NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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As a hypothetical, can anyone in this thread state if they would support or oppose the following type of hypothetical Government?

A much smaller but very loyal Government under a single elected leader.​
Free market capitalism that lets businesses make their own decisions and removes unions.​
Has almost total power over all departments under them, and who runs them.​
Supports and pushes traditional Western values.​
Reduces or stops all immigration from areas with poor or limited documentation.​
Is willing to use police force and violence against any 'woke/leftist/marxist/etc' who attempts to oppose the democratically elected Government's will. Including lethal force.​
Why would you support it, or why would you oppose it?

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The above is Antifa

That’s MAGA and what’s wrong with wanting illegal immigrants deported?


These are your people, mate. Maybe have think about that for a minute :oops:
You of all people should know what an absolute cop-out that caveat is. Your mate had alll sorts of excuses for rounding up Jewish people.

Hitler wasn't a Liberal. He was a (National Socialist) Fascist.

He was also a conspiracist who blamed 'the Jews' (international financiers, the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs etc) for Capitalism and Socialism (Marx and Lenin were Jews after all), degenerate art, the LGBTI agenda, erosion of Western values via 'Judeo Bolshevism' and for placing 'Marxist Asiatic hordes' on Germanies doorstep.

Fascists place 'the good of the State' as their overarching priority.

Liberals place 'the rights of the individual' as ours.

Notice the difference?

If you cant see the difference, note that Liberals were also rounded up and sent to the camps, along with Communists, Socialists, LGBTI peeps, Romani and of course, Jewish people (by the millions).

As for laws, they can be changed on a whim and are intentionally vague so as to keep the parasites in a job, and loopholes for the wealthy to exploit.

Says the man literally cheering on Trump, a Billionaire who spent his entire time in office creating more loopholes for the wealthy to exploit.

You dudes recognize that billionaires have too much power and say. Yet you then go on and support Trump and the Republicans, a Billionaire and the party of the wealthy, while simultaneously opposing any and all measures to curb the power of billionaires (i.e. socialism, tax increases for the wealthy, greater regulation of the wealthy etc).

It's such a weird position to take.

It only makes sense if you were to view 'socialism' and 'the LGBTI agenda' as something 'the cabal of bankers, financiers and Hollywood elites' want to impose on 'us' all (Judeo-Bolshevism).

And you wonder why Nazis support Trump.
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The T-shirt guy:

Packer's sweatshirt depicted an image of a human skull above the words "Camp Auschwitz." The word "Staff" was on the back. It also bore the phrase "Work Brings Freedom," a rough translation of the German words above the entrance gate to Auschwitz, the concentration camp in occupied Poland where Nazis killed more than 1 million men, women and children.

...Packer also wore an "SS" T-shirt — a reference to the Nazi Party paramilitary organization founded by Adolf Hitler — under his sweatshirt on Jan. 6.

Also the T-shirt guy:

Brennwald added that Packer was offended and angry to be labeled a white supremacist "because he doesn't see himself that way at all." The defense lawyer said Packer wanted him to sue House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for linking him to white supremacy during a press conference several days after the riot.



Jesus. Cooker logic 101.
Thanks for the photos and explanations.


'The creation of a unified Reich'

Posted on Trumps Truth Social account, by Trumps own team.

'Many fine people'.


This wasn't long after his dinner with vocal antisemite and self titled 'Hitler lover' Kanye West, and Holocaust denier (and Neo Nazi blogger) Nick Fuentes:


Later, Trump openly echoed Hitler saying 'immigrants poison the blood of the country':

“They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in New Hampshire. “That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”

The term “blood poisoning” was used by Hitler in his manifesto “Mein Kampf,” in which he criticized immigration and the mixing of races. “All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning,” Hitler wrote.


In addition to 'Auschwitz staff member' t-shirt guy above, there is also his support from the Proud Boys:


The above is a picture of a Proud Boys member wearing a shirt that has an icon of a Fasces (the symbol of fascism) along with the letters '6MWE'.

