NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Impossible that a powerful family could have "fixers" who get them out of trouble!

Biden literally admitted on camera to withholding aid to get that prosecutor fired, so it's a fascinating case study in human psychology to see many of you gaslight yourselves into believing he didn't commit the crimes he confessed to publicly. Then Trump got impeached over it, lmao. The most ultimate "no u" in history... you gotta respect em for it!

[Biden exonerated without a trial, and the accuser instead charged with fraud] = 'The whole thing is fixed and evidence of clear corruption by the Democrats'.

[Trump getting charged with multiple offences in multiple jurisdictions, getting convicted in all the ones concluded so far, with all co-conspirators literally admitting guilt] = 'The whole thing is fixed and evidence of clear corruption by the Democrats'.

At what point exactly do you cookers admit that just maybe, you might be on the wrong side of this one?

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In Australia he'd be a fringe lunatic. In the US, he gets elected.

Oklahoma Republican state senator, evangelical pastor, and self-proclaimed Christian nationalist Dusty Deevers has made a name for himself pushing legislation that bans abortion, bans no-fault divorce, and outlaws pornography. During a recent podcast appearance, he gave some insight into what he thinks is an ideal time period for when America was great.

In Australia he'd be a fringe lunatic. In the US, he gets elected.

Ironic he wants to ban pr0n - Dusty Deevers, thats a pr0n actor's name if I've ever heard one :tearsofjoy:
[Biden exonerated without a trial, and the accuser instead charged with fraud] = 'The whole thing is fixed and evidence of clear corruption by the Democrats'.

[Trump getting charged with multiple offences in multiple jurisdictions, getting convicted in all the ones concluded so far, with all co-conspirators literally admitting guilt] = 'The whole thing is fixed and evidence of clear corruption by the Democrats'.

At what point exactly do you cookers admit that just maybe, you might be on the wrong side of this one?
Unfortunately the establishment look after their own. They'll do all they can to keep an outsider like Sanders or Trump from power. Rules for thee but not for me!

...Even I don't know which of my posts are serious and which ones are just me having a lend anymore... but that's half the fun.
Unfortunately the establishment look after their own. They'll do all they can to keep an outsider like Sanders or Trump from power. Rules for thee but not for me!

Trump is the establishment.

He's a billionaire (allegedly) remember. That makes him part of the establishment.

You cant exactly say his Party don't support him either. I mean, he has detractors in the GOP for his dragging the party down the rabbit hole of conspiracies and 'Trumpism' but they mostly fawn over him and support him to the hilt even when he's saying or doing extreme shit.

He's loved by conservative idiots because he's a conservative idiot and they see something of themselves in him.
"Deep State"
Still makes me laugh :D
I’ve missed you all but I’m starting to wonder what is confusing you all. Reading these threads over the last 376 days while being in exile, kind of like Jesus in the desert for 40 days, I’m wondering if you all can’t see what’s happening.
I know that you all won’t believe me when I say this but I believe there’s a chance that Trump could use all these court losses as precedent in the future. No ex president has immunity now. Obama, Clinton and Bush are toast. Biden also has no immunity.
Future history will show whether Trump abuses the power that he will have access to in his second official term as president. This power is only possible due to the false accusations directed at him. My biggest fear is that he’s part of the cabal and the last eight years has been planned so everyone just invites the NWO into their front door.
I’ve missed you all but I’m starting to wonder what is confusing you all. Reading these threads over the last 376 days while being in exile, kind of like Jesus in the desert for 40 days, I’m wondering if you all can’t see what’s happening.
I know that you all won’t believe me when I say this but I believe there’s a chance that Trump could use all these court losses as precedent in the future. No ex president has immunity now. Obama, Clinton and Bush are toast. Biden also has no immunity.
Future history will show whether Trump abuses the power that he will have access to in his second official term as president. This power is only possible due to the false accusations directed at him. My biggest fear is that he’s part of the cabal and the last eight years has been planned so everyone just invites the NWO into their front door.
'Deep-State' is 9 letters so Trump can't even spell it, let alone keep his mouth shut long enough to keep anything approaching a secret.

Okkams Razor is still less attractive than the idea there's an all powerful shadow cabal who control everything?
Having dealt with politicians and heads of departments, I can assure you that people in positions of power are disappointingly ordinary.

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I know that you all won’t believe me when I say this but I believe there’s a chance that Trump could use all these court losses as precedent in the future. No ex president has immunity now. Obama, Clinton and Bush are toast. Biden also has no immunity.
Good! Isn't this the thing Trumpers pretend they want? Just applied to everyone else, not their guy obviously.

No ex-president ever had complete immunity though, nothing 'now' about it.

Future history will show whether Trump abuses the power that he will have access to in his second official term as president. This power is only possible due to the false accusations directed at him. My biggest fear is that he’s part of the cabal and the last eight years has been planned so everyone just invites the NWO into their front door.
Just as one example, whats false about the classified docs case mate?

