Blackrock conspiracies are mostly antisemitic in nature?

Same deal with conspiracies that target or blame the Rothschilds, Goldmans, Sachs, Warbergs etc.

On any conspiracy forum dedicated to the topic of the above, you'll see criticism of the above 'bankers/ financiers' side by side with blatant antisemitism.

Everything from putting their names in triple parenthesis (((like this))) which is code for 'the Jews' among white nationalists.

If you're curious, Hitlers entire world view was founded on his belief in the (false) conspiracy theory that (((international banking families and financiers))) - i.e. the Jews - were behind a secret plot to replace the white race of Europe, control all finance, fund all wars, weaken Germany, and control the markets, while simultaneously subvert white Germanic culture via 'cultural Marxism' (he called it 'Judeo bolshevism') by pushing 'degenerate art and culture' (i.e. woke stuff and LGBTI+ agenda) on the Germanic people.

The (((bankers))) were also responsible for the creation of the Soviet union, and Socialism and Communism generally.

To Hitler, these (((bankers and financiers))) were responsible for all of Germanies misfortunes and were the secret puppet masters who needed to be destroyed.

Just letting you know that the conspiracy you've been introduced to is not new, it's been around for a long time in many different forms, and it's deeply antisemitic in nature.

Know this before going down the rabbit hole you're going down.
Trump won’t have a bar of him.

He’s always lacked integrity and a moral compass has Kevin.

He likes the strip clubs a bit too much.

Dud delist.
Breathtaking analysis ET. As The Don himself stated:

Occasionally in the business world, I’ve heard people refer to something called “The Waiter Rule.” Simply put, how you treat a waiter or a waitress reveals a lot about your character. It may sound insignificant, but over the years I’ve certainly found it to be true”.

Trump goes on to advise people to “think twice the next time you sit down at a table and get ready to order. And don’t forget to leave a big tip”.

Kevin "I look like my mum combs my hair and I get bullied at school because of it" Rudd tends to make such workers cry, while alphas like Abbott and Trump treat them as equals and even lavish them with hefty cash tips (which will soon be tax-free due to one of the great man's common sense policies).


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Again, I'm actually pleased he hasn't done it with regards to the shooting. It's out of character for him, and gives me at least some hope he may actually have finally learnt why doing it is a bad idea for the Republic.

Meh people tend to get a bit softer right after a near-death experience.

But he's still a pathological narcissist. I wouldn't go expecting it to last.

He is what he is.
Before a vote was even cast Trump was openly stating he would 'Lock her up' with reference to Clinton, with his followers gleefully cheering along.

Don't sit there and act like Trump is not some kind of (openly and unashamedly) intentionally divisive figure.

He does it often, and deliberately, and has done since he started running for office. He does it along with frequent (intentional) dog whistles to white nationalist groups, Qanon, conspiracists and so forth.

Again, I'm actually pleased he hasn't done it with regards to the shooting. It's out of character for him, and gives me at least some hope he may actually have finally learnt why doing it is a bad idea for the Republic.
Uranium One is one good reason why she will be going to jail. Not to mention the 60 or so people she has had suicided.
Are you aware Blackrock conspiracies are mostly antisemitic in nature?

Same deal with conspiracies that target or blame the Rothschilds, Goldmans, Sachs, Warbergs etc.

On any conspiracy forum dedicated to the topic of the above, you'll see criticism of the above 'bankers/ financiers' side by side with blatant antisemitism.

Everything from putting their names in triple parenthesis (((like this))) which is code for 'the Jews' among white nationalists.

If you're curious, Hitlers entire world view was founded on his belief in the (false) conspiracy theory that (((international banking families and financiers))) - i.e. the Jews - were behind a secret plot to replace the white race of Europe, control all finance, fund all wars, weaken Germany, and control the markets, while simultaneously subvert white Germanic culture via 'cultural Marxism' (he called it 'Judeo bolshevism') by pushing 'degenerate art and culture' (i.e. woke stuff and LGBTI+ agenda) on the Germanic people.

The (((bankers))) were also responsible for the creation of the Soviet union, and Socialism and Communism generally.

To Hitler, these (((bankers and financiers))) were responsible for all of Germanies misfortunes and were the secret puppet masters who needed to be destroyed.

Just letting you know that the conspiracy you've been introduced to is not new, it's been around for a long time in many different forms, and it's deeply antisemitic in nature.

Know this before going down the rabbit hole you're going down.
Because you are caught up in this stuff, you assume everyone is the same. I do not care about your isms. I do not care about the websites you have introduced to BF. I do not care about your links to all these other people or secret languages, or any of your stuff. I am appalled that we are even in conversation. Blackrock is an evil organisation because that is the business they are in. See, when I say I never would have heard of Blackrock without posters on here, that is exactly what I mean. You know that you can explore something, like oh 'who is this Blackrock?' without going full blown nutter. See, when some people say rabbit hole, they mean spending a couple of hours searching about a subject on google and seeing where the links take them. Then forgetting what led them to search about this stuff. And then moving on with their life. Blackrock was an example. I could have used a hundred or so names or things to prove my point. I did not intend to use a trigger word for you.

