NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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He was there for nearly 4 hours from 5:10 to 9pm.
No, he wasn't :tearsofjoy:
In San Francisco on Friday, police were called at about 2.30 a.m. to the Pelosi residence to check on Paul Pelosi, said Scott.

Police on the scene said that the broken glass was on the outside, not the inside.
No, they didn't :tearsofjoy:
Another rumour supporting the idea that the two men knew each other claimed that the shattered glass door of the house was broken from the inside, suggesting Mr Pelosi or a third person had let Mr DePape in.
The FBI complaint quotes Mr DePape as saying that he "broke into the house through a glass door, which was a difficult task that required the use of a hammer".

Where was Pelosi’s security? They’re there even when Nancy is not.
No, they're not :tearsofjoy:
Nancy Pelosi was in Washington and under the protection of her security detail, which does not extend to family members.

For the love of god man, stop getting your 'news' from telegram.
The Great Man's work on tax greatly benefited the poor and working class.

"The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 provided numerous benefits to the poor and middle class through lower tax rates, increased standard deductions, expanded credits, and adjustments to the AMT. While the debate on the distribution of benefits continues, the legislation's impact on reducing tax liabilities and increasing disposable income for low and middle-income earners is evident. The broader economic benefits, including job creation and wage growth, further underscore the positive effects of the TCJA on these groups.

The TCJA nearly doubled the standard deduction from $6,350 to $12,000 for single filers and from $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. This change simplified the tax filing process and reduced taxable income for many low and middle-income earners, resulting in lower overall tax liabilities."

Reference: Tax Policy Center. "Distributional Analysis of the Conference Agreement for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act." December 2017.


No wonder the poor and middle class want to see the great man in office again.
^ No analysis from after 2017 by the billionaire simps. No surprise.


Trump tried bankrupt the US the first time around - debt exploded under Trump. He'll do it again.

That’s not how it played out. When Trump took office in January 2017, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office was projecting that federal budget deficits would be 2% to 3% of our gross domestic product during Trump’s term. Instead, the deficit reached nearly 4% of gross domestic product in 2018 and 4.6% in 2019.

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And more:

Extending the 2017 tax cuts that expire next year will cost roughly $5 trillion over 10 years, but, even with that hefty price tag, making the law permanent will still leave millions of U.S. households with bigger tax bills.

That’s according to a new analysis from the Tax Policy Center, which estimated that extending the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act would leave 13% of middle-income households with higher taxes than they would have if provisions expire as scheduled.

That’s because the 2017 tax-code revamp doubled the child tax credit to $2,000 and increased the standard deduction but eliminated or reduced personal exemptions and several other deductions that many middle-class households had relied on.

The analysis also shows that the vast majority of the $5 trillion in tax cuts would go to households earning more than $450,000 and shift the overall burden of funding the U.S. government to middle- and lower-income Americans.
The claim that extending the tax cuts will cost $5 trilion over ten years misses a few key points:

Economic growth. Keeping tax rates lower can boost the economy by encouraging businesses to invest more and create jobs, which increases the money the government collects in taxes.

Many estimtes don't fully consider this growth effect, making the projected cost seem higher than it might actully be.
^ No analysis from after 2017 by the billionaire simps. No surprise.

View attachment 2053142

Trump tried bankrupt the US the first time around - debt exploded under Trump. He'll do it again.

Yep, blow up the criminal banking cartel and replace it with gold, energy and resources backed financial system. Criminals making money from thin air will be smashed into a million pieces.

It's a paper from 2017 - "Distributional Effects Of The Conference Agreement For H.R.1, The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act"
It accounts for all other policy effects on US household income (e.g. healthcare penalties).

For an idea of how Trump's tax cuts for the rich (and little movement for everyone else) work without the associated penalties, this link has graphs:

View attachment 2053105

Trump and his billionaire cronies have played the US public for fools.
This talking point has been fake news since it reared its ugly head in 2017. Rather than being a critique on Trump's policy itself, it is speculation about what might happen in the future if certain other changes occur. I could write a report stating:

Biden's student loan forgiveness policy will result in every kitten and puppy on earth being brutally murdered*^°

* in 10 years time
^ if X, Y and Z also occur
° maybe

And it would be similarly credible (and spread as a talking point by folks who don't read the links they share!)

For more fun, google who funds the "non-partisan" CBPP. Hint: they share a major donor with Airwars (the think-tank that Chuckles and others get their absurd drone stats from).
Yep, blow up the criminal banking cartel and replace it with gold, energy and resources backed financial system. Criminals making money from thin air will be smashed into a million pieces.
They're Trump biggest donors. Not going to happen
This talking point has been fake news since it reared its ugly head in 2017. Rather than being a critique on Trump's policy itself, it is speculation about what might happen in the future if certain other changes occur. I could write a report stating:

Biden's student loan forgiveness policy will result in every kitten and puppy on earth being brutally murdered*^°

* in 10 years time
^ if X, Y and Z also occur
° maybe

And it would be similarly credible (and spread as a talking point by folks who don't read the links they share!)