6MWE is short for 'Six million wasn't enough' a reference to the Six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust, not being 'enough' (and an implicit call to murder more).

Trump dog whistles to Nazi flogs, and Nazi flogs love him and support him.

Even many of his non Nazi supporters (FlowersByIrene BlueE Lebbo73 @GG.exe etc) all believe in one (or more) Neo Nazi/ antisemitic conspiracies (White replacement, Cultural Marxism, Jewish Bolshevism etc), in many cases not even realizing that those conspiracies are antisemitic in nature.

Although Im not so sure about Lebbo73 and @GG.exe. They've both said some shit on here that leads me to believe that they know exactly who these 'international moneylenders and Hollywood elites' in the 'cabal' trying to 'spread world communism and replace the white race, while trafficking our children for blood libel' really are.

The other guys are just blindly parroting it without realizing what they're really doing. They're not antisemites; they're just useful idiots for the Nazi flogs that are.

Hopefully they know now.

At least you now know, seeing as the above posters were in the process of leading you down the 'Blackrock, Soros, -stein, Rothschilds, Bankers, financiers, cabal, Hollywood' (i.e. the Jews) are evil and are trying to 'control the world, impose Marxism on everyone, replace the white race via depopulation' etc.

Hopefully this helps you be a little wary in the future before you listen to the cookers.
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You know "many fine people" didn't refer to the neo-nazis.


It took him days to condemn people literally carrying swastikas and chanting 'The Jews will not replace us'.

I acknowledge he eventually did condemn Neo Nazis, but he took a winding path of obfuscation to get there.

Also, any reason you can think of that the Nazis chanting 'The Jews will not replace us' were on your side of the piquet lines?

You know the "unified Reich" was a repost of fan content and was basically un-noticeable (as you can see in your image above) in the original post unless you're a weirdo like you obsessed with N*zi-shit.

He reposted an image literally comparing himself to Hitler, with approval.

He took it down (presumably when someone pointed out to him what he had done) but that doesn't seem a little... worrying to you?

And yet you continue to post these lies...

They're not lies. They're statements of actual truth.

Any reason you can think of why David Duke, American Nazis, the KKK, a dude wearing a '6MWE' shirt, and another dude wearing an SS shirt with 'Auschwitz staff member' on it, plus a ton of dudes holding Swastikas and chanting 'The Jews will not replace us' might be supporting Trump?

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is running for U.S. Senate and tells NPR that he believes he'll be getting the votes of Donald Trump supporters.

And he reiterated his own support for Trump, saying he's "100 percent behind" the Republican presidential candidate's agenda.

"As a United States senator, nobody will be more supportive of his legislative agenda, his Supreme Court agenda, than I will," Duke said.


Can you explain why that is? There must be some reason Nazis, white supremacists and rabid antisemites love Trump.

Why? Explain it to me.
Fascists place 'the good of the State' as their overarching priority.

Liberals place 'the rights of the individual' as ours.

Notice the difference?
Mate you are a fascist from your own definition. When the man says jump, you say how high and I will also ensure everyone else jumps too. You've always goot a little get out clause though, conveniently.
Any reason you can think of why David Duke, American Nazis, the KKK, a dude wearing a '6MWE' shirt, and another dude wearing an SS shirt with 'Auschwitz staff member' on it, plus a ton of dudes holding Swastikas and chanting 'The Jews will not replace us' might be supporting Trump?
Don't forget the people at the opera house chanting gas the jews.
Mate you are a fascist from your own definition. When the man says jump, you say how high

Give me an example.

You're going to say 'taking a perfectly safe and efficacious vaccine, for the overall good of society and to reduce harm to my fellow citizens, and avoid placing an undue burden on our Health care system' aren't you?

You still sooking over that? When are the 'international financiers' going to impose global lockdowns for 'socialist control' or whatever you thought they were doing again?
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