Cmon man. FFS.
I hope that he’s up to date with his boosters or he’s at risk

Sarcastic Sarcasm GIF
Because you are caught up in this stuff, you assume everyone is the same. I do not care about your isms.

No, you're missing the point of what Im telling you. Im not calling you an antisemite.

I'm bringing to your attention that most of the 'blackrock are the bad guys' stuff on the internet is content posted by antisemites, or alongside antisemitism and its posted mostly (but not exclusively) by white nationalists and antisemitic conspiracy theorists.

It directly (and often intentionally) leans into the 'international bankers and financiers (i.e. the Jews) are secretly a shadow cabal trying to destroy white society' antisemitic canard.






The 'NWO/ WEF/ Rothschilds/ Banking families/ George Soros/ Blackrock are trying to control the world' are often just retellings of an antisemitic trope that's been around for centuries. Many posting it (and I actually include BlueE in this) do not realize the antisemitic nature of it.

Many however do know exactly what they're doing (such as the person distributing the flyer above). You'll see them everywhere on more lawless parts of the internet in discussions about Blackrock and the Rothschilds and Soros etc.

If you're about to go down this rabbit hole then Im simply urging you to understand this fact. Many people go online to 'do their own research' and come out the other side rabid antisemites (or unwittingly parroting antisemitic tropes to others).
Uranium One is one good reason why she will be going to jail. Not to mention the 60 or so people she has had suicided.
Hope they have room for the 8 other CFIUS members who approved the deal. No doubt the evidence of Hills leaning on all of them to ram it through is all in order :tearsofjoy:

Have you worked out yet how Paul’s lover broke in from the inside?
Ahh lebbo :tearsofjoy:

Geez, the "do your own research" crew sure ain't what they used to be.

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Nope, not at all. Biden also needs to watch out for sniper’s. There’s a fair chance that he will be taken out and they’ll blame it on Trump supporters.
Biden also has to watch out for flights of stairs. There's a strong chance he won't survive another term.
You don't know Paul Pelosi's fetishes... don't yuck his yum. It's just roleplay.

I thought you were better than that Bourbons.
rofl. Just an amazing combination of sentences here mate, tipping you don't even show up in mirrors anymore with this kind of self awareness?

Lebbo, set poor old Flowers straight - the bloke "broke in from the inside", right? :tearsofjoy:
What's not classy about a couple of gents, having a martini in their underware at a mansion in the San Francisco hills discussing government insider trading and the tides of life. I wish I was there, I make a mean dirty martini.
Like clockwork

Seriously though, I'm sure you probably would pass for classy in MAGA circles. Which, again, is kinda the point.
Stokey is gonna be so disappointed in you :(
A tremendous clip ET, sends a shiver down the spine, thank you for sharing.

Chuck Schumer said the quiet part out loud when he threatened Trump in 2017 "The intell community have 6 ways from Sunday at getting back at you". This was while Trump was acting president. If the IC don't work for the elected government, who do they work for?

We have now seen how correct Schumer was, with the deep state trying to JFK the great man - no doubt concerned that he would apply the brakes to the endless pro-war theft of tax dollars championed by the MSM-programmed left wing NPCs. The same reason JFK was tragically unalived. Fortunately, good has trumped evil in this case.

They will try again, but they will fail. And we now have a self-made millennial VP of impoverished background and a high-IQ Indian chad learning from the master and prepared to be passed the baton when necessary.

Positive times indeed.
I would like to align myself with the ideas expressed in your post. You’ve said what I wanted to say but you have done so far more eloquently.

The great man is under attack. The empire strikes back. They missed this time but they will try again.

We might have to dust off the steel caps and learn our breakfast cereals.

But seriously, i'll admit that after more evidence has come to light it appears it may not have been a lovers quarrel as was originally thought. I think we can all admit the original series of events was very confusing and the information patchy, and we may all have gotten carried away. Particularly Paul Pelosi's response to the incident was odd - but nothing to condemn the man. I hope Paul Pelosi is safe and well.
This is exactly the problem. Blokes like Lebbo are still running with the original patchy info, literal years after all the clearly non-scandalous details have been widely confirmed. He actively discounts or avoids these details, and just like dear leader you're both still happy to joke about it coz it involves a political team you don't like.

And now all of a sudden when the shoe is on the other foot we're all supposed to be serious and somber about someone trying to do violence to Trump, no jokes about that please oh me of my no. Again, spare me.

That being said, I'll admit every man has its vices and I still find it funny to joke about. I'm not perfect. This is mainly because I think Paul's wife is an incredibly evil woman. I think he would be better off leaving her but she's got some great assets, and i'm not talking only about her insider trading portfolio.
Haha, and you're still doing it. "Vices", **** me.

Anyhoo, good to know a personal belief that someone is evil or associated with evil means that making fun of their near death experience is all good, gimme half and I'll post some real zingers about Donnie nearly getting his head blown off :thumbsu:
Nope, not at all. Biden also needs to watch out for sniper’s. There’s a fair chance that he will be taken out and they’ll blame it on Trump supporters.
Question: hypothetically, if Biden is assassinated while he has covid, will his death still be attributed to Covid/treated as a Covid death? *asking for a friend.

If post is too off topic mods have my permission to move to relevant Covid thread.
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