He may well abuse power more than he would have absent of the cases (for example, pardon himself on the ones he can once elected) but thats hardly a reason to let clear and obvious illegality slide.

Did he? Got a link?

I mean, I totally believe thats what Thomas would think - bloke is currently pretending he's being persecuted because he's been caught doing the most outrageous ethics violations in SC history.

But I kinda doubt a SC judge would be on record with statements like that about an individual he'll have to rule on, even a SC judge as comically compromised as ol' Clarry.
But I kinda doubt a SC judge would be on record with statements like that about an individual he'll have to rule on, even a SC judge as comically compromised as ol' Clarry.
'Procedural fairness' is investigation 101. I'd be very dubious if a SC judge was making anything like the public statements put on top of a photo on a RW Twitter/X account.

That is self evidently made up and deliberate misinformation that (once again) you have been cooked by.

No Judge of the SCOTUS would ever make comments like that, in the context of several pending legal cases involving that exact subject matter.

Not even Thomas J.

Heck Thomas J is notoriously quiet even during trials before the SCOTUS. He regularly goes literally several hearing without saying a single word.

Judges don't comment publicly on matters before the courts, prior to hearing the actual case and deciding it on its merits (and also rarely afterwards).
Good! Isn't this the thing Trumpers pretend they want? Just applied to everyone else, not their guy obviously.

No ex-president ever had complete immunity though, nothing 'now' about it.

Just as one example, whats false about the classified docs case mate?

He may well abuse power more than he would have absent of the cases (for example, pardon himself on the ones he can once elected) but thats hardly a reason to let clear and obvious illegality slide.
We’ve discussed the classified docs case. Trump was allowed to have them as he was president at the time he acquired them. Biden was not. No amount of discussion is going to change this fact.

As for the immunity issue. No, Trump shouldn’t have immunity but he has deliberately fought against taking away immunity for presidents. Reason being, the courts have set a precedent that will have Biden, Clinton, Bush and Obama shitting themselves when he wins the 2024 election.
We’ve discussed the classified docs case. Trump was allowed to have them as he was president at the time he acquired them. Biden was not. No amount of discussion is going to change this fact.

As for the immunity issue. No, Trump shouldn’t have immunity but he has deliberately fought against taking away immunity for presidents. Reason being, the courts have set a precedent that will have Biden, Clinton, Bush and Obama shitting themselves when he wins the 2024 election.

Ah I've missed your fantastical takes on world events.
We’ve discussed the classified docs case. Trump was allowed to have them as he was president at the time he acquired them. Biden was not. No amount of discussion is going to change this fact.

As for the immunity issue. No, Trump shouldn’t have immunity but he has deliberately fought against taking away immunity for presidents. Reason being, the courts have set a precedent that will have Biden, Clinton, Bush and Obama shitting themselves when he wins the 2024 election.

All politicians should be scared of the people, not the other way around.

Trump wants to be a dictator. Not sure why anyone would support that.
We’ve discussed the classified docs case. Trump was allowed to have them as he was president at the time he acquired them. Biden was not. No amount of discussion is going to change this fact.


What on earth makes you think the Vice President has lesser access to restricted documents than the President?

No, Trump shouldn’t have immunity

Knock me down with a feather.
We’ve discussed the classified docs case. Trump was allowed to have them as he was president at the time he acquired them. Biden was not. No amount of discussion is going to change this fact.
Bolded the relevant bit for you.

Of course he was allowed to have them as prez - he just wasn't allowed to take them with him when he left, much less keep them beside the crapper at Mar-a-Lago and show them to randoms whenever he felt like it. Like... you do get that don't you? That he's on tape literally admitting they are classified docs that he could have declassified when he was prez but can't now, while showing them to someone? No amount of discussion changes that fact.

As for the immunity issue. No, Trump shouldn’t have immunity but he has deliberately fought against taking away immunity for presidents. Reason being, the courts have set a precedent that will have Biden, Clinton, Bush and Obama shitting themselves when he wins the 2024 election.

Reason being that he's trying avoid any consequence whatsoever for anything he's ever done, with 0 shits given for literally anyone else including other ex presidents.

Ahhhh its good to have you back mate!
All politicians should be scared of the people, not the other way around.
The day after the attack, Tarrio posted a photo of House members crouched down and hiding, with a caption, “When the people fear the government, there is tyranny … When the government fears the people … There is liberty.” He told CNN he was quoting Thomas Jefferson, though there is no evidence the third President ever said that, according to his foundation.

Anyone else a little #concerned that our friend GP is quoting the leader of a neo fascist organisation!?
We’ve discussed the classified docs case. Trump was allowed to have them as he was president at the time he acquired them. Biden was not. No amount of discussion is going to change this fact.

As for the immunity issue. No, Trump shouldn’t have immunity but he has deliberately fought against taking away immunity for presidents. Reason being, the courts have set a precedent that will have Biden, Clinton, Bush and Obama shitting themselves when he wins the 2024 election.
You don't need immunity if you're not a criminal

[Tapping head gif]
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