For more fun, google who funds the "non-partisan" CBPP. Hint: they share a major donor with Airwars (the think-tank that Chuckles and others get their absurd drone stats from).
Amazing that you go that from an analysis of what happened.

Trickle-down is dead, dude.

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This talking point has been fake news since it reared its ugly head in 2017. Rather than being a critique on Trump's policy itself, it is speculation about what might happen in the future if certain other changes occur. I could write a report stating:

Biden's student loan forgiveness policy will result in every kitten and puppy on earth being brutally murdered*^°

* in 10 years time
^ if X, Y and Z also occur
° maybe

And it would be similarly credible (and spread as a talking point by folks who don't read the links they share!)

For more fun, google who funds the "non-partisan" CBPP. Hint: they share a major donor with Airwars (the think-tank that Chuckles and others get their absurd drone stats from).

You’ve decimated both his fragile argument and lack of credible sources. You quickly identified his rambling post is most likely a copy paste from reddit or similar.

The most impressive part of your post is you were able to destroy his irrational premise without resorting to ad hominem attacks.

You continue to inspire and impress.
Amazing that you go that from an analysis of what happened.

Trickle-down is dead, dude.
I'm not defending trickle-down, I'm defending the truth here m8. Dems have repeated the lie about the 2017 tax cuts only benefiting the wealthy so often that many have started simply believing this line without question. Backed up by twisted data presented by official-sounding organisations that are in fact, ironically, propaganda fronts for billionaires with agendas of their own.

"Income data published by the IRS clearly show that on average all income brackets benefited substantially from the Republicans’ tax reform law, with the biggest beneficiaries being working and middle-income filers, not the top 1 percent, as so many Democrats have argued."


You’ve decimated both his fragile argument and lack of credible sources. You quickly identified his rambling post is most likely a copy paste from reddit or similar.

The most impressive part of your post is you were able to destroy his irrational premise without resorting to ad hominem attacks.

You continue to inspire and impress.
Bless you ET, you are too kind. I have nothing but love for these kind-hearted (yet occasionally gullible) contributors to this fine thread. We have all at one point or another heard a false talking point that reinforces our biases and found a nonsense source that gives us that squirt of dopamine by backing it up. As always, compassion and education are the answer.

PS at next Friday's Mensa do I will be giving a presentation for those interested in learning more about Fast Atom Scattering Holography, titled "For the FASH-curious". I'm told Kashvi will be bringing her famous scones.
I'm not defending trickle-down, I'm defending the truth here m8.
A Trump fan talking about "truth" is pretty funny.

As is trying to take a an opinion piece from a CT lunatic as fact:
Justin Haskins (Jhaskins@heartland.org) is director of the Socialism Research Center at The Heartland Institute and the co-author, with Glenn Beck, of the forthcoming book “The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of 21st Century Fascism.”
"The Great Reset" being the exact words quoted by the Christchurch mass-murderer in their online manifesto.
A buddy of Glenn Beck at that!

I've already given you a source that notes the myriad of allowances that were taken away as part of the 2017 tax bill that shows the outcome in real terms. That article completely ignores the state tax/allowances/access to services issue entirely.

Surely there is at least one semi-financial literate Trump fan out there. Anyone?
Some light reading for the corporate receipt side of the equation in the first two years - the trickle down/increase productivity BS has been thoroughly debunked.
Trump's version of crony capitalism benefits the 1%.

Yet, as critics also warned, the TCJA did not lead to these types of investments. Upon the bill’s passage, corporations began funneling their extra tax windfall to shareholders instead. A recent analysis from the International Monetary Fund found that the top S&P 500 companies directed just 20 percent of their increased cashflow toward capital expenditures or research and development, while putting the other 80 percent toward buybacks, dividends, and other asset planning adjustments. These types of expenditures overwhelmingly benefit foreign investors and the wealthy, who own the majority of corporate stocks.
A Trump fan talking about "truth" is pretty funny.

As is trying to take a an opinion piece from a CT lunatic as fact:

"The Great Reset" being the exact words quoted by the Christchurch mass-murderer in their online manifesto.
A buddy of Glenn Beck at that!

I've already given you a source that notes the myriad of allowances that were taken away as part of the 2017 tax bill that shows the outcome in real terms. That article completely ignores the state tax/allowances/access to services issue entirely.

Surely there is at least one semi-financial literate Trump fan out there. Anyone?
You and your SRP crew believe that welfare is the driver of prosperity for the poor. Trump and normal people believe that an economic environment that provides people with productive jobs with low taxes drives prosperity.
You and your SRP crew believe that welfare is the driver of prosperity for the poor. Trump and normal people believe that an economic environment that provides people with productive jobs with low taxes drives prosperity.

That's a bit weird Lebbo. Biden created many more jobs than Trump, but Mofra's the bad guy?

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