NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Are this 'Deep State' cabal, the same people that are behind the ritual pedophilia and cannibalizing of our kids?
You're confusing the Deep State and the Global Elites. The Deep State is a term (at least in my understanding / use) that applies specifically to the US Governement and refers to the unelected officials at the very top of the three letter agencies, the Pentagon and within the whitehouse who actually control the US. The ones who tell Joe Biden what to do when he wakes up mumbling. The ones who Obama reports to. I suspect the Deep State would comprise a combination of both current Government Officials and former personnel who have ingrained themselves in the culture of these organisations and operate with complete immunity from elected oversight from the shadows due to the systems they have established within these organsiations remaining.

The Global Elites that you are referring to are a different entity. They may have some interaction with the Deep State, but if anything I suspect the Deep State merely uses them to feed off of extortion and similar activities.
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The Deep State is a term (at least in my understanding / use) that applies specifically to the US Governement and refers to the unelected officials at the very top of the three letter agencies, the Pentagon and within the whitehouse who actually control the US.

Those 'unelected officials' you're talking about that head those government agencies, are members of the Executive branch of government. They're senior Generals and Public Servants who are appointed to the position by the United States Executive branch (headed by the President).

They're not 'the Deep State'. They're the actual State.

Like the Judiciary (the third arm of the State). Also not elected. Also part of the State.

We have the same thing here, only our Executive is fused with our Legislature (Ministers are also Members of Parliament) and the official head of our Executive (the King) doesn't actually do anything.

All of our Generals and heads of various Government Departments, all answer to (and are appointed by) the relevant Ministers, who in turn answer to the Prime Minister (who technically answers to the King, and can be sacked by the Kings representative, the GG).

You're aware that a Liberal Democracy features three arms of government right? The Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary, and that those three arms are kept separate.

You don't seem to understand the above, yet you claim to have a degree in Political Science.

Which I can honestly say, based on your comments above, and previous comments, and your overall lack of critical thinking, I don't believe you actually have.

While you probably started such a degree, Id have money on either you quit or got booted.

The Global Elites that you are referring to are a different entity.

What 'entity' are these 'global elites'?

Wealthy leftist (((bankers)))?
Those 'unelected officials' you're talking about that head those government agencies, are members of the Executive branch of government. They're senior Generals and Public Servants who are appointed to the position by the United States Executive branch (headed by the President).

They're not 'the Deep State'. They're the actual State.

Like the Judiciary (the third arm of the State). Also not elected. Also part of the State.

We have the same thing here, only our Executive is fused with our Legislature (Ministers are also Members of Parliament) and the official head of our Executive (the King) doesn't actually do anything.

All of our Generals and heads of various Government Departments, all answer to (and are appointed by) the relevant Ministers, who in turn answer to the Prime Minister (who technically answers to the King, and can be sacked by the Kings representative, the GG).

You're aware that a Liberal Democracy features three arms of government right? The Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary, and that those three arms are kept separate.

You don't seem to understand the above, yet you claim to have a degree in Political Science.

Which I can honestly say, based on your comments above, and previous comments, and your overall lack of critical thinking, I don't believe you actually have.

While you probably started such a degree, Id have money on either you quit or got booted.

What 'entity' are these 'global elites'?

Wealthy leftist (((bankers)))?
Wow, is that how a State works? Oh gee thanks Mal, thanks for explaining that to me. Not like we didn't all learn that in High School, let alone Political Science degrees.

The key is in the "Deep' part of the term Deep State, to mean it is 'the State' corrupted and exploited to a level of power imbalanced with the other arms of government and to a level neverherebefore seen. Jesus you're slow.
Those 'unelected officials' you're talking about that head those government agencies, are members of the Executive branch of government. They're senior Generals and Public Servants who are appointed to the position by the United States Executive branch (headed by the President).

They're not 'the Deep State'. They're the actual State.

Like the Judiciary (the third arm of the State). Also not elected. Also part of the State.

We have the same thing here, only our Executive is fused with our Legislature (Ministers are also Members of Parliament) and the official head of our Executive (the King) doesn't actually do anything.

All of our Generals and heads of various Government Departments, all answer to (and are appointed by) the relevant Ministers, who in turn answer to the Prime Minister (who technically answers to the King, and can be sacked by the Kings representative, the GG).

You're aware that a Liberal Democracy features three arms of government right? The Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary, and that those three arms are kept separate.

You don't seem to understand the above, yet you claim to have a degree in Political Science.

Which I can honestly say, based on your comments above, and previous comments, and your overall lack of critical thinking, I don't believe you actually have.

While you probably started such a degree, Id have money on either you quit or got booted.

What 'entity' are these 'global elites'?

Wealthy leftist (((bankers)))?
The illegal bankers - that is private banking reserves such as the RBA, Federal Reserve, etc.
The MIC plus all the three letter agencies are the Deep State.
Controlling all of these entities is The Collins Family. They’re most likely at the head of the table.
The key is in the "Deep' part of the term Deep State, to mean it is 'the State' corrupted and exploited to a level of power imbalanced with the other arms of government and to a level neverherebefore seen.

How are the heads of the CIA, Pentagon etc. (all appointed by, and answerable to the President, and supervised by the Judiciary in every decision they make, and able to only exercise powers granted to them by the Legislature) 'at a level of power imbalanced with the other arms of Government'?

Lets look here in Australia.

Assume the head of the ATO makes an adverse finding that you owe a ton of back taxes, that you do not (in fact) actually owe, and under a power they do not actually have under the relevant Legislation.

1. Are you aware you can challenge that decision to the Courts, who will overturn that decision?

2. Are you aware the head of the ATO can be sacked by the Minister?

3. Are you aware the Minister, can be sacked by the Prime Minister?

4. Are you aware the Minister can be sacked by the King (via the GG) or even knifed by his own party in a Leadership challenge?

Presuming you are aware of those 4 things, explain to me how the Head of the ATO has powers 'imbalanced compared to the other arms of government'?

He serves at the pleasure of the King (and the Kings Cabinet), can only make decisions under laws the Legislature have given him (and must provide natural justice, procedural fairness etc) and all of his decisions are supervised by an independent Judiciary.

Have you ever watched 'Yes Minister'?
The illegal bankers - that is private banking reserves such as the RBA, Federal Reserve, etc.
The MIC plus all the three letter agencies are the Deep State.
Controlling all of these entities is The Collins Family. They’re most likely at the head of the table.

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