NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Are you really going to trot out some BS graph like it is proof of anything? Shame on you.

They are losing their collective minds.

One of the lefties linked to an article from a John Podesta think tank which heavily criticised Trump - hoping no one would notice his dubious 'source' - and was apoplectic with rage when he realised he'd been found out.

The Derangement has well and truly kicked in, and the woke cultists are just openly lying now.
Some light reading for the corporate receipt side of the equation in the first two years - the trickle down/increase productivity BS has been thoroughly debunked.
Trump's version of crony capitalism benefits the 1%.

And who do you think their shareholders are mate... the middle class.

According to Maddow, Republican donor Peter Thiel or Vance named one of their companies Narya.

Rach reckons if you move the N to the end of the word is spells aryaN.

“Like his mentor, like Peter Thiel, who had given him all his jobs in the world, Mr. Vance also, when he founded his own venture capital firm with help from Peter Thiel, named it after a ‘Lord of the Rings’ thing. He called it Narya, N-A-R-Y-A, which you can remember because it’s ‘Aryan,’ but you move the N to the front,” she continued.

Malifice please add Lord Of The Rings to your NAZI filter.

I fully expect ALL lefties to get onboard with this and continue to monitor bigfooty for any hobbit references.

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Trump: Friend Extraordinaire to Israel and the Jewish People

You're aware Trumps favored child (Ivanka) and her husband are 'international banking cartel' members right Lebbo?

And you're aware Trump moved the US embassy to Israel to Jerusalem, right?

Oh Lebbo. Open your eyes you sheeple.

The real question is what type of financial system will rise from the ashes of the current one? A pure digital one like in China is hellish future that no one should want.
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Loses an argument on the benefits of tax cuts for the average american.

Attempts to claw back lost credibility by bringing up the wait for it Christchurch shooter.

I feel dumber for having read that.

Bonbons you are off ignore. You are actually an improvement.
I'm not surprised that when pressed to do anything beyond mindless cheerleading, you fail to understand.
You and your SRP crew believe that welfare is the driver of prosperity for the poor. Trump and normal people believe that an economic environment that provides people with productive jobs with low taxes drives prosperity.
I hardly post on SRP for a start, and trickle down economics is one of the most well-debunked economic theories.
And who do you think their shareholders are mate... the middle class.
Certainly not in the US - the wealth inequality is far more pronounced than in Australia (shamefully so). Anecdotally, 1 in 7 US adults requires food stamps. I'm not sure we appreciate how lucky we are in Australia to be honest.

Even in Australia, with significant superannuation holdings, the top 20% overwhelmingly own the majority of ASX listed stocks.

As best as I can find, the bottom 90% of US households by income own roughly 11% of US listed shares.
42% of US listed stock is owned by foreign investors.
LOL dude your 'Orange man bad' source was a John Podesta think tank.

If that is a credible source in your mind then I can't help you.

You're either trolling or just dumb.
Ah Ad hominems - cult members really can't control their emotions, can they?

Trickle-down has failed.
Trump's tax cuts, when accounting for state taxes and healthcare effects (which some try to ignore to skew the data) overwhelmingly favoured the already well-off.

It also failed to deliver any sort of economic stimulus.

In addition to these and other flaws,[25] recent research from economists at the Treasury and the Federal Reserve found no evidence that the deduction provided any boost in economic activity in the two years following the deduction’s enactment — no additional investment, jobs, or higher wages for employees of pass-through businesses.[26]


Lucky for the elites, the useful idiots for the 1% vote on ideology rather than facts. Hence the GOP are happy to fan the flames of CTs/misinformation.
As for the Dems nom, there is some (small sample size) polling around which will be largely irrelevant as the Dems will focus almost entirely on the swing states.

These voters are also more likely to support an alternative Democrat against Trump than they are to choose Biden. In hypothetical matchups, they break 47% for Harris to 34% for Trump, 42% for Newsom to 36% for Trump, and 42% for Buttigieg to 35% for Trump.

The CNN poll was conducted by SSRS from June 28-30 among a random national sample of 1,274 adults drawn from a probability-based panel, including 1,045 registered voters